Saturday, May 9, 2020

There Are NEVER Enough hours in My Day!

My slogan for the last few years has been "Do What You Can Do, When You Can Do It!". Heck, in all honesty I think it has been my slogan for most of my life, I just gave it a title when I began blogging.

Even with this as my motto, I find I rarely accomplish all I set out to on any given day. Take today for example. It is already well past 2 pm and I haven't even gotten to the grocery store. Now that is kind of a big deal in these days because if you don't get to the store early, they may very well be out of what you want. My issue is, I can't go to the store until I have a list and know that I am all set to slam the groceries away. This means first taking inventory of what I truly have on hand. When it comes to the fridge, I am certain to find containers that are in all practical purposes empty; kids! It also means I'll be cleaning the fridge out. I do it every week yet by week's end you'd think I never touched the thing; Life with 6 kids under the roof!

When it came to needing to write my list, I found my desk area in shambles. One or more of my children had destroyed my place of business...  more time lost. I discovered my printer was jammed. I lost 30 minutes trying to fix it. In the end if you can imagine, I unplugged it, flipped it over, and intended to just give it a couple of thumps. As I sit here sharing this, I feel bubbles of laughter beginning. You see, a couple of thumps became a full onslaught of bangs and full out beating this poor printer. I got so irritated at my lost time, then the dawning that I paid a whopping $32 for this device that was now driving me insane and the realization that I would need to go into another store wearing a mandatory mask to purchase a new one. More time lost, more money needing to be spent! Will it ever end I silently shout in my head. No and that's the reality. Chaos and craziness prevail at some point in almost every day. What I do need to do is remind myself of various truths: I am moving forward and making progress regardless of the bumps. There are always bumps; it is how one deals with the bumps that matters!

This week, I hit a bump that felt more like a wall. It had to do with childhood hangups about how I saw myself. It was brutal and you can read about it by clicking here. I am sad to admit I was down for the count the entire next day. I did move a piano and get my work out area set up, hung up a huge board so that all of us could follow a work out plan, but I did not blog, I failed at setting up an Instagram account. I did not get my homework for my challenge group completed. I allowed my emotions to get the best of me.

As I reflected upon all of this last night, I resolved to dive into the truth of Scripture which always gives me a boost of "Hell Yea!" PARDON the pun. But it reminds me of who I am. I find great encouragement within those pages. Funny enough, I discovered a friend of mine needed some of that very encouragement the next day. These were the words that ignited by desire to be the best me I could be all to the glory of God once again:

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) I read that and instantly was like, "That's right! I get knocked down but I get up again!" I know that the enemy wants to take me out of the race, I cannot allow that to happen. I must reach out to my solid life line; God. He is right there in the Bible waiting to cheer me on. To embolden me with reminders of his promises, his blessings, his strength to take me far beyond my wildest dreams. 

Today, even if there are not enough hours to get all you long to accomplish completed, you owe it to yourself to recharge. Soak in the Spirit, take on some love for who God created you to be. After all, according to him, you are Fearfully and Beautifully created; equipped for good works; don't let the enemy tell you otherwise! Be blessed my friends, get to KNOW the Father and cheer up ~ He's got this and therefore you do too! Just keep focused and continue running the good race.

Love and blessings,

Wendy, Mom of Many, girl who walks with God!

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