Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Second Wind

Have you ever experienced a moment when you literally came to the end of your own strength yet somehow persevered beyond that point? I truly believe in life if we think long and hard enough, we can all find a moment such as that to reflect upon.

I would like to say my life has been easy, but in all honesty it has been an uphill climb. There were years where I knew God was real, but I did not lean on Him daily. I did however use Him as an emergency buddy in dire situations.

I find it funny how easily we are fooled into thinking God is not for us when in all reality if we were to look deeply into our lives, we'd see that we were not for or into God.

When I was a child, prior to having my first child, it was brought to my attention that I would be a young mother. As if that were not enough to project to a preteen, it was also mentioned that I would be a mother to many.

Now to be 100% honest, at that point in my life, the last thing I thought I wanted to grow up to be was a mother to one let alone many. When this news was presented to me, I was shocked to say the least. I was still obedient to God at this time so instead of rebelling against the idea, I made a list of what I would and would not do as a mother.

When I approached the age of consent, I was tempted to rebel against such plans for my life. Indeed, I formed a plan to avoid young motherhood. As soon as you begin planning against God, you are completely open to the ploys of the evil one. This is the story of my life.

I ran from God's will in my life for almost 3 decades. All I did, I did in my own strength. Life was a constant roller coaster; that is until the fateful day that I sought out God with all my heart admitting that I could not continue life in the manner that I had been. He audibly spoke to me that day. Since then, life has never been the same.

Don't get me wrong, my life is still not easy persay but in a very real way, it is easier. I still face trials and tribulations, some of them even more severe than ever in my life, but with God at my side, I am invincible. Circumstances no longer take my feet out from under me. Even in the worst of times, I praise the LORD, for I see and feel the difference. It is a very real thing. I KNOW God protects and provides. I no longer fear anything. I am able to rest during the storms trusting in Him. I have come to witness that He never lets me down.

It is for this reason that Isaiah 40:31 speaks complete truth to me. No matter what battle Satan wages against me, I don't become weary. I know the LORD is my strength. I know He will show up and in the end I will prevail. The rest of the nightmare is just that, an illusion of sorts designed to steal my peace, kill my dreams and destroy my life. The beauty is that by turning to God, I have already won the battle.

I have been amazed to witness such false attacks dismantle in a matter of days. I have had to do nothing in my defense other than to stand on the truth and call out to the LORD.

I still cry, I still bang my head against the wall at times. The difference is I don't stay there long. I have come to recognize that there truly is a spiritual war taking place around us. We are either soldiers for Christ, or we are pawns for the enemy.

Some will claim that there are many paths to the Kingdom of God, but the word of God tells us there is only one; Christ Jesus.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:6)

Many will claim that this stance makes me a radical but I know it makes me aware of the truth. As a child I knew God, I did not know Christ. I believe that children have direct access to God for I know I did. I still believed in Him in my rebellion, but I did not trust or understand God. It was only in my reseeking him in my adult years, that I discovered Christ and in doing so, I became a friend to God. Jesus was the key to opening that door. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Read my story! It might just change your life in ways you only dreamed about!

Father, today I come before you praising your name. I love you. You have always been faithful even when I have been rebellious. Your love amazes me. As a parent I wish I had a millionth of your patience! All I long to do is to shine your light into the dark crevices of the world. I pray that eyes are opened. I pray that many begin to see the truth, that countless begin to seek and find. I pray that you use me in major ways in this battle. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, mom of many, girl who walks with God.

© Wendy Glidden 2016