Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's a Small World!

It has been over a month since I last wrote. So much has taken place since then, it is enough to make a person's head spin. For starters, even though my heart was truly hurt over all that had transpired between Mike and I, I continued to pray for him and to request prayers for him. I am now no longer pregnant and that is the hardest thing I went through in the last 30 days. I know if it were not for my walking and talking with God everyday, I would be devastated and hiding under the covers most likely medicated in order to feel nothing. However, that is just not the case.

I truly believe it was prayer that made Mike decide to walk away from his job and the crowd that was not the greatest influence for a married man to be hanging out with. In the end, we decided that our best option was to move out of state. Seeing how we live in an RV and we only had so much money on hand, we up and moved to a state that stays above freezing all winter long. It was crazy how we even learned about it. Let me give you the play by play:

Jeffrey was having a REALLY hard time adjusting to kindergarten. He wanted me to go to school with him, which I did every morning. The problem was he didn't want me to leave the room. I ended up setting up a meeting between the school counselor and his teacher. That morning Mike needed the car to do some side job so he dropped me off and I walked home. On my way back into the RV park in Colorado, I ran into a camper that was checking out, he was excited about hitting the road and I asked where he was headed. He informed me that he came to Nevada every year and lived for free for six months dry camping. I was intrigued with the idea of being able to camp for free and I just listened to his story asking a question here and there. I felt like all he was telling me was an answer to a prayer and I truly believed that God had taken a few things meant for evil and was turning them to good. I came home and looked up the area this camper had told me. I shared it with Mike along with how I had come to know about the area and we decided to take a leap of faith and head that way. While it has been a little scary, I am truly enjoying the idea of a warm winter.

As of right now we are at a KOA and we have applied for work at the local casino. Should one of us land a job, we get a discount on our monthly rent. Money is truly low and I have been praying for provision daily. The coolest thing that has happened since arriving here took place last night. I had the honor of meeting a disabled vet, a woman with two children at the pool! After talking to her for a little bit, I felt the urge to give her a copy of my book so I headed back to the RV to grab it. When I explained that I was moved to give her a copy of my book and handed it to her, she gasped and said, "I've seen this book! YOU are WENDY?!?" I laughed and admitted I was indeed Wendy even though she already knew my name. She was so overwhelmed with gratitude that I was gifting my book to her I was darn near moved to tears. If you go to my author page on Amazon, it allows you to read a little into my book and she had done that. She has PTS and she was searching for hope. It turns out she actually wanted my book! Like how crazy cool is that?! My children watched our interaction and as we walked away they were saying things like, "Wow Mom she knew about your book? Does that mean you are famous?" to which I laughed and answered, "I am in my Father's eyes, but not to the world." It truly is a small world. So today I was sharing a little bit about last night and my life in general with a couple of really nice ladies at the pool and as we were leaving they inquired if I would be back tomorrow. The pool at the casino is a perk of the RV park and if you know anything about my children, you know they love to swim, so of course I answered yes. The one lady asked me if my book was Christian to which I answered it was and she then asked me if it was an easier read then the bible to which I laughed and said, "Most definitely." She then asked if I had any more personal copies, which I do, so I said, "Yes." She smiled and said, "Would you bring me one tomorrow night. I would love to read your story and I will pay you for my copy." THANK YOU GOD! It is not a lot of money but $13 can provide a lot when you are a penny pinching momma like me!

I just had to get back into the swing of writing. Even wearing my armor daily, between life, losing the baby and school, I have shirked away from writing. Like who wants to make that kind of announcement? Not me.

Today I am so thankful that I know who I am in Christ. I am VERY thankful that I listened to the call to share my story. It has blessed me again and again, not really in a financial way so much as in a heart felt way, which is truly priceless. I do pray that my books take off and that I am able to bless countless people by helping them find hope and build their own relationship with the heavenly Father. It truly changes the way one sees the world and all trials and tribulations. That is not to say that I walk on air daily, rather I constantly face spiritual battles. The difference is I know what to wear to stand firm! Please come read my book, gain some hope and faith, share the love and pass it on. Not only will you be helping out this mother of many, I am sure you will find yourself blessed between the pages! Simply click here to purchase your copy today! Thank you so much for your support.

Father, today I thank you for not only calling me forth to share my story, but for also helping me write it and have the courage to share it with the world. Thank you for moving me by the Holy Spirit and allowing me to be a vehicle that draws others to you. I feel so blessed by all you have gifted me with. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, mom of many, walks with God

© Wendy Glidden 2015