Monday, November 4, 2019

A Zillion Thoughts

Running on empty . . . I need a hero . . . What a year . . . So thankful . . . Please God . . . Thank you Jesus!

Those are just a few of the blog topics that have run through my mind in just the last couple of days. It is hard for me to believe how in active I have been in serving God by encouraging others through my blog.

In all honesty I basically took an entire year off. Sure I wrote here and there, but who can claim to be a blogger when they only published a handful of blogs in 12 full months?

My first year, I wrote like crazy, marketed my stuff in a lot of rooms and ended up meeting several really cool people, most of whom I still converse with on a regular basis.

This years focus seems to have fallen more to the category of prayer than to writing / blogging. I even began a book about praying. Time seems to be what I lack most of lately and that is something I recently began praying about. . . I actually wrote a prayer out on the family dry erase calendar and part of it is about petitioning the LORD God for more time.

Now some may think it strange to request such things, but I have witnessed this simple request manifest more than once in ways that force me to recognize the hand of God moving in my life. It is things like that; time seemingly slowing down in order for me to accomplish all I need to, that have caused my faith to grow.

It pains me these days to witness friends not depending upon God. I invite them to church, but the feedback is often negative. They either make claims that the church will burn down if they were to enter or they mention things like, the church is full of fakes and hypocrites. I cringe when others say things like, "The Bible is outdated or the Bible contradicts itself". . . all of these excuses and claims  are wrong assumptions!

Regardless of which comment I get, I have a steady reply:

1. Jesus didn't come for those who believed they had it all together ~ He came for those of us who know we don't.

2. Demons are recorded being present within the synagogues right in Scripture ~ if the church didn't burn down when they entered, what makes you believe you are going to cause such an event?

3. Fakes can be found outside of the church as well as within . . . it is about more than other people, it is about learning the secret to discovering true freedom and joy. Also you are honestly more likely to find true believers and in turn disciples of Christ in a church setting than in the world as a whole.

4. The Bible does not contradict itself. I've studied it in depth and have even earned a college degree in Biblical Studies. What makes it a bit confusing is the order in which it is usually printed.

One of the coolest things I was able to do in college was to read passages in the order they were written. Should you TRULY long to grasp the history and truth of Scripture, than you owe it to yourself to purchase the first Chronological Study Bible.

Personally, I love the opportunity to worship with my friends and family via songs and prayer. I enjoy the fellowship that comes with finding a "home church". Today my prayer for you is that you find yourself much like a moth to a flame, may your heart begin to seek, may your mind begin to ponder, may you check things out on your own. In Jesus name I pray.

Wendy, mom of many

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