Sunday, May 10, 2020

Steady Wins the Race!

If you have been reading my last few posts, you know that I was hit with an attack from the past and one could easily make the claim that it knocked the wind out of my sails. While not accomplishing all I had on my to do list each day, I did make progress each day.

Prior to this whole lock down, I had been going to the gym each day and at least twice a week I'd treat myself to a tan or a massage before leaving Planet Fitness.

Since lock down, I learned how bake homemade bread. Two types that I grew up with. Both mouth watering delicious. Bread is one major love of my life... and one could say it loves to stick with me . . . on my body that is. It seemed what took over three months to drop suddenly began to reappear.

I made a goal to get up a chart to work out and keep things going in the right direction but day after day, other things seemed to take precedence. Today all that changed. My workout station is finally in place. I have a dry erase board up to chart what I do each day. I have exercise examples up on the wall and today I did a full body workout and rode the stationary bike for 10 minutes. MAN it felt good! What a reward!

I share this to remind all my fellow mates out there that slow and steady will always win the race. It may not be in the time frame you had designed, but if you keep going, keep pushing forward, continue to write and rewrite daily goals as well as weekly goals, and holding yourself accountable, you will one day win each race you set forth to win. It may have taken me 5 weeks to get my home gym set up, but today I finished what I set out to accomplish.

Today I want to encourage you to forgive yourself for falling short of your daily goals. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to go for it and more. Don't let minor shortcomings grow into full blown failures. You only fail when you stop trying.

Don't forget that God gives us enough grace for each day and each day it is renewed. Allow yourself to bask in his love and seek his strength for it is in him that you truly can do all things.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13,NASB)

Father today I just come to you with thanks and joy. How great it is to know even when down that in you my hope never fades. In moments of darkness your words break through,reminding me of truths and promises that cause the grey skies to break and fade. Knowing you blesses me in so many ways. Thank you for loving me even when I was most unlovable. I just ask for more time to get into your word, more time for laughter and sharing how incredible you are and all that knowing you has done for me with those that need such hope. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many

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