Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"For Reals!!?"

I sit here this morning shaking my head. Time Flies! I mean I know it flies, but I am surprised that it is already July 14th! Over half of 2015 has flown by and I have not accomplished near as much as I had hoped, yet in the same hand, I have done quite a bit.
The thing is, I realized today, had I just managed to lean on the strength of Christ more firmly, I would have been able to get more of my work done. That is not to say I hope to achieve anything by works but more so that I have not been available for the Spirit to work through me!
Alas, today is a new day! As a matter of fact it happens to be Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell ALL Tuesday! With that in mind, let me catch everyone up on some of what has taken place thus far in 2015:

  • January 1 ~ I turned myself in on a felony warrant on January first around lunch time. 
  • January 1 ~ 16th, I remained behind bars. Never saw my children and only talked to them 3 times.
  • January 14th ~ met with the criminal investigator and gave my statement.
  • January 16th ~ all charges were dropped and I was released after the 2nd head count that day!
  • End of January: We were forced to relocate within hours due to unfortunate circumstances.
  • End of January: Someone with a vendetta filed a false report with the Department of Children and families regarding me.
  • February 1 ~ We moved into a park designed for 50+ with five children without knowing it was 50+.
  • February 7th ~ I was interviewed live on good deeds radio while taking care of 5 children! Listen to it by clicking here
  • February 11 ~ I received a phone call from 50+ park stating due to children we would need to pay an additional $750 for the month. With prayer and allowing the Spirit to talk through me, that fee was waived but we were not going to be able to stay longer. 
  • February 28- March 4th ~ moved from Florida to Pueblo, Colorado where we knew no one.
  • March 3rd ~ Got caught in a winter ice storm while driving the RV pulling a load and the limo: The RV pulls Mike's Jeep and the trailer loaded with all the bikes and Mike's motorcycle. Scary on a good day!
  • March 4th ~ Found a place to rest and paid for a month's rent.
  • March 5th ~ Registered 4 oldest children into new school.
  • March 6th ~ 13th: Mike and I both searched for work.
  • March 14th ~ Mike is hired at a fence company making only $10 per hour, no guarantee of 40 hours each week.
  • March 21 ~ We discovered our elderly neighbor does not care for kids and move to other side of park where there is no WiFi available for the next two months. (I'm about to begin school and need the internet on a daily basis!
  • March 23 ~ My two spring college courses begin: (1) Public Speaking in a Digital Age & (2) The History of Ancient Israel.
  • April 5 ~ cannot get my YouTube video for my college class assignment to load up due to the WiFi service having issues at the office. Click here to watch it Did manage to get it to upload the following day by going to McDonalds and using their free WiFi.
  • Mid April ~ Mike leaves the house saying he's going to quit his job unless he gets the raise he was promised would come. He did not get the raise, quit and arrived home at noon to let me know he had landed a welding job making more money.
  • End of April ~ Mike is not acting like himself.
  • Beginning of May: I begin fighting against powers of darkness by trying to bind demons for Mike and two of my friends all at the same time.
  • May 4th ~  I wake up running a fever and hurting but I took CounterAct Ibuprofen and Aspirin and successfully complete my daily chores regardless and this included washing folding and putting away 12 loads of laundry and grocery shopping.
  • May 5th ~ I wake up in pain feeling like my arms have been ripped off my shoulders and my hands hurt so bad it kills me to type and my eyes begin giving me serious problems.
  • May 11 ~ I start a new college class: New Testament, as I complete my finals for my two Spring Classes all while having trouble focusing my eyes.
  • May 15th, I am in so much pain I schedule a doctor's appointment.
  • May 15th, Mike does not come home but calls me at 9 PM to tell me he's partying with a friend from work. He informs me he really needed a night out and that he'll see me tomorrow.
  • May 23th, I manage to finish both finals as well as all assignments and reading due in Summer class
  • May 28th, the school year comes to an end for the children.
  • June 1, while in a serious dispute with Mike, it comes out that the night he didn't come home, he almost left me for an 18 year old girl that he had been working with for the last few weeks.
  • Beginning of June, I finish the New Testament class and being taking the History of Christianity.
  • Middle of June, Mike and I almost end it for good. He has become paranoid I am going to leave him for someone else and begins going through all my social media platforms and calling numbers in my phone that he doesn't recognize.
  • End of June my car breaks down and I have no transportation for 3 weeks!
  • July 1st Jeffrey ends up with pink eye and nothing seems to help until I learn about Organic Virgin Coconut oil! I will never use pharmacy drops on any of my children again!
  • July 11th, I finally get out of school for my summer break and I am half way through my degree! I am still waiting on my grade to come in for my final but so far unless I really bombed the final, it looks like I have managed to get this far with straight A's.
  • July 12th, my toilet breaks, overflows, ruins the floor and all has to be replaced. The bathroom is ready to have the new floor put in today. We have been without a home toilet for almost 48 hours!
  • Today, July 14th, 2015: I have resolved to get back to basics, blogging. You could say blogging helps me get myself fully dressed in my protective gear! You see, one thing I have learned about life is we live in a fallen world and bad stuff can happen to anyone at any given moment. The other thing I have learned is that by putting on my full suit of armor completely changes the game when it comes to living life as we were meant to live it; ABUNDANTLY!!
I began today by getting into God's Word. It is truly what I read this morning that helped me shake off the negative darkness that was trying to envelope me and step back fully into the light.

I admit, this year has taken a toll on me. I went through a Spiritual battle literally from hell and found myself physically hurt. I warn all who are out there attempting to bind evil Spirits, you can truly be hurt in a physical way. There is even a story in the bible about such a case! I received some great advice in this area and it is way simpler than trying to fight the enemy yourself. All you actually need to do to be successful in Spiritual Warfare is pray for blessings over everyone as well as everywhere. Keep it simple and you will never have your arms darn near ripped off your body as well as your eyes knocked out of your head! That is what happened to me! Both of my thumbs were dislocated, my wrists had been yanked so hard that the bone going from my elbow to my wrist had dislocated, my shoulder tendons had both been ripped and my shoulder muscles were also torn. I don't know what made me think attempting to bind the demons my friends were being influenced by would be a good idea, but it is what I thought. While I was going through this, Mike was falling for another girl who he saw as more fit to be a physical partner. He began calling me weak, both physically and mentally. He also began attacking my faith on a continual basis. To say I felt like I was in hell would be an understatement. I have truly just now began getting my feet back under me.

If I claimed that life was perfect today, I would be a liar. As a matter of fact I am not sure I will ever have a perfect day. What I do know is this; I am capable of having peace in the midst of turmoil as long as I remember to dress daily in my full armor. I also know that I must fight the good fight. God's Word holds all kinds of encouragement and promises for all who do. These are the Words that I filled mind with today:

(9) And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (10) Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:9-10)

(10) For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. (11) For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. (12) Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. (13) But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. (2 Thessalonians 3:10-13)

If you were to look at how many blogs I have written this year, one could easily say I have grown weary. It was in remembering this morning that with Christ, I can be renewed that I found a wealth of strength today that I have been unable to find until now. A gentle reminder was exactly what I was meant to receive. 

I still have so much I had planned to accomplish this year. I have two books on the table. I want to get into prison ministry. I truly need to blog and inspire more. For as Paul reminds us, encouraging one another matters. It is in filling my mind with the Words of God and in turn sharing my life, that I do find encouragement from those who write me thanking me for sharing my life and in turn share their stories with me.

I have yet to have met anyone who is living a perfect life. I have however met others who are living in the midst of trials and tribulations that are full of joy and hope in the LORD. Those are my fellow brothers and sisters and I am so thankful to have such family in this fallen world.

Today I pray that me sharing a snippet out of my life has helped you in some way. It is my prayer that my blogs become a bit more inspiring in the days to follow. I also pray that these next four weeks that I am blessed to have to spend with my children while all of us are out of school are full of life long memories of laughter, peace and joy. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many, walks with God and sometimes stumbles along the way!

© Wendy Glidden 2015