Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is Your Purpose?

Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday What Whimsical Wonders Will you remind me of today? I could hardly believe it when I looked out my window and saw snow on the ground and the car! Seeing how it's not even November yet I would certainly count that as both wacky and wild however wonderful and snow don't go together in my book anymore. My children on the other hand were super excited about it all. Just goes to show you it is indeed the way you view things that affects your attitude toward outside circumstances!

Yesterday I went in for my monthly adjustment at Dr. Woods in Westfield. He is the chiropractor that God put in my path. I know this for sure for when I found him in all reality it was his office that had found me. It was around May of this year and while my back has been in major pain since my fall it was at this time that my feet were beginning to swell and swell bigger than they ever had. I knew it was pressure on my spine and I knew things were getting bad by the size of my feet but we were so busy at the office there was simply no way I was going to have any time to look for a chiropractor I could afford. I went to bed both crying and praying for my pain ridden body. That week we received a call from Dr. Woods office offering a free assessment and adjustment in exchange for a can of food. Amazingly enough Dr. Woods is right in Westfield by the Kroger on SR 32 & Carey Road. A mere ten minute drive from my office! I set up an appointment with him that evening after work right before bible study and silently prayed that he would have the hands to help me. Up to that point I had been to several doctors and even massage therapy and at one point I saw a chiropractor for six months but never got better so I stopped going. So the two girls I drive to bible study with met me at Dr. Woods office as we were pushing time with my appointment. When Jean, one of the girls arrived she began telling me she wished I could see her Chiropractor for he was amazing. Right then Doctor Woods walked down the hallway. As it turns out, he was Jeans chiropractor. She was right, he has a gift. Without any equipment, he showed me what was going on with my spine and in an instant I knew I had found my doctor. You could see that the way I had fallen in November 3 years ago was exactly what had caused all this twisting and hip displacement. He put together a plan for getting me back in place and gave me my first adjustment. I was a mess. Jean said she could not believe how much I moved as he adjusted me on the table. Now a few months later with his help I was able to begin lifting my feet up off the floor and slowly my pain level decreased and my agility improved. I knew the only way it was going to get even better was for me to begin some type of physical therapy. I needed to drop some weight, lengthen my muscles again and get my body back. I am amazed as I look in the review mirror and fully see the pieces that God put into place for me. The people that he added to my life and I love how He works. Sure He could have healed me in a moment but this way has been a much more fulfilling process. I have met countless believers in Christ along my walk and my life has been enriched in so many ways.

Those of you who read my posts last week already know I had lost some serious inches and you also know that I do not step on a scale every day or even every week. I believe the scale can kill your momentum. But I do check my weight at the doctors office. So the last time I had stepped on the scale was in August and I tipped the scale at 241 pounds. Yes. It is true. Last night when I stepped on the scale I was hoping for a maximum of 220. I about fell over when the scale balanced itself at 211 pounds. I almost cried. I have not been this light which is still 50 pounds above my goal weight in six years! SIX YEARS!!! I know now that I can make it to my goal weight. I have the formula for success and I have a great team supporting me. I don't even care that the world knows how fat I was, it's not like you couldn't see I was extremely overweight by looking at my picture. If anyone seriously wants to know how I have shrunk or any element of my wellness journey, I would be thrilled to tell you what ever it is you want to know. Write me an email. Friend me on Facebook or like my Facebook fan page and send me a message. Here is the link to my fan page if you are on Facebook! I'm almost to 500 likes in my first year! Just know I am here if you need a friend or a partner to support and encourage you along the way. And that counts for not just health and weight loss, but mindset and faith and hope as well. Just saying. My purpose is to give others hope.

I too need hope and encouragement. We all do. I turn to God now for my daily inspiration. I get my first dose via Moody Radio and then a follow up with an encouraging word from K-Love in my email. I keep my study bible on me at all times and look up things often. Here is today's encouraging word form K-Love:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. ~ John 15:5, NLT

I love that. I mean it really does not get any more simple than that. Apart from Jesus we are not going to produce fruit. I don't care what else you manage to get done in this life, if you are not producing fruit you simply are not living an abundant life. There is a big difference in being successful in this world and producing fruit in this world. Not that the two can't go hand in hand, but sadly we often see successful people and they are producing no fruit. To me they are not truly successful for I know in my heart when they close the door and are alone, they are empty and void and most likely know they are missing something. Sadly because we have shoved God and Jesus to the back of the room and honestly right out of the entire picture, people aren't even aware that this is what they are missing. Their disconnect from their creator is the cause of their depression, worry, anxiety, fears and everything else that is not good. They are in need of prayers for sure. 

Father I come to you with joy in my heart. You are such an amazing creator. I love your ways. I love all you have done for me. I love how even when I have strayed you have remained faithful. I shake my head with absolute wonder as I look in the review mirror and see how you have always been there. I love how you are stretching and growing me in ways I didn't even know I needed. You are so wise in the way you work. I love everything about my life today. I love the relationship I have with you. Amazing how that changes everything. Just knowing that I am yours. I am forever thankful. Today I ask that you help those who are blind or lost or fumbling in the dark in search for what may cure their problems, their aching hearts, their fears. Lift them Father. Help them feel your presence. I pray they open their hearts and eyes and minds to you, your wisdom and your love Father. May more of us begin to wake up and get to work! In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Super Silly Sing Song Saturday! Are you Smiling?

K-Loves Encouraging word on Saturday 7/20/2013

Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.

~ Psalm 119:144, NLT 

Good afternoon everyone! I usually don't do much with my blog or my facebook groups on Saturday. I made a promise to my children that the weekends are for family not business. We do the needed mundane daily chores of course, but we focus mainly on God and enjoying our time together as during the week we don't get quality time. 

Many of you have seen various posts about Fantastically Fun-Filled Family Friday, but I have yet to title a blog titled Super Silly Sing Song Saturday! Today that changes! 

My 5 year old starts school this year and I was looking for her birth certificate when I ran across the school box. You know, that box that you put really rememberable things from your child's school years in. I had forgotten about the poem and creative writing folder I had created for Travis when he began the second grade a few years ago. It was the first time as a parent I had been assigned with homework when receiving my child's information packet for the next school year. 

In the sealed packet that Travis brought home was a letter from his  2nd grade teacher. Inside was a request for a decorated binder for creative writing. The instructions asked for us to create it in a way that would inspire our child with ideas they could write short stories about. 

It was my desire to have Travis remember all the fun things we did together as a family. It seemed back then he focused more on what he had not been able to do rather than reflect on the good times. This just made me try to get him to lighten up even more! When he used to get mad at me, I would sing this song to him:

Travis, it's a travesty.
Why are you so Mad At me?
I don't know what I did
You're just a little kid
Travis, it's a travesty.

Sometimes the song worked, other times it did not. The funniest Travis moment for me was when he was in kindergarten. He went in the morning and in the afternoon he ran calls with me. One day we ran home between school and my first estimate that afternoon only to discover Mike and the other children were not home and they had left the play room in shambles. I stopped short and exclaimed, "Travis! It's a travesty." He looked up at me as serious as a kid can and as he shook his head he said, "Oh no it's not!" He exclaimed, "It's a Marrisaty, a Marieity or a Michaelty but it is NOOOOOO travesty."  I laughed so hard I was on the floor in absolute stitches over it. You know what they say about "Out of the mouths of babes"!

When it came to this assignment, I thought long and hard about what might inspire Travis to find the silver lining in situations. I was drumming up ideas to help him find laughter in life. I wanted to provide him with a way to remember all the fun we had had that summer. I began with going through the pictures I had taken over the last year. Then, as I sometimes am, I was inspired to include a poem for him. Travis loves to build and create things and I thought if I gave him an idea of what he could do with pictures and words he might really enjoy learning how to express himself this way. 

So here I am 4 years later looking for Delilah's Birth certificate and I stumbled upon this: 

Reading, writing and arithmetic.
School is fun when you're not sick.
I won the award for going home first.
But being sick is the worst!

This summer I did a lot of stuff.
I still told my mom it was not enough!
I went camping and swimming and to the fair!
I had my mom shave off my hair!

I made a toolbox and rode a train!
I played outside in the rain!
I learned how to swim on my own!
Over the summer how I've grown!

I went down a water slide at Forest Pool
And jumped off the diving board ~ Very Cool
My grandma took me to the Zoo!
There was still so much I wanted to do!

I rode on a jet ski and got lost on the lake!
A map sure would have been wise to take!
Everywhere I went I would meet a new friend!
I wish that the summer was not at the end!

But the seasons they come and they go.
With each passing month I continue to grow.
With determination, I will learn something each day.
And with the spirit of childhood I will continue to play!

Good Luck in the 2nd Grade, Love Mom

There is a reason I renamed the weekends as well as the days of the week. I am sure I am not alone as the only parent who realizes being a parent is hard. You deal with little personalities and trust me many trials and tribulations over the years. I find focusing on Jesus not only helps me be a better person, it helps me be a better parent. It was in the process of me trying to renew my mind daily that I renamed the days of the week.

On Saturday I am reminded that singing praises helps my attitude when the house is falling apart. I try to remember to smile and remain calm through the chaos and to pray for help with what to say. I still find myself calling for order at times in a manner that is louder than I would care to admit, but I'm flesh. I'm human. The difference is I hear the holy spirit convicting me of my righteousness and I am reminded of who I am in Christ. I am sure I will be better at staying calm and getting order faster as well as softer over the next year. I know this will happen for daily I renew my mind with God's word. 

Today I encourage you to take the time to enjoy your family, your parents, your children, your friends and your loved ones. Live life abundantly. Enjoy the good times and be there for each other always. One of the best sounds in the world is laughter. 

Have a Super Silly Sing Song Saturday Everyone! On a side note here is the link to some children stories I wrote back when my oldest two were my only two!

If you find one you like, share it with others you think might enjoy them too. Have a blessed day everyone!

Father, today I pray that parents strive to pay attention to the wisdom you have shared through your word. I pray more parents share you with their children. I know helping my children build their relationship with you is the best gift I can provide them with. I pray I get better at parenting and encouraging. I am off to enjoy the day you have blessed me with. May the world take the time to smell the flowers, bask in your Love and learn more about You and Your promises so that they share the good news with their children as well as all they know. May we all enjoy more laughter.  In Jesus name I pray! Amen.

Wendy, Mom of many.

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's All in the Soundbite!

Tonight while working out at the YMCA I was trying to piece together what my next blog was supposed to be on. I have had so much flash across my head today. So many topics. I was climbing on the Olyptical (I think that's what it is called.) The machine says I'm climbing but I feel like I am jogging without impact. I like it a lot! Anyway, I was on the machine and I was talking to God as I often do these days. All of a sudden I heard "Be Still and Know that I am God". I thought I KNOW you are God. Why do I keep hearing this verse? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Knowing that He is God means knowing when it is Him speaking to me. I need to listen closer. It dawned on me, I recognize the voice of the enemy quicker than I recognize the voice of God!

This realization came at me so hard and quick I actually laughed out loud. How funny God must think I am. Takes some of us a little longer to hear what is being said! There is a big difference in hearing and listening. So now that I was focusing on listening and knowing when God was trying to tell me something, I voiced to God, "You have flashed so many things to me today. What am I to focus on? What is my next assignment?" I then heard, "It's all in the soundbite."

As I often do I questioned. . . is this me thinking about one of my favorite catch phrases at Glidden Fence? I tell someone every day, "You know, It's all in the soundbite." and then I'll explain a little deeper what I mean. This is usually brought up when talking about Cedar.

Again, I heard, "It's all in the soundbite." and then I had soundbites from the past that I no longer 'buy into' flashed to me. God was showing me some of the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites that had been whispered across my own mind just a few short months ago. And I was like, "Oh! Wow!! Right. You want me to share this again."

Next I heard "The Top Ten Soundbites God Wants To Share With You" and I thought, "Is that to be the title?" and again clear as day I heard the title of this Blog, "It's all in the Soundbite" and I saw the top 10 list as a subtitle inside this blog.

Again I laughed out loud. You see all my life my big dream has been to work for God. If you have read my story you know as a child I thought it would be awesome if He made me into a well known author. I reasoned I could be wealthy enough to change the world and how people felt about life and themselves.

Today, I AM working for God. I am thrilled every time one of my blogs receives 100 page views or more in one day. I am positive at least one of those 100 strangers have read something that resonates within them. I am simply a tool for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in others. Glory be to God! All you need for this to begin is to be open to taking a look into the word of God for yourself! I am not going to give the Devil his due by quoting his soundbites. I will simply say if it is not good and it is not from Love then chances are pretty darn good what you are hearing are the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites. I promise you they are lies! Recognize this for Truth. If you find yourself doubting what I proclaim, I challenge you to take a look at God's Top Ten Soundbites for yourself. Don't just look up the scripture I quote, give each one a thorough glance. Read before and read after. Read as long as the words make sense. You see, God's Word will leap off the pages at you. Like a good book that you can't put down. To understand that and know it as Truth, you will need to first pick it up!

Here are this weeks Top Ten Soundbites from Our Heavenly Father.

1.  Be Still and KNOW that I am God *Found in the book of  Psalms, Chapter 46 verse 10 **  Seriously         cool Chapter. I would advise reading the whole thing it's short but Wow!

2. Little children guard yourselves from idols * Found in the Book of 1st John, Chapter 5 verse 21     ** Again wild chapter. Worth reading!!

3. Beloved do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. * Found in the Book of The 3rd Epistle of  John, Chapter 1 verse 11   ** Sounds like common sense doesn't it?!?

4. The Thief comes in the middle of the night to steal and to kill and to destroy, BUT I CAME so that you may have life and have it abundantly.  * Found in the Book of John Chapter 10 verse 10. ** If that doesn't give you cause to take notice at what God has to offer you, I honestly don't know what will!

5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding  * Found in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 verse 5 ** This was my scripture for last year. It really helped me.

6. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  * Found in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 2

7. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. * Found in the Book of Philippians Chapter 4, verse 8

8. Grace to you  and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  * Found in the Book 1st Corinthians, Chapter 1 verse 3

9. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you Free from the law of sin and of death.  * Found in the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse 2. ** Romans is an awesome Book!

10. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus. * Found in the book of Philippians Chapter 2 verse 5

I don't know about you but I personally think those are some fabulous soundbites. Worthy of one's attention. I am 100% positive no harm will come to you should you do a little reading on each one of these soundbites! What you gain from it is up to you!

Tonight my prayer is that more people who have never given God an honest chance will begin to open themselves up to the Word of God. I pray that more and more and more people looking for an answer to their purpose turn to the one book that has been around longer than all of the self help books ever published. If you are looking for "the key" tonight I pray you find yourself a study bible and invest a little time in learning what God has to say about life here on earth and how to survive the death trap. Today I pray for the seeds of Hope, may they land on fertile ground. I thank you Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I thank you for allowing me to be a tool in your hands. I thank you for allowing me to witness your never ending love for others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many


Thursday, February 28, 2013

It Starts with Your Mindset!

I'm sure you have heard everything happens in God's perfect timing. Some days that is easier to swallow than others! We are so conditioned to want what we want and we want it right now that patience has gone right out the window for many of us!

Instantly I am reminded of the quote from Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". In other words, "Stop Fretting!" So much easier said than done!

My go to verse last year was Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

It may seem silly but it helped me stop the "whys" . . . it's not my place to question God.

So here I am again on Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday and it was put on my heart to share a trick that I began this year. The renaming of the days. Here is how I greet each one of them:

Good Morning Father, What do you have in store for me on this:

Simple Sincere Seeking Sunday
Marvelous Magnificent Miraculous Monday
Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday
Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday
Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday
Fantastically Fun Family Friday
Singsong Smiling Sensational Saturday

No longer do I find myself dreading any day of the week. I embrace each one of them. It keeps my mind focused on happy thoughts, praising thoughts, thankful thoughts. I hope it helps you with your focus as well.

Here is my Post around the world today: Today is "Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday" with that in mind I proclaim today I am thankful for the Grace of God. . . I am thankful for fellow believers who help encourage me. I am thankful for healthy children and abundant laughter. I was sharing a cup of coffee with a friend of mine and my grandma this morning and I mentioned a conversation about "days of despair" she said, "YOU? Little Miss Merry Sunshine have dark days?" which almost made me spit out my coffee . . . I am thankful today is not a day of despair. . . I am thankful that others see me as a bright light!!

Very recently I was challenged  with Three Questions:

1. What do I think about?
2. How do I use my money?
3. What do I do with my time?

I highly suggest you take the challenge yourself and put some deep thought into these 3 life changing provoking questions.

Today I pray for protection over all believers. May the evil one not penetrate our skin or afflict us in any way. I pray we are a beacon for others. I pray we show Love to all who come in our path including those that tend to ruffle our wings the most! Let's be colorful and bright ensuring that others recognize our beauty that stems from understanding who God is and who I am in Christ. May His Grace shine through our behavior. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 Wendy L Glidden. All Rights Reserved.