Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2013

My Title to This Blog Stands

Fabulous!!! It is Fantastically Fun-Filled Family Friday!! Can I get a whoop whoop!

 Last week at this time I was attacked by a fellow believer in Jesus. I began a blog last December not of my own will but of God's. If you have read my blog, you would realize most would not willingly tell so much about their life. Honestly, if I hadn't lived the life I have lived, I'm not sure I would be blogging out all my skeletons. Regardless, when you pray for a sign and have a billboard land in your path, well, you stand back and recognize. This was the case for me. I was informed by this person that my blog title was offensive. (I Am Worthy) it bothered me so much I asked for others opinions in every group I am in. The feedback was this. "We love the title. We know Jesus is the reason we can go to the throne with boldness. No explanation needed." My all-time favorite reply came from Nakilah Shannon, she runs the ministry group called Hagar’s Fountain of Hope, here is the link to her ministry page on Facebook:

She said in a gist, “Wendy, if God had a problem with your blog, HE would have convicted you. I know you have no problem hearing Him." So, with that in mind, my title is going back to the original "I AM WORTHY" without the tag line that I had added due to my Fear of being mis-understood. After all, Nakilah is right, God put that title in my head for a purpose. Who am I to deny Him that? If you have never read even one of my blogs, what are you waiting for?

This last week has been so crazy. I have been up until midnight every night this week and somehow I still have so much work left undone.  I have not written one blog this week. My study bible has vanished and I have allowed that to drive me insane. I did recognize the silver lining this morning on my way to work. My car is clean, my home is Organized. In my search I cleaned and straightened every corner of my home.  I have resolved to go to the Christian store and purchase another one. I am sure once I do this the original will suddenly appear like a snake ready to strike!

** Update regarding my study bible! It has been found. It would seem someone, while cleaning the car, found my bible too big to belong inside the car! It was placed in the trunk in a box to keep it safe of all places. Shaking my head. Husbands! It would be nice if you remembered what you did when you "cleaned up"! I am so happy to have it back. A regular bible just is not the same!! Plus this one is a lap bible so I can curl up and read. I am amazed at how I see the story unfolding in my head. I can almost hear Paul at times. How incredible it must have been to actually see this man talking about the Glory of God. He must have lit up as bright as the North star!!

I recently figured out how to add you tube videos to my blog. Soon I will know how to make my own! How far I have come!! Anyway, the first time I heard this song it left me in tears. It hit so close to home. I hope you take a moment to listen. It ties in perfectly with this particular blog. I know this is why God gave me this title. The evil one told me I was unworthy for years. You know that if you read my story from the beginning. Enjoy! This won the K-Love song of the year award!

I would like to encourage anyone who has landed on this particular blog to flip your view so that you can see all of the titles of my previous blogs. Over half of these blogs are true life accounts. As I mentioned, God called me to openly share my travels with the world. Some of my blogs are about hot topics like gun control, welfare, bullying just to name a few. A couple posts are just poems or about something I did with my family recently. I suggest you pick a couple titles that catch your interest. If you enjoy them and would like to know my full story, I suggest you start back at the first blog. Ironically titled “In the Beginning” Our Father!! He has an awesome sense of humor. I hope you catch that through my story! Stay blessed. Stay Focused in the Word. We are in a battle my friends! Gather your gear and join me in this fight!!

Today I pray for all who are taunted by the evil one. I pray we recognize Satan’s voice and mute it every time he, The Lord of Air, begins to whisper false truths. I pray for those who remain in doubt regarding Satan and Jesus. May their eyes be opened to the truth, I pray they are struck with curiosity so much so that they begin to read Your Word Father. I pray it speaks volumes to them. I pray for those who spread the good news Father may they do so boldly bringing only Glory to your name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2012-2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Who Among Us?

So this morning in conversation, I mentioned to Mike, “God says not to be flamboyant about his protection” . . . then out of my mouth I said, “He promises to protect you through the process of circumstance but he doesn’t control how things play out. We all have Free Will.”

That’s when it dawned on me like a lightning bolt. We are the Hands and Feet of Jesus. We are the ones with the FREE WILL! WE decide how we are going to treat another human being.  How we treat one another can CHANGE everything. In the last couple of elections we as a people have longed for CHANGE. The difference is in how we explain the CHANGE we ALL want.

Here is what I see:

(1) We want more KINDNESS . . . that is what we are really saying with the entitlement programs that have been put in place. Everyone enjoys feeling kind . . . it does something to your heart. We just somehow got to the point with being okay with the government doing it for us. The disconnect from being a part of encouraging someone in this manner is a detriment to our society. The Government is not the body of Christ. It is the law of the land. They can and will never do the job we were meant to do ourselves.

*Sorry ~ the government is the government. They are not Knights in shining armor. They are too busy being childish to even be cable of listening to THEIR own hearts. They certainly are NOT listening to OURS. They have been too busy stirring the flames. Pointing fingers. Placing Blame. Keeping us Angry at our situation as well as at each other. Do you know what it says about Anger in the bible?  

(2) We want people to be Responsible for Themselves when possible:

A)  The Bible is consistent and clear in its message about those who are least able to fend for themselves, Our Orphans, Our widows and our Elderly. We are to lift them up. I am all for that. We suck at this as a society. There must be a more COMPASSIONATE & AFFORDABLE way. I say we reference the Bible on this!

B) On the flip side when it comes to those of us who are capable, We need to shake things up. Tough Love is a necessary thing!  Let’s admit it. We have some serious slackers.  We have coddled our youth to the point of detriment.  Many of them live in an illusion. I often wonder who among them have been taught the matters of the Heart? I KNOW the majority are able to feel pain and fear: hate, jealousy, self-pity, self-doubt . . . in a nut shell All forms of Anger. We have seen too much acting out to deny this Truth.

(3) Our Legal System:  

A) Our punishment system is inhumane.   We live in a fallen world. Our Judicial System is SO FAR OUT OF CONTROL that I often lose my balance in any court room. There is not a whole lot of JUSTICE being served. How have we allowed this to happen? WHERE is OUR compassion?

* We need to encourage one another in ALL of our relationships. Stop the Gossip. Stop the Rumors. Stop the spreading of vicious lies. Start offering a hand and a heart.  Who among us has not caused harm in our lifetime? We all can get better at NOT causing more.

* Who among us has not fallen down on hard times?

* Who among us has not made mistakes? We need to teach our children that this is NOT the end of the world. We need to SHOW them when one falls down they GET BACK UP. THEN they Take a Step Back. NEXT They need to ANALYZE what just went wrong. Then they CHANGE a little or a lot or completely and become a new person!

(4) Our Education System:

A) The Government needs to get out of it. Ask any teacher. Their hands are tied down with as much insane ridiculous restrictions in the name of “God only knows what” that they barely have time to teach.  

As a parent I am OVER it!

B) The tenure protection in a 3 year time frame needs to be taken OFF the table. Seriously, what job does one hold where after 3 years they can’t be fired? (Watch the documentary “Waiting on Superman” before passing judgment on this opinion.) Some teachers are not good teachers. It is the truth. They know it in their hearts. They are in charge of young minds. Their hearts should be in the right place. There is a reason I am not a teacher. It’s a HARD freaking job!

I apologize for my rant if I have offended you. I am surprised at what I have written today. God showed me I would fill many pages of paper with ink. I refuse to allow my fear keep me from publishing something that has flowed so quickly out of my fingers. All my knowledge comes from God. I have had much exposure to a lot and I know God uses all evils for good.

It is my prayer that good things stem from my blogs. I pray anyone who reads my blogs will not find themselves angry at me. I only wish to open others to the heart of the matter. We could be so much better to one another if we got to know Jesus a little better. You want a Utopia? He’s the key to achieving it. I pray you find yourself curious enough to pick up a bible. Go to the New Testament and Read John. I joked last night saying, “John is the gospel for all of us who have been looking for Love in all the wrong places.”  There is a lot of Truth to that statement. I pray you take the time out of your busy life to read the Gospel of John. It’s a “Google” away. I end in thanks to Our Heavenly Father for the wisdom shared in the pages of the Bible. Your Word is Food for the soul. Those of us who are able to read it openly are so blessed. I count myself among them.  Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 Wendy L Glidden. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Better to Birth Boys than Girls . . . such a sad belief

You might believe that this is something that is believed only over in China but you are wrong. All my life it has been drilled into my head how much better boys are than girls. I can't count the times I heard the phrase, "It's a mans world". I had some influential women in my life. Here were their viewpoints:

My mom: girls have no worth. All they worry about is silly stuff. She made so much fun of me when I wanted to be a brownie that after a few weeks of it I gave it up and asked to play softball.

My Stepmother: A woman can do anything a man can do only she will do it better. It's a mans world.

My Grandma Rosie: I am woman, hear me roar! ( love that one )

My Aunt Janet: People are people and they are only here for so long. Love them while you can and forgive any injustices you feel they have done against you. (I miss her and her attitudes)

I was in the 6th grade when the most hurtful thing ever was yelled at me by my mother. Granted she apologized to me as she drove me to school that day. It didn't take away the sting. I knew in my heart she had simply said how she truly felt.

My brother and I were at the table and she was making us toast and oatmeal . . . I don't remember what was going on with Tommy and I . . . we were probably bickering with each other. My mom was buttering the toast when all of a sudden she turned around and launched a piece of toast at my head.

"I wish you'd of never been born. You ruined my life. If I'd only had Tommy, your father and I would still be together." I cannot begin to tell you how bad that hurt. I knew all along she loved Tommy more.  You would have had to be blind to miss that. I just didn't realize she resented me ever being born. Honestly I think we were all stunned by her words. I cannot remember what happened immediately after. I think I went to my room. I have never really liked for others to see me cry. So much so that to this day when I cry I don't make a sound. You would have to look at me to realize there were tears streaming down my face. I don't know why I am this way . . . it's just an honest truth about me. Perhaps I'll figure that one out as I go along.

Anyway, I lay here awake this morning with my heart breaking for my brother. I believe God can heal him. I know God sees him and his inner struggles or he would not have told me to help him. Since I was 16 I have not been able to truly be there for my brother. I have carried much guilt over the years for leaving him behind. I'd taken care of him and been responsible for him since as far back as I can remember. Many times I have felt I played a big part in his downfall.

My heart goes out to him. My heart goes out to anyone who has found it necessary to be put on any type of anti-depressants. I know in my heart God is the cure for mental disease. Sadly we have cut God out of every element of our lives and then we wonder why we have so much violence and issues in the world today. That is not to say that there have never been killings and violence and wars . . . it's just I have to wonder, "Have there been so many children killing children before in our history?"

I know what will happen through this tragedy A whole classroom of innocent lives ended. Our government is going to be able to push through the first phase of gun control due to this last crisis. Those of you who have ever been documented for depression will be on a ban list. Anyone who has ever been documented to have issues with anger will be on a ban list. That part of gun control will be easily shoved through this time. Sadly the evil will always have access to guns. Government mandates will never be able to stop that. We will approve this move without realizing what the end result is going to be. Just like with our health care. Many champion the plan for now. They cannot see the wrong in it. Already friends are losing their jobs due to federal mandates in the field of health care. On one hand I sigh with sadness and on the other I look forward to the farther future when God is finally ready to reveal his Kingdom and show us all what paradise and peace are actually like! I know this is all kind of rambling from one subject to the other and even more so crazy as I am at a hotel with my children. I have written this off and on since 7 this morning. I have simply followed the thoughts on my heart. I wish you all a blessed day. I ask that any believers say prayers for those in pain. Pray for them to let go of their anger. Pray they come to know God. He is the healer of pain.

Remember, We are the Light of the World . . . those of us that are confident in our belief ... our purpose is to bring that to others. We were born to share the Glory of God with as many people as we can.

May your day be blessed. Today I urge you to perform a random act of kindness and keep it to yourself. It is more impressive to God when we don't brag on how awesome and generous we are to others. His opinion is the only one that counts in the end.

Wendy, Mom of Many