Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Do You KNOW Who You Are in Christ?

Today is totally terrific testimonial tell all Tuesday. Without going into great detail, yesterday was a day that the world tried to jerk the financial carpet out from under me. After the loss of the baby I was expecting to arrive next year, nothing else really compares to the emotions an event like that has on a person. As the bad news rolled in, I resolved to trust in God and keep my focus on the truth. I am a child of God. He is my provider. What the world takes away, He replaces. I refused to worry and took the advice I gave my readers. Even though I was staring at a bank account that was quickly dwindling with no idea where more was going to come from or when it would arrive, I went to the store and bought after school snacks for the children and 4 gallons of water so that I could continue to make myself both coffee and Sustain. All day long I talked to God, I thanked Him for always taking care of me. I put in some applications for employment, marketed my books and my blog. I asked my friends that believe in prayer to pray for me.  I asked all my friends to please view my new website as having steady traffic increases traffic from strangers. This month has been my biggest month concerning the money I earn from those who visit my website. You don't get paid by google until you reach $100 from those who let your youtube ads play without clicking them off or those who enter windows of interest off of your site. I'm only $53 and some change away from a paycheck lol.

This morning, I received a call from a company that was impressed with my resume and had my first phone interview. The man on the other end said he was impressed with me and I had made it to phase two. He told me the only way someone would have a leg up on me was if they had hazard waste experience. My next interview will take place either later today or tomorrow morning. He wasn't sure which. Still not bad for a days effort!

The best news I received this morning was in regards to the funds that I had been told I would not be receiving any longer. Turns out being kind and telling the truth pays off. I spoke to an official this morning who granted me my check for two more weeks. I could have easily stressed yesterday. I could have let my bad news of the morning ruin my entire day. I could have easily laid in bed crying about how unfair life is. If I didn't have the confidence that I have in who I am in Christ, most likely that is exactly what I would have done. When you discover who you are in Christ, you also discover a source of never ending strength that allows you to not only survive, it helps you thrive! In the words of Mandissa, "I'm an Overcomer!" If you missed yesterday's post, I hope you go to my website @ www.youareworthytoo.com click on the tab for my blogs and check it out. While you are there, check out the sidelinks, if something is there that you were looking for, enter the site from my screen. In doing so, you help my ministry of inspiring hope in others.

If you are blessed enough to KNOW who You are in Christ, I pray you are a light in the darkness helping others discover the same about themselves. If you have no idea who you are in Christ, I encourage you to read my books and begin to build your faith in the Lord and the plan He has for you. Just go to my product page and you'll find links to get a free sneak peak into each one. They are available in both paperback and e-book. Until we meet again, be blessed and be a blessing!

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2014