Saturday, October 22, 2022

Flesh Eating Bacteria & The Topic of End Times!

Decade after decade it seems there are always people stepping up to sound the alarm that this is the final age; that the end of times is near, and for the world to turn back to God.

It is true there have been storms and fires and tragedies, but what sticks out most to me is that Jesus pointed to the real clue that we were getting close; He suggested we be on alert for when the world began to show signs of the times of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39).

I think more than ever, those signs are starting to truly reveal themselves. 

Today,  I stumbled upon a very interesting article that highlights 12 signs that the "perfect storm" is on the horizon and that we may be the generation who witnesses the end of times coming to fruition. 

While storms, floods and volcanoes have indeed become more and more common, what catches my interest in the news is the mention of more and more diseases spreading across the world.

Right now the headlines focus on Covid of course, but also return of small pox, the mention of monkey pox, another round of ecoli, and now thanks to Hurricane Ian, a rise in a flesh eating bacteria that is already taking lives!

I have a lot of friends that are in Florida, not to mention family so, when I bring bad news, I like to deliver it 

in such a way that it is received without panic. 

This is the news alert I sent out to all those I love:

Xtra Xtra read all about it From the rooftops I'm gonna shout it

I read that Ian stirred up some serious Sh*t ; A flesh eating bacteria that just won't quit

The news claims when he came through, He left behind this bacteria that can kill me and you

I'm telling you that is the word I'm not lying it is what I heard

They say if your immunity is broke This flesh eater ain't no joke

It's dangerous ~ it can't be seen, So if you've got a cut, keep it clean

No matter what, avoid dirty water No playing in puddles as it gets hotter

This bacteria should it find its way in Immediately starts to eat your skin

I hear it is a beast Looking to feast

In a matter of days left untreated Those attacked can be defeated

It's a big deal Tis a killer for real

So please take care It's lurking out there

I'm not lying People are dying

The death count was at four With the warning there will be more

The news claimed the stats are high And they fear that more will die

I promise you What I say is true

Stay safe, stay clean Avoid all water that is green

You can do as you choose But keep an eye on the news

When outside, don't get hurt Stay informed, be on alert

Fellow warriors let's stand in agreement and pray That this flesh eater dies and quickly goes away!

This morning my mind was spinning. I'm in this crazy contest that I'm dreaming of winning.

I'm trying to figure out how I both keep focused on the kingdom of God, while I also diligently work on gaining a larger following who faithfully takes the time to cast one free vote for me every 24 hours. 

Matthew 6:33: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

So today, I worked on my blog post. I talked to God about how I promote both him and myself and this is what I believe I heard:

Blog about something important (the danger present for my Florida Friends put in rhyme tied to the rise of disease connected to prophesies about end times. 

By bith blogging about that as well as my creation of another cute Youtube clip that closes or opens or who knows maybe both with the request that you take the time to cast a free vote for me and then set an alarm and come back day after day until I either win, which of course if my desire and my goal, or until I get cut. 

My shameless plug here is to please take a moment right now, or when your 24 hours are up. and cast your free vote for me . . . 

Thank you, thank you thank you to all of you who do help make this girl's dreams who walks with God come true.  Oh the wonderful works I plan to do.  In blessing me,  you'll bless you!

Wendy,  girl who walks with God.

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