Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Ring that Broke

The Sunday prior to labor d ay weekend, the ring that Mike had tossed to me in 2007 broke in half. I have tried several times to take it off over the last few years but due to my weight gain over the last 7 years, my ring was firmly in place. Now those who have known me for any length of time, know that I am constantly chatting it up with God. That Sunday was no different. I had just twisted that ring around my finger once and told God I resented having it on my finger. I felt in a way it bound me to Mike and I truly felt that being bound to Mike was not God's will for my life. Right then my finger got pinched. Now I should also state that in 2013, I accepted a ring that was attached to a letter from Christ at the Grand Banquet. It sometimes pinches me when it separates. This time though it wasn't the silver ring, it was the gold wedding band itself. I stared at it for an entire minute in disbelief. My friend was sitting next to me and I nudged her to show her my ring. I tugged at the one side and pulled it off my finger. I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

No one truly knows what my life has been like for the last decade. That very same night I got a call from Mike letting me know he was really sick and was on his way to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing. He ended up getting a shot of penicillin and some type of steroid.

Now, I should stop here and say that Mike is not yet a believer in Christ 100%. I would go as far as to say Mike's version of God being in him is that this truth means that Mike is God. It's not exactly how he words it, but it is close. This viewpoint of his leaves he and I unequally yoked.

It is so weird to me, because when we first met, Mike had respect for God or at least he came across that way. As time progressed though, I was drawn back to God in hopes of fixing what was wrong in our relationship. Ironically it is partly his fault that I began studying the word of God. The more I read, the more I needed to know. Today, I am a follower of Christ. I am firmly established in my faith. I have witnessed Him move mountains and more. I don't always understand God's ways, but I have no doubt about His love for me.

Mike and I have 6 children together. They range from 14 years old to 16 months old. He was paying me $200 a week in child support. His paychecks have ranged between $650 to $1000+ / week. Rarely would an entire month pass where he didn't comment on how resentful he was about having to pay me to sit on my rear end doing nothing. I know all the mean things he had to say about me came from the mouth of the enemy for the real Mike knows better.

It's weird having someone make horrific comments about you in one moment and then act as if you are crazy the next moment because they deny ever talking to you in such a manner. I will be forever grateful for my relationship with the LORD because despite all Mike had to say about me, I never bought into it. Not buying into it is different than occasionally wanting to knock his lights out for the way he spoke to me lol. I am human after all!

I used to blog at least once a week for over 2 years and then the attacks began to get more fierce. Every day I was accused of secret meetings and more. I finally stopped posting on facebook almost altogether. I quit blogging but no matter what I did, Mike was convinced I was up to something, He just couldn't find it. This led to him stalking me on the internet. At one point, at his demand I deleted over half of the contacts I had on Facebook, the majority of them all male. This still did not appease him. When the enemy gets ahold of you, he becomes the whisperer of contention.

In the end, I left Mike last year and we have been apart ever since. I have continued to pray for him but nothing has changed. Yesterday, I got that phone call, the dreaded one free minute call from an inmate at a correctional facility. Mike is facing some serious time. He is in Florida and we are all in Indiana. All I can do is pray for him. His free will remains in tact, God never takes that away from us.

Today I come before the body of believers and ask for prayers. I need income! May my books begin flying off the shelves! May my side business explode, may streams of income replace the support that will no longer come in. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, mom of many, girl who walks with God.

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