Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Saturday, August 30, 2014

You Can Lead a Horse to Water

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink! This well known fact is what got my mind whirling first thing this morning.  I was reflecting on my conversation with someone. He’s in a life battle. I see it clearly but by his refusal to believe that God is cheering him on, he has chosen his personal figure to currently be a pawn. Weirdly enough he is being used against himself. It pains me to witness this for I fully understand his pain. I guess that is the blessing in living through all I have. I can sympathize and empathize, but how do I take that emotion and get others to see the bigger picture without offending them?

There is an incredible life outside of any pain, worry, anguish, apathy or whatever negative emotion you yourself might be swimming in. I used to think that a selfish God would demand you put Him above all other things but I understand that in doing so, pain looses its grip. While you are still more than capable of feeling pain, you are suddenly able to step outside of it. This gives even greater understanding to the passage “Let the dead bury the dead”:

One day Jesus invited a man to follow Him and become His disciple—but the man refused. He said he would follow Jesus later, but first he wanted to go bury his father. Jesus responded, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matthew 8:22).

When you are caught up in the world and the undertow of emotions it places on you, you are in essence part of the living dead. While you are alive and perhaps surviving, you are not thriving. You are a slave to the world.
Many times an abused woman will stay in an abusive situation simply because while abusive and dangerous, it is familiar so she sees it as ironically safe in a way. She can’t get outside of her prison because she fears the unknown. God reaches out His hand and says ‘Trust me’ and when you do, when you step out in faith, your whole world will change.

This does not mean that you won’t face awful, tragic, heart breaking, insulting, and at times, overwhelming pain. Sometimes so great one would think it would take you out. But in putting God above all things, nothing here in this world has the power to take you out! God promises to turn all bad to good and I’m telling you I have lived through some serious bad. I think that is why God called me forth to reveal all the mess in my life. All the rotten things I have done. All the nightmares I have lived through. I was afraid of sharing my skeletons. I mean who in their right mind pulls back the curtain and says, “Hey look at this?”

It’s even crazier that I feel it necessary to call out every day inviting people to read what I have written. I am compelled to do so for I know who I was. Thanks to the wicked games the evil one plays and the allotment of tools and pawns he has at hand to use in this warfare we are all a part of, I was a lost child of God so full of confusion I couldn’t see myself as God sees me. We often give credit where credit is not due. We only need to look in the oldest history book on earth to see the evil one in action right at the start of things. Did he stop once he got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden? No, he went after their children and he hasn’t stopped since.

Many people misunderstand how the evil one sets things in motion. I think we are prepared for some big scene like in the movies where the devil is an obvious character, easily recognized. Oh! If it were only that simple! I was shocked the first time I realized I had a negative sound loop playing in the back of my mind. We all talk to ourselves negatively. This is a habit we must immediately begin to break. However, what the evil one softly whispers to us about ourselves is directly meant to keep us from our purpose!

It is important to discover and understand how the evil one works. When playing sports, don’t we study our competition? When coming against an opponent one on one, don’t you study their strong points in an attempt to discover their weakness? Satan has only one weakness and that is Christ. Christ was the victor when the two of them battled. Christ is the one you need to know in order to win the daily battle. EVERY day is a battle. Every day, no ifs ands or butts about it, EVERY DAY is going to be a battle. Here is a little poem I wrote the other day. In reading it perhaps your eyes will be opened slightly to the ways of Satan and just how shrewd he is as well as how you can defend yourself against him!

A seed planted often grows.
This truth the evil one knows.
A fiery arrow without the shield of faith will take hold.
“Don’t worry about tomorrow” in God’s word we are told.
We must put on our armor daily for the fight is real.
Don’t forget for one moment the thief came to steal.
He’s out to rob you of your joy and peace
For the evil one the fight does not cease
He’s been hard at work, his harvest is large
I’m waging in the war, I’m leading a charge
I’m part of the eternal brother and sisterhood
Reminding those listening of something good
A promise of freedom, and unending love
Support like none other from our Father above
Don’t be fooled, our Father is just
In this truth, you must trust
No matter what this world brings,
Turn to Him for all things.

You may think to yourself, “This girl is crazy. God doesn’t care about me. Look at all He’s allowed me to suffer through.”

I say, “God called me forth to share my story; the ugly and the good alike. In reading you will fully see that I am indeed someone who has walked in your shoes. While it is true today I am full of joy, I have faced my own share of problems as well as adversaries. In reading my story you will see that I went against God’s wishes for me, even believing I could outsmart Him. I have blamed God for things, yelled at God for things and was even convinced He was out to get me a time or two. I have not had it easy to say the least!

All I want out of each day is to find one person who is calling out asking, “How can I have a better life?” If that’s you, it’s my belief that my story will help you. Regardless, I promise it is not a boring read. If you thought Shades of Gray was something, you owe it to yourself to read my 3 part true life series. The feed back from those that have read my books in order has been a blessing all in itself. My 3 book collection only costs $13.00 in electronic format and in print the set is only $25.00 I created a short audio clip of me reading the first portion of “In the Beginning” Click this link to listen now!

Father today I pray you enlighten me on how to successfully share my story with others. Let them see that I am just a girl who today shines like diamonds glittering in the sunlight due to your love and the relationship we have. Please help me be as shrewd as the snake and as gentle as the dove. Please help me share the message of grace and unending love. Let me be a light so bright there is not doubt just exactly what my purpose is all about. I was born to give you glory simply by sharing the truth about my story. Help me father cause a turn in this fight. In the city of darkness let me be the light! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

I close this post with the verse that got it all started:

For we live by believing and not by seeing ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT

It was in reading that that my mind was set on fire in regards to just how I could be used as a tool for those to find their faith. Sometimes I feel like I was allowed a cheat. I have witnessed unbelievable things. This allows me to understand that the unbelievable things we read in the Bible are actually believable. Today I ask you to read my story. You may find it unbelievable at times but I promise my chapters contain true life events. I also promise you that when you begin to truly seek the Lord, as he promises, He will answer. Just read my story. Everyone starts somewhere; my story is a great place for all who are curious about whether or not God is active today! What are you waiting for? I do have great news, today, you can get all 3 books in print for only$9.99. Not long after I published this, God showed me how to republish my 3 books into one big book! Simply click the icon on the side of this post to purchase your own copy of, "You are Worthy Too:the Proof is in the Posting!

Wendy Glidden, walks with God, mom of many  

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Do You KNOW Who You Are in Christ?

Today is totally terrific testimonial tell all Tuesday. Without going into great detail, yesterday was a day that the world tried to jerk the financial carpet out from under me. After the loss of the baby I was expecting to arrive next year, nothing else really compares to the emotions an event like that has on a person. As the bad news rolled in, I resolved to trust in God and keep my focus on the truth. I am a child of God. He is my provider. What the world takes away, He replaces. I refused to worry and took the advice I gave my readers. Even though I was staring at a bank account that was quickly dwindling with no idea where more was going to come from or when it would arrive, I went to the store and bought after school snacks for the children and 4 gallons of water so that I could continue to make myself both coffee and Sustain. All day long I talked to God, I thanked Him for always taking care of me. I put in some applications for employment, marketed my books and my blog. I asked my friends that believe in prayer to pray for me.  I asked all my friends to please view my new website as having steady traffic increases traffic from strangers. This month has been my biggest month concerning the money I earn from those who visit my website. You don't get paid by google until you reach $100 from those who let your youtube ads play without clicking them off or those who enter windows of interest off of your site. I'm only $53 and some change away from a paycheck lol.

This morning, I received a call from a company that was impressed with my resume and had my first phone interview. The man on the other end said he was impressed with me and I had made it to phase two. He told me the only way someone would have a leg up on me was if they had hazard waste experience. My next interview will take place either later today or tomorrow morning. He wasn't sure which. Still not bad for a days effort!

The best news I received this morning was in regards to the funds that I had been told I would not be receiving any longer. Turns out being kind and telling the truth pays off. I spoke to an official this morning who granted me my check for two more weeks. I could have easily stressed yesterday. I could have let my bad news of the morning ruin my entire day. I could have easily laid in bed crying about how unfair life is. If I didn't have the confidence that I have in who I am in Christ, most likely that is exactly what I would have done. When you discover who you are in Christ, you also discover a source of never ending strength that allows you to not only survive, it helps you thrive! In the words of Mandissa, "I'm an Overcomer!" If you missed yesterday's post, I hope you go to my website @ click on the tab for my blogs and check it out. While you are there, check out the sidelinks, if something is there that you were looking for, enter the site from my screen. In doing so, you help my ministry of inspiring hope in others.

If you are blessed enough to KNOW who You are in Christ, I pray you are a light in the darkness helping others discover the same about themselves. If you have no idea who you are in Christ, I encourage you to read my books and begin to build your faith in the Lord and the plan He has for you. Just go to my product page and you'll find links to get a free sneak peak into each one. They are available in both paperback and e-book. Until we meet again, be blessed and be a blessing!

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Are You a Pawn or a Knight? (Revamped10:18:22)?

When I first awoke this morning I found God and His will on my mind. The song that came to mind was "Good God Almighty" by David Crowder. I grabbed my phone and looked it up on you tube, for my heart was overflowing and it needed to worship. Next I opened up my phone and sought out what others in my followersof Christ group had to share and instantly, I was shown this picture that referenced Psalms 150 which just so happens to line up with my heart song. Next I opened up my email searching for an encouraging word for the day from a devotional:
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek him. ~ Hebrews 11:6 NIV
I read this and instantly grabbed my computer knowing the words were about to flow.
It was Abraham’s faith that allowed him to find favor with the Lord. It was David’s faith that the Lord would protect him that allowed him to show grace to Saul even as Saul was trying to kill David. It was by faith that Noah built an arc in dry land, where they had yet to see a single drop of rain!. It is by faith that you are saved through grace. Grace. It is a beautiful thing.
I think along with faith, one must have trust in the Lord. When we read another verse from God’s Word, we discover this:
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. ~ Proverbs 3:5 NIV
You see, we live in a fallen world. While so many of us are willing to consider the possibilities of vampires,  werewolves, zombies, along with other things that go bump in the night, the majority of us refuse to see the truth of our circumstance. We live daily in a world that is fighting a spiritual war. Whether we like it or not, all of us are participants in the war. Some of us are awake and see what is going on and we dress daily for the battle. Sadly because those of us that see are a minority compared to those of us that either don’t see and those that refuse to see, family and friends alike are being used against us.
Trust in the Lord is part of your armor. When you have trust in the Lord, you fight the world differently. In a way you rest through the battle compared to fighting the battle without the Lord on your side. You do work but it is work that is gratifying verses the type of fighting that leaves one exhausted and depleted. The work you do is prayer and giving things to God and NOT taking them back! Another part of your work is reading God’s Word daily so that you are prepared daily with words of both wisdom and grace. King David, known as a great warrior, dressed daily for the spiritual war he faced. He was a part of more than one monumental battle. Can you imagine having to serve a king who was out to kill you? Could you fathom having the opportunity to kill this foe, not once but twice, having found him literally delivered to you? King David had this happen in his lifetime and both times, he extended his enemy grace. He also spoke to his enemy telling him of all that had taken place while he slept. Saul saw that David loved the Lord and was not really  his enemy but sadly Saul was not dressing for the war he was fighting. He allowed his mind to be tormented with thoughts of jealousy and it was in all actuality the death of him.
David was not innocent of sin. None of us are. There is a story in the bible where King David wanted a women who belonged to another. He wanted her so desperately that he sent her husband off to war with the intention of getting him killed. King David paid a dear price for this sin. Rather than shout at the Lord angrily for his loss, King David owned up to his wrong doing and asked for forgiveness and again worshiped the Lord and stepped boldly back into the light for the darkness that was overtaking him was now overshadowed by God’s loving grace. Had David quickly grabbed his necessary armor when sin crouched at his door perhaps he might not have stumbled. I doubt it though for all of us stumble. We are human. Satan has been around tormenting souls for a long time. He even sought to tempt Jesus. He even tried to keep him from his purpose by weighing him down. Jesus though was without sin and dressed properly every moment of His life.  You are only fooling yourself if you think you are an exception when it comes to the ways of sin.
The evil one fights in various cruel ways. He sends negative thoughts to you and if you are not properly dressed, carrying your shield of faith at all times, you simply don’t possess the needed items to distinguish the fiery flames of self-doubt, jealousy, anger, bitterness, and worry just to name a few.  Even with being prepared the majority of the time, the evil one comes at you day and night. I wrote a blog that is featured on my home page about a time that the enemy was trying to convince me that I should stop writing for the Lord. He was mocking me and telling me that my writing was awful and that people saw me as a joke and even suggested that I destroy all I had written prior including my first published book. This took place as I was in the process of editing my sequel. Had I not been in the habit of beginning each day with a snippet of God’s word I would have been sucked under and who knows where I would be today. Instead, I knew I was under siege. An attack so forceful I told Mike, my significant other, what was taking and place and dashed to the kitchen to my special stash of brain empowering chocolate! The whole sequence of events just replayed in my head and admittedly I needed that dose of humor.
Today I could allow myself to be sucked under by negative thoughts. It would be easy in a way to lay in bed all day and bawl my eyes out over all that had taken place in the last 12 months. However that moment too has passed and today is a new day. I know with all my heart this very reason, the emotional heart throbbing, breath stealing pain that we all face at some point during our lifetime, is why we are also given the mandate to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul. If he is our stronghold, nothing in this world will have the power to ultimately destroy us. Combine that with these words of wisdom:
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~ Matthew 6:34 NIV, and you will always be able at stand firmly on your faith.
The evil one wants to pull us into tomorrow while he also jerks us into the past. The purpose of pulling us into tomorrow and next week and next year is so that our focus is ahead of us. This little trick of his increases our anxiety about the future. So much so that many of us seek to have it told to us. What on earth are we in a rush for? Enjoy this moment. You only live it once!  The reason he drags us into the past is to highlight our failures. This way he can fill us with self-doubt and self ridicule. That my friends is a vicious battle to fight without the right armor. If you were to read the bible you would understand that Jesus, both the son of God and the Son of Man, also battled against Satan while he resided on earth in the flesh. Interestingly enough do you know what Jesus used to defeat Satan? He used ALL of his armor EVERY DAY. He taught his disciples to dress for battle. There are incredible examples of solutions to all of life’s problems within God’s Word. People are always reading self help books and searching for the perfect recipe for success. If they spent half that energy on their relationship with the Lord they’d be much more joyous.  If we got real honest that is what we are all searching for; A life without worries of any kind so that we can live peacefully and enjoy life. That my friends is what happens when you discover the truth. I ask you this simple question, “Do you know who you are in Christ?”

When you read my story from the beginning you see fully the battle being waged. You see how not being dressed for war can affect your life and the abundant ways you live it. We live in a fallen world. We must recognize this fact and then arm ourselves the best we can. I’ve fought a lot of battles. I guarantee I have something in common with you. Come find the message in my books that is meant for you. For only $10 you can own my first three True Life books in paperback, and in electronic format, the 3 book set is only $3.99. A link to both of these formats runs on the right of this blog. If your device doesn't show them, click on this link for paperback purchase and this link for kindle version. See if my story speaks to you. If it does, support my ministry while helping yourself gain an advantage in this Spiritual War!
I am also currently in a major competition that comes with a brand prize that would help fund my ministry financially, it will provide me with an incredible marketing opportunity. Please consider taking 30 seconds to support me by casting a free vote via Facebook verification. Just click https:/
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Father, today I come to you singing your praises. How glorious it is to be your friend. While daily life deals me blows I am able to not only stand firm, I am also able to continue in my purpose for it is by your strength that I do all things. I thank you for my many blessings. I thank you for the bouts of laughter that help heal my heart. I thank you for sunny days and beautiful views. I thank you for those who sing your praises through music for their lyrics and words help me in so many ways. I love the way they strengthen me and help to renew my mind with words of wisdom and truth. Please help me find those who are so in need of your light. Put me in their path Father. Use me for what you created me for. Help me rock this thing! In Jesus name I pray.
If you’d like to know me a little better before subscribing to my blog, check out this video: Marriage, Motherhood & My Moral Meltdown
Wendy, Mom of Many, walks with God
© Wendy Glidden 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

How I Ended Up Going Back to College

Colorado Christian University

Required Writing Essay

Written by: Wendy Glidden

Writing Prompt: Describe an event or an experience in my life and how it will influence my work and goals at Colorado Christian University:

In April of this year, God began preparing me for something big again. My world as I knew it seemed to be crumbling around me. I knew God never closes one door without opening another.

In the last few years, I have come to know that my best defense against the world is prayer and lots of it! I begin each morning talking with God and seeking his input. This particular April morning was no different.

At this point in my life, the place I was living in had given me notice that I had to move due to the fact that we had one too many members in our family living there according to government standards. We had until April 29th to move out.

God had given me an RV just two years prior. We had decided to move into it and see where God pointed us to next. I knew when he gave it to me it meant I would be traveling, I just wasn’t sure exactly when the traveling would begin.

Along with my notice from the apartment complex, I had not been able to hire a sitter whom I could entrust my five children with during the summer. I truly felt God was preparing to take me away from the family business; I just had no idea how it was going to play out. That was what I was praying over this particular April morning.

As I conversed with God, I said something like this, “Father, I know you are getting ready to move me; in that I have no doubt. I just want to make sure that I follow your will and not mine. You know how blind I am; please make your will obvious so that I have complete faith in your direction. In Jesus’ name I pray.”

When I sat down in front of my computer that same morning, I found K-loves encouraging word and I clicked on it. Instead of opening up to the word of the day as it has for the last couple of years, I was introduced to a contest awarding a $10,000.00 scholarship to attend Colorado Christian University. I looked to the heavens and asked, “You want me to go back to school?”

I knew in an instant the answer was a resounding yes. You see, over the course of the last year I have been studying God’s word and praying for greater understanding. I wanted time to dive deep into the Bible but my life was hectic to say the least! When God began removing the hectic out of my life, I knew something was up. I know he has big plans for me. This is why he sent me back to school. It is my intention to receive no less than an A in all my classes. I am grateful for the gifts my Lord has given me and I am determined to show my appreciation.

Wendy Glidden, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Growing Your Faith

It is Fantastically Fun Filled Friends and Family Friday!! Can I get a whoop whoop?!? I recently finished reading my third book from beginning to end. It is the first time I have had the pleasure of doing that. I proofed and edited the chapters and still found errors I had missed in my first proof. It does not take away from the story and I found myself saying, "WOW!" as I finished the last page.

It is pretty cool when you find yourself captured and your faith growing as you read your own story. I guess its one way you know that you truly allowed God to write it.  I am in the process of notifying my publisher of the minor errors I found in print today and they should be taken care of quickly for the final print and any orders off Amazon over the weekend. I truly pray that word of this particular book gets out. I think by reading all three one's faith would surely grow by leaps and bounds and even the way you look at things will shift and all for the good. I am super excited to watch the words for my next book 'In the Midst of Spiritual Warfare' to fall on the paper. By encouraging others I have blessed myself 10 fold :D I truly get Paul's desire to encourage and share the good news. With that being said, here is a little something written by Paul. Taken out of Colossians, Chapter 1, beginning at verse 17:

17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation[g] under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.

Have you ever wondered if you are 'good enough' to get into heaven? Have you ever questioned how you could have an abundant life? If you answered yes to either question, I highly encourage you to check out my third book: You are Worthy Too: Angels, Answers, Signs and Wonders. I guarantee it will change your outlook. After you read it, share it. Should you love it, buy my other two books and keep your eyes open for my next book that will be out before summers end!

I like to share songs in many of my blogs but some of my readers cannot hear or watch them due to the device they are using at the time. Today I heard this song on my way to work, it is sung by Sara Groves and I think the title is 'The first song that I sing' ~ anyway, I love the melody as well as the message. These are the lyrics:

In the morning when I rise
Help me to prioritize
All the thoughts that fill my day

Before my schedule
Tells me that my day is full
Before I'm off and on my way

I want to praise you
I need to praise you
Let the first song that I sing
Be praises to my God and King

Before the curtains part
Before my day is starting
Before I make up the bed

Before the snooze alarm
Reminds me that it's morning
Before the dreams have left my head

I want to praise You
I need to praise You
Let the first song that I sing
Be praises to my God and King
(Praise the Lord, Praise Him)
(Praise the Lord, Praise)

Before my feet hit the floor, I'll praise you Lord, I'll praise you Lord
Before I fill my cup, I'll lift you up, I'll lift you up
Before I start my day, I'll sing Your praise, I'll sing Your praise
Before I start my car, before I get too far....

I want to praise You
I need to praise You, oh
Let the first song that I sing
Be praises to my God and King
(Praise the Lord, Praise Him)
The first song that I sing be praises..
Let the frst song that I sing be praises..
(Praise the Lord, Praise )
Let the first song that I sing
Be praises to my God and King

(First song that I sing)
Sing your praise to the Lord
(First song that i sing)
Come on everybody
(First song that I sing)

First song that I sing be praises..
(First song that I sing)
Come on everybody
First song that I sing be praises..
(First song that I sing)
Let the first song that I sing
Be praises to my God and King
(Stand up and sing come on, Hallelujah)
Let the first song that I sing be praises..
Come on everybody
(First song that I sing)

(Come on sing, sing, sing)
Before my feet hit the floor 
(Come on sing, sing, sing)
I am going to praise you Lord
(Come on sing, sing, sing)
First song that I sing
(First song that I sing)
(Come on sing...)
First song that I sing
(First song that I sing)
(Sing, sing, sing)
(Praise the Lord)
(First song that I sing)
(Come one sing, sing, sing)
(Praise the Lord)
(Praise the Lord)
(Come on sing..)
(Sing, sing, sing...)

Below for those who can listen and watch, here is her music video as well!

In the mean time, be blessed and be a blessing,

Wendy Glidden, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Don't Sell God Short

Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday: My tell all, even when the outlook is bad and you think it may be the end, often, if it not your scheduled moment of departure, Our God has one more move:

"Look!" Nebuchadnezzar shouted. "I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed! And the fourth looks like a god!"

Then Nebuchadnezzar came as close as he could to the door of the flaming furnace and shouted: "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!" So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stepped out of the fire. Then the high officers, officials, governors, and advisers crowded around them and saw that the fire had not touched them. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn't even smell of smoke!

Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! He sent his angel to rescue his servants who trusted in him. They defied the king's command and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore, I make this decree: If any people, whatever their race or nation or language, speak a word against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they will be torn limb from limb, and their houses will be turned into heaps of rubble. There is no other god who can rescue like this!"

Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to even higher positions in the province of Babylon. (Daniel 3:25-30)

This is our God! Don't undersell Him to yourself.  When is the last time you opened yourself up to an honest conversation with  Him? When is the last time you read His word for yourself?

Over the centuries, the evil one has come along and whispered to many that the bible is full of 'fairy tales' for things talked within its pages simply could not have taken place.

Why are we open to vampires and zombies but un-open to the miracles of God?

I assure you, we are surrounded by the living dead, they may even desire to hurt you. They need the light, yet run from it. Eyes and ears both closed off from the truth.

We must be shining examples so alive, they come to us seeking what we have.

Be blessed and Be a blessing <3

Wendy, Walks with God, Mom of Many

Friday, March 21, 2014

Mike Marketed and Sold My Book!

Mike came home last night with the news that he had sold one of my books to a co-worker. The way he told me was a little comical. I was on a Google hangout with some friends that I network with in a Christian Business Group on Face Book. They all heard him come in and Bill, the one who created the group, asked if he had heard Mike come in.

I smiled and said, “Yes. He just got home.”

Bill called out from my computer for Mike to step in front of the camera so he could see him. Mike and Bill had a couple of good laughs and then Mike headed for the shower. He fabricates during the day and comes home with black grime all over himself. As he headed into the bathroom, he called out over his shoulder that he had sold a book.

I was caught off guard and said out loud, “My book?” which made everyone laugh.

He replied with a smile, “Yes, your book.” And I beamed back at him curious as all get out as to exactly how that had gone down.

Bill quickly filled in his business partner about my blog and my books and then we all realized the time was quickly approaching the end of our meeting. We set our next hangout and said goodbye.

I find it a little comical that I was on the computer with Bill when Mike announced he had sold one of my books. Back when I was about 6 months into blogging, Bill had asked me how Mike felt about me blogging out my life. He was asking because I blog about my life which often includes Mike and me stories. At the time I had told Bill that Mike was good with my blog. At the time Bill inquired, Mike was. In a gist, Mike has felt just about every way a person could feel about something; from amused to irritated to impressed to angry to accepting but not happy about it, to accidentally enjoying them, and now to selling my books.

When I first began blogging, Mike and I were on a mini-separation. On December 1st, 2011, I had walked out and on December 6th, I created my blog title and URL and wrote my first two blog posts. I say I created it, but it was really God that led me.

By the time we got back together, I had already attended the Great Banquet and had written over 50 blogs and had over 16,000 page views! Now, I have written over 130 blogs and have had over 54,000 page views. It is crazy to think about it. I have been read in countries I did not even know existed until they showed up in my blogger report.

I have always been intrigued by numbers and there patterns. The bible has numbers in it. When I arrived at my Great Banquet, I discovered I was attending Banquet # 44. Ironically it was also the year I would turn 44 and I just so happened to have written my 44th blog post the day before I attended. The repeating number did not go unnoticed by me!

The Great Banquet changed my life. By the time I went I had gone through a year study on the book of Luke with Rusty tying Jesus to countless messianic miracles. So, when I went to the Great Banquet, I believed that Jesus was the son of God. I believed in the cross. My stumbling block was tied to my own guilt and lack of belief regarding my worthiness when it came to forgiveness. It is in my own understanding of how blind I still was before the Great Banquet that I am so committed to helping others realize the truth themselves.

If you have followed my blog, you know that I wanted Mike to attend his own Banquet. As it turns out the man he has sold my book to has offered to sponsor Mike. To attend the Great Banquet, you have to be sponsored. Mike has been approached by two people at our church in regards to being sponsored to attend the Great Banquet. Now he is working with a man who listens to Christian music all day long and is asking to sponsor him. This morning I said a prayer for Mike.

He is terrified to go. I believe it is because he knows I went in one person and came out another. Not to say I was a bad person or anything, it is just that I was still a prisoner of sorts. When you are a prisoner, joy alludes you. Fear can keep you frozen. When you are set free, nothing can stop you for you know the truth. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Father I come before you today and thank you for bringing fellow brothers and sisters into Mike to continually testify to him. Thank you for continuing to reach out to him and find other ways and people to offer to sponsor him for the Great Banquet. I pray he goes. I pray with your encouragement he conquers his fear and allows himself to draw closer to you than he thinks is possible. May he too long to share the good news. Thank you for marketing the book you called me to write through Mike. That was so cool for me. I also come asking for prayers for strength and perseverance. My week is not over and I am so tired today, I feel as if I have run a marathon and am at the last stretch. I pray for a second wind Father. Thank you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

PS ~ on my way in to work this morning I had the pleasure of hearing this song. 

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

Today is March 18, 2014. That would make it Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday! This is my tell all:  It was my belief that the third book God put on my heart to publish would be out before the end of this month. So many obstacles have occurred since the editing process for book two in February that I am not sure You Are Worthy Too: Angels, Answers, Signs & Wonders will be available before months end. I do know the evil one does not want this one to hit the shelves.

An element I had wondered how I would write is what I have written this morning. In each book, I include a Dear Reader letter. I feel it lets the reader know I truly have heart in the game. It is a more personal call out to them than the true life events I share. To me they are truly a very important element of my books if not the most important one.

With this book I was not sure what I was meant to say in my dear reader letter. I knew of one thing that needed to be a part of my letter, but how to take that and stretch it into a letter when it was simply a single truth, well that was an entirely different matter. That brings me to today:

This morning I knew God wanted me up early. Funny enough, a dream I had just prior was so real I was able to share a point of view with Mike because of it without him getting bitter or offensive.

When Mike woke me up at 5:15 AM to ask if I had seen his gloves, I went to look for them. I asked him where he last saw them and he insisted he had left them in his helmet and now they were gone! I wasn't angry at all that he'd woken me up because I already knew in my heart God wanted me up. In my sleepiness and honestly disobedience I was trying to deny what I felt to be the case.

When Mike decided we had looked everywhere that the children may have hidden his gloves, he apologized for getting me up so early. I confessed that God wanted me up anyway so he had done me a favor as I was being disobedient. I was pretty sure Mike had been used to force me to get up. He kind of laughed me off until he went to leave. When he went to put his helmet on his head, he found his gloves inside. He looked at me astonished and said, "God really did want you up."

Everything about this morning makes me smile. It is God that took away the pain that made me dread each morning. That in itself is a wonder. I still hurt a little ~ perhaps a gentle reminder of how life used to be.

I marvel at God and His ways. We all often complain about how God works and his timing, but do not see how weak willed we truly are. In all Honestly, God has been extremely patient with me. All awful moments in my life were never the end of the world. They were just awful moments. I also have many moments I treasure. Some of them, the ones I feel called to share in this volume God put on my heart to share, are within this book.

My next book coming out will be entitled 'In the Midst of Spiritual Warfare'. I thought it would be my second book but it has become my fourth. That just may be so that I am more prepared to write what God wants in it than I was prior to writing my second book and starting my third!

I have been under the craziest attacks since I began piecing this book together. In every way I have been under assault. It has been eye opening amazing to watch God come through for me in all aspects. Each time I have found myself no worse off and perhaps even a step ahead, just in another way, as I have continually walked faithfully in the Spirit come what may. I find myself instantly praying as I have felt myself pulled away from the fruit of the Spirit. I quickly call upon God to carry me through. Refusing to fret and worry as I am bombarded with fiery arrows by being on alert and picking up my sword. By recognizing the enemy at work and being dressed for battle, I go into the fight calling out, "My Lord help me."

I pray as you read this book what you walk away with is an unshakeable faith. A faith that anytime anything in your life begins to take place that your heart frets, you panic, any form of fear or distress weigh in upon you, you find yourself on your knees. You do not always have to be on your knees in a physical sense but that is your posture in a heartfelt sense. You will recognize that force of fear upon you deeply and you will pray in a way that you speak from your heart and He will answer.

If you have read my first two books you know I am NO 'angel'. Yet, when I was at the end, knowing on my own I was not going to make it, I called upon the Lord from my knees. I was desperate but seeking. I wanted help but did not realize quite yet that I was forgiven. It took me a bunch of reading and listening to have that light come on. In all honesty, it was three years down the road before I was able to believe and KNOW I was forgiven. As if I heard Jesus himself say that it was done.

I was at a weekend event called the Great Banquet. I see how God put me there right when I was meant to be there. I was asked to write down anything I felt kept me from the Lord and I wrote it all down. I said them all out loud. I knew in my heart I had repented for all of them. Until that day, I was still convinced that I was unworthy of forgiveness.

When I took that paper with me into the next room, there were 3 crosses on the ground. I went to the one in the middle, picked up my hammer and with three blasts drove that 16 right into that post nailing it all on the cross that Jesus was nailed to as a sacrifice for all sinners. As a carpenters daughter one thing I know is how to drive a nail. It was as if I broke every chain Satan had on me as I drove that nail deeper and deeper. With my final blow I knew I was free and belonged to Christ. I wear my ring and my cross to this day. They remind me of the vow I made; to spend the rest of my life sharing the good news.

We have a way out of this place many truthfully call hell. I get why so many refuse to believe that God is in Heaven cheering them on. I too believed I had fallen too far to ever be picked back up let alone though of. That is a lie! If you seek, you will find but you truly have to seek. You have to give God the best of you every day. You have to rely on Him when trouble hits. As you do these things you allow Him to show Himself to you. We are blind to the heavenly realm. It is beyond our understanding. It just is. I have been blessed to have seen both a person and my Winnebago shrouded in indescribable lights. As if surrounded in a ceiling of diamonds. I wish that mental image did due justice but it truthfully doesn't. More Beautiful than you can imagine. Those two stories as well as how God got me jogging, bending and jumping again as well as strong enough to pick up my littlest one are all shared in my next book.

I leave you with a smile on my face this morning for I have fretted about what I was going to put in my dear reader letter. It is, after all, a very important component of all my books. I want you to know I am truly interested in helping you find your unwavering faith. It is a vital part of your armor and in my opinion one of the coolest elements of your suit!

As you read my book you will see that I have had run ins with angels. As a word of caution, do not get caught up in the angels themselves. Remember that it is God that created them. Should you find yourself amazed or curious about them be more amazed and curious about their Maker. He is the one that sends the angels to you.

I pray this book finds you building your own relationship with the Lord. As a child I talked His ear off and asked many questions. It was when I mistrusted Him that I cut myself off. I truly was that teenager with the worst attitude toward my loving Father for a decade. Then for two more decades I was convinced I had to find a way to work my way to forgiveness and worthiness. I was so lost. The truth was hidden from me by my own misunderstanding and lack of effort. Don't repeat my behavior then, repeat my behavior now. For as boldly as I talked to God as a child, I talk to Him today. As much as I depended on Him then, I depend on Him now. He is my Lord and Savior and He loves me. Should I be weak, I call upon Him for strength. When I feel myself becoming who I was through anger or frustration, I quickly realize I am in the flesh, and I do not like how it feels at all. I give my situation to God and let it go. Often I walk away for a moment and quickly call out to God to help me with my tongue. I pray you get here too, because here is where life becomes amazing.

With that, I leave you with this final statement; Be blessed AND BE A BLESSING

Wendy, Walks with God,
Mom of Many

© WendyGlidden, You Are Worthy Too: Angels, Answers, Signs and Wonders 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are You a Doubter?

Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday! Yea, from 70 degrees yesterday to snow today! Now that would be wacky if you didn't live in Indiana! For us its something we have seen before. That is why Hoosiers are so hardy lol. We roll with the punches as well as any group!!
As I read todays encouraging word, I smiled thinking how wild this event, the resurrection of Jesus, must have been at the time. I know it sounds wild in the reading of it.
I love the bible and all of its crazy happenings and recounts. I have crazy stories myself so it is easy for me to believe that such things could have taken place!
I am so excited to get this next book out. I was so busy worrying about my front and back matter that I was paralyzed in place once again. Then the day before, as I was working out of all times, God gave me what I needed for my Dear Reader letter. Then one of my bonus chapters came together for me while working on the house. When you chat it up with God, He often speaks when you least expect it! Just another way you know it is Him. I love His ways.
Here is the encouraging word I was given courtesy of K-Love this morning:
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!" ~ John 20:27, NLT

Thomas is known as doubting Thomas. However the others would have most likely been the doubters had they not seen Jesus for themselves.
We are asked to have faith without sight but in all honesty as you draw closer to God your eyes begin to see things that have no explanation other than God had a hand in it. Often we call these miracles.
Faith is simply believing that God has you no matter what seems to be going on. It's in trusting that He will work out all things for your good. It can be scary at first until you personally witness events for yourself. Sometimes faith can be born from hearing a story from someone else and the seed of curiosity is planted and you begin seeking. This is all it takes. When you come to the Father, like in the story of the two sons, the Father is joyous and welcomes you home with open arms.
Keep seeking and He will continually show up in countless ways. Trust in Him, pray to Him, talk to Him, share your heart, your fears, your dreams. He loves to have a relationship with His children. All relationships take a little work. Building your relationship with your Heavenly Father will actually improve all of your relationships! Well worth the effort!
I have much to get finished today so that I can work on my next book. I consider myself very blessed to have so many stories to share with the world. We are meant to share our stories for it strengthens not only our faith but others as well. I love when Paul says in one of his letters that he looks forward to encouraging others when he sees them again but also looks forward to being encouraged by them. 
Satan is always on the prowl. He longs to destroy your Faith. When we come together and share our stories and encourage one another, we in a way protect ourselves from the enemy. This is always a good thing. While at times it may be scary to share your story and the truth of who you once were, we are actually encouraged to share for it is in the sharing of our testimony that others will be saved. 
Be blessed and Be a blessing!
Father I come to you today with joy in my heart. I am so grateful for my story. I pray it brings many to you. As you know I have always wanted to be a part in saving lives. While as a child I did not fully understand what, why or how, I love what you have done through me. I am so blessed by messages I receive from others. I could not imagine a better life. Thank you. I pray also for strength and time and peace and protection so that I may finally sit down and finish this third book you placed on my heart to write. I pray that it causes countless sleeping children to wake up and clear the sleep from their eyes. May the too hear the calling Father. May they become bold and willing to share their own stories. Use me to my fullest potential Father and thank you for giving me large signs as I pray for them. Thank you for loving me just as I am and thank you for all your many daily blessings. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Wendy Glidden, walks with God
Mom of Many
© Wendy Glidden 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From Writing to Speaking, Come What May!

Good morning everyone! Today is wild wacky wonderful whimsical Wednesday. I am still under the weather but have decided my sickness is simply helping with the hunger side of things and preparing me for smaller portion control with ease. There is always a silver lining. Some are harder to spot than others but it is in training our eyes to look for them that they become easier to spy!

This last week was simply crazy. I don't know of another way to describe it. Thank the Lord literally that I know how to kick back and rest in Him. That is not to say that I just lay back and do nothing and magical things happen around me. No quite the opposite. I push forward every chance I have. I pray. I work. I listen for direction. I do a lot but when something gets in my way I don't let that become the end of the world. I look for the positive in the situation.

I am going to finally work off these last 40 pounds that are a burden to my frame and I finally braved getting in front of the camera and just speaking. I have no script for that just does not work for me. I have decided that is the way I will always have to speak in front of others. It may seem a little risky but I believe it allows for the Holy Spirit to step in and run the show. Again this does not mean that I'm like not thinking about what I might say. It just means its never going to be rehearsed! I do best 'in the moment'.

Recently I was invited to speak at an event hosted by Women Reaching Out, LLC. The topic was on a servants heart and I totally enjoyed my day.

I have this great friend named Brenda Taylor. She and I began meeting with each other as accountability partners in 2012. I truly love her to smithereens. Mainly because she loves me as I am and we are honest with each other. I saw that she was also going to be attending the event and we decided it would be fun to have an early lunch and catch up with each other. Due to life and the harsh winter, I had not seen Brenda in months.

We talked about how cool it was that I had actually published my first two books and I confided in her that I had nothing written down for my allotted 5 minutes on stage. I shared that having something prepared would feel too much like speech class and I was fearful I would freeze and not be able to talk. So Brenda being Brenda, cool, calm, and collected tells me to have no fear, just be myself.

When things were underway, Mrs. Elizabeth Utterback, the Founder of Women Reaching Out, LLC, was sharing with everyone about her recent google hangout and she called Brenda up and introduced her to the room. She explained that Brenda had been on the google hangout with her and then she turned to Brenda and said, "Brenda, share with these ladies what that experience was like for you."

Brenda turns all smiles and begins talking to everyone and then she stops and says, "Look at me, just talking away. How did that happen?"

I was grinning so big because she had led the way for me. She showed me just how to be myself and speak from the heart. I truly had no idea what I would say when I was called up front and since I was the first honoree guest speaker that day, I did not know until it was show time that they were going to read the biography I had submitted to the board members! When my introduction was over I was like oh wow now what do I say Lord? I gave myself a moment by saying to the room, "Well, that was my entire five minutes, thank you!" and I kind of nervously laughed.

Then I looked across the room and just started sharing a little bit more about myself. I began by saying, "It is true, I have just published my first two volumes in my life story. I am almost 45 years old and I have wanted to be an author since I was about this big." and I held my hand around my waist.

I know that I told them about sending a few copies out before they were officially published to take a reading sample. I know I told them about the response I had received and how I was finally living my dream; writing books that inspired hope in others. I talked a little bit about the evil one and how he lies to us and tells us we are not worthy. I ended by telling them, "You are all worthy!" and I sat down with a smile on my face.

When everything was over, I sold a few autographed copies of my books. I have a few personal moments from that day that I will never forget. One of them was when a lady came to my table as I was talking to another woman and signing her books. When we were alone, the second lady asked, "Are these fiction books?" I kind of chuckled and said, "No. They are my true life story."

She responded by saying, "Wow. I picked this one up and turned to a page I wasn't supposed to and I can't put it down. I am going to have to buy it."

I laughed and replied, "Sounds to me like you turned it to the right page!" and I asked for her name so I could autograph her book and thank her for her purchase.

Another one of my favorite personal moments was when I went to the back of the room to grab a mini sandwich and the girls serving told me how much my testimony had moved them. They said I'd make a great speaker at one of their meetings and asked to buy two of my books! I was not sure if they meant one of each book or two of the first but the Spirit moved me as it often does to give. So I went to my table and grabbed two of each book, I handed them the first volumes and I said, "You asked to buy two and I am going to gift you two. These go together."

As I walked away I realized I would really enjoy speaking at events. Who knew! Certainly not my 14 year old self!! If you have read my first book, you know how deep my fear of standing in front of others and speaking truly was!

This morning as I went to share the encouraging word from K-Love on Face Book, I noticed I had a new friend request and some new messages. One was from my new friend. She was simply thanking me for the story I had shared in my blog post regarding living before you die. Pretty darn cool this life of mine. Being blessed by those I have encouraged by simply sharing my heart and what the Spirit leads me to share. I truly never know what is going to come out of my fingertips or my mouth!

Speaking of encouraging words from K-Love, here is what they emailed me today:

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. ~ John 14:1, NLT
I am so thankful I sought out God again when I found myself at the end of my own strength. For in seeking I have discovered the Love that God held for me as a child has not changed one iota. Knowing all I have done and how far I strayed from the narrow path, I find this fact amazing. God's grace and mercy. It is available for all. Are you ready to come home yet?

Father, I come to you today with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. How wonderful it is to bask in the truth. Thank you for all the warriors who have led the way throughout time. Thank you for sending your only begotten son to save us. Thank you for calling me forth and helping me see all my dreams become a reality. My life is abundant in so many ways. I am blessed and I look forward to all that you cause me to do in any day. I love walking with the Spirit. Help me to get better and better at listening and following. Please help me be a bright light full of courage so that I may boldly share your glory with all I cross paths with. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of many

© Wendy Glidden 2014