Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Snippet From Both the Past and Present!

I can't believe it is already Tuesday! Yesterday I had intended to blog but as often happens if I don't do it first thing, my day is gone. That is one of the main reasons I am so adament about spending a moment with God first thing each morning before I put my feet on the ground.

The day comes at me so fast, it often speeds by like a whirl wind! I did accomplish a lot yesterday. I picked my doctor for this pregnancy. I found a midwife! I am excited about that. I received a call from the clinic letting me know that the professional person had taken a look at my ultrasound and by all appearances I am indeed on the path to having a healthy pregnancy! That was the best news of my day!

Another cool part of my day was running into a complete stranger at the Wal-mart. We crossed paths in the aisle and she asked me a question about boy patches. Before I knew it we were talking. She had lost a daughter at the young age of 14 due to an accident so we discussed how blessed I was to conceive at the young old age of 46. We discussed husbands and marriage and the troubles that often take place. She confided that at one point she wanted to take him out for the troubles he had brought their family and yet here they were about to celebrate 36 years of marriage! We discovered that my children attend the school her children did years ago and she pointed me in a direction to get their uniforms in the back of a consignment store run by a friend of hers. We hugged as we parted ways and I just knew God had put her in my path for many reasons.

As the children and I walked away, Michael commented that he thought it was weird how I made friends so quickly wherever we go. I laughed and informed him that often God arranged meetings with fellow sisters and brothers in Christ because they had something to bless us with. She had many blessings for me. I truly almost skipped through the store after our meeting!

Over the weekend I treated myself to the first non-school book in over a year. If you are into reading romance novels but are tired of the traditional ones, I encourage you to check out Francis Rivers. She is a Christian writer and the book of hers I read was 'Redeeming Love'. It bit my rear to read all this man of God went through during the course of his marriage. I laughed and cried and it was good for my soul.

Over the weekend I stayed away from the house just incase Mike happened to be around. It is hard to look at him. It has been hard to be around him. Those of you that have read my recent blogs understand what I am talking about. Anyway, when the children and I arrived back home Sunday after a day at the pool, I walked into the house to discover I had a kitchen sink again. Along with the sink, I received an apology from Mike. Anyone who has read my blogs or my books know that is something Mike does not do. He didn't expect anything from me in return and honestly I did not give him even a word of thanks in all honesty. I did make some comment about how it would be nice not to do dishes on my knees in the shower any longer and I went to bed closing the door behind me. That night I finished my book around midnight feeling a little guilty about my shortcomings compared to this man of God I had read about.

Today this was my encouraging word courtesy of K-Love:

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8, NLT)

I do know what is right and I do love the LORD's mercy, especially when it comes to myself (laughing). The LORD knows, and so do my readers, I have made bad choices in my life. I have hurt others unnecessarily and I am far from perfect. I don't know what is up with Mike. I almost believe he has found that book 'The Love Dare'. We watched the movie 'Fireproof' a few years ago and it is just weird how he seems to have pulled some switch. I would be a liar if I said that my guard wasn't up and that I don't trust him, because it is and I don't. I do however intend to pray a lot and keep my focus on the LORD. I am trying my best to be still and Know that He is God. I am also deeply grateful that all insults and cruelty have seemed to suddenly cease. I don't know the whys of it all and honestly I don't need to. I will take the cease fire for what it is. 

The best thing in my life is that I understand that God Loves me immensely. At one point in my life, I truly believed He was out to get me. As you know I am pushing for book sales this month as I want to be able to stand independently on my own financially. With that being said, follow me back to a time when my relationship with the LORD was not the greatest. This is an excerpt from my book 'You are Worthy Too: The Proof is in the Pudding':

Chapter 7

I'm learning to be the Light!

I used to shrink inside when people would say something about me being a Saint due to all the children I have had. I truly believed that if they knew the truth about my past, they would never call me by such a name. I felt like such a fraud. In my mind, I was nowhere close to the description of a Saint.

I am my biggest critic. Over the years, I have given the evil one plenty of ammunition to fire against me. There is nothing like helping the destroyer of lives destroy you!

Now, when I find myself shrinking from something or having a moment of fear I swell with confidence. I say, "Oh, Satan, man you are good. You had me for a millisecond. Then I saw my fear for what it was. It is you filling me with fear because you are afraid of others seeing my light!"

If I’m where it’s an option, I turn on some Christian music, or take out a devotional or even search the internet for inspirational bible quotes. Adding a coat of armor is never a bad thing!

I heard a tune today on my way to work that led me to know that today is the day I share one of my darkest moments. The song was talking about how we don't fall in an instant. How what used to be black and white slowly becomes gray. Instantly I was flashing on my past. I didn't change overnight. It was with each bad choice I made that I seemed to drift farther and farther away from who I was.

Over the course of time, as I went deeper and deeper down the road to hell, I convinced myself I could never return to the narrow path. I figured I had done way too much bad to ever be viewed as ‘good enough’ again. I truly believed I was an epic failure.

With that being said, let's get these dark ages of mine down on paper.

Prior to my divorce being approved by the judge, but well after it had been filed, Jimmy and I began seeing each other again. He was working at UPS and going to college, so his time for me was short and usually at crazy hours.

We had been seeing each other for about three months when I called over to his house. His father answered and was kind enough to inform me that Jimmy was on a date with his fiancée. My world reeled.

It is my prayer that the above teaser will prompt you to purchase my book and read my story in its entirety. I know there are countless blessings in between the pages for many in this world. It is my personal prayer that you are blessed by my story that God called me forth to share. Click here to purchase your copy today!

Father, only you know what tomorrow will bring. Today I chose to focus on Your Word and Your promises. I know you are faithful. I am so thankful for the blessings you have provided me with and I am excited for the honor of feeling life flow through my body as this baby you placed in my womb continues to grow. You fill me with awe and wonder much like a child is filled with the things we grown ups take for granted. It is my prayer that my childhood dreams of becoming an author that inspires others with hope transpires into my reality. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many, Walks with God.

© Wendy Glidden 2015