Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Birthday Wish!

 This morning as I worked on organizing the house, a chore that never ends, I heard a song that gained my full attention right from the start.

I am always drawn to songs that mention that God personally knows my name. This one made that claim. In my heart, this fact is huge because it is true. Those of you who have taken the time to read my story and bless my ministry in the purchase of my 3 part trilogy, already know that God did indeed call me by name. You also know he breathed life into me, for I died momentarily in a house fire. I have been sung to by angels, taken to court by Satan, found myself face to face with a demon dog and those are just a few crazy events that I share in full detail throughout my personal story.

It is hard to believe but my 52nd birthday is right around the corner. This year for my birthday, all I want is for all my friends and acquaintances to do at least one of these three things ~ Now if you desire to do more than one or even do one several times, I am perfectly fine with whatever God moves you to do. 

My 3 birthday wishes are as follows:

#1) Buy a minimum of one copy of "You are Worthy Too: The Proof is in the Pudding". You can either keep it and read it yourself or gift it to a homeless shelter, a person who seems down, or someone you know loves to read true life stories. (You'll find a link on the side of this post that will take you to the book on amazon and also, increase my commission!)

#2) PLEASE LEAVE ME A REVIEW if you have read this book in the past or if you purchase and read it for my birthday gift. Again, you can leave a review by clicking here.

#3) If I have begged you for years to give me your time so that I can show you a way to save money with your anyway money, finally be willing to set aside 25 minutes in order for me to show you why I think you will be happy ~ even thrilled to switch name brands and gain a ton of value and money saving perks along side all the other goodness that switching has to offer.

My goal is to truly have all my friends take me up on number 1 & 2. The traffic that this would drive to my book would be a game changer. It is books with a ton of reviews that get featured on Amazon. Help me reach so many who need a word of encouragement spoken over them.

Thank you in advance! With that being said, for those who love Christian music, and think you might like to hear the song I heard this morning click this link.

Wendy, girl who walks with God.