Friday, October 14, 2022

Getting Back to Business!

Good afternoon my friends and fellow followers of Christ! Thank you again for your vote yesterday in the Fab over 40 contest that I am a part of! The competition is so fierce and the voting works like dancing with the stars! You can cast one free vote once a day, please take the time to cast your vote for me before the day gets away from you. These ladies that I am up against have incredible social media platforms, whereas over the last few years I've let mine dwindle down to almost nothing to appease my husband, who was and to this day remains convinced that somehow in the last 19 years while raising six children I've managed to carry on with another man. If I told you what lengths he's gone to in his never ending attempt to find proof of me being unfaithful, you'd either be on the floor in a puddle of tears from laughing so hard, or you'd be crying in sympathy. It is a weird form of emotional abuse for sure That being said, I'm back to letting light shine and expanding my network. I've got a ton of work to do for the kingdom of God that I sadly have put off for way too long! While it's work in many ways, I enjoy stepping boldly into my calling. It sets my soul on fire. I dream of one day hearing the words, "Well done good and faithful servant." I am reminded of one of my favorite books in the Holy Bible, to be specific, I am talking about the book of James, where he challenges the church in regards to their level of faith in Christ Jesus: New American Standard Bible; James 2:18: But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” I have gone way too long, hiding my light in hopes of gaining trust from one that will never trust me. Queen Esther was challenged by her uncle to step up to the plate and her calling when the king issued the order for all jews to be killed. She risked actual death! When contemplating that truth, how juvenile I have been for allowing myself to be bullied into walking away from my own calling. After all, I know God is faithful, and He promises that if I put him first, everything else I want, I will have. New American Standard Bible; Matthew 6:33: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. I am honestly ashamed to admit that my falling away stemmed from fear. We know the source of fear comes from the Father of Lies. I should know better, yet I fell prey to the trap he set for me. This truth is why finishing my next book is so important. It reveals exactly how the evil one works. How easy it is for him to knock us off course. Please, Lord, help me stand firmly in place and help me recognize the truth behind the battles and accusations designed to keep me from my purpose. Guard my mind, fill me with courage and boldness so that I am always shining my light into the darkest corners of the world. Embolden me, remind me who I am! In Jesus' name, I pray! Amen! Now, back to this crazy contest that I am a part of, I'm secretly hoping that my competitors' social networks fizzle out and get lazy with voting as we proceed. I need every friend, business associate, and aqaintance to kindly vote for me every day if I hope to make it to the next round! I promise you, should I take the prize, you will find yourself amazed at all I do for the kingdom of God! Like seriously, watch out world, this girl is once again on fire for God, and nothing is going to stop her now!! Today's voting has already begun, and I'm quickly losing my place in the top 10! May the Lord bless each of you who cast their vote for me today! Click this link and help me win this round! Thank you. May all who bless me with their vote be blessed by my ministry and its ultimate message; You are Worthy Too! Wendy, Mom of Many, Girl who walks with God.

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