Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From Writing to Speaking, Come What May!

Good morning everyone! Today is wild wacky wonderful whimsical Wednesday. I am still under the weather but have decided my sickness is simply helping with the hunger side of things and preparing me for smaller portion control with ease. There is always a silver lining. Some are harder to spot than others but it is in training our eyes to look for them that they become easier to spy!

This last week was simply crazy. I don't know of another way to describe it. Thank the Lord literally that I know how to kick back and rest in Him. That is not to say that I just lay back and do nothing and magical things happen around me. No quite the opposite. I push forward every chance I have. I pray. I work. I listen for direction. I do a lot but when something gets in my way I don't let that become the end of the world. I look for the positive in the situation.

I am going to finally work off these last 40 pounds that are a burden to my frame and I finally braved getting in front of the camera and just speaking. I have no script for that just does not work for me. I have decided that is the way I will always have to speak in front of others. It may seem a little risky but I believe it allows for the Holy Spirit to step in and run the show. Again this does not mean that I'm like not thinking about what I might say. It just means its never going to be rehearsed! I do best 'in the moment'.

Recently I was invited to speak at an event hosted by Women Reaching Out, LLC. The topic was on a servants heart and I totally enjoyed my day.

I have this great friend named Brenda Taylor. She and I began meeting with each other as accountability partners in 2012. I truly love her to smithereens. Mainly because she loves me as I am and we are honest with each other. I saw that she was also going to be attending the event and we decided it would be fun to have an early lunch and catch up with each other. Due to life and the harsh winter, I had not seen Brenda in months.

We talked about how cool it was that I had actually published my first two books and I confided in her that I had nothing written down for my allotted 5 minutes on stage. I shared that having something prepared would feel too much like speech class and I was fearful I would freeze and not be able to talk. So Brenda being Brenda, cool, calm, and collected tells me to have no fear, just be myself.

When things were underway, Mrs. Elizabeth Utterback, the Founder of Women Reaching Out, LLC, was sharing with everyone about her recent google hangout and she called Brenda up and introduced her to the room. She explained that Brenda had been on the google hangout with her and then she turned to Brenda and said, "Brenda, share with these ladies what that experience was like for you."

Brenda turns all smiles and begins talking to everyone and then she stops and says, "Look at me, just talking away. How did that happen?"

I was grinning so big because she had led the way for me. She showed me just how to be myself and speak from the heart. I truly had no idea what I would say when I was called up front and since I was the first honoree guest speaker that day, I did not know until it was show time that they were going to read the biography I had submitted to the board members! When my introduction was over I was like oh wow now what do I say Lord? I gave myself a moment by saying to the room, "Well, that was my entire five minutes, thank you!" and I kind of nervously laughed.

Then I looked across the room and just started sharing a little bit more about myself. I began by saying, "It is true, I have just published my first two volumes in my life story. I am almost 45 years old and I have wanted to be an author since I was about this big." and I held my hand around my waist.

I know that I told them about sending a few copies out before they were officially published to take a reading sample. I know I told them about the response I had received and how I was finally living my dream; writing books that inspired hope in others. I talked a little bit about the evil one and how he lies to us and tells us we are not worthy. I ended by telling them, "You are all worthy!" and I sat down with a smile on my face.

When everything was over, I sold a few autographed copies of my books. I have a few personal moments from that day that I will never forget. One of them was when a lady came to my table as I was talking to another woman and signing her books. When we were alone, the second lady asked, "Are these fiction books?" I kind of chuckled and said, "No. They are my true life story."

She responded by saying, "Wow. I picked this one up and turned to a page I wasn't supposed to and I can't put it down. I am going to have to buy it."

I laughed and replied, "Sounds to me like you turned it to the right page!" and I asked for her name so I could autograph her book and thank her for her purchase.

Another one of my favorite personal moments was when I went to the back of the room to grab a mini sandwich and the girls serving told me how much my testimony had moved them. They said I'd make a great speaker at one of their meetings and asked to buy two of my books! I was not sure if they meant one of each book or two of the first but the Spirit moved me as it often does to give. So I went to my table and grabbed two of each book, I handed them the first volumes and I said, "You asked to buy two and I am going to gift you two. These go together."

As I walked away I realized I would really enjoy speaking at events. Who knew! Certainly not my 14 year old self!! If you have read my first book, you know how deep my fear of standing in front of others and speaking truly was!

This morning as I went to share the encouraging word from K-Love on Face Book, I noticed I had a new friend request and some new messages. One was from my new friend. She was simply thanking me for the story I had shared in my blog post regarding living before you die. Pretty darn cool this life of mine. Being blessed by those I have encouraged by simply sharing my heart and what the Spirit leads me to share. I truly never know what is going to come out of my fingertips or my mouth!

Speaking of encouraging words from K-Love, here is what they emailed me today:

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. ~ John 14:1, NLT
I am so thankful I sought out God again when I found myself at the end of my own strength. For in seeking I have discovered the Love that God held for me as a child has not changed one iota. Knowing all I have done and how far I strayed from the narrow path, I find this fact amazing. God's grace and mercy. It is available for all. Are you ready to come home yet?

Father, I come to you today with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. How wonderful it is to bask in the truth. Thank you for all the warriors who have led the way throughout time. Thank you for sending your only begotten son to save us. Thank you for calling me forth and helping me see all my dreams become a reality. My life is abundant in so many ways. I am blessed and I look forward to all that you cause me to do in any day. I love walking with the Spirit. Help me to get better and better at listening and following. Please help me be a bright light full of courage so that I may boldly share your glory with all I cross paths with. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Perfect Timing!

It's Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday! We all have a story. Many of us have a bunch of stories! I am blessed to be one of those people!

This morning was the first morning my school crew boarded the bus from our new place. Without knowing exactly when the bus would arrive, the morning was a little hectic. Once everyone was on the bus, I went inside to tell Mike and Jeffrey goodbye only to have little Jeffrey insist on coming to work with me so that he could do his ABC mouse school. He is so stinking cute and really VERY well mannered for a three year old so I caved.

Getting him dressed for the outside element was of course going to make me run a little late . . . or so I thought. Lately I have been hearing a lot about God's timing and how it's not always in line with our timing but we need to chill out because His timing is always perfect.

So, here I was finally behind the wheel and on my way. I literally only have a three minute drive to work now so that is pretty awesome. If you've been reading my blog this year, you know it was God that led me to move where I did. I still feel like pinching myself for I truly love where he placed me. Anyway, I realized something was wrong with my car almost as soon as we hit the road. At first I thought maybe I had a flat tire or was it my exhaust? You have no idea how my brain works . . . probably a good thing!

Anyway, I was thinking, 'Did I plug up the exhaust pipe with something by backing up my car into the plowed snow bank?' No. Something much simpler than that was wrong. As I stopped for the one red light I cross each day, I suddenly realized the funny feeling that I was feeling was me running out of gas! My gauge showed half a tank and it suddenly dawned on me that I had threatened to start keeping track of the mileage but had not stuck to that plan!

I thought prayed 'change light change' and it did. I pressed the gas, surged forward and then puttered to a stop right in the middle of the intersection! "NO!" I silently screamed. I put the car in park, said a silent prayer, "please God get me out of the middle of the road!" I cranked the car. It started! I pressed the accelerator and sped across the intersection at a whopping 8 miles an hour! A turtle would have beat me! Still, I managed to get across the road as kind citizens honked at me. I coasted to a complete stop 15 feet beyond the intersection and realized a truck was right behind me. I thought, "Do they know I just need up the road? It looks as if they are wanting to push me with their truck . . . or maybe that's just wishful thinking!"

Sure enough, a lady jumped out of the passenger side and it turned out to be my son's fiancee's mom and her dad! She asked if I wanted them to push me the rest of the way with their truck! I said, "Yes! Please!!"

The best part of being pushed into the driveway was Jeffrey. Boys!! He thought it was the coolest thing ever to be pushed down the road by another vehicle. Once safely in the drive, I jumped out, ran over to Sherry and thanked and hugged her.

Once I got into the office I was giggling to myself. In a flash I clearly saw that had I dashed out the door on time according to my own plans, I would have been early and would have ended up walking a block to work in the frigid cold with little Jeffrey at my side or more likely than not in my arms!

You just have to love God and how He always has you!

I hope this little testimony of mine has helped you with your own timing in life. I often say the best 'Chill Pill" is a silent prayer and then giving whatever it is that has you wound up to God. I pray you are able to rest in Him daily!

Those of you who have followed my blog this past year know that I became a mother at the age of 17. You also know I have been a work a holic, control freak much of my life. When I was in my early twenties I was always in a hurry. This was truly my theme song the year it came out. I hope it causes you to chuckle and slow down a little so that you can better enjoy this thing we call life <3. Be blessed and be a blessing <3

The song is called: 'I'm in a hurry to get things done' by Alabama

Father, today I come to you with joy in my heart. I love knowing that you have all my needs met before I even know I'm going to need something! You never cease to amaze me. I feel like a simple child when it comes to the ways of the wise. Please teach me to be more trusting, more loving, more wonderful, more wise! I pray that you help my fellow brother's and sister's in Christ with all of that as well! Again, thank you thank you thank you for always having my back! I love your ways! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy Glidden, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Savior Lives, My Savior Loves, My Savior's Always Been for Me!

Hello! I hope the day has found you with a smile on your face, a light in your eyes and a bounce in your step! If not, hopefully what I have been given to share today will change that! I was on my way to work this morning listening to K-love and as this song began to play, big as day, I had my alphabet picture blow up in front of my eyes enlarging the next verse I needed to write on. If you have been following my blog you know that I have written on A - H to date. I have read what is under letter I a couple of times over the last few days and wondered when I would be inspired to blog on the verse. Today is that day. I am thrilled to introduce to you first the song that inspired the flash. It is "My Savior My God" by Aaron Shust.

And next, today's bible verse from my alphabet picture above my desk. It is taken from Psalms, Chapter 4, verse 8:

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety.

With the world being in the state it is in, I find much comfort in this verse.  A couple of years ago, when there was much talk about the end of the world as we know it, on a few occasions I found myself in a discussion group with several people.  They were discussing the best ways to ensure their food supply as well as safety should the worst come to pass. In the midst of all these great provisional ideas that were being shared, I would chime in with this: "All that sounds great should we be able to stay close to where we currently are. The likelihood of that being the case is not certain so I'm just going to pray that God throws me some manna from heaven. He's the only true protection I can count on." 

Throughout all the various conversations I have been a part of over the last two years, some have chuckled. Someone once stopped talking and stared at me as if I was speaking in another language. The best response in my mind was when I had a guy high five me and say, "I love that. That's what I'm talking about." He was a fan of Ron Paul. I have been a fan of Ron Paul since I first researched him during the 2008 presidential election. He has written several enlightening books on what goes on behind the curtain. If you are into politics he is hands down someone that should have caught your attention for he stands apart from the majority of representatives we are presented with as candidates especially when you take a deeper look at what he stands for. I find it absolutely hilarious that our news crews called him a kook among other unkind names when he was a Presidential Candidate during the 2008 election. However, once the election was over, they had him on as a knowledgeable source for questions regarding our economy! The irony of the situation did not escape me!

We turned off the TV in our household in April of 2008. Mike and I came to the certain belief that 96% of what came out of the TV had a negative tone to it. Not a good percentage to win 'front and center time' in any household, let alone mine. Today I have no idea how I ever had time to watch it. I know one thing for certain, I don't miss it. You would be amazed at how much your children don't know they 'need' when they are no longer being feed soundbites every day. I often refer to the TV now as white noise. I would encourage you to turn it off for one month and see for yourself if anything changes in your home. 

With all that being said, I end today's post with the acknowledgement of how freeing it is to KNOW 100% that God has this. I don't need to understand everything about God. I don't have to defend his existence. I simply am blessed to have testimonies to share with my brothers and sisters. I too know how dark some of the roads we walk down can be. I've walked many of them myself. I am so blessed to have sought God and His advice, for when you seek, you will always find. The more you seek, the more you find. The more you find the more you seek. Until one day you see things shrouded in Heavenly lights so bright it takes your breath away and leaves you in a state of awe. When you get here, you will experience such a freedom, you will finally understand rest! Brace yourself though for Satan does not want you to remain in that state of mind. He will come at you in ways you have yet to experience. Remember to lean on your Heavenly Father. He is faithful. He will always see you through. 

Today I pray countless begin to seek you Father. I pray they seek you daily. I pray they sing your praises morning, noon and night. I know how faithful you are. May they come to know this as well. How blessed I am to have felt so tangibly your love for me. I thank you for that. I am in awe of your love for me. How I am counted as righteous still baffles my mind. How loving and gracious you are! Thank you. I pray more of my sleeping brothers and sisters awaken and step into action. I pray they hear your voice and recognize the signs you send them. I pray I recognize the signs you flash before me. I pray for more signs! I thank you for past signs. How they caused me to lift my head. I pray for your protection when it comes to those the evil one and those unfortunate souls he has connived, deceived and lied to. As you promise the enemy is crushed under my feet, let me never fall victim to him. Protect my heart and my mind Father as only you can. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Your Will Verses God's Will . . . Listening to God Can Save Your Life!

Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday! 

Today I am thankful that Mike is alive. If I am to be honest, he is in a struggle over his will verses God's and I can only pray for him and love him through the struggle. Trust me when I say this is not always easy. Just yesterday morning I was carrying on to God. I came to Him with something like this:

Father, I come before you at my wits end where Mike is concerned again. I am trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, Father, but I am angered by his indifference. I love him with all my heart, but currently he is being detrimental to my heart. I come before you in desperation for relief. Give me more wisdom and strength. Help snuff my anger and hold my tongue when I feel as if Mike has purposely gone out of his way to hurt my feelings. Teach me to rest in you through all storms. Please reach out to him Father and soften his heart. Open His Eyes. Awaken him. I know you Love him. Help him to see the truth. Help me find peace in the chaos. Help me trust that you have this. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

So, Last night after work, I headed off the the YMCA with Travis, my 11 year old. Mike was supposed to meet up with us there after he finished his work. By the time I was done working out I had still not seen Mike. I went to go find Travis and when I went to the teen room I could see our car. I looked to see if Mike's motorcycle was out there and it was not. Eerily enough I heard a very calming voice say, "Mike wrecked his bike". My first reaction was "No way." my next thought was, "He doesn't have a phone." and then I was like heck even if he did have one my battery is dead. I chastised myself for allowing my phone to be down. It happens more than I care to admit. I'm not someone who checks my phone all day long. I often forget it in a rush out the door. I grew up before cell phones were around and I work all day answering the phone. It hurts my head to talk on my cell phone without a headset so I find it most inconvenient to be quite honest.  Regardless of all that, I pushed away the thought that Mike had wrecked.

I found Travis down by the entrance and asked if he was ready to go. He informed me he was starving and ready. We walked out the door, got in the car and had just pulled out of the YMCA when we saw Mike coming around the corner on his bike. I chided myself for being so foolish as to have the thought he had wrecked his bike. He was just being Mike. It was a nice day. He'd most likely taken a ride in the country. I came to a stop and Mike pulled up. "I wrecked. I flipped off my bike. I didn't have a phone. I'm hurt." He lifted his right arm and it was ugly to say the least. He informed me he had stopped by the house and a neighbor had cleaned him up a bit. He said, "I tried to call you but it went straight to voice mail. All I could think was I needed to get to you." I was surprised to see him wearing his helmet. The last 3 days he has chosen not to wear it so he could feel the wind in his hair! Just last week he rode it in sandals as well as without his helmet.  I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. I knew it was God that had protected him.

As I doctored Mike's arm, we began talking. I looked at him and said, "I'm so glad you had your helmet on today. You would have most likely been killed without it. It would not have been pretty to say the least."

He said, "I know. I fought with myself over wearing it 3 times." He told me he really didn't want to wear it. He confided that he went to his bike 3 times without it but kept feeling like he should have it on so he gave in to the pull on his heart and put it on. It was God's WILL that Mike wear his helmet yesterday. It was Mike's will that he not. I'm so thankful God speaks His desire more than once.

Today I pray we all begin to listen to that soft strong voice when we hear it. Even more so when we resist it.  Sometimes, Father, I think the buzz of the outside world is so loud I don't take the time to recognize your voice. I push it off as my imagination or I find it in conflict with what I want so I deny it. Help me sit still. I have heard before everything, pray. I must admit, I am not to this point in my life but it is where I want to be. Help me grow Father. I am beginning to recognize when I am off kilter. It is directly tied to how much I have or have not focused on you. Whether I have turned to you with my troubles or held onto them myself. Sometimes in my anger, I become so foolish. Fill me with your Love Lord. Fill me with Your Wisdom. I am determined to put you first every day! Help me turn to you immediately in crises, fear and doubt. I pray for more Grace and Wisdom and Strength. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013