Saturday, October 29, 2016

My First Response

Last night I had a crazy dream. I have been having a few of them these days. This one involved friends of mine who were stuck in a part of the world that was being ripped apart by wind; a crazy kind of storm. For some reason in this dream we owned a plane and in the dream my children were in this plane and I was on the ground running behind them. I told you they are crazy dreams so much of what happens does not make sense. As the plane took off, I began praying and suddenly I witnessed this plane get stuck in the air as if the wind was keeping it in place. It could not go up or forward. In my dream I dropped to my knees and began praying over my children. I began praying the plane could just land safely. I prayed for what seemed a lifetime in my dream and at last the plane landed in almost the spot it had taken off and I ran to greet my children thanking God for saving them all. I called my friends and told them to go underground that the winds had reached us and we were doing the same. I told them to pray continually and that we would find each other after the storm.

Even though I pray, call out, beg, talk to and chuckle with God when I am awake on a constant basis, it still catches me by surprise that in these dreams my first response to all evils is to pray. It does tell us that what is in our heart will come out of our mouth. I can find no deeper truth to that than what one does in the midst of the subconscious in the dream world. My first response to while both awake and asleep is to call upon God for help. This morning while refreshing my mind with His word (a vital part of our armor), I read this:

I love the LORD because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! ~ (Psalm 116:1-2, NLT)

I know at times in life it seems as if the LORD is silent, that when we pray, we don't get what we want. I think we often forget that in the end all believers live eternally but in this world we all will face death. No one wants to die and everyone hates to see a loved one suffer. When these things take place often we listen to the father of lies and believe that God has forgotten us. That He doesn't care about what we care about. We get mad and ask, "Why?". While we don't get all the answers that we want here on earth, we will have them in the end. We must learn to trust in Him, knowing that He is both loving and faithful. To know this beyond a shadow of a doubt, we must seek to know Him. There is only one true way to get to know someone and that is to listen to their story. God's story, Christ's story can be found in the Bible.

I have listened to many people who have made the claim that they have read most of the Bible and they find it contradicts itself and it reveals a cruel or wrathful God. I encourage these people to pick up the Bible again once they have repented to God. I suggest that they pray for understanding.

One thing that the majority of the world overlooks is the truth that Satan is well versed in Scripture. He knows God's word and he had clouded man's mind against it. He has fueled man's desire to be their own gods and in this desire, they will never see the truth that is boldly proclaimed in God's word.

If you have a heart of stone, doing wrong, knowing it is wrong and not longing to change this type of behavior than you have yet to confess with your mouth your sins and repent with a Godly sorrow to your creator. Until you do this, don't expect that the story of the Bible should come to life for you. Your heart is not right before God and therefore your stronghold is not in Him, it is in the things of this world.

"What is a stronghold?" you may ask. In essence it is a fortified place, a fortress, a place of security. Your stronghold is either found in God or found in the false securities that this world provides. I pray for you that your stronghold is found in the God of Jacob as mentioned in Pslam 46.

To think that anyone could place their trust into something within this world is a crazy notion to me, especially in these days. When you look at Big Pharma and the prescriptions that are being filled, you come to realize that in the United States, we live in a world of uncertainty that has spawned anxiety and fear. When you place your trust firmly in God, understanding fully who He is and that He is faithful and loving and true, you don't walk in fear of what this world and mankind might do to you. Those possibilities are endless in all reality. I would encourage you today to come clean with all your wrongs; hanging onto them thinking you are not as bad as many in the world, or that you were somehow justified in your actions, will not bring you peace of mind in your sleep! Only God can deliver such results. Go to Him, confess your sins and get right with God. Only then can you begin to live an abundant life in this world and in the end, an eternal life in the world to come!

Father, I pray that many begin to wake up to the reality of their situations. I pray they stop running and calculating their next move. I pray instead they turn to you, confess their sins and in turn seek to know all they can about your truths. When they have achieved this step, I pray they become lights for others to follow so that in the end, many are saved. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God, mom of many.