Monday, May 4, 2020

Here We Go Again!

For me this is day one. I have had a lot of restarts in my life. Today I have restarted again. It is a restart that sets up a challenge to continue over the next 29 days. This reset in many ways is learning to see myself as God sees me, to recognize my beauty and to confidently step into my purpose knowing I am a child of God! Getting in front of the mirror  of is not my happy place and it has not been for most of my life. This is something that this 30 day challenge is sure to confront and if all goes as designed change. As part of my challenge, I was told I needed to take a couple of current pics so that people know what I look like these days. Nothing like being busted for avoiding the camera as well lol. Here are my new pics ~ my phone camera is missing the outside glass, so my pics are not the greatest.

So often in life we are blind to the blessings that God provides. We are so busy focusing on and talking about all the bad things that take place. However, when you dive into the manual for how to live an abundant joyful life , the Bible, you learn that your focus should be not on all the wrong, the disappointments, but rather you should be thinking of things that are honorable, pure, lovely, anything worthy of praise . . . thinking this way changes our outlook, our mindset, our attitude and so much more.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8, NASB)

Back to missed blessings. Often our blessings come in the form of friends. I have been blessed in such ways. God has placed incredible women in my life. They inspire me, they love me and I love them. One such friend reached out this weekend and invited me to take part in a 30 day "love your body challenge".

The timing couldn't have been better. You could almost say that the challenge itself was an answer to a prayer. Before Covid, I had been on a roll where working out was concerned. I have a membership at Planet fitness. I was less than 3 weeks away from earning the free T-shirt that was being rewarded to a select few who had committed to working out a minimum of 30 minutes 3 times a week, 2 times needed to be logged with a trainer. Now we are moving into week 5 of no gym, staying home, baking home made bread, and honestly indulging in not so healthy choices. No sooner than I thought I needed a life line, a workout partner, one of my blessings from God reached out to me with an invite to this challenge. Learning to " love your body" for a girl is major. We are our biggest critics. This challenge forces us to stop that line of thinking. I am excited to see what changes take place in the next 30 days.

It is my intention to use this blog format as a journal. This way I will never forget that at 51, I still was seeking the better things in life.

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