Saturday, October 27, 2018

First Things Need to be First Things.

As many of you are aware, I have an interesting life. I say that because I live with seven of my youngest children who range in age from quickly closing in on 17 down to 18 months old. Both ends of this particular 'bookcase' are boys, not that this matters. Mathematically speaking my house is in perfect balance when it comes to the ratio of girls / boys.

Anyway, life with that many children equals interesting no matter how you slice it. I cannot recall the last 'dull day' I have had! Not often in life, do I get the opportunity to be alone without at least one child at my side. Today however, God provided me just that.

I could have elected to stay at home and concentrate on my 3 personal goals, but goal number one is about putting God first and today had arrived with the opportunity to do just that in a new way. As I mentioned in a previous blog, Westfield Friends, the church I now attend, was hosting a learn and go event on discipleship / evangelism. Seeing how I am always asking God to help me share my love for Him with others, this event was one I needed to attend.

In the end, I would say we had one really successful divine appointment where the timing was right on with God. I had an advantage in having already begun the relationship process with this particular mom, simply by saying hello to her and her daughter every morning on my way to the bus stop with my youngest three children.

It was incredible. We prayed for her and invited her to fellowship. She was given both a Bible and a bracelet with verses from Romans. I reached out to her by text tonight to again invite her to church tomorrow. We left there elated and singing the praises of the LORD for the opportunity to meet and love on this incredible single mom who needed to be reminded that God loved her.

Our next stop wasn't a complete mishap, we were able to pray for a person who is in so much pain that she wasn't able to accept all that God had for her today, but I felt like when we left things were calmer than they were when we arrived. Sometimes your just meant to be one of many voices pointing toward God in a person's life. In the end it is always the Holy Spirit that does the work in a person's life, we are just one of many He sends in an attempt to get their attention on what matters in life.

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how God will flash Scripture across my head as He did for this lady of pain. She seemed to take in the first part of what was put on my heart to share, but when it came to the tie in, she quickly let go of my hands and walked away. She wasn't ready and that is okay. I know that I need to continue to pray for her. She's in bondage and I have been there. If we who are blessed enough to have been freed, remember that we at one time were also blind and unwilling to give up our lifestyle for the unknown, it will give us a greater heart for those who are wearing the shoes we once walked uncomfortably in. LORD knows I have a closet full of shoes I wish I had never walked in. However the flip side of that is God can use me to speak to a million people from a perspective of, been there.

Another incredible moment of my day just took place before midnight. I passed my Math III class tonight with flying colors. There are only 3 more days left until the end of my term and by the grace of God, I earned 32 college credits this term! I pray I move as fast or faster during my next term.

I need to close out the day officially and that saddens me a little because I did not get in my full workout today and I didn't get it in yesterday either. I have done various reps as the opportunities presented themselves, but I feel better about myself when I can say that I completed the workout video. Regardless, today I put God first and aside from not working out, I can say I sought Him first and He did grant me the desires of my heart, I made it out of math class earning my 3 well deserved credits for the course. Praise God!

Father, today I thank you for the opportunity to invite a fellow single mom to fellowship with you. You know I have the desire to help others discover the truth behind their broken relationship with you. I am truly looking forward to what you have in store for me. All I have to say is "Bring it on, LORD, Bring It on." In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, mom of many, girl after God's heart.

(c) Wendy Glidden 2018