Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's a Good Morning!

Good Morning my sisters and brothers in Christ! I hope the day has found you smiling. On my way to work today, I was jamming to the radio. Mandisa's song "Good Morning!" immediately after Chris Tomlin singing "Whom Shall I Fear". Starting your day off with prayer, followed by singing does much good for one's outlook! I know one thing is for sure, it helps me smile and beam as I bask in the Glory of God. Talk about feeling toasty!

So on Tuesdays, I am responsible for providing a marketing tip in a Christian Marketing group I belong to. Today, this was my tip on Facebook:

Good morning everyone! My tip on this Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday is BE TRUE to Yourself! When it comes to marketing you will enjoy it more if you remain true to yourself. What does that mean you may ask? Well, everything. To begin you must take an account of your personal inventory. What kind of person are you? What are your strong points? Where does your weakness lie?

If you are a morning person, then use that time when you are most cheerful to complete your creative work like your marketing campaigns. Is there a day in the week that always seems to be a more joyous, energetic day? Use that day to step out of your comfort zone and make new contacts. Positive energy is contagious! When you have an up day take advantage of that! If you are having a day when you are out of sorts, before you do another thing, get on your knees and give it to God.

Also, try as hard as we may, remember, alone you are human. Your best asset is your relationship with God. Just like we are advised in Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 

I will be blogging on verses 24 – 36 today as that is what was laid on my heart. Very exciting stuff! To check out my daily posts or to find the portal to my blog, simply click on my facebook page and like it when you stop by!

Have a blessed day everyone! 


So honestly, I know I have to provide a marketing tip on Tuesdays. Monday night I pray for insight on what to share with my group for I am not a professional marketer. I was surprised I was even picked to provide a tip on Tuesday. All the other tipsters help others in a professional sense! Me, I rely on God to help me. So this morning I knew my message was going to include seeking God. What I did not know was that God was going to show me so much more than that! Once I realized that Matthew 6:33 actually started out with the word But, I knew what time it was! To fully understand the importance of 6:33 we must start at verse 24! With that being said, straight out of my MacArthur Study Bible, 

verse 24: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

verse 25: For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

verse 26: Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

verse 27: And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

verse 28: And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin,

verse 29: yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.

verse 30: But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!

verse 31: Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?'

verse 32: For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

verse 33: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Verse 34: So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I love the entire message. I love the "You of little Faith!" I always hear it with such a Fatherly exasperated tone. It makes me laugh. I mean in all seriousness, all that goes on after we depart, all that has happened prior to our existence, we have nothing to do with how it transpires. How do we trick ourselves into thinking we have control over such things?

I have found stepping out in absolute Faith is EXTREMELY FREEING. I KNOW MY GOD HAS THIS! I don't have to do anything but be still and KNOW He is God. This is so much easier to accomplish when I am seeking Him. I renew my mind with His wisdom daily and it fills me with a joyous confidence words cannot define. 

I used to view the bible as something I could not grasp myself. I mean in all honesty how many people do you see hanging out on a park bench reading it? Sadly not many. The most read book in the world and we tuck it away and read it out of the sight of others! This must change! 

Today I resolve to be more bold about my relationship with God. He is my Father, my Teacher, my Friend. I love Him. I love singing His praises and reading His word. I love the nuggets of wisdom He has shared with us via those who were willing to listen and in turn share with us as directed. We are so blessed by His grace. It is a message that needs to be heard and understood. No matter where you are today. No matter what you think would keep you separated from your Heavenly Father, as He is Faithful, should you seek, you shall find and the more you seek, the more you will find. The bible has endless wisdom in it. What ever troubles you today, you will find comfort within these pages. Today I encourage you to seek Him with all your heart!

Father, today I come before you and ask that you shine your light into the dark recesses of the world. Radiate it for all to see and feel. I pray my testimony is received and encourages those who feel unworthy of your love. I pray what you give me to share helps them realize the indeed are worthy too. I pray they grasp the concept of Grace and recognize the beauty in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I pray countless lift their heads and look to you to heal their broken hearts and renew their minds. I pray those who are asleep, awaken and begin their journey back home to Faith, Hope and Love. In Jesus name I pray! Amen!!

Wendy, Mom of Many.

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Step It Up!

Wow! I can not believe it is already Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday. It really is still one of my favorite days. Just goes to show you the power of your mindset!

This week started out with a migraine from allowing the stress and venom of others to have it's evil effect on me. The best part of that day was when my headache faded as I chatted with my Heavenly Father. I couldn't help but crack a smile and say, "I just need more of you Lord. Soak me in your word. Let your Grace flow through me as my blood flows through my veins." When I bask in the comfort of God my whole outlook changes. Mountains disappear and become like vapor. Nothing is too big for God. How comforting that is. It fills my heart with joy. I know there is so much more to come. For those of you who have been reading my blog since last December, you know my travels have not been along the friendliest roads. My closet is full of uncomfortable shoes that were worn for miles. When God called to me and led me almost as if I was sleep walking to share about my life I was dumbfounded yet so enthralled with hearing him speak to me again that I had to obey. It was amazing to watch my life unfold onto paper. I have been shown things about myself and my past I never even saw while in the moment. I would encourage anyone who is in the midst of a trial and at a lack of Faith to read my story. I am only to age 22 chronologically. There are a few undeniable God Sign chapters in the mix that happened after age 40. I have a lot more to share. In the mean time, I have a crazy busy life and as we all know, life can have a way of spinning out of control!

I was getting caught up in the whirl wind and recognized it. I called out to my life coach and said, "I think we need to have a meeting. I need to get a grasp on this. Refocus." Cathy Padgett is my life coach and I love her. I showed up and she started our meeting with a prayer. She informed me that she had been given a word for me and she didn't want it to hurt my feelings. I said, "Okay". She said, "When I prayed on our meeting I was encouraged to tell you to 'Step it Up'. She then asked, "Does that speak to you?" I smiled. Oh yea, it speaks to me. I am overwhelmed at work. But that is work. When I leave that office all of that needs to stay behind. The rest of the day is mine. I need to embrace it and get busy. What job is out there that isn't rough some days? I have worked plenty of them and they all have there pros and cons. I honestly love my job. Sure some of the customer service conversations get crazy and people can be vile and hateful but it's because of their own fear. I need to recognize this and fight back with love, grace and compassion. I need to remember, if you throw no coal on the fire, the fire will run out of fuel and die down. Knowing this and following through on it can be tough if I forget to turn it over to God. I'm human. It's easy to get caught up in the moment. To call ridiculous and hateful by name can instantly enlarge the fire. It's not always the words we use, it's how we use them. It's not my desire to be petty or hateful so I must remember to guard myself from that behavior. The only true way I know that works against such evil is getting into God's Word. Seriously. I'm not talking about going to church on Sunday and listening to a sermon. No. I mean, "Get INTO God's word." Get into it In multiple forms.

I put out a challenge last week and I'm putting it out there again this week. If you honestly long to 'Renew Your Mind', I encourage you to change what you pour into yourself for 30 days. Ways to do this:

  1. Make it a goal to read a devotional every day.
  2. Make it a goal to read and grasp Acts in one month. It's a big book out of the bible. Read a Chapter a day. It won't take you more than 30 minutes each day to do both 1 & 2!
  3. When it comes to the TV, turn it off. Yes. Turn it off. It's only 30 days. Some places in our country have been without electric for longer than that. TURN IT OFF! You will be amazed at what that alone will do for you.
  4. Next, find a Christian Radio Station in your area and turn on the radio. Absorb yourself in it. Listen to the words. Get excited. I love music. There are some awesome Christian bands out there today. Great rhythms and the lyrics, talk about renewing your mind. Uplifting your soul.

I dare you to give it a go. By stepping it up myself, I am devoting One hour and twelve minutes each day to my relationship with God and my life's purpose. I was encouraged to say The Lord's Prayer daily. If you too would like to add this into your daily routine, here it is:

The Lord's Prayer

'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed by Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
** This prayer is taken right out of my MacArthur Study Bible from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, Verses 9:13. 
**After Jesus told them to pray in this manner explaining to them that the Father knows what you need before you ask Him, Jesus went on to explain, 'if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.' (When I read that I also receive that this truth is what it is Not because God's mean. But because your own heart will be hardened. You have to forgive to be forgiven. It's the first step in understanding Grace. If you don't understand it, how can you ever receive it?)
God HAS been calling me out. I already knew He was asking me to step it up. With Cathy saying it out loud there is no denying it. I laugh because I recognize my inner child that was pouting. I see it and there is no denying. God knows me too well! I know with Him I CAN step it up. No more cry babying about time and the hardness of my day. He has so much to share and I long to be his humble servant. I long to be used by Him in all ways. I pray He fills me with wisdom and love. I pray I stay still long enough to let His thoughts pour over and out of me to all my brothers and sisters. There is so much pain and devastation in the world. I pray all who are without hope begin to hear their Father calling out to them. I pray the white noise quiets long enough in each life for them to hear the call to come back home. I thank you Father for speaking to me when I called out to You. As always You are faithful. I pray we get out of our own way and let you step in. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Mom of Many
© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tomorrow Could Just Be The Best Day of Your Life!

Good Morning World! Today is Wild Wacky Wonderful Weds. Wow!! I have so much to share . . . I need more time to myself . . . Spring has sprung at work and Glidden Fence Company Inc is so blessed this year for we have enough work to keep ourselves all hopping! Feels good after a long winter ♥ Weds are the day that inspired me in changing my mindset! You see, it's the day that I have no help. No lunch break. Some days it's all I can do to get a drink. It's an insane pace but I have made a game of it over the years.
Regardless when going at that pace you are bound to make an error, get yelled at, or have someone get angry with you. I have bawled my eyes out over a customer getting angry at me over something they consider life shattering. Usually it is not an actual life shattering problem, especially when you weigh the matter against the matters of the world, yet I cannot say that to them! 

Today, I pray we all give each other a little more encouragement and slack. I pray we go about our day smiling and being an encouragement to others. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. 

One of my favorite lines from Jesus is when He stepped forward and said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." I had that stenciled out and on my wall when I was a teenager! One day I will share other items I had up as well!

Anyway, Weds were the reason I wrote the blog "It Starts with Your Mindset" If you struggle with the days of the week and associate them in the slightest negative way, I encourage you to check out this blog. Following this formula has totally changed my outlook! 

Speaking of outlook, on my way to work this morning in the midst of singing praises and just smiling as I belted along with the radio. Chris Tomlin, I lift my hands was on . . . You should check it out on YouTube. I believe many of you will love the words. Next came a song about How much God loves us and I was reflecting on all I had been through over my mere 44 years and I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. Next I flashed on how down some of us are throughout our journey. I don't think there is a human being out there who hasn't had an awful day and wished they could go to bed and never get back up. That made me reflect on the sadness of so many ending their lives when they hit these lows and my heart ached. I thought to myself, "I have had days I too wished I could curl up and die but had I, I would have missed some of the Best days of my life!" Yesterday was admittedly the worst day of my life. This was the message I shared with the world:

A Sad Saturday

With that in mind, I would like you to recall the last "Best Day of Your Life" ANY time you hit the lowest of lows and remind yourself that this moment too shall pass. Please get on your knees and pray to Your Father in Heaven for peace, joy, and strength. He is always there waiting for your plea. Ask others to pray for you. Reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters. Please what ever you do don't play with ending your life. After all, Tomorrow could just be The Best Day of Your Life!

Today I pray for all who are dealing with depression. Father I too have been in this black hole. I thank you for showing me I could turn to you any day any time any where. I ask that you go to those who are in pain and darkness and flicker some light their way. Send a hand or foot of Jesus to them Father. I also pray that those of us who are firm in our faith become more bold in sharing your message of Grace and Glory. I pray Father that we step out of the shadows ourselves and regardless of fear that may attack us from the evil one that we push on, headstrong in the fight. I pray we begin to show each other the Grace you alot us Father. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.

****** In my heart, I believe my story was written to help many who are hurting in some way ~ if you are that person or you know a person, please visit this link "The Proof is in the Pudding!" and buy a copy for yourself or a friend!

Mom of many

© Revised 2014 Wendy Glidden © 2013 Wendy Glidden

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's All in the Soundbite!

Tonight while working out at the YMCA I was trying to piece together what my next blog was supposed to be on. I have had so much flash across my head today. So many topics. I was climbing on the Olyptical (I think that's what it is called.) The machine says I'm climbing but I feel like I am jogging without impact. I like it a lot! Anyway, I was on the machine and I was talking to God as I often do these days. All of a sudden I heard "Be Still and Know that I am God". I thought I KNOW you are God. Why do I keep hearing this verse? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Knowing that He is God means knowing when it is Him speaking to me. I need to listen closer. It dawned on me, I recognize the voice of the enemy quicker than I recognize the voice of God!

This realization came at me so hard and quick I actually laughed out loud. How funny God must think I am. Takes some of us a little longer to hear what is being said! There is a big difference in hearing and listening. So now that I was focusing on listening and knowing when God was trying to tell me something, I voiced to God, "You have flashed so many things to me today. What am I to focus on? What is my next assignment?" I then heard, "It's all in the soundbite."

As I often do I questioned. . . is this me thinking about one of my favorite catch phrases at Glidden Fence? I tell someone every day, "You know, It's all in the soundbite." and then I'll explain a little deeper what I mean. This is usually brought up when talking about Cedar.

Again, I heard, "It's all in the soundbite." and then I had soundbites from the past that I no longer 'buy into' flashed to me. God was showing me some of the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites that had been whispered across my own mind just a few short months ago. And I was like, "Oh! Wow!! Right. You want me to share this again."

Next I heard "The Top Ten Soundbites God Wants To Share With You" and I thought, "Is that to be the title?" and again clear as day I heard the title of this Blog, "It's all in the Soundbite" and I saw the top 10 list as a subtitle inside this blog.

Again I laughed out loud. You see all my life my big dream has been to work for God. If you have read my story you know as a child I thought it would be awesome if He made me into a well known author. I reasoned I could be wealthy enough to change the world and how people felt about life and themselves.

Today, I AM working for God. I am thrilled every time one of my blogs receives 100 page views or more in one day. I am positive at least one of those 100 strangers have read something that resonates within them. I am simply a tool for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in others. Glory be to God! All you need for this to begin is to be open to taking a look into the word of God for yourself! I am not going to give the Devil his due by quoting his soundbites. I will simply say if it is not good and it is not from Love then chances are pretty darn good what you are hearing are the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites. I promise you they are lies! Recognize this for Truth. If you find yourself doubting what I proclaim, I challenge you to take a look at God's Top Ten Soundbites for yourself. Don't just look up the scripture I quote, give each one a thorough glance. Read before and read after. Read as long as the words make sense. You see, God's Word will leap off the pages at you. Like a good book that you can't put down. To understand that and know it as Truth, you will need to first pick it up!

Here are this weeks Top Ten Soundbites from Our Heavenly Father.

1.  Be Still and KNOW that I am God *Found in the book of  Psalms, Chapter 46 verse 10 **  Seriously         cool Chapter. I would advise reading the whole thing it's short but Wow!

2. Little children guard yourselves from idols * Found in the Book of 1st John, Chapter 5 verse 21     ** Again wild chapter. Worth reading!!

3. Beloved do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. * Found in the Book of The 3rd Epistle of  John, Chapter 1 verse 11   ** Sounds like common sense doesn't it?!?

4. The Thief comes in the middle of the night to steal and to kill and to destroy, BUT I CAME so that you may have life and have it abundantly.  * Found in the Book of John Chapter 10 verse 10. ** If that doesn't give you cause to take notice at what God has to offer you, I honestly don't know what will!

5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding  * Found in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 verse 5 ** This was my scripture for last year. It really helped me.

6. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  * Found in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 2

7. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. * Found in the Book of Philippians Chapter 4, verse 8

8. Grace to you  and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  * Found in the Book 1st Corinthians, Chapter 1 verse 3

9. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you Free from the law of sin and of death.  * Found in the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse 2. ** Romans is an awesome Book!

10. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus. * Found in the book of Philippians Chapter 2 verse 5

I don't know about you but I personally think those are some fabulous soundbites. Worthy of one's attention. I am 100% positive no harm will come to you should you do a little reading on each one of these soundbites! What you gain from it is up to you!

Tonight my prayer is that more people who have never given God an honest chance will begin to open themselves up to the Word of God. I pray that more and more and more people looking for an answer to their purpose turn to the one book that has been around longer than all of the self help books ever published. If you are looking for "the key" tonight I pray you find yourself a study bible and invest a little time in learning what God has to say about life here on earth and how to survive the death trap. Today I pray for the seeds of Hope, may they land on fertile ground. I thank you Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I thank you for allowing me to be a tool in your hands. I thank you for allowing me to witness your never ending love for others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday

Sometimes I catch myself laughing so hard when it comes to the way that God works. Yesterday I was sharing this letter about the evil one and how he gets us busy being busy with everything but God's purpose for us. In the midst of that Jordan, a wonderful brother in Christ, had called to check on me to make sure I had managed to get my car back. I was at work and busy but wanted to tell him something. I quickly typed him a message. Then about an hour later I received an email from Bridget, the Leader of my Great Banquet. I wanted to share my news with her too. Since I was in a crunch on time as well as energy I simply went into my message from Jordan and pasted it over to her . . .  I was so tired I then went about pasting what I thought was the letter about the evil one. This morning I checked my notifications on Facebook and saw another friend of mine had liked a comment I had made in a group room on Facebook that we are both in. I was confused at first as it was my message to both Jordan and Bridget. I busted out laughing wondering how many places Our Father had me share it. Who am I to object? So today my this is my testimonial tell-all! 

Jordan, I wanted to tell you that when I was in my prayer circle with our Shepherd I prayed for strength through the ridicule I was sure to face come Monday morning.

Sure enough I came in quietly because I wanted a moment to myself before I faced my earthly father, however you know how hilarious Our Heavenly Father is . . . I brought some of my books in with me . . . as soon as I walked away from my desk to check on the credit card machine I heard one hit the floor . . . I whipped around as the final 3 hit the floor right behind the first.

My father called out . . . "Who's in there banging stuff around?" 

I said, "It's me" and I walked back to his office to say good morning and give him a hug as I do every day. 

Two of our foremen were back there with him. In front of them he asked, "So how did your religious outing go?"

I said, "I didn't go on a religious outing." 

He looked confused and said, "I thought you went to a church event."

I said, "Well . . . kind of but not how you are thinking." He looked at me confused and I said, "Sheesh dad it's not like I went off to learn how to be a Pharisee . . . I just hung out with the hands and feet of Christ and learned about God's Love. That's cool right? You do think I deserve to feel the Love of God don't you?" As I said those last two sentences I walked around and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then I turned and walked back out to my office. The back room was completely silent for an entire minute.

Thought you might enjoy that. Thank you for checking on me . . . sorry my phone is off . . . the battery is dead. Haven't had much time other than for work and responding to letters I received that I am able to write back. I set yours and Chalices to the side as I wanted to put more thought into my responses . . . God already let me know what to say to Chalice . . .

I am ready to drop as I type this . . . funny to think I'm going to the Y after work to check it out and possibly work out a minute or two. I bought a family membership.
You and your wife have taught me so much in the last year and a half and I love you like family. I am praying on what to write back to you. I am humbled by your letter.


Jordan Dailey

Wendy there is no need for a response to my letter. Just knowing you enjoyed yourself is a huge blessing to me. I'm glad this weekend wasn't Pharisee training for you, but instead a time to draw closer to God. I'm glad you made it home ok. Much love and prayers headed your way. Love Ya

So, again it was God's strength and knowledge and words that helped me when I came face to face with what I knew would happen I just didn't know how it would come to pass. No since in playing anything out in my head. Pointless . . . I simply prayed for strength and I was given it and the perfect thing to say. 

Today I pray you find a fellowship of friends and begin your own journey getting to know Our Father.  I pray I am able to be a Fisher of people. I pray I walk as close to Jesus that my light shines bright enough for others to long to follow me and learn what I am up to! I pray for healing of hurts of the heart and the opening of eyes who have been blind to the Grace being offered to them. May I be a perfect representation of the Glory of God. I pray I never lose sight of my purpose. I am a servant of the Most High. I pray he finds Joy in Me.

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 Wendy L Glidden. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mas Christ Everyone! Glory be to God!

Mas Christ everyone! I say let's not let the world ruin the joy we get by giving . . . however if giving at this time of year is either stressful on your budget or your time I say to you: Nowhere in the Holy Bible does God tell us when to celebrate the birth of Christ . . . the Glory of what Jesus did for us happened through his Death and Resurrection . . . perhaps the best solution is to give as the Holy Spirit instructs you . . . all throughout the year. I think this will allow us to honor everything we love about the tradition of "Christmas" and at the same time appease the non-believers who relish in tormenting us with the truth of what the holiday has come to represent . . . insane greed.

** This morning I started out at 3:33 AM reading Romans! Thank you for loaning me your bible Jordan! God's message to me today was to help my brother! I was confused as to what that meant... but my brother means the world to me. He too has had a rough life. I barely see him even though we work together so I asked God, "How am I supposed to help him? What am I supposed to do for him?" All I saw in my head was the bible Jordan had loaned me so willingly I sat up and turned to Romans. Why Romans? Because it is written by Paul who was Saul and I learned last night thanks to Jordan that the Glory of God is only written about in Acts and Romans. You know I just had a rough time wrapping my head around that one. How could the Glory of God not be in every chapter. You may be surprised to know that until 18 months ago I had never really read anything out of the bible. So many people argue over what it says in a way I feared it. Funny enough because just yesterday I discovered that someone had stated I needed to pick up my bible and read it because I had posted I would pray for patience. She ripped me a good one . . . I saw that post . . . the one where she chastised me for praying for patience for this friend of ours asking for prayers. I ended up deleting my comment and crying. Someone had deleted her second post to me for fear it may hurt my feelings and begin some trouble. In a gist the deleted post said, "Sister Wendy, you need to pick up your bible so you know what to pray for!" My heart almost exploded in my chest at her words but I immediately felt sorry for her. You see, I have walked with God. I have heard him laugh like a father does with a child that tickles him with their simpleness. God told me all I needed to know about the world. Like most children you will see I rebelled with anger over the years . . . even with all of my junk he loves me. Wait until I write the chapter about how he let me know he had heard my prayers! That one will be fun!

Anyway, I decided I wanted a cup of coffee this morning but when I pulled into McDonald's the line was ridiculously long. Right then I realized I only had $1 . . . I needed $1.09. I thought to myself, "I'll just park and go inside I know a lot of the girls on the gas station side and I was sure one of them would let me borrow .09 from them if I promised to pay the penny fund back." As I approached where I was going to park I saw the back of a work truck that looked like my brother's and again I heard, "Help your brother" As I pulled up next to the truck on the other side of the pump I realized indeed it was my brother. He has been on medicine for too long. Recently due to a missed appointment and the health care insurance fiasco he had been off his meds for almost 6 months! There were signs that he was beginning to have some rumblings of anger. In my heart I think that is only natural to be overwhelmed with emotions when you've been locked in a dungeon for years upon years. In my heart if I could put a name on what it was that was killing my brother I would call it Jealousy! Anyway, I ran over to his window and tapped on it . . . he had not seen me pull up next to him. He rolled down the window and smiled at me. I said, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a dime on you would you?" He gave me a dollar. We chatted for a moment. I commented on something being human nature and he said, "You're my nature" I laughed and he said he'd see me at work. Just as he pulled off someone honked at me. Mike. I smiled at him and said, "Long line, I'm going in for coffee. I had to borrow money from Tommy so I can't pay for yours." He handed me two dollars and I ran in ordered our coffee. They said it would be like 3 minutes before the pot was done brewing so I went over to the Shell side and chatted with one of my favorite cashiers named Bev. She had a customer come up so I wished her well and left her to her work. Iwent back over to grab our coffee. They were just finishing it up. I grabbed both cups, gave Mike his and headed off to work. When I pulled in I saw my brother getting out of his truck. He walked around the front of the truck and smacked the hood. I yelled, "Hey! What are you angry about?" He snapped his son (his pride and joy) had lied to him and he stormed in the back door. I ran in the front door and flew to the back of the office. I grabbed him and pulled him back outside. No need for everyone to begin jumping to conclusions. I asked him, "Did we lie to our parents?" He paused sideways smiled at me and said, "Yea". I gently pryed while smiling at him, "So, what did he lie about?" in a gist it was a hurtful lie and my brother loves his son so much it breaks my heart to see him hurt so bad. I told him, "Tommy, you are NOT mad, you are hurt." We cried together and laughed too. I hugged him. I asked him if he ever read his bible? He said no. I told him about Ephesians and how you are warned to put on your spiritual armor. I told him about God waking me up and how I'd read 1/2 of Romans this morning. He laughed and said, "You read the bible and tell me about it." I laughed and said, "Deal" I asked him to do me a favor. I said, "Every time you feel yourself getting angry, I want you to put that thing that is causing you to feel that way to the side and reach for a memory that makes you laugh and continue to do that until you have calmed yourself." Then I told him about this story of mine and asked if he'd be willing to read it. He informed me my book would be the only book he'd ever read. I gave him the biggest hug and he hugged me back. I told him with a smile, "You know, us Irish Twins have to stick together!" That made him giggle again. In a gist, I listened to God. I didn't know how I was going to help my brother . . . God just needed me to be a willing servant and through me he reached out to my brother. Glory be to God!

That is all for now. I wondered why I'd not been given my next title and this I believe is why . . . I was meant to share with you all of this. I hope in some way it helps someone come a little closer to belief. May you all have a blessed day!

Wendy, Mom of Many.