Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell-all Tuesday.
My testimony ~ I am a servant of the Most High God. As some say, I do believe in a "magic sky daddy".
We are all born with a measure of faith . . . creation alone speaks to a divine creator (God). Science has yet to disprove anything in the Bible and in all actuality, has backed up the Bible's claims in many ways. (man having the same elements in his design as the dirt; God stating he formed him from the earth, all of which was recorded LONG before mankind could have ever known such things
). . . While I don't claim to have all the answers when it comes to God and his ways, I can confirm that I have lived a life full of his presence. He has been consistent and faithful even when I have been awful and undeserving.

I agree religion can be ugly, so ugly, even Jesus pointed to the darkness and hard hearted of those who saw themselves as religious.
Christianity is the only "religion" that speaks to a message of grace and offers a relationship with God, a paved way to forgiveness and eternal life.
Any story can be told from various points of view, challenged and discussed. However, in order to partake in such conversations, one should actually understand and know the work with which they make such a stink about! How can you attack what you have never taken the time to truly search out on your own? I learn something new every time I pick up the Bible. It convicts me some days, blesses me always, encourages me and insists I step out of my comfort zone, love the unlovable, share my extra, and to understand that I am only here but a moment, but in each moment, I am not alone. It teaches me about free will. It educates me on the supernatural. It explains how I can be a better wife, mother, friend, servant, person . . . I will admit, many in this world twist its words, seek to make a mockery of it. Some misunderstand because while claiming to be Christian, don't actually follow Christ. Christ did not encourage hate, discrimination between sects, he taught us all about love and how to be the best friend one can possibly be.
God is a just God, and until you seek beyond finding a quick soundbite to fulfil your agenda against him, against the Bible with simple claims of contradiction, you have no chance of being enlightened by truth, for he is the way, the truth and the life. If you are against him, Satan will easily keep you blind and gleefully use you as a pawn in his game of thrones against the Saints. . . just saying.
Today I pray that eyes are opened, ears are unmuffled, and brains are drawn to seek and discover the truth. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Wendy, mother to many, girl who walks with God.
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