Showing posts with label spirtual battle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirtual battle. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Do You Know That the Devil is Scheming Against You Daily?

Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)

This was the first thing I read this morning. One thing I have learned while reading the Bible is that the battle is real. Satan has been trying to keep God's people in bondage all throughout history. You read about his first spiritual attack in Genesis right in the beginning when He convinced Eve to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. You read about his next attack as you discover what happened to Abel, Adam and Eve's son. You see it unfolding as you read the history of King Saul and King David and it is well written about during the days that Jesus walked the earth.

Do not fool yourself into believing the battle is still not going on. It is. Do not believe that Satan doesn't know the likes of you. He does. He has been roaming this earth for thousands of years. He has way more practice at this type of war than any human being could dream of having. We have one major event on our side, the resurrection of Christ. He conquered death. It is through Him that we can also win the battle.

Another thing I have learned when reading snippets of scripture is that anytime you see the word 'therefore' at the beginning, it is important to see what was shared prior to the 'therefore'! With that being said, let us dive a little deeper into God's word this morning.

6:11: Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the word forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

This was the first thing I read this morning. One thing I have learned while reading the Bible is that the battle is real. Satan has been trying to keep God's people in bondage all throughout history. You read about his first spiritual attack in Genesis right in the beginning when He convinced Eve to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. You read about his next attack as you discover what happened to Abel, Adam and Eve's son. You see it unfolding as you read the history of King Saul and King David and it is well written about during the days that Jesus walked the earth.

Do not fool yourself into believing the battle is still not going on. It is. Do not believe that Satan doesn't know the likes of you. He does. He has been roaming this earth for thousands of years. He has way more practice at this type of war than any human being could dream of having. We have one major event on our side, the resurrection of Christ. He conquered death. It is through Him that we can also win the battle. 

Another thing I have learned when reading snippets of scripture is that anytime you see the word 'therefore' at the beginning, it is important to see what was shared prior to the 'therefore'! With that being said, let us dive a little deeper into God's word this morning.

6:11: Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the word forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The battle is brought on by the devil. He schemes and plots and plans to deceive you in any way possible. He speaks to you and at you through others as well as straight to you. It is vital to your well being that you wear all your armor because without it, you are vulnerable. KNOW this as well, Satan never rests. He has attacked me in my dreams before and I have used scripture to defeat him. When you read the gospels you are shown that Jesus also used scripture to defeat Satan but here is a truly chilling thought, Satan quoted scripture to Jesus.

One of Satan's greatest accomplishments has been to infiltrate the church. He is not afraid of the Word of God. He uses it himself. He has punishers use it to control people. I get why so many people want nothing to do with religion. For that matter, I want nothing to do with religion! It was the religious ones that plotted to kill Jesus so that they would not lose their power in the world. That my friends is another chilling thought.

A church truly has no need to pass a basket at its service. They do that so that more people will be guilted into donating. In all honesty, God doesn't care much for flash. When a basket goes around everyone sees who is giving and often how much. I have always felt extremely uncomfortable when the basket part of the service begins. I imagine I am not alone in that feeling. I attended a church that never passes a basket. It took me a year before I finally learned how to give money to them. They had service to teach about the Word of God only. Sadly, many churches have service to use the Word of God to make a point that often even isn't the true message that God intended you to hear. This particular church that I attended for close to three years, had service and truly taught its members about the Lord. They drove home the point that it was important for you to build a relationship with Him and then share His Love and Truth with others. They also educated you about spiritual warfare. This fellowship had more than enough money to go on mission trips and to help those that needed help and they didn't do it by reciting verses in the Bible that suggest that you are to give money to God. People sought them out to donate money. This is what happens when you are a part of a true church family.

Today I would encourage you to seek the Lord for yourself. While it is important to also find a church family, it is even more important that you spend time with the Lord by yourself. Begin by reading His Word. Ephesians is the first book that I studied and within its few chapters, you are taught a lot. If you have never picked up the bible, this would be a great place to start. After you read that book, it would be wise to learn who Jesus is. The four gospels share many of the similar stories but only the Gospel of John fully reveals the Lords love for His people in a way that none of the other Gospels do. Every day read a chapter and reflect on it. Every day seek the Lord and His will. They are both activities that will help you keep focused on the truth and not get pulled under by one of Satan's never ending schemes. Another thing that help is sharing the Lord with others. By encouraging someone else you will be strengthened yourself.

Father today I pray that more and more of your children learn about the armor you have so graciously provided us all with. May they learn it exists and then begin using it daily. May the hands and feet of Jesus be as active as they can be, encouraging others to discover God's love for them as well as discovering who they are in Christ. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Spare the Rod ~ Spoil the Child

This does not mean "beat your children". I consider the rod the "truth hammer". This basically means step up to the plate of parenting. Love your children but don't coddle them. Teach them about God and the Fear of God. Take your household back and do it through Love. Find a church that teaches . . . not one that preaches. If they aren't telling you every Sunday that the Holy Spirit resides inside of YOU, you are in the wrong place. Keep moving until you find this type of fellowship. Only there will you feel safe in sharing your shames. Isn't that why you go? If you only go to church to look good I say to you, "God is not fooled". He knows your heart.

As we go forward today many are still questioning the violence going on in the world. I say to you since the time of Adam and Eve evil was sown into our flesh. It is important that you think of God daily and give praise for every little element of your life that is good. The more you do, the happier you will become. I am not claiming that life will suddenly become easy and you will no longer have problems. That will not happen until we live in the Kingdom of God. We live in a fallen world right now. Pain is a part of it's fabric. People act on pain. Some cry . . . sadly some kill.

People are so eager to buy into God allowing or even worse causing bad things to happen. He is not the ruler of this fallen world. Satan is. God gave us free will. That means it is there for everyone . . . even those who allow the evil side to win the spiritual battle that wages inside all of us. Help your children win this raging battle while they are young and impressionable. It is vital that they learn about God. If you are a parent and you yourself do not have a relationship with God I say it's high time you got there. Do not seek a place that teaches a false religion. The church is inside of you but you go to a place where other's are for fellowship, support, encouragement, prayer and hopefully hugs and laughter as well. This fallen world beats us up daily. Just like no company will ever sway every person to purchase their product line, not everyone will build a relationship with God. That means evil will remain to be "a force to reckon with." When you go into battle don't you dress for it? Read the Holy Bible. Listen to Christian programs on the radio in the car. Fill your childrens head with the knowledge God and HIS love. They get more than enough knowledge of evil especailly if there is a TV in your home. Speaking of TV, the charmed ones are not the only people to have seen the work of demons. They are written about in the bible and they are here still today. When someone gives in to the dark side all you can do is pray for that person. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink!

Today let's pray for the parents who are raw with emotion. I know that pain too well. My oldest son lost a child. He was only 18 and his daughter was only 3 months old. I held him while he howled in pain. Just recalling that memory has my eyes overflowing, my heart swelling and I am overwhelmed myself.

Once again I sit here crying and my fingers have stopped. I am going to go back to bed and cuddle with my youngest for another hour and then we are off to have fellowship ourselves.

May you have a blessed day <3

Wendy, Mom of Many

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