Monday, March 20, 2017

In the Midst of Spiritual Warfare's Introduction

Dear Reader,

Think of this book as nothing more than Basic Training 101in the matters of spiritual warfare.

When you play sports later in life, often your coach will share information with you regarding the other team. You study them. You find their weakness. This is how you build your strategy against them.

The same theory works in a way when dealing with the father of lies. He is a formidable foe. Even Jesus credits him with deceptive intelligence:

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16, NASB)

Satan has been prowling this earth for a very long time. We witness his activity against humanity almost from the beginning. However, in all that is recorded about him, we know of only one weakness of his. He knows all of ours. On top of that truth, he has had countless years chalked up in the game of spiritual warfare. Humanity on the other hand has not passed down the information regarding such things. The majority of us don’t even have a clue that it is going on around us, or that we are being used to advance the side of darkness. We are going through life without learning how to actually live it. This needs to change.

The one weakness that Satan has is Jesus Christ. You see, the enemy comes at us for one thing; Jesus Christ is the key to escaping that fate and so much more.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10, NASB)

There are a few steps one must take in order to become successful in living abundantly. The most important one is that you fully believe and accept that Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and the son of man. You must believe that he died on the cross for all your sins. You must come face to face with the truth that you are a sinner and you must repent from the heart with a Godly sorrow asking God to change you into a new creation. From that point forth, it is vital that you seek His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It is not enough to be saved yourself. We are all called to a higher duty. We are meant to be representations of the glory of God. How on earth can you fulfill your purpose if you never take the time to educate yourself in His word? It is while seeking and searching out these truths, that you grow in faith; that you grasp fully the concept of grace; that you come to know that you have been forgiven and that you are truly free. To escape the chains of bondage, to know that at one time in your life, the enemy had successfully connived you will become a driving force in your desire to free others from captivity.

When you become a warrior for Christ, you are stepping onto the battlefield against an army you cannot see, against a foe with more experience than you could ever gain on your own and in your own understanding. Your only defense lies solely on your faith and trust in the LORD your God.

There are a few other things you should know. The enemy never sleeps. He will attack you directly, in your dreams, through family, friends, enemies and even strangers. For decades, he had me completely outwitted. Today I know where my strength comes from. I know even fully dressed, Satan is capable of side swiping my feet out from under me. I understand the importance of prayer as well as the vitalness of reading Scripture daily. It is my hope that as you read this book, you too begin to dress fully for battle; that you become willing to step onto the battlefield. That you become a part of the army fighting against darkness.
Grab a Bible, or pull one up on your electronic device of choice. There will be sections in this book that may cause you to want to research the Scriptures on your own. You should never take another person’s word on such important matters as these. Be willing to investigate things on your own. Remember, always pray for understanding before you begin reading. Petition the LORD to open your eyes to the truth.

Wendy, mom of many, girl who walks with God


What a journey it has been. The battles you have seen me through! The biggest blessing in my life is finally knowing You. Knowing that You are faithful, that You hear me, even bigger that you know my name. Me. I am just a girl but you love me. This knowledge, it is major in this day and age; a complete game changer. I pray that countless become witness to such a game changer in their own lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

© Wendy Glidden 2017