Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Terrific testimonial Tell-All Tuesday! My tell all. . . I'm shrinking! I am on my second stretch of working out for 9 days straight. Only 6 more to go including tonight. Last night I had to kick my own rear to get going but a girl will do what she has to right!?! I am stronger, I have further reach and amazingly my back is getting better! All that have been praying for me regarding my immense back pain, Thank you!! Yesterday I dropped a pencil, it rolled under the couch, and without thinking about it, I actually dropped to my knees, reached under the couch, grabbing the pencil and then I sat back up with tears in my eyes. This would have been impossible for me to do just a month ago! Praise Jesus. Today's encouraging word reminded me of times gone by and gave me comfort knowing it's truth. I hope it helps you feel better about whatever you may be facing in your own life  

See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.

~ Exodus 23:20, NLT

That was my facebook post on my fan page today. Here is the link so that if you are on facebook, you can like my page and always be able to find me! I try to post something positive every day.

So, life without Mike is interesting to say the least. Even when your mate is not putting Christ first or even being somewhat supportive, trust me when I say you will notice their absence in many various ways. Allow me to cover just a few ways I have been reminded of the things Mike did take care of for me:

1. When leaving my baptism Thursday night, September 19th, I was shown that an oil spot looked fresh and was advised to check my oil. (This would normally be a Mike job)

2. Sunday, September 21, I realized I had a low tire in need of some air. I found a place with air and after dropping $1.00 into the machine, added the air needed. I, of course, had to check the pressure on my good tire to know what the other tire was supposed to be!

3. I forgot to check my oil for over a week! I kept popping the hood but then would forget to check it after   the car had cooled down. When I finally did, I was indeed 2 quarts low! Yikes!! When I went to the auto store to purchase the oil, I realized I had no idea what my car required!

I would be the world's biggest liar if I said I didn't miss Mike with all my heart. The twins just turned 9 this last Sunday. Not having him here was noticed by the girls for sure. I took them out to an awesome play / concert as my gift to them. It was truly a girl's night out. My oldest son stepped up to the plate and watched two of his younger brothers for me so that I could pull the night off. Here are some pictures from the event put on by my all time favorite Christian radio station.

As you can see I still have not figured out how to put pictures into this blog system. As soon as I try to move a pic they all fly everywhere. This is the best I can do for now. The girls had a great time. They all came home with the pink crazy hair in lights, a CD from the feature band and a DVD from a previous show. I love moody radio and the events that they put on for families. God is front and center as He should be. 

So as it seems to happen more and more lately, it is taking me more than one day to write a blog post! Today's encouraging word by k-love made my heart swell. You know I have to share it: 

O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety.

~ Psalm 61:1-3, NLT

As I shared on Facebook today, I have recently been on my knees praying in such a desperate manner. This summer has for sure been one for change. I still don't know God's plan for me but that is okay. What I do know is that I greet each day with a thank you to God for all the blessings in my life. They are plenty. I am sure many would look at me and my situation and find pity for me. I on the other hand see nothing but how blessed I am. It all depends on where your focus is. I willfully chose to keep my focus on my savior, Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. 

Today I pray that no matter where you are today that you take the time to say thank you for your life and all the good things in it. When you begin giving thanks and showing gratitude for even the smallest things it begins to change not only your view but also your mindset. Words of wisdom say it all starts with the renewing of your mind. What are you putting into your mind? What you put in will find a way to come out. Remember that when thinking how you would like to spend your time! Go about your day being a blessing to others. It is more rewarding than I could ever explain.

Father, thank you for my life. Thank you for my beautiful children. Thank you for shelter and a full tummy. Thank you for healing me. I love getting smaller and being able to carry my children. Just being able to walk without immense pain is an absolute blessing. All glory for my wellness is credited to you. I am so blessed to have had so many praying for me. Thank you also father for your work where Mike is concerned. While I know he has more growing and stretching to come I thank you for taking the time. I thank you for how you move me. Recently I prayed in the spirit for a very special friend's parent. I am humbled by the news shared recently of his newly founded devotion as well as his improved health. You amaze me Lord. I am crying tears of gratitude as the reality of the power of prayer and how you move hits me square in the face in such an undeniable way. Thank you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, walks with God

Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's Got to Start With Me!

So again this morning, I was stirred awake by a song. As I came to understand the words themselves, I sat up on full alert. This is indeed what I have wanted all my life. I am a vital part of the body of Christ so it only makes sense that I would need to act as such and stop waiting on someone else to take the first step. I wondered what more am I to do?

Here are the lyrics that I heard: "I really wanna change the world / I really wanna sing your song / But I know revival's got to start with me" as I have gotten in the habit of doing, I have located the full song with the lyrics included. I have sung this song when it has been played on the radio, but to get a feel of what I am to share today, I am going to treat myself to watching the video in it's entirety! I hope you take the time to do the same!

So, I guess those of us that really want to change the world, including myself, need to always remember that we start on our knees to do this! It is very comforting to also realize that if I try to do something in my own strength, I am doing nothing. Instead of crashing through doors, I need to wait for God to open them. Outside of God, I am just a girl. Nothing more, nothing less. With God at my side, directing my footsteps, while leaning on His strength, I am every bit as mighty as Daniel and David! Now that is good news!

This morning after I chatted with God, I picked up my phone to check the time and saw I had a text message that came through at 1:57 AM. It was from Mike. In a gist it was a pretty big apology text. This is the first one of it's kind. I wondered. Is God working on his heart? When I came into work, I turned on Moody radio and caught an interview from a couple right here in Indianapolis. They had divorced and remained so for 10 years, when by the Grace of God, they were brought back together. I missed some of their interview but I felt my heart moved. I must be honest in saying, I would love nothing more than for Mike to grow spiritually and put Christ front and center, for that is the only way he would ever know how he is to treat me. Even with others saying that they know he is not the one for me, I have pondered the thought, could he ever grow into the one? With that being said, this is the prayer I say at night where Mike is concerned:

I forgive you for all you've done to me. 
I pray for you even though I set you free.
May you grow into the husband I know you can be.
May I remain the one you long to see.
My heart it breaks, it kills me to let you go.
For you may not return to me this I know.
But if you stay you'll never grow
And I can't continue this way you know.
May your heart break, may you come to find
You'd love to follow this God of mine.
The Most High God, Creator of ALL
I pray to your knees you finally fall
And when you lift your face to Him
May you find your true love for me again.
In Jesus name I pray.

So, I would be a liar if I claimed his words did not touch my heart. They did. So, I sent him this text as a reply:

This morning I recalled your embrace.
I pictured your handsome face.
I wondered if I showed you enough grace.
Yet the Lord is showing me truth.
You're caught up in the thoughts of youth.
You're all about you and nothing about me.
And this is why I had to set you free.
I pray one day you will return
but the Lord said with me you'll never learn.
So each night a prayer for you I say
May you be convicted more each passing day.
If and when you have the Lord front and center
Into marriage we can enter.
I pray you are able and willing
For to be in your arms again would be so thrilling.
Until you write me a letter by pen
I shall not text you again.

His reply, "It's in the mail."

Count me floored. Mike does not write. Well, not from the heart anyway. I received a couple of letters during the times he was in jail and they were so unmoving, I threw them all away!

In the mean time, should it take more than a decade, my focus is going to stay on God and His word. I know not where he is leading me, but I know I will follow. I am blessed beyond measure to have such a close relationship with Him again, especially after all I did to ruin it! I am not going to stray. He has let me know I am loved beyond measure. I do not need to wait around weeping for a man. I have a loving Father to carry me through this life. I know not if Mike will ever return to me. I know many most likely think he and I will never be together again. Others might even believe there is another man out there for me. I, however, feel strongly that I tied myself with Mike when I said my vows to him standing before God. We are unevenly yoked right now but God can move those who seek him. I know in my heart Mike is aware of God. Only time will tell if he is strong enough to get down on his knees and allow God to transform him into a new creation. I do know God will not allow me to be deceived again by Mike. My eyes are too wide open and I will continue to pray to keep them open. I will continue to pray for clearer vision. The Lord is front and center in my life and that is the way things will stay. 

My go to verse this year has been from Psalm 46, specifically verse 10. From my MacArthur study bible it reads:

"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth"

As I have come to do, I find myself needing more and more and more of God's word. It's almost as if I cannot get enough. There is so much wisdom within the pages though, you need to devour them slowly so that you are able to better digest them. I have read this entire Psalm a few times admittedly. The words themselves energize me in ways I cannot begin to explain into words. With that being said, I feel the urge to share this entire Psalm with you. I may have done this once already but when moved by the spirit I must do as urged. Pslam 46, verses 1 - 11 taken out of the my study bible mentioned above:

verse 1: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

verse 2: Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;

verse 3:  Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. 

verse 4: There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, The holy dwelling places of the Most High.

verse 5: God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.

verse 6: The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He raised His voice, the earth melted.

verse 7: The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

verse 8: Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has wrought desolations in the earth.

verse 9: He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire.

verse 10: "Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

verse 11: The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

I tell you, this Psalm makes me want to get up and dance with pure elated joy. What a revelation! Today I am so joyous, I can't even put it into words. I can only imagine what I would be feeling right now were I leaning on my own strength. I would be an absolute mess! Satan would have won the battle where I am concerned. Thank God, literally, for coming here so that we may live our lives abundantly. If you are miserable, if you are dealing with depression or even some other mental / emotional issue, if you are in a desperate place, I STRONGLY advise you to begin knocking on that door! He is FAITHFUL!! Should you seek with all your heart, you will find. If you only knock in an attempt to gain something, your knock is not from the purity of your heart but rather from a stance that derives from the desires of this world and God knows your heart, he cannot be deceived. However, when you arrive on your knees, truly longing for peace joy and love, that door will swing open and you will be welcomed home. I am praying for you.

Father, today I pray for all who are in a desperate place. May they find themselves on their knees. For only when we get on our knees do we find you. What a treasure you are Lord. You are everything. How long we search aimlessly filling our empty lives with false treasures. They bring no lasting pleasure. They are empty, dark, void. They are traps set by the evil one. May eyes begin to open and see these illusions for exactly what they are. May my fellow brothers and sisters who are still asleep begin to awaken. May we be shaken to our very core. May the body of Christ come alive and begin to work smoothly together. Let it start with me Father. I am you loving daughter, your humble servant. I am so excited to begin my journey going where you lead, allowing your spirit to work through me. Help me stay out of the way Father, in Jesus name I pray! Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Have You THANKED God for Jesus Today?

Today is Faith Filled Fantastically Full of Fun Fabulous Family Friday! Woo Hoo!!!!

Today on my way to work I was chatting it up with God as I do everyday and as sometimes happens subjects which I classify as titles began flashing across my mind. Today's title is the one that stuck the hardest and I was able to jot it down when I came to a stop light. Right after that, I noticed the song on the radio was saying "Thank you" I cracked a grin.

I was on a track of trying to blog on this alphabet picture of mine that sits above my desk at work this winter. I have not blogged on it forever and just yesterday I looked up to see that letter F was on John 3:16. If you don't know what John 3:16 says, you must not be a football fan of Tim Tebow. It was due to him having this written under his eyes that John 3:16 was the number one thing googled last year. I find that ironic because after the song ended it was announced that Tim Tebow was drafted by the Patriots and the coach made a comment regarding Tim Tebow's faith and how important it was to Tim and how that steadfastness was impressive to the coach. I smiled even bigger.

I put out a challenge to Renew your mind in a couple of previous blog posts and one of the items to help with this is to pick a devotional to read each day. Today my devotional was about God-Pleasing Faith. It references the book of Hebrews, Chapter 11:6 which taken from my MacAuthor Study bible states:

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

I know many struggle with Faith. They feel God has let them down somehow. If you are someone who struggles, you should know, I struggled with Faith myself. If you have been following my own personal story you already know that. If this is the first blog of mine you have ever read, I'd encourage you to slide back to December and January and read a post or two. Many of them are about my own personal journey through this thing we call life. I'm sure I've worn a pair of shoes you yourself have traveled in. Nothing would please me more than to help you find your Belief and Faith in Our Heavenly Father. With that being said, Let's get to the heart of John 3:16.  This too is taken word for word out of My MacArthur Study Bible:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

As I often do, I am going to add verses 17-21 as well:

Verse 17:  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

Verse 18:  He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Verse 19: This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

Verse 20:  For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

Verse 21:  But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."

In other words, the Truth will set you free! Seeking God with all your heart will cause you to step into the Light. The more you bask in the Light, the more you long for it. Before you know it you will wake up with Joy in your heart. It is a fruit of the spirit after all!

I have no idea where you are in your walk with God. I don't know if you currently turn to Him in times of trouble or moments of elation. I only know we all share the same Heavenly Father. He loves us all. So much so that He sent His one and only son to save us AND on top of that, He still allowed us Free Will. That means we get to decide whether we turn to Him or not. How much more gracious can a Father be?

Today I pray the lost are led out of darkness and into the light. I come before you today Father and say Thank you for sending your Son to save us. Thank you for your Grace that we don't have to earn. Thank you for walking with us even when we deny you are the source of our strength. You are so loving it boggles my mind but I am grateful you are. I know how long I sat in the dark Father. It was out of sheer desperation I called out to you. As you are Faithful, you answered me. I ask that you shine the light into the dark places of this world, into the hardened unknowing hearts of my fellow brothers and sisters. I sought you as a child and you spoke to me. I pray others will seek you daily. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

In closing, I leave you with the song I heard on the radio. Please pay attention to the words. Have a blessed day my friends!

Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Re-birthday Gift From My Heavenly Father!

Good Morning! Today the date is 3/6/2013! By age I turned 44 this year but by life's standards I have just been reborn! Numbers intrigue me. I love how with math the answer is the answer. It is cut and dry. It allows no doubt. You can calculate it forwards and backwards and you end with the same result. Then there are patterns in your life that numbers seem to highlight. For instance my birthday when written as 3/6/69 is dividable by 3. The letters in my entire name total to 15. My weight at birth was 8.04. it seems 3 has followed me around a lot!

The funniest 3 I saw in my life recently was when my friend Joan here at work and I had purchased some hot and sour soup from the Chinese restaurant down the street. Neither one of us could finish ours so she informed me she was labeling them and putting them in the fridge. When I went to go get mine later that day after Joan had left, I looked at the labels she had made. Instantly I was thinking why did she label them 3 & 4? Suddenly I realized I was looking at them wrong . . . They actually were a W and a J . . . gave me a pretty good giggle though.

So . . . numbers . . . sometimes I think God uses them to get our attention. You see. He led me to open this blog forum up . . . I was completely lost through the Title and Url process. I was lost but I just listened to what the Holy Spirit led me to do. On December 6th, I wrote my first blog. Today I am writing my 44th blog and it is my 44th birthday! I have been focused on listening and following God and reading his word more than ever over these last 90 days.

This year I attended an event called "The Great Banquet". It was the 44th one held at CrossRoads. When I went into the weekend I had published 40 blogs. Sometimes we pray for signs. Just let me know you are there God. I may be counted as crazy but the number 3,4 and 40 are big repeaters in the Bible. You could say God has my full attention!

One of my biggest struggles over the years would have to be my faith when it came to Jesus. Over the last 3 years I have gotten into the word and I have learned all about Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit and fellow believers in Christ. I thank God for leading me to this fellowship. I see his handy work all over my travels. This Sunday, Rusty, who has helped open my eyes to the Truth stated that there is a HUGE difference in Believer's of God and Believer's of Christ. At "CrossRoads Great Banquet #44" I chose Christ. He chose me long before I even understood who I was In Him.

While this is the 44th year of my life, I truly feel like a new creation. I have been reborn. It's so awesome that for the rest of my life I get to spread the good news! I am blessed beyond measure <3 I was in awe this morning when I woke up for everything was covered in a white blanket of snow. Almost like God was saying you have a clean slate Wendy. Here is my view today. Doesn't it just take your breath away?

I am going to try to figure out how to link this Sunday's message about Christ. I am rotten at this kind of thing so if this does not work leave a comment . . .
Rusty really allows the Holy Spirit to communicate through him. He's an awesome servant to Christ.

Today I pray that all who are seeking answers find fellowship with fellow believers in Christ. I pray all who are lost are shown the truth and you "get it". I pray that you take the good news and in turn spread it to others who are lost. I pray we shine so brightly that others are drawn to us. I pray we stay in tune with the Holy Spirit and continue to grow in love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 Wendy L Glidden. All Rights Reserved.