Showing posts with label Laughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughter. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No Giggling Allowed!

Today is Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday. My tell all would be this:

I have an issue with the basket being passed at church. I do. I might not have ever found it as weird of an event today as I do had I not belonged to a church that did not pass the basket each Sunday or any Sunday for that matter. As a matter of fact I cannot find one reference to Jesus passing a basket when he taught the multitudes. I do believe in sharing the wealth as led by the Holy Spirit. I just have a problem with the pomp and circumstance of the basket ceremony during worship.

This past Sunday, I tried out another church here in Reno. I won't mention the name because I don't feel it is my place to badmouth a church by name, but I will say this; I will not be going back to this one nor will I personally recommend them. As Mike suggested after we left, I dusted off my sandals and that is that. I will however share my experience as that is what I do.

We arrived 30 minutes early and as we were sitting on a bench outside where others were mingling, we noticed a sign on one of the doors that said, "Sunday School" and there were children already in the room. We sent our children in and discovered that this particular room was for third graders only. The teacher's assistant was kind enough to point us in the right direction for our youngest and she personally offered to escort Delilah to her class.

When I knocked on the door of the preschoolers, I received a somewhat chilling welcome being slightly scolded for being so late. I explained to the woman that we did not realize that Sunday School took place prior to Sunday Service as a whole and she allowed Jeffrey to attend the last 20 minutes of class. He went in happily so I decided to ignore my own feelings at the moment.

When the students were let out, our doors were opened and the family as a whole was permitted to enter the church. It started out great. A prayer, a word of encouragement and a couple of songs. The first one was "Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord" and the children were up and grooving to the tune quite joyfully as was I. The next song was one I had not heard before. One of its lines said, "Holy Spirit please come." and me being me, I know that the Holy Spirit walked in with me because the Holy Spirit is in me so I changed the words to reflect that. I was enjoying myself and did not notice that the very lady that had informed me how late I was in delivering Jeffrey to her classroom was now glaring at me. I only discovered this when Mike shared it with me on our way back home.

After the songs, they gave a little word and called the ushers forward. Bear in mind, my children have never been present at the passing of the basket so this was new to them. When the usher arrived at our row, he promptly handed the basket to Michael whose face lit up at the sight of all the money. I could just see the wheels turning in his head and I quickly said one word out loud, "NO!" To which he looked at me and I motioned for him to give the plate like metal basket back to the usher. Sitting right behind Michael was a row that was void of any adults. Only six year old Delilah and her nine year old sister Marissa were occupying that row and yet the usher handed Delightful Delilah the plate full of money. In comparison to Michael's face, Delilah's lit up like the fourth of July. I quickly told her to give the plate back to the man to which Delilah began giggling nervously. As I was shaking my head at her mouthing for her to please stop, I was tapped on the shoulder by someone. When I turned to see who wanted me, I realized it was Jeffrey's teacher. She whispered, "Is this your first time in church?" to which I answered, "This is our first time here but not our first time to church."

She then looked at me and said, "Well, here we expect the children to sit still and be quiet."

Before I even knew I was going to do it, I stood up and said, "Everyone, it is time to go." She seemed genuinely surprised by my reaction and said in a rush, "Oh my God! You don't have to leave!" to which I replied, "Oh yes, yes I do!" and then I stated a little louder to my group, "Get up. We are leaving now!"

There is little question to when I am serious and when I mean move it and move it out of there my family did. I watched this busy body rush to another member in the church and begin gossiping. I felt sorry for her. How happy I am that I don't just 'show up' on Sunday. This lady showed no love in any interaction I had with her and this is the chilling thought; she is teaching the youngest children about God!

One day I pray that I can have my own church like the one that helped me grow spiritually by leaps and bounds without shoving a basket in my face week after week reminding me that it is my duty to donate to them for such teachings. I want my members to recognize the tug at their heart to give as they are directed to by the Holy Spirit. I don't ever want anyone to give out of guilt for that is not how we are meant to do things. I think many people are turned off by the basket and the guilt teachings that go along with the ceremony. Perhaps I am alone in this thinking but I somehow think I might not be. I am still searching for a home church and I will continue to search until I start my own!

This week I am beginning another college course. For the next five weeks I am taking a deep dive into understanding the Psalms and I am truly excited about it! This weeks discussion was on
Psalm 1: 1-3:

PSALM 1:1-3 (NASB)

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.

We were asked to share our thoughts regarding what we thought the psalmist was trying to say, as well as to how we thought the psalm applied to today's time. We were urged to think about something that might need clarified as well as asked if there was anything that stood out to us. This was my response to the reading:

To me the psalmist is sharing how blessed one is when they meditate on the Law of the Lord day and night, constantly feeding their mind with God's truth and wisdom. God's word is a VITAL part of our armor. I believe when a person constantly renews their minds with God's Word, they are able to see through the 'unwise counsel of the wicked'. This is why he who delights in the Lord and his law is strengthened and able to stand firmly like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit. 
The world is full of worldly things as well as worldly people. It is easy to get caught up in the glamour of it all and be pulled into the wake of sinners or to be lulled in by the scoffers of the world. This is why we are advised to put on the full armor of the Lord. Never once are we told it is going to be easy but we are reminded of the treasure we will gain in being devoted to giving God the best part of us each morning and going to Him throughout the day as well as never forgetting to close each day out with a final conversation. In doing so we will prosper because we will always know day by day and minute by minute who we are in Christ and our eyes will always be open to the schemes of the devil.
How does this apply to today? Today is no different than any day since the beginning. Satan is in this world. He wants to keep you out of a relationship with the Lord and he certainly does not want you to discover who you are in Christ. I walked with the Lord as a child but I knew nothing about reading His word. You could easily say I was without a vital part of my armor and I was easily swayed. We all need to study the Word of God; those of us in days gone by, those of us in the world today and those of us yet to come. 
Does something need clarified or refined? Maybe if the Psalmist had switched up the order of His Psalm beginning with He who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on His Word morning and night, will find himself strengthened and He will be able to stand firmly yielding the fruit of the Spirit despite being surrounded by the doubters and lost of the world. Through it all, he will prosper no matter what the world throws in his direction. 
The phrase that stands out to me is "But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night." This is due to a couple of reasons:
(1) We read in God's Word that the Lord delights in us so it only makes sense that we should delight in Him.
(2) Without beginning and ending your day with God's Word (The Law) one is left open to the fiery arrows that the evil one constantly launches.

Today I am thankful that I know who I am in Christ. I am thankful I know that the Holy Spirit is in me and I am thankful that my children think it is okay to giggle in God's house. Had they been laughing during prayer or when someone was talking, I could have understood this woman's reaction. However, they were giggling at each other and the fact that they had thought that they were being given money when that was not the case. I am thankful that I am confident in God's love and don't have to rely on 'playing church'. 

Father today I pray that you continue to teach me your truth. I pray I am successful enough in my studies to one day be an ordained minister. I pray that I always teach the truth and share the Love of God in all I do. In Jesus name I pray! Amen!

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many.

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From Writing to Speaking, Come What May!

Good morning everyone! Today is wild wacky wonderful whimsical Wednesday. I am still under the weather but have decided my sickness is simply helping with the hunger side of things and preparing me for smaller portion control with ease. There is always a silver lining. Some are harder to spot than others but it is in training our eyes to look for them that they become easier to spy!

This last week was simply crazy. I don't know of another way to describe it. Thank the Lord literally that I know how to kick back and rest in Him. That is not to say that I just lay back and do nothing and magical things happen around me. No quite the opposite. I push forward every chance I have. I pray. I work. I listen for direction. I do a lot but when something gets in my way I don't let that become the end of the world. I look for the positive in the situation.

I am going to finally work off these last 40 pounds that are a burden to my frame and I finally braved getting in front of the camera and just speaking. I have no script for that just does not work for me. I have decided that is the way I will always have to speak in front of others. It may seem a little risky but I believe it allows for the Holy Spirit to step in and run the show. Again this does not mean that I'm like not thinking about what I might say. It just means its never going to be rehearsed! I do best 'in the moment'.

Recently I was invited to speak at an event hosted by Women Reaching Out, LLC. The topic was on a servants heart and I totally enjoyed my day.

I have this great friend named Brenda Taylor. She and I began meeting with each other as accountability partners in 2012. I truly love her to smithereens. Mainly because she loves me as I am and we are honest with each other. I saw that she was also going to be attending the event and we decided it would be fun to have an early lunch and catch up with each other. Due to life and the harsh winter, I had not seen Brenda in months.

We talked about how cool it was that I had actually published my first two books and I confided in her that I had nothing written down for my allotted 5 minutes on stage. I shared that having something prepared would feel too much like speech class and I was fearful I would freeze and not be able to talk. So Brenda being Brenda, cool, calm, and collected tells me to have no fear, just be myself.

When things were underway, Mrs. Elizabeth Utterback, the Founder of Women Reaching Out, LLC, was sharing with everyone about her recent google hangout and she called Brenda up and introduced her to the room. She explained that Brenda had been on the google hangout with her and then she turned to Brenda and said, "Brenda, share with these ladies what that experience was like for you."

Brenda turns all smiles and begins talking to everyone and then she stops and says, "Look at me, just talking away. How did that happen?"

I was grinning so big because she had led the way for me. She showed me just how to be myself and speak from the heart. I truly had no idea what I would say when I was called up front and since I was the first honoree guest speaker that day, I did not know until it was show time that they were going to read the biography I had submitted to the board members! When my introduction was over I was like oh wow now what do I say Lord? I gave myself a moment by saying to the room, "Well, that was my entire five minutes, thank you!" and I kind of nervously laughed.

Then I looked across the room and just started sharing a little bit more about myself. I began by saying, "It is true, I have just published my first two volumes in my life story. I am almost 45 years old and I have wanted to be an author since I was about this big." and I held my hand around my waist.

I know that I told them about sending a few copies out before they were officially published to take a reading sample. I know I told them about the response I had received and how I was finally living my dream; writing books that inspired hope in others. I talked a little bit about the evil one and how he lies to us and tells us we are not worthy. I ended by telling them, "You are all worthy!" and I sat down with a smile on my face.

When everything was over, I sold a few autographed copies of my books. I have a few personal moments from that day that I will never forget. One of them was when a lady came to my table as I was talking to another woman and signing her books. When we were alone, the second lady asked, "Are these fiction books?" I kind of chuckled and said, "No. They are my true life story."

She responded by saying, "Wow. I picked this one up and turned to a page I wasn't supposed to and I can't put it down. I am going to have to buy it."

I laughed and replied, "Sounds to me like you turned it to the right page!" and I asked for her name so I could autograph her book and thank her for her purchase.

Another one of my favorite personal moments was when I went to the back of the room to grab a mini sandwich and the girls serving told me how much my testimony had moved them. They said I'd make a great speaker at one of their meetings and asked to buy two of my books! I was not sure if they meant one of each book or two of the first but the Spirit moved me as it often does to give. So I went to my table and grabbed two of each book, I handed them the first volumes and I said, "You asked to buy two and I am going to gift you two. These go together."

As I walked away I realized I would really enjoy speaking at events. Who knew! Certainly not my 14 year old self!! If you have read my first book, you know how deep my fear of standing in front of others and speaking truly was!

This morning as I went to share the encouraging word from K-Love on Face Book, I noticed I had a new friend request and some new messages. One was from my new friend. She was simply thanking me for the story I had shared in my blog post regarding living before you die. Pretty darn cool this life of mine. Being blessed by those I have encouraged by simply sharing my heart and what the Spirit leads me to share. I truly never know what is going to come out of my fingertips or my mouth!

Speaking of encouraging words from K-Love, here is what they emailed me today:

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. ~ John 14:1, NLT
I am so thankful I sought out God again when I found myself at the end of my own strength. For in seeking I have discovered the Love that God held for me as a child has not changed one iota. Knowing all I have done and how far I strayed from the narrow path, I find this fact amazing. God's grace and mercy. It is available for all. Are you ready to come home yet?

Father, I come to you today with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. How wonderful it is to bask in the truth. Thank you for all the warriors who have led the way throughout time. Thank you for sending your only begotten son to save us. Thank you for calling me forth and helping me see all my dreams become a reality. My life is abundant in so many ways. I am blessed and I look forward to all that you cause me to do in any day. I love walking with the Spirit. Help me to get better and better at listening and following. Please help me be a bright light full of courage so that I may boldly share your glory with all I cross paths with. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Have You Ever Been Perplexed?

Good Morning everyone! Today is Marvelously Magnificent Miraculous Monday! Can I get a whoop whoop! Many of you know I am in the midst of finishing my second book. I am still on course to have it listed on Amazon by this Friday! Last Friday by the time I had arrived at home, I quickly realized I was under a fierce attack from the evil one. He was hitting me hard and fast. I was being bombarded with so many arrows, I felt myself on the brink of a panic attack. After we had put the children to bed, I looked at Mike and said, "I need to start editing book two right now and just make sure I'm not crazy and it really isn't as awful as I am beginning to think it is."

He laughed and asked, "Why are you worried about it being awful, you are clever and your writing is great. Every time you sit down to share a blog post, I'll admit at first I dread it. Then as I listen to you read what you have written, I always find myself thinking wow. That's really good."

I smiled at him, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "I think I'll start by treating myself to a memory bar." and I went into the kitchen to grab one from my well hidden stash. There are only three squares to each bar and they are truly to die for. I took a bite and tossed the bar on my nightstand and Mike asked, "Where's mine?"

I bent down to grab my computer bag and to hide my face as I said, "You don't want a piece, they really aren't that good." I immediately snort laughed because I couldn't help myself. I was already massively enjoying my bite. Knowing the jig was up, I burst into full blown laughter. When I saw Mike's face, I began laughing even harder. By the time I finally got myself under control my anxiety was decreased significantly.

To get my computer out of my bag, I have to take my bible out first. When I did, I remembered an encouraging word I had shared the day before. I was telling Mike about it and I stopped long enough to read it to him. The scripture being quoted is out of 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 7 - 9:

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, NLT

When I put down my bible, I was chattering away about what I felt when I first read the verse. After that, I cracked open my lap top, found my file for my next book, 'You Are Worthy Too: Marriage, Motherhood and My Moral Meltdown', opened it up and began the process of editing it from beginning to end.

I was about half way down the third page when I read; Perplexed but wanting to graduate, I bit my tongue.

I actually gasped because to me there are no coincidences in life. Having written this paragraph long before I had read that encouraging word was like God saying outright that my book is good. I came close to tearing up and had to share the coolness of it all with Mike who was quickly falling asleep.

Over the course of the weekend, I managed to completely finish editing all 12 chapters. Tonight I will be adding all the front and back matter and then it is off to the publisher for final approval. Should I pass the test, this book will be out as planned on February 14, 2014.

Today, I have had everything that could go wrong go wrong. From computer crashes to crazy time wasting calls. On top of that I had things I had to accomplish to qualify for the 'Mom on the ball' and 'Wife who never lets husband down' award.

I am blessed to work with a lady named Joan. I have known her since I was 16 years old and she is a follower of Christ. I can't imagine what daily life would be like if I didn't get to work with her 4 out of my 5 work days. When my computer began making a fire alarm sound, I unplugged the keyboard having learned from a previous incident that was what the issue was and I began laughing about it all with Joan.

We decided this second book is really going to be something because life is getting crazy for me in every way possible. I prefer this type of trouble over a fiery arrow attack. Even knowing how to protect myself from those, it is amazing at how quickly it's all you can do to move yourself to take up your shield of faith and whip out your sword!

I truly am amazed that this January I knew I was going to get my first book completed. I accepted engagements in March based on me being a published Author before then. Talk about stepping out in Faith! I've seen that I will publish at least 5 books this year. It amazes me to think I really will and maybe even more than that! I know God will do whatever He needs to for me to accomplish what He intends me to accomplish. Often people hear all I do in a week and they ask me, "How on earth do you find the time to get so much done?"

Honestly if I didn't recognize God working in my life I would be clueless myself! I would encourage you to seek God and reach for the dreams he instilled in your heart. If you don't know what those are, go to Him and ask.

For those who do not already know, the books I am currently putting out are my true life story. Volume 1 takes you from my earliest memories to the end of my 16th year. It is called 'You Are Worthy Too: In the Beginning' the next book takes you from age 17 to 23. If sequels are something you look for, this will be a great read for you. I am pricing my ebooks at only $3.99.

I must end here as I am out of time to write!

For those that would like to either purchase or take a free sneak peak at the first book, click on the link:

This will take you to: You Are Worthy Too: In the Beginning

Father, today I come to you with thanks. Thank you for laughter, it truly helps. Thank you for great music with awesome lyrics that help me praise you and draw close. Thank you for the bible itself. Not a day goes by that I don't need to read it. You are so kind to give us so many signs that you have us. They become easier to see the closer one gets to you. I pray that I grow in wisdom. I pray I am a light for others. I pray all my dreams come true and I thank you for all your help. May all I do help reveal your glory. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Clear the Clutter

It's Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday. Tonight I am going to the send off for The women's Cross Roads Great Banquet # 46. How the memories come rushing back. I will forever be thankful for how I grew that weekend.  It cost me nothing to go yet it was priceless. Pardon the pun! With the event coming up this week and in knowing I was going to be attending the send off, my heart has been overflowing with elated emotion. There is nothing that can compare to knowing God LOVES you. There is nothing that can compare to understanding His Grace and Mercy. There is nothing that compares to laying it all at His feet, accepting Christ as your Savior and understanding forgiveness. When these things take place in your life, you truly do become a new creation!

On my way to work I heard a couple of awesome songs I had never heard before. I am including this one today for it is so fitting to how I feel, what I desire. It's by Addison Road and it's a newer song of hers I believe "My Story"

I truly desire to serve the Lord. I honestly long to help my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ lift their heads and understand there is nothing, NOTHING God doesn't already know about them. All He is waiting for is for you to come to Him. I was lost for so long myself. While I believed in God, I did not believe I was worthy of saving. The evil one had me fooled. Even with all the signs and wonders God had made visible in my life, I was blind in a way that was detrimental to my well being. I know that place so well. I lived there for years. I finally get to do what I always wanted to do. I get to help God's children, my brothers and sisters in Christ. By allowing Christ to work on me and through me I am able to be a light for others.

I have been praying for a way to raise money for my ministry that won't take money from others. Recently God helped me recall a funny idea he had given me in my twenties. I shared my idea with my 14 year old daughter and she laughed. While she says I embarrass her with my thoughts, actions and dance moves, I know she loves me just the way I am! Last night, God clicked it together for me. Today I am here asking if you would clear out the clutter and help a girl with her mission! I am asking for donations of all broken, useless, unwanted crayons you may have. I am also asking for any and all empty vitamin bottles. If you would kindly collect these items and send them to me I would greatly appreciate your much needed donation! Simply address your packages to: Wendy Glidden, PO Box 481, Westfield, IN 46074

I can hardly wait to unveil the items God gave me to create as gifts. I promise, I have a smile on my face and laughter bubbling inside of me as I envision the laughter, joy and hope they will deliver.  

I love the road I am set on. While I understand I live in a fallen world and chaos is bound to cross my road, I will not be driven from my purpose again. I am keeping my focus on Jesus and I know I will be just fine through all my future storms. I am Free. 

Father today I come before you with laughter in my heart. Oh how good you are to me. I am blessed beyond measure. Others may see my life as full of hardships, yet as I look back I see loads of laughter. I would not change my shoes with anyone. It is my prayer father that those who too have had a bumpy road and have been fooled into believing they are not worthy come to find Joy in you. I pray the evil one's connivery is counted as useless against my fellow brothers and sisters. Trials and Tribulations are a given. They stretch us, they prepare us, they strengthen us. Thank you for always holding me up through the storms I have lived through. It saddens me that so many are blind to just who you truly are and what Grace and Mercy truly mean. The world is so upside down Father. It must break your heart for I know it breaks mine. I pray your light shines through me. I pray it shines through others. I pray we begin to act like one body. I pray we discover our true purpose. I pray the blinders come off. I pray eyes are opened and ears begin to hear, understand and recognize the truth when it is spoken. I pray for broken hearts may they find you Father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2013