Monday, April 3, 2017

Life is Too Short to Not Live it Abundantly!

Not many people in the world know that I gave a baby up for adoption back in 1991 on April 3rd. Giving her up almost caused me to lose my mind. This is something that I share fully in my book: "You are Worthy Too: The Proof is in the Pudding". 

If I had only understood then what I understand today, I would have never let her go. However that was then and this is now. Ironically as I am typing this out, K-Love began playing a song that is titled That was Then This is Now by Josh Wilson.

Today I am 48 years old and once again with child. My due date for this baby is 4/4/2017. To say that I am more than ready to deliver this child into the world would be an understatement, but I am hoping that I do not go into labor today.

Memories and mistakes of the past can often come forward to the present day and attempt to steal our peace. April 3rd is always a day of reflection for me. I once hoped that this child that I placed in another home would come find me. I would just love to see her and know that she is okay, alas, I must face the truth that that day may never come.

With that being said, I must remember that I am a different person today then I was back then. The major difference can be credited to my relationship with the LORD. Back then I viewed Him as my nemesis, today I know that He loves me and I know that He always has me. I don't have to fear what will come tomorrow for I am perfectly content in living out each day as it comes.

In Scripture we learn that even back in the days that Jesus walked the earth, people worried about what might take place tomorrow. This lets you know that the enemy has been pulling people into fearing the future as a ploy to steal their peace. He attempts to also get us to focus on our past so that we remain chained by guilt and shame. Both of these are ploys of the evil one. All we have to do to successfully avoid this snare is to remember what Jesus tells us:

"And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life's span?" Luke 12:25, NASB

Today I encourage you to not look behind or beyond. Stay in today. Stay in communication with God. Ask Him every question on your heart. In the days that Jesus walked the earth, the Spirit was not something that resided inside of humanity. It was something that was poured out after He sat beside our Father in Heaven. Since then, life on earth has had the ability to truly live abundantly. It is one of the reasons He came.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Luke 10:10, NASB

I pray that you grasp the depth of that statement. First understand that Satan is your enemy, he is the invisible thief that has been working against you every day. He is shrewd and he has battled humanity for thousands of years. Next, grasp this truth, Jesus came here and walked among us, teaching and fulfilling the law so that we might not fall prey to Satan's ploys and instead live abundantly, full of joy all of our days on earth and then eternally therafter. That is certainly something to be joyful over every day regardless of all the enemy attempts to distract you with.

In truth, Jesus too battled Satan while He walked upon the earth. The craziest thing to think is that Satan knew who he was dealing with and this knowing did not stop him in trying to outwit the son of God! Jesus is the only son of man that did not fall into sin, instead, he battled and defeated Satan. He paid the ransom for all humanity, sadly not all humanity will recognize this truth. I pray that you do. I pray you that you accept Jesus as your LORD and Savior and then learn how to armor yourself spiritually.

Had I learned all of this who knows how far in my faith journey I would be today. What I do know is that I am forever thankful to know what I know today. I know God loves me. I read His word and I find myself on top of the world. Thankful and Joyous beyond understanding. He knows my name and He hears me. That is something to stand in awe of. Afterall, I am just a girl after God's heart. Nothing more, nothing less. What is even more incredible is this truth, while I spited him and committed deeds of darkness, cursing Him, He loved me.

Life is so short and it seems for many it is becoming even shorter. They are slaves to addiction in more forms than one would have ever thought might exist. Those of us that recognize the battle for what it is. Those of us that have come back home, those of us that are followers of Christ, we must pray for our fellow brethren. May the captives be set free. May they begin to hear the voice of God louder than the voice of sin.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I leave you with one final thought for those who believe that they are unworthy of God's attention, He came because He found you worthy. Don't you find yourself becoming curious about what else His word might hold for you?

Should you be a person with questions regarding how one comes to faith, I invite you to read my life story. God had me write it in a way that should open your eyes to truths in your own life. Click here for a copy in print and click here for an electronic copy. Print is only $9.99 and electronic is only $3.99. If you are a fan of true life stories, may you find yourself inspired and hopeful in reading mine.

Be blessed my friends, but more importantly, BE a blessing.

Wendy, walks with God, mother to many

© WendyGlidden 2017