Monday, October 17, 2022

A Must Read for All Victims of Negative Words!

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I am certain of this, "God loves me immensely!" I don't know where I would be today if I was not absolutely certain of that truth, for this last year has been the most brutal year of my life. My husband / partner for the last 19 years cheated on me again. This time was the worst because we were actually closer and having more fun and more intimate than we had ever been. If he'd willingly gamble me away at that juncture what hope would I have in times of trouble? To make matters worse, I had felt something was up and had asked him to be honest. He was able to look me directly in the eye, claim I was crazy, and insist that nothing was going on. At one point he suggested I friend this individual. The pure audacity of it all makes me sick to this day. When the truth came out, he somewhat ended the affair, and in that, she turned against me. I was cyber attacked, bullied and had my identity taken. He had given her my phone and allowed her to gain access to all of my social media accounts. She took full advantage by changing my passwords and successfully blocking me out of everything. I lost everything in my cloud. He actually shared with me how she joyfully deleted content from my phone. She left the titles of my written papers / blogs / outlines for future projects, but deleted the content in every single file. She even deleted a ton of family pictures that I'll never get back. By the grace of God, I had copies of many pictures thanks to sharing them over the course of time with others as well as under other email accounts with their own clouds that were not loggged into on that phone. Regardless. the havoc she brought upon me all but stopped me in my very tracks. Add all of that to the things I endured from Mike up until a month ago, when I finally packed up most of my personal items, rented a car and drove back to Indiana, leaving him behind in Florida and even I am amazed that I am once again rising from the ashes. To say that his words were harmful to my very being this last year would be a simplification of just how deadly they were designed to be. In the end, I know who was speaking those awful things to me; yet it did not make it any easier to hear or to ignore them. I am human after all. For the first 10 days after I left, I found myself bawling my eyes out. Waves of emotion would hit me so hard, they literally and physically took my breath away and left me exhausted and darn near ready to tap out for good. Thank the LORD that my stronghold is the LORD or God only knows where I would be today. Instead of my story ending badly, I have been blessed to have found myself handpicked as a participant in an incredible competition. If I am blessed enough to be the last girl standing, I will win an opportunity to truly expand my territory, my ministry and have the ability to truly make a difference in the war being waged against humanity. That being said, I have found myself rebuilding my brand. I have gotten back to blogging and networking. In other words, I have stepped back into my calling and I cannot begin to tell you how incredible that feels. My heart is back on fire for the Lord and I am exicted to see what is around the corner for the first time in a complete year! This competition works a lot like Dancing with the Stars. you stay in the running by public vote. Today I come boldly forth and ask that you cast a free vote for me every 24 hours until the end of the competition. I also ask all prayer warriors and those whose lives I have impacted already through my ministry to pray for me to be victorious. To support me simply click here. You will be asked to verify yourself through facebook for free. You can also buy hope votes which count as double for the following 7 days after your donation. ON Weds, they put them on sale for the day and your initial donation is also doubled. So the math goes $10 = 20 votes and if you vote for the next consecutive 7 days that will become a total of 34 votes for $10! Another are of my life that seems to reblooming is my creative side. My ability to rhyme off the cuff and often somewhat acidentally is returning. An example of that would be this facebook post that I copied and pasted in this blog update: The battle is big, the war is real, so drastic that it is something I literally feel. It took me all day to put my thoughts together, my hands and feet plagued by the weather. I hate the cold, it actually hurts me, my body goes into spasms until it locks up. I may draw on the strength of God, but this body ~ it's fragile my spirit is tough! Tonight I proclaimed enough is enough and I made myself homemade heating bags with rice and unmatched socks. Two for my hands and two larger ones for my neck and back. I throw them in the microwave for a minute or two and they help stop the attack. That being said, my progress to get ahead came slow; yet you know what they say about pace; slow and steady will win the race. That being said, these are the thoughts I managed to get out of my head. I hope and pray you take the time to read them today. Should they inspire you or touch your heart in some way, I ask that you share them in your thread today . . . and friends and family and strangers alike, I stand her once again asking if you could cast a free vote for this stranger or if you know me, your friend. Thank you to all who do, I'm certain the LORD will bless you, for you time, your vote, your support of me, my calling and my ministry <3 The grey icon bar is the one that provides you with the opportunity to cast one free vote via face book. I need every free vote I can get because for those with wealthy friends, they just enticed the option to pay for votesw with an offer to double all "hope" votes . . . these are votes that cost $1 all the way up to $250 and all proceeds go to support breast cancer research. A great cause, but the majority of those willing to support me are those just as broke as I am! So to all who cast a free vote for me today, tomorrow, and every day after; many thanks! May the good Lord bless you ten fold <3 For those in life who are currently falling victim to negative words being spoken into your life, I encourage you to venture into the word of God, discover the armor He has provided and prepare for the battle we all face in this world. The evil one is real and his one mission is to destroy you. That was never God's plan. I could go on and on about the truths I have discovered in his word, and in a way that is exactly what I did in publishing my life story ~ if you are in the midst of surviving but not thriving today, purchase a copy in print or ebook and begin living an abundant life today!
I love our Father for he is always Faithful, even when we aren't 100% faithful ourselves. His love is amazing. His grace is amazing. He IS AMAZING. My heart breaks for all who have not found their way home. For all who are longing for a relationship with the Lord but don't know where to start. Start in His word. Start with simple prayer. Talk to Him as if you would a friend. When trouble smacks you in the face, before you pick up the phone to vent or discuss with a friend, I encourage you to get to your knees and connect with God. The more you seek Him, the more you will recognize Him. You see, He is already around you, watching and waiting for you to invite Him in so He can better help you. The Father of Lies will always be working on destroying that relationship for when you draw close to the Lord, he loses more of his power. This does not make him happy and he will work harder at taking you out of your happy zone. Don't allow him to take that from you. Make sure to put on your proper fighting attire every day. If you are not sure what this is, I covered it pretty well last week. Check out my blog entitled 'Are you Dressed for Daily Battle? Here's the link: 

Not only is it important that we dive into the word and wear our armor, we need to seek fellowship with other seekers. The best place to find them is your local parish. Don't forget we are the church, not the building. However, it is within the walls that we are more likely to find a true member of the church. With that being said, this is a song I wrote this week about church shopping. It's a real thing. More than likely, the first church you go to will not be the one you stay at forever. This is a new song about searching for where I belong. I dedicate it to all those who are searching for their place in the body of Christ... Fellowship is vital for the believer. Even Paul stated that as much as he enjoyed making his rounds and encouraging others to spur on, to run the good race, that he too needed that in return just as much. They say Iron sharpens Iron and this is true. It is great to belong to a Bible Study group that is truly seeking meat. It's one thing to read the word alone, but to truly get the most out of it, you need a circle of seekers to get as many morsels as possible in one sitting. I miss that. I miss my circle. I miss my choir. I miss being a part of a community. Sadly, the ugly part about church is the truth that so many of those you thought would be your forever friends; that group that would see you through the bumps and battles in life, end up being ones that won't even say two words back to you in your darkest moments. It's why there is this thing called church hurt. I think it is as close as you can come to God rejecting you. Thank the LORD that that rejection would never happen, God is love and love is God, but when those in high places that are to be the reflection of Him are the ones handing out the rejection, it's a tough pill to swallow. IF that has happened to you, I pray that you follow in my foot steps and get back out there ~ not everyone is like that. Scripture warns us that we sit among wolves in sheep's clothing. Don't let that keep you from seeking fellowship. It is just another tactic by the Father of Lies and we as the children of God must go forth in the fight. Let us not forget, the harvest is plenty, the workers are few and those of us who have stood firm have a lot of work to do. May we have fun as we get the job done! In Jesus name I pray. Amen! Many people will say, "Oh you will be saved as long as you believe in God or you can be saved by doing more good than bad" No matter what they come up with, if it does not line up with scripture, they are incorrect. It's right there in God's word that the only way you can be saved is through Jesus Christ. I would encourage you that if this topic is a struggle for you that you seriously give Jesus a true look. I encourage you to pray for wisdom on the matter and read the gospels. Follow the gospel of John to get a true glimpse into the heart of God, as well as into his sense of humor and his view of the haughty, the religious, and those seeking a better way and those who know they aren't all that and a bag of chips but desire to be better. It really is an eye opener. You will come to learn that the other 3 gospels share a lot of the same stories with slight differences due to the fact that they are writing to different sects of society. Many of the things the four share are almost word for word. What makes the gospel of Luke the best to follow for the second one you read is that he is the only one that writes it all in chronological order. As you read it, you will come to understand that Jesus fulfilled messianic miracles prophesied about in the Old Testament and your belief level in who He is will grow. For a mere human to complete just 8 would be phenomenal. However Jesus completed many more than that. To save me a little time, I cheated and found what I think is the best written article of facts regarding this. Feel free to check it out for yourself.

It is my prayer that you recognize the truth and become a follower of Christ yourself.

Father, today I pray that the evil one is bound from those in search of the truth. May his lies be kept silent from the ears of all who are searching for salvation. May they come to know your son, our Messiah, Jesus Christ. May they too begin to follow Him and share the good news with others. May the workers grow, may the fields be harvested. May we work as the body of Christ as you intended us to. I want to thank you for all you have done when it comes to strengthening my faith and all my many blessings. You are so kind and loving and your grace amazes me daily, hourly, minute by minute. I am so blessed to have the relationship I do with you. I never want to be disconnected from you again. Thank you for clearly laying out the armor I will need every day to protect myself from the dangers of this world. Thank you for the wisdom you have shared. Thank you for the freedom I have. To be able to openly read your word where ever I am. So many of my brothers and sisters do not have such freedom. Go to them Father and lift them in your loving arms. Shine your light so that doubters are changed into believers. May the truth be so clear even the blind are given perfect sight. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

** For the full story of my wallet being returned these are the links to the two blogs that cover this testimony. May you find yourself blessed in reading them.


Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2022

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