Monday, November 5, 2018

And the Mom Came Tumbling Down

As I type this Baby Bum began singing 'Humpty Dumpty' ~ the complete irony does not escape me. I often say there are no coincidences. I promise you this, the call to write this morning was strong. First, I was given the title which doesn't happen everyday. It's almost like receiving an order that I cannot refuse so this call excites me to say the least.

As soon as I heard the title, I thought of Jericho and the walls coming down which is truly more of an incredible story than my falling down the stairs! For those who have never read about the walls of Jericho, there are some very interesting things about that wall that are just coming into light thanks to the science of archeology. If interested, follow this link to read about some of them.

Just like the walls of Jericho, I found myself once again tumbling down the stairs this past week. I was positive I had done some serious damage to myself, but after some serious tears, I found I could stand. I think I have a stress fracture, but I never went to see a doctor. I figured I would just use my daughters boot from when she fractured her foot last year. The fall has had its impact, but it has not kept me from doing various ab exercises. It would seem as the biggest battle I have faced recently has been more focused on my available time to write or to simply sit still with the Father.

Wow, who knew it could take so long to be able to write a few words. Everything has stood in my way toward any progress . . . I basically stood my ground  over the last ten days.

I need to read what I have written and finish out the rest of my outline for this next book, but even before I was able to get the file open, the battle had begun.

Today was hard ~ whirlwind ~ no time to get my feet planted firmly . . . At least not firmly enough to check off everything on my list. It really stinks that I’m not feeling safe in rocking out my Taebo routine due to my fall without bracing my foot properly.  All I need is to buy one wrap from the store but the last two times I have been where I could, I have completely spaced grabbing it. Worse yet, I haven’t blogged in over a week!

Out of the three goals I have set in place, I managed to get in the word of the day each day but honestly that is only due to Moody Radio’s Teachings. I haven’t actually had the Bible in my hands reading it since I took in the first chapter of Ephesians and then the first chapter of the Gospel of John.

My blog took the backburner to the beginning of a new college term for me, (2) choir events, basketball practice and game, cub scout events, a couple of after school programs and necessary errands. I also felt God pulling on me to finish a project I began in 2014. The project is about spiritual warfare and just let me say, the battle is real. Every time I begin working on this book, the craziness begins.

All I can figure is this book must be something special or the evil one wouldn’t be pressing against me so hard. Often people that know me or who get to know me make comments about how strong I am. These people have not had the opportunity to witness me bawl my eyes out or crumble to the ground in tears. I tell them, I am just a girl. I am not strong. Stubborn, yes; but strong, not on my own. My strength comes from the LORD.

With that being said, when I am not fully dressed, the enemy knows it and he does not let the opportunity slide. Yesterday I managed to get in a little fellowship but before worship even began, I was pulled from service due to one of my children having a meltdown. No surprise; his older brother had been instigating circumstances against him. I would like to say that is not the norm, but for the last couple of years it has been.

The one thing I appreciate about my new church though is the genuine love and concern my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ show my family and me. The child care couple took the time to pray with me over the boys and our household. One gentleman sat out of service and played the piano and talked with Jeffrey during the entire service. Afterwards he chatted with me for a little bit.  My Pastor and his wife took time out to listen and pray for me. These were only three of several encounters of encouragement and prayer. This is just further confirmation that I am where I am meant to be. It is vital that I be surrounded by such a family as this.

As I did when I began writing my second and third book and even when I compiled the three into one, I am asking for prayers of protection. Please include my family in that for the enemy uses our children against us as well as anyone else that he can.

I have a lot of work ahead of me, first proofing what has been written thus far and then finishing laying out the rest, actually writing the rest, editing it, formatting it, designing the cover and then getting it approved for publishing. I need to just do what I can do when I can do it. That motto has served me well over the last few years. I also need to remember to stop and pray when calamity strikes. That is sometimes difficult when it is me pinned against several other children, but I know prayer has a way of taking the negative energy out of a room.

I also must keep in mind that Satan went after Jesus while knowing who he was. He even had the audacity to use Scripture as a defense weapon during their battle in the desert against Jesus. If that isn’t crazy, I don’t know what crazy is! This next book is all about wearing your full suit of armor and the ins and outs of what can take place when you don’t get fully dressed, especially as a believer.

Centuries ago, the church taught its members about spiritual warfare, but somewhere along the line, the decision was made to stop teaching out of the fear of students using what they had learned for the advancement of evil instead of good. Just like Satan offered Jesus another path, one that appeared easier, he does the same for all of God’s children. Unfortunately for those who fall victim, in the end, it is not an easier path but rather a path to both slavery and misery.

Father, I just ask that you surround me with one of your angel armies. Keep the enemy far from me and those who you send to lift me up and help me. Place a hedge of protection, an angelic barrier around my home and around my children at all time. Guide me in all you desire. Speak to me. Grant me wisdom. Give me favor. Move mountains out of my way Father. Put my mind at ease, put my heart at ease. Prepare my fingers for the work that is before them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, mom of many, girl who walks with God.

© Wendy Glidden 2018

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