Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sung to By Angels!

 This is a Free Chapter out of my book ~ "You Are Worthy Too: The Proof is in the Pudding" ~ my hope is that should you love what you read that you invest in my ministry by purchasing my book. Blessings to all who do for I was commissioned by God Himself to open up my closet and share my journey despite all my failures so that all who read will discover their own personal relationship with the LORD and learn about many blessings they may have missed during their own lifetimes.

Chapter 8 ( From the 3rd section of this Trilogy)

Give it to God and Let it Go 

Some have asked me why I blog what I think? I tell them, "The Holy Spirit inside me guides me to do so." It really is that simple. 

I have advised others to use their talents while I have hidden mine. Please don’t think me grandstanding, but I believe I have a gift. A God given gift. We are meant to share those. Mine is NOT that I am a brilliant writer. No, rather I think mine is being able to write what I hear quickly! I had a really good grade in typing class. 

A year ago, I had shared the song Beautiful by Carole King on my Face Book page. It had woken me up. I seriously thought one of the kids had gotten up and turned on the radio. It was as if they were having a little fun 

by continually turning the volume up. 

This is also during the time in my life that I was in immense pain daily. It was all I could do to meditate myself to sleep. Often I would lay in bed for hours with tears streaming out of my eyes before I could fall asleep. It was on one of these nights that I found myself asking God why I had to hurt so badly. I wanted Him to tell me what I needed to do to have a better life.  

The next morning, music was what woke me up. At first it was soft and it lulled me awake. I did not want to wake up yet. The music seemed to get a little louder and I heard more of the words. I still refused to open my eyes and was honestly hoping the child that was messing around with the radio in the living room would stop. Instead, it was as if a deep drum beat sounded off three times and the words repeated. I still did not get up. Again, that drum beat and the music got louder. It was the fourth time when I  pulled myself out of bed and shuffled to the living room ready to give the child in the living room a piece of my mind. 

You cannot imagine how confused I was when I walked into the living room and found it empty just as the drums beat again. The words were sung to me one more time as I froze in place looking at the radio that was not on. I could hear the music clearly but the source was not visible. I was so amazed. 

I went back into the bedroom and woke Mike up. He hadn't heard any music. I explained what had happened and then I sang the words to him. He did not recognize the tune. 

Convinced it was a song, I came to work and sang it to my dad and my uncle. Neither knew it. My dad said it should be a song. Oh how that makes me laugh.  

Anyway, it was my uncle who suggested I go to You Tube and type in the lyrics. That morning this was the verse that played in my head again and again and again: 

“You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart.  People gonna treat you better you're gonna find yes you will that you’re Beautiful as you FEEL!” 

That day I searched for every version of that song I could find on You Tube. Not one of them came close to the Amazing instrumental version I had heard sung by what I was now referring to as the Angel Band. 

A little more than a year later, I found myself unable to stop worrying about an awful rumor a girl had started about me. Even though her lies held no truth, I could not stop my mind from worrying about it all. 

I had set up a table at a small town event for my health and wellness business. This girl came up to my booth and I had asked her if she'd ever heard of my company. When she said no, I gave her my little spiel. 

She told me she wasn't really interested because she cleaned her home with vinegar and made her own laundry detergent. 

I have heard this more than once, so I also shared the nutritional food aisle and the first aid aisles with her. I told her I would love to share the store with her and if she was interested great and if not, no big deal. 

She declined and walked away. Two other girls from other booths came over to my booth as there was no other customers walking through at the moment. The event as a whole had been a flop. We were all talking and I happened to glance over at the door and discovered this girl looking at me. I smiled at her and we continued talking about what a flop this event was and how I thought I wasn't going to do the next one even though I had paid for it and knew I wouldn't get my money back. 

When I wrote the events coordinator to let her know I would not be present at the last event, she informed me of the ongoing situation. I was confused as to whom I could have offended and she kindly sent me a link to see for myself. 

When I read the town thread, I was horrified. This lady had the audacity to say she felt like I had looked down my nose at her because she looked like a young mother. She claimed to be in her thirties. She credited me for words I would have never uttered. Her claims were so far beyond slander I had to calm myself before responding to the coordinator who had kindly informed me this lady was her personal friend. 

After I collected myself, I wrote her back saying that if this lady was indeed a friend she needed to tell her to stop telling outright lies immediately. I informed her I was a teen mom and I would have never in a million years made such derogatory comments. I also warned her that if her friend intended on continuing her claims, I would be forced to hire an attorney. As far as those two were concerned, it was over. 

Where I was concerned, it wouldn't leave my mind. I could not stop obsessing over what this girl had said about me. My name was associated with the lie as well as my company. 

 I got on my knees that night and prayed for God to remove it. In a gist I said, "God, I know this is nothing but I cannot stop myself from thinking about it continually. Please keep me from worrying about it." 

The next morning, I was awoken to another instrumental song. "Free your mind and the rest will follow!" That was it. Just once. Loud and clear. I actually sat up in bed and laughed. I knew it was not a radio playing in the other room for we were in our RV camping when I heard it. 

That day, I'll admit I thought about that girl and the nasty things she had said multiple times. Every time my focus turned to her, the music played and again I was told "Free your mind and the rest will follow!" It was about the fifth time it happened that I burst out in laughter and honestly haven't thought about that girl other than to share this story with others. 

It makes me laugh that God chose songs to answer these two prayers. Through songs is often how I communicate best with my children when I want them to “get” something without an attitude. 

I imagine the answer God gave me for these prayers is the same answer He would give all his children. He has never failed me and the better you get to know me. The more of my story you learn. The more you will realize and understand even those that believe in God will go through trials and tribulations. We all have days that are nuts. Just because I share my faith that God loves me does not mean I don’t live a regular Joe Shmoe life. 

My prayer for you today is that you see the Glory of God for yourself. 

May Your day be full of blessings. 

May Your Joy over flow. 

Whatever is troubling you today 

Give it to God and let it go!  

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many! 

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