Thursday, April 3, 2014

You Must Listen to be Able to Hear

Today is Tremendously Thankful Thoroughly Thoughtful Thunderous Thursday! Today I am thankful for the power of prayer. I am thankful for my spiritual armor. I am thankful for the servants of God that He called for the task of writing the bible. I accept it as the written word of God for I know He calls many to write for Him. I know this because I am a writer called forth.

I have been amazed at what has come out of my own fingertips many many times. It is something when you learn as you write. I love how God uses me. I have always wanted to write and I have always wanted to be a part of helping others. When you put God first, He truly will give you the desires of your heart!

I am very close to finishing my third book. This morning God helped me with solidifying my final two chapters to be written and I found myself elated. He truly is a brilliant writer. I love how he sews my stories together.

This week has been a crazy week for me. I realized truths I had not quite seen before and I had to remind myself exactly what it means when you are a follower of Christ. While it pains me to know I may be hated by those I love, I realize that Jesus was hated by those He loved. I refuse to turn away from the truth of His word but pray for the wisdom in how to communicate in the most loving way one can when discussing the Truth.

With that being said, here is the encouraging word of the day:

So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. - Hebrews 2:1 (NLT)

Sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear. Often we close our ears, shut our eyes and talk over or outside of it. We as man make other arrangements in our minds for how things may have come to be. I completely understand why it says they think they are wise but they are fools. 
Your heavenly Father grants wisdom and knowledge and understanding. HOWEVER, if you resist the TRUTH of HIS word you will miss out on the gifts He has set aside for you.

As you accept His truth, understanding comes. It is my belief that excitement and hunger for more of His wisdom follows and before you know it, if you continue to listen carefully, wearing your full suit of armor, you will find yourself Joyfully following Christ even when the world who denies such Truths hates you. Christ too was hated for who He was. Accept that those you do no harm to will hate you. Just take a look at those still laying down their lives in other countries as they refuse to denounce that Jesus Christ is their Savior.

As you accept His truth, understanding comes. It is my belief that excitement and hunger for more of His wisdom follows and before you know it, if you continue to listen carefully, wearing your full suit of armor, you will find yourself Joyfully following Christ even when the world who denies such Truths hates you. Christ too was hated for who He was. Accept that those you do no harm to will hate you. Just take a look at those still laying down their lives in other countries as they refuse to denounce that Jesus Christ is their Savior.

Today I pray that anyone who has desire to discover their purpose turns to God to find it. I pray they listen and hear. I pray this strengthens their faith in the Father and they continue to pursue His truth. I also pray for protection as I continue following Christ. I placed a ring on my finger and as Paul did, I consider myself a bond servant to Christ. I can not think of anything more worthwhile than following Christ. I pray for protection for me and all followers. I pray that God continues to use me and continues to write through me. I love what I am given to share. In Jesus name I pray.

Wendy, Walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014