Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Upside Down

Yesterday I recommitted to several things that I had fallen out of the habit of doing. 1. Reading God's Word, 2. Blogging upon what I read and 3. Working out and getting back into shape. While, it appears that I have managed to do all of these things today, I did them in reverse order.

One might not think that this is a big deal, but I can tell you from how exhausted I feel right now that the order matters. I say this because I know God's word speaks of the same truth. He reminds us to seek Him first and everything else will fall into place.

Instead, I began my day watching what I ate, planning my meals out and walking then doing a few exercises. As the day proceeded, I had 'work' to perform. I have been blessed with not only spending the day with my own little guy, I now get to watch a friend's little boy. He and Zechariah have hit it off and it is like having twins in the house all over again. I must admit I love being able to earn a little side cash by hanging out with two funny little boys. The laughter goes on and on during the day. They even help me exercise by encouraging me to join in on their dancing and goofiness.

Once he leaves and heads home it is time for me to get dinner going and I am in school so I have a daily goal on how much progress I need to make, which brings me to my dilemma of putting my reading of God's word off until the end of the day. I did read Chapter 1 of Ephesians and the biggest take away from it in a nutshell is the importance of prayer. I will have to read it again tomorrow and I promise to blog on it in more depth because there are some major take away's regarding blessings and prayer as I mentioned, but God's word is not something I am willing to rush through or to short change. There is a lot of meat and it just cannot be taken in fully in a 10 minute rush read in order to beat the clock.

With that being said, I am happy with myself for sticking to my goals. As each day passes I will get better and more determined. Today I even began a video journal to track my progress. How I despise just how fat my face and body have become, I look forward to 30 days from now when I am certain to see a change. I am also excited about getting back into God's word. I know when I begin my day with him, I witness crazy stuff and that is really when the fun begins. It's almost midnight and I am exhausted. Tomorrow, I am going to reread Ephesians Chapter 1 before my second kiddo arrives and we'll see how tomorrow goes. Until then my friends, be blessed and be a blessing!

Father, thank you for always being faithful even when I find myself growing lazy. Help me be accountable in all the ways I am gearing for. Open up your word for me and grant me both wisdom and knowledge in your ways and understandings. I love you and I love how you provide for me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, mom of many, girl who walks with God.

(c) 2018 Wendy Glidden

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