Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Four Days to Acclimate!

It was noon on January first. Months had gone into planning how and when I would turn myself in on an outstanding warrant. I had been promised child care and then witnessed how much my children were treated differently than their cousins.

It is good that I know as much as I love my children that God loves them more. It is good that I know He is their true provider and protector or I would have never had the strength to do what I did.

As I sat in the lobby with Mike waiting on them to call me, I was silently crying. I knew God would see me through it all, I was just unsure what all I would need to be seen through.

I would never change one minute I spent behind bars and it is my intention to share every moment in this next book that will be called 16 days and two head counts.

This video will lay out a little bit of what is to come. It took me four days to acclimate to the scene I faced behind closed doors. It has taken even longer to get back into the grove of life on the outside. No wonder there is a revolving door! There is so much work to do and I welcome the challenge. I found my purpose and I am blessed to have known that the Lord of Jacob is and forever will be my stronghold! Shalom!!! <3

Today I come to you Father with great appreciation for the work you completed in me during my stay behind bars. How you humbled me and opened my eyes. I love to minister to others and realized the depth of my passion for the message of Grace and sharing the Gospel while behind closed doors. I will never be the same and for that I am thankful. Please put a hedge of protection around all those who find themselves in this kind of hell. Humble the so called correctional officers. Bring their dirt out into the open Father and expose them all for who they are as well! I look forward to becoming all you have destined me to become and am so blessed to have answered the call! Please move others to donate time, energy and resources to the ministry you have both placed and expanded on my heart. I love you. I thank you. I am blessed beyond measure! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

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