Saturday, August 18, 2018

My Week In a Gist!

Well isn't that kind, Facebook wants to know what's on my mind. . . College, car, laundry, housework and kids,
a list of do's, don'ts and did,s.
Bills, budgets and more,
I think someone is at my door. . .
Turns out no one is there,
I think I need to cut my hair
Rambling thoughts facebook, that's what's on my mind . . .

I know God is real, I know Jesus is His son.
I know He's forgiven me for all the wrongs I've ever done.
I know He loves me immensely. I know He knows my name.
I am not boasting ~ it's just an honest claim.
He brought me back to life when I died in a fire,
He called me forth with purpose that matches my life's desire.
He gave me a message to give to you,
It's in-between the pages of my story that is true.
Trust me I'm not proud of all that I have done
But I am loved by the Father and the Son
They loved me way before I loved them it's true
And it's a truth that also applies to you.
So I ask this one tiny favor ~ buy my book
Heck why not buy two!
One copy for a friend in need
And one copy for you.
In this way you will bless my household
And in turn you will be blessed by what you read
The world has it's version of success, but my book
Has the true version of how to succeed.
What are waiting for? Purchase your copy today!

The Constitution, the Bill of Rights
Articles, Amendments and court cases too,
Those are the things on my mind
Just to name a few.
I just got finished with my first two hour timed test
I passed it but I missed a question here and there
Going to review my results
So for the final exam I will be better prepared.
Lord grant me the wisdom to sort things out
Close the mouth of the enemy so I will have no doubt
Help me grasp the things I fumble in my head
Take me beyond this final step that I dread.
I know you are the source of wisdom, strength and love
Help me once again LORD to simply rise above.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Super Silly Sing-Song Sunday
Hanging with the kids, it's gonna be a fun day. Taking a break from the studying and notes, time to transfer the laundry totes.
A clean house ~ it helps me think, my coffee cup is filled to the brink. Reorganizing one bedroom for sure, often a new look can be the cure. So with that being said, I need a theme song running in my head . . . "Even If" by Mercy Me is always a treat, but the room I'm tackling requires something with a faster beat. Here's a good one from the past, can't tell you when I heard it last. But every time it plays on the radio, I feel the beat and my feet can't help but go . . . Ladies and gents, give thanks for the son that was sent ~ I promise no matter what, it's not to late, God is good and His mercy is great. Knowing that well, I'd say it makes this "A good morning"

May you all have the best of best days. Be blessed my friends, but more importantly, be a blessing!

Wendy, mom of many, she who walks with God.