Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Step It Up!

Wow! I can not believe it is already Tremendously Thankful Thoughtful Thursday. It really is still one of my favorite days. Just goes to show you the power of your mindset!

This week started out with a migraine from allowing the stress and venom of others to have it's evil effect on me. The best part of that day was when my headache faded as I chatted with my Heavenly Father. I couldn't help but crack a smile and say, "I just need more of you Lord. Soak me in your word. Let your Grace flow through me as my blood flows through my veins." When I bask in the comfort of God my whole outlook changes. Mountains disappear and become like vapor. Nothing is too big for God. How comforting that is. It fills my heart with joy. I know there is so much more to come. For those of you who have been reading my blog since last December, you know my travels have not been along the friendliest roads. My closet is full of uncomfortable shoes that were worn for miles. When God called to me and led me almost as if I was sleep walking to share about my life I was dumbfounded yet so enthralled with hearing him speak to me again that I had to obey. It was amazing to watch my life unfold onto paper. I have been shown things about myself and my past I never even saw while in the moment. I would encourage anyone who is in the midst of a trial and at a lack of Faith to read my story. I am only to age 22 chronologically. There are a few undeniable God Sign chapters in the mix that happened after age 40. I have a lot more to share. In the mean time, I have a crazy busy life and as we all know, life can have a way of spinning out of control!

I was getting caught up in the whirl wind and recognized it. I called out to my life coach and said, "I think we need to have a meeting. I need to get a grasp on this. Refocus." Cathy Padgett is my life coach and I love her. I showed up and she started our meeting with a prayer. She informed me that she had been given a word for me and she didn't want it to hurt my feelings. I said, "Okay". She said, "When I prayed on our meeting I was encouraged to tell you to 'Step it Up'. She then asked, "Does that speak to you?" I smiled. Oh yea, it speaks to me. I am overwhelmed at work. But that is work. When I leave that office all of that needs to stay behind. The rest of the day is mine. I need to embrace it and get busy. What job is out there that isn't rough some days? I have worked plenty of them and they all have there pros and cons. I honestly love my job. Sure some of the customer service conversations get crazy and people can be vile and hateful but it's because of their own fear. I need to recognize this and fight back with love, grace and compassion. I need to remember, if you throw no coal on the fire, the fire will run out of fuel and die down. Knowing this and following through on it can be tough if I forget to turn it over to God. I'm human. It's easy to get caught up in the moment. To call ridiculous and hateful by name can instantly enlarge the fire. It's not always the words we use, it's how we use them. It's not my desire to be petty or hateful so I must remember to guard myself from that behavior. The only true way I know that works against such evil is getting into God's Word. Seriously. I'm not talking about going to church on Sunday and listening to a sermon. No. I mean, "Get INTO God's word." Get into it In multiple forms.

I put out a challenge last week and I'm putting it out there again this week. If you honestly long to 'Renew Your Mind', I encourage you to change what you pour into yourself for 30 days. Ways to do this:

  1. Make it a goal to read a devotional every day.
  2. Make it a goal to read and grasp Acts in one month. It's a big book out of the bible. Read a Chapter a day. It won't take you more than 30 minutes each day to do both 1 & 2!
  3. When it comes to the TV, turn it off. Yes. Turn it off. It's only 30 days. Some places in our country have been without electric for longer than that. TURN IT OFF! You will be amazed at what that alone will do for you.
  4. Next, find a Christian Radio Station in your area and turn on the radio. Absorb yourself in it. Listen to the words. Get excited. I love music. There are some awesome Christian bands out there today. Great rhythms and the lyrics, talk about renewing your mind. Uplifting your soul.

I dare you to give it a go. By stepping it up myself, I am devoting One hour and twelve minutes each day to my relationship with God and my life's purpose. I was encouraged to say The Lord's Prayer daily. If you too would like to add this into your daily routine, here it is:

The Lord's Prayer

'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed by Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
** This prayer is taken right out of my MacArthur Study Bible from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, Verses 9:13. 
**After Jesus told them to pray in this manner explaining to them that the Father knows what you need before you ask Him, Jesus went on to explain, 'if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.' (When I read that I also receive that this truth is what it is Not because God's mean. But because your own heart will be hardened. You have to forgive to be forgiven. It's the first step in understanding Grace. If you don't understand it, how can you ever receive it?)
God HAS been calling me out. I already knew He was asking me to step it up. With Cathy saying it out loud there is no denying it. I laugh because I recognize my inner child that was pouting. I see it and there is no denying. God knows me too well! I know with Him I CAN step it up. No more cry babying about time and the hardness of my day. He has so much to share and I long to be his humble servant. I long to be used by Him in all ways. I pray He fills me with wisdom and love. I pray I stay still long enough to let His thoughts pour over and out of me to all my brothers and sisters. There is so much pain and devastation in the world. I pray all who are without hope begin to hear their Father calling out to them. I pray the white noise quiets long enough in each life for them to hear the call to come back home. I thank you Father for speaking to me when I called out to You. As always You are faithful. I pray we get out of our own way and let you step in. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Mom of Many
© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm Just a Girl

Through out my lifetime friends have paid me compliments such as, "You are strong" or "I really admire your strength."   I laugh and tell them, "I'm not strong. I'm just a girl. I have had my fair share of  "in shambles" moments just like everyone else. I just know that my life has changed majorly several times in the snap of a finger. . . who's to say next time won't be awesome? I realize that quality I possess is 'Hope'. How blessed I am to have that within me.

More recently I have begun getting compliments about how brave I am. I am not brave at all. I just discovered the truth. It is so freeing. It is such good news it will cause you to weep with joy when you completely get it. It is so simple. It is the Lord of Air that tricks us into believing it is complex! He will come at you Every Day, in Every Way. His purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.  Remember if it is not of Love, then it is not of God. Recognize the Emotion and Call it for what it is. You Have Within you all you need to win this spiritual battle. You have been given all the outside tools that will best help you remain victorious day after day.

Today is Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday! Yippee! Today my tell all is this:

Happiness Comes. It Also Goes
It's Joy that FILLS you from Head to Toes.
If you want laughter through the mess
Renew your mind it will reduce the stress.

Today I offered a couple of dares / challenges on Facebook. This covers the Renew Your Mind Challenge. Leave me a comment if you are curious to also take the 35 point Dare Challenge . . . it's more about health & fitness. This one is for your mind. Trust me when I say all aspects of Wellness touch on each other. Work on one area and you will begin a flywheel like none other!

I am offering a 30 day Renew Your Mind Challenge.  

For one month I challenge you to turn off the TV. Listen to Moody radio at home and in the car and even at work if you are able. If a program comes on that you feel is not for you, change over to K-Love or another Christian station. I guarantee you will experience a mind change. The more you listen to Moody the better. I cannot begin to count how much I have learned from their various programs. How much I continue to learn. We are blessed to have the privilege to listen to such teachings.

I also challenge you to listen to the teaching on Hebrews that I am listening to. I have not figured out how to add things outside of YouTube to my blog. . . deep sigh . . . one day perhaps I will gain that insight. For now copy and paste this and it will take you there: From this link you will have awesome access to learning who you are in Christ and how this knowledge will totally change your life.

My final Challenge is to pick up your Bible and Read the Word of God for yourself. If that seems overwhelming at the moment, find a daily devotional you can read daily. Tons of them are available on line.

Anyone wanting to start this challenge, feel free to email me at with an I'm taking the 30 Day Renew Your Mind Challenge! You don't have to. It's just there for those of you who want to.

I leave you with one final thought: I am not brave, I simply fear no evil. My God is Bigger. There are a million songs I could post that I sing daily. Today I am sharing this one: Whom Shall I Fear?

Today I pray for all who have lost hope. Father, please meet them right where they are. I also come before you today asking you to watch over and protect all who are out sharing the good news. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2012-2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tomorrow Could Just Be The Best Day of Your Life!

Good Morning World! Today is Wild Wacky Wonderful Weds. Wow!! I have so much to share . . . I need more time to myself . . . Spring has sprung at work and Glidden Fence Company Inc is so blessed this year for we have enough work to keep ourselves all hopping! Feels good after a long winter ♥ Weds are the day that inspired me in changing my mindset! You see, it's the day that I have no help. No lunch break. Some days it's all I can do to get a drink. It's an insane pace but I have made a game of it over the years.
Regardless when going at that pace you are bound to make an error, get yelled at, or have someone get angry with you. I have bawled my eyes out over a customer getting angry at me over something they consider life shattering. Usually it is not an actual life shattering problem, especially when you weigh the matter against the matters of the world, yet I cannot say that to them! 

Today, I pray we all give each other a little more encouragement and slack. I pray we go about our day smiling and being an encouragement to others. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. 

One of my favorite lines from Jesus is when He stepped forward and said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." I had that stenciled out and on my wall when I was a teenager! One day I will share other items I had up as well!

Anyway, Weds were the reason I wrote the blog "It Starts with Your Mindset" If you struggle with the days of the week and associate them in the slightest negative way, I encourage you to check out this blog. Following this formula has totally changed my outlook! 

Speaking of outlook, on my way to work this morning in the midst of singing praises and just smiling as I belted along with the radio. Chris Tomlin, I lift my hands was on . . . You should check it out on YouTube. I believe many of you will love the words. Next came a song about How much God loves us and I was reflecting on all I had been through over my mere 44 years and I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. Next I flashed on how down some of us are throughout our journey. I don't think there is a human being out there who hasn't had an awful day and wished they could go to bed and never get back up. That made me reflect on the sadness of so many ending their lives when they hit these lows and my heart ached. I thought to myself, "I have had days I too wished I could curl up and die but had I, I would have missed some of the Best days of my life!" Yesterday was admittedly the worst day of my life. This was the message I shared with the world:

A Sad Saturday

With that in mind, I would like you to recall the last "Best Day of Your Life" ANY time you hit the lowest of lows and remind yourself that this moment too shall pass. Please get on your knees and pray to Your Father in Heaven for peace, joy, and strength. He is always there waiting for your plea. Ask others to pray for you. Reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters. Please what ever you do don't play with ending your life. After all, Tomorrow could just be The Best Day of Your Life!

Today I pray for all who are dealing with depression. Father I too have been in this black hole. I thank you for showing me I could turn to you any day any time any where. I ask that you go to those who are in pain and darkness and flicker some light their way. Send a hand or foot of Jesus to them Father. I also pray that those of us who are firm in our faith become more bold in sharing your message of Grace and Glory. I pray Father that we step out of the shadows ourselves and regardless of fear that may attack us from the evil one that we push on, headstrong in the fight. I pray we begin to show each other the Grace you alot us Father. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.

****** In my heart, I believe my story was written to help many who are hurting in some way ~ if you are that person or you know a person, please visit this link "The Proof is in the Pudding!" and buy a copy for yourself or a friend!

Mom of many

© Revised 2014 Wendy Glidden © 2013 Wendy Glidden

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's All in the Soundbite!

Tonight while working out at the YMCA I was trying to piece together what my next blog was supposed to be on. I have had so much flash across my head today. So many topics. I was climbing on the Olyptical (I think that's what it is called.) The machine says I'm climbing but I feel like I am jogging without impact. I like it a lot! Anyway, I was on the machine and I was talking to God as I often do these days. All of a sudden I heard "Be Still and Know that I am God". I thought I KNOW you are God. Why do I keep hearing this verse? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Knowing that He is God means knowing when it is Him speaking to me. I need to listen closer. It dawned on me, I recognize the voice of the enemy quicker than I recognize the voice of God!

This realization came at me so hard and quick I actually laughed out loud. How funny God must think I am. Takes some of us a little longer to hear what is being said! There is a big difference in hearing and listening. So now that I was focusing on listening and knowing when God was trying to tell me something, I voiced to God, "You have flashed so many things to me today. What am I to focus on? What is my next assignment?" I then heard, "It's all in the soundbite."

As I often do I questioned. . . is this me thinking about one of my favorite catch phrases at Glidden Fence? I tell someone every day, "You know, It's all in the soundbite." and then I'll explain a little deeper what I mean. This is usually brought up when talking about Cedar.

Again, I heard, "It's all in the soundbite." and then I had soundbites from the past that I no longer 'buy into' flashed to me. God was showing me some of the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites that had been whispered across my own mind just a few short months ago. And I was like, "Oh! Wow!! Right. You want me to share this again."

Next I heard "The Top Ten Soundbites God Wants To Share With You" and I thought, "Is that to be the title?" and again clear as day I heard the title of this Blog, "It's all in the Soundbite" and I saw the top 10 list as a subtitle inside this blog.

Again I laughed out loud. You see all my life my big dream has been to work for God. If you have read my story you know as a child I thought it would be awesome if He made me into a well known author. I reasoned I could be wealthy enough to change the world and how people felt about life and themselves.

Today, I AM working for God. I am thrilled every time one of my blogs receives 100 page views or more in one day. I am positive at least one of those 100 strangers have read something that resonates within them. I am simply a tool for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in others. Glory be to God! All you need for this to begin is to be open to taking a look into the word of God for yourself! I am not going to give the Devil his due by quoting his soundbites. I will simply say if it is not good and it is not from Love then chances are pretty darn good what you are hearing are the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites. I promise you they are lies! Recognize this for Truth. If you find yourself doubting what I proclaim, I challenge you to take a look at God's Top Ten Soundbites for yourself. Don't just look up the scripture I quote, give each one a thorough glance. Read before and read after. Read as long as the words make sense. You see, God's Word will leap off the pages at you. Like a good book that you can't put down. To understand that and know it as Truth, you will need to first pick it up!

Here are this weeks Top Ten Soundbites from Our Heavenly Father.

1.  Be Still and KNOW that I am God *Found in the book of  Psalms, Chapter 46 verse 10 **  Seriously         cool Chapter. I would advise reading the whole thing it's short but Wow!

2. Little children guard yourselves from idols * Found in the Book of 1st John, Chapter 5 verse 21     ** Again wild chapter. Worth reading!!

3. Beloved do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. * Found in the Book of The 3rd Epistle of  John, Chapter 1 verse 11   ** Sounds like common sense doesn't it?!?

4. The Thief comes in the middle of the night to steal and to kill and to destroy, BUT I CAME so that you may have life and have it abundantly.  * Found in the Book of John Chapter 10 verse 10. ** If that doesn't give you cause to take notice at what God has to offer you, I honestly don't know what will!

5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding  * Found in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 verse 5 ** This was my scripture for last year. It really helped me.

6. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  * Found in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 2

7. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. * Found in the Book of Philippians Chapter 4, verse 8

8. Grace to you  and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  * Found in the Book 1st Corinthians, Chapter 1 verse 3

9. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you Free from the law of sin and of death.  * Found in the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse 2. ** Romans is an awesome Book!

10. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus. * Found in the book of Philippians Chapter 2 verse 5

I don't know about you but I personally think those are some fabulous soundbites. Worthy of one's attention. I am 100% positive no harm will come to you should you do a little reading on each one of these soundbites! What you gain from it is up to you!

Tonight my prayer is that more people who have never given God an honest chance will begin to open themselves up to the Word of God. I pray that more and more and more people looking for an answer to their purpose turn to the one book that has been around longer than all of the self help books ever published. If you are looking for "the key" tonight I pray you find yourself a study bible and invest a little time in learning what God has to say about life here on earth and how to survive the death trap. Today I pray for the seeds of Hope, may they land on fertile ground. I thank you Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I thank you for allowing me to be a tool in your hands. I thank you for allowing me to witness your never ending love for others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday! My update for March 12, 2013

Hello Internet World & Fellow Friends! It’s Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday! Yesterday I went to the YMCA . . . gotta be honest ~ the place overwhelms me. All the machines! I haven’t had to work a TV remote in 5 years let alone a machine that can throw me on the floor!  I found an open machine. I hopped on and luckily it was easy enough to get going. I slowly figured out how to increase the speed and change the slant. I will admit it takes a lot for me to walk. I seriously wanted to cry in four minutes. I always do if I have to walk at a steady pace for long. I am determined to figure out how to change this pain that attempts to rob me of my life. I’m pushing myself through “physical therapy”. I am taking it slow. I don’t need to win a marathon tomorrow. I just need to hit my first goal of walking 3 miles in 30 minutes. Last night I walked 1.3 miles in 30 minutes. I know. NOT impressive. However if you could fathom my pain level I think you might have cause to be amazed. 

Two years ago I was in so much pain I wept myself to sleep most nights . . . no crying . . . no sound . . . I hurt so bad my eyes overflowed and I would pray for a moment of sleep. It’s part of the reason I love Melaleuca so much. My wellness level improved. I was eating better snacks and drinking better drinks due to switching stores. Their Ibuprofen was off the charts rocking better than Advil and the ease level of my life improved vastly. Cleaning EVERYTHING from clothes to the kitchen to the bathroom to the entire house and even the cars became night and day different. I smiled the entire time! Honestly I still do. I’ll see something go in the laundry and I’ll think never in a million years will this come clean and wham it does. You know it rocks when Mike gets excited about how clean his work clothes come! Melaleuca was more than enough to give me hope. I loved them so much I told my close friends and family about them. They all decided to try some items themselves and I began earning another stream of income that I used for massages at this time in my life dressing myself was a chore. Everything I owned was purchased by its ease level. I owned no tennis shoes or any “tie” shoes at all. All my clothes had to be comfy or I might not be able to even get them on. It was through my massage therapist that I learned that my hips had no rotation. Funny to admit it but I did not know that until she pointed it out. My inflammation was so awful in my lower back she insisted I get a full set of ex-rays. She told me I needed to find a chiropractor that offered free ex-rays so she could be assured my tail bone was not broken. It was through my chiropractor that I learned why my head was in so much pain. Right after that I went to my first Melaleuca convention. I don’t know what I thought I was going to get there. College like classes was not what I was expecting but that’s what it was. I learned so much science that weekend I will be a customer for life just for their pharmacy aisle and their absolute dedication to enhancing lives.

I came back from convention pretty excited. I knew a lot more than I did when I left. I began using their vitamins and calcium and the headaches stopped. If I go without the calcium for 10 days they come back with such a force it is scary. I discovered that by accident last year. Trust me when I say I won’t be doing that again anytime soon! The experience gave me respect for their vitality line real freaking quick! When I tell others that you will notice a difference when you switch your brand, I am speaking from a source of Truth!

While the never ending headaches finally ended, my pain in my hips and back was not improving beyond where it had come. My hope of a pain free life was beginning to fade a little bit. One night I prayed asking what I needed to do to feel better. The next morning is when I awoke to the song by Carol King, “Beautiful”. I have thought about that advice almost every day since then. Seriously can you for one second imagine being in bed trying to hang onto those last few seconds of sweet slumber when suddenly an instrumental strikes up. It sounds really awesome but you are not ready for music yet. Once you put your feet on the floor pain rears its ugly head and the battle begins. I blogged on this event earlier. All the details of the song and how I came to realize it was not playing on the radio can be found in the blog titled “Give it to God and Let it Go”. This event happened in November of 2011. Then in February of 2012, I met Margie. She helps run a pain management clinic and she put me on a drink that was being shown to help people with pain. She gave me one bottle to try and told me if I thought it helped I should drink 2 bottles a month and then I could cut back my dosage to as little as one ounce a day. This juice provided me with my first “in color dream” I had had in almost 3 years. It helped me be able to sleep which is the only time your body truly goes to town on healing itself. I improved enough to attempt a yoga class for beginners. It was on my 5th week of class that my right hip rotated. I laugh when I tell the story now because I was fearful for a split second that my leg was popping out of place. I bumped myself up to a stronger juice thinking maybe the rest of my pain would go away but I noticed no further improvement. Next I quit drinking the juice completely to see if I noticed a back slide. I did not.

I am still full blown in my pursuit to get out of pain and I promise to share all and everything I discover on my journey to total wellness.

I am happy to report that the YMCA director returned my phone call and I am getting a full tour tonight along with a wellness assessment! I will keep you posted on how things go. Perhaps I should do a before photo and a monthly photo so that even I can see any improvement! I have been so busy today. I started this blog in the morning and then was away from it for the majority of the day. I am out of time so this is my post for the day!

Today I pray for all who are in pain. I so understand how life robbing pain is. I pray you find strength in your faith. I pray you start your own journey to wellness. I pray that you never give up hope in better days. In Jesus name I pray. Amen,

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013  Wendy L Glidden  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wild Wonderful Wacky Wednesday!

Good morning! I am trying to rewire my brain to associate each day of the week in a positive manner, hence the title! This month of February has been a rough one for me. I have barely blogged . . . I think this is my 3rd one this month. Yikes! So much for sticking with that blog once a day goal. Regardless I have learned to not let my daily failures keep me down for long. This morning I was praying on what to write on . . . so many things make wonderful topics but that's not how this works for me. I must be in tune with the Holy Spirit for the words to flow like water.

I have made it a habit to start out my morning hanging out with Our Heavenly Father. I know when I am in tune and when I am simply too caught up in worldly things to really hear what He has to share with me. I am my own worst enemy at times. I have surrounded myself with great friends who also believe. This is a wise thing to do for we were meant to encourage one another. One of my favorite things I read in the Bible ( so funny to say because I Love anything I read and "GET") regardless, I had a friend who was struggling with her walk and I was seeking what God wanted me to share with her and that is when I found it.

Romans, Chapter 1 verse 12: When we get together I want to encourage you in your faith,
 but I also want to be encouraged by yours."

Right there you see how important encouraging one another is. I know I have days of despair and worry and stress and chaos and it's so easy to get stuck there . . . in this self made whirl wind of hopelessness . . . when you find yourself there, pick up your Bible. At the very least reach out to a strong friend. There is no reason for you to fight alone. Sometimes we pray for things God has already given us . . . we are too blind to recognize that we already have it! Today make an actual inventory list of positives you have in your life. Be detailed about it. For instance don't just list "Friends". That would not have the same impact as listing each name of each Friend you have. I hope this will help you shake the clouds of negativity and cause you to gain a bounce in your step. 

I have a friend that is always posting uplifting phrases or comments. Today however she let the world know she needs some encouragement. I am impressed with her courage. It was in my response to her that my creative juices began flowing. In my heart I know it was my sincere Love for her that turned on the faucet. I even thanked her in my reply! You know how I love to rhyme after all! With that being said, here is the gist of how things went: 

She was basically saying, "I'm in pain. I'm having trouble staying positive. I need encouragement. Help."

Instantly I felt my heart ache for her. She is such a bright light in my life. I let her know this:

I am praying for you.

I know you KNOW Jesus is your Savior, And your Faith is strong
But we all have days of despair and weakness when we feel we don't belong.
We let the negative side of things penetrate our skin.
It's really all the evil one needs to begin.
He fills the room with darkness and tries to block out the sun
Before you realize you're in the battle 
The Fight has already begun
You are wise in your defense
Reaching out to your friends
I pray that you feel Peace and Joy
And that your healing begins.

As it often happens, I write something for someone and it helps me. I hope this little snippet for the day helps you in some way too. I pray we go about today encouraging one another. We have all heard the phrase "Paying it Forward". There are even some really cool inspiration videos on You Tube of the ripple effect of acts of kindness. I say let's start a ripple that becomes so big it causes a wave of Hope and Love to wash over the world! ((hugs)) to all who go about doing good today.

Wendy Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 Wendy L Glidden. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good Morning!

You just never know when inspiration is going to hit you! These last few days have been crazy! Saturday I lost my phone. I was planning on looking at a picture on it to blog on the verse under letter "B". I was beginning to get worried because getting around to my blog the last few days has been difficult. It doesn't really help that I had no pull on my heart regarding titles and what I needed to write next. I know what is stopping me. . . it's me! I am not looking forward to the chapters ahead of me.

Last Sunday, Rusty, who leads us most weeks stated that a believer who was not leaning on God and a non-believer most likely felt the same when facing troubled waters. He is right. I know this as truth. When you don't lean on God and turn to him in times of trouble you can travel a long way down the road to Hell before realizing fully what is going on. You are, in all honesty, traveling without sufficient light!

So here I was this morning, again avoiding my duties. Rationalizing to myself that I don't have the next chapter title completely worked out even though I have heard a few good ones for the upcoming years. I know in my heart all that is needed is for me to sit still and pray on it. My fear of facing more sadness and shames from my past are what is stopping me. Today I will be getting to it. I feel it. I also have some catching up to do when it comes to my Alphabet verses.

But first, back to what I was doing this morning: I was scrolling down my face book wall when I saw a post from a lovely lady I have met online and it just said, "Good morning."

Next thing I knew I had commented under her post:

"Good Morning, good morning
What a lovely day!
Thank you God, I Love my life!
are the first words one should say!
Good Morning, good morning
all my lovely friends
Praising and thanking God
Is the way that my day ends!"

As soon as it was out of me, I knew what time it was. You can fear what is to come all you want but when God calls you back home to do his work, his work will flow out of you no matter how hard you resist! I am sitting here smiling to myself. I don't know why it is so hard to face awful truths about ones self . . . it just is. The truths I have to face in depth, covering the next 7 years of my life, are something I have longed keep hidden. Some truths I have been so shamed by I even kept them hidden from my medical files!

None the less, I sit here with a smile on my face for I know God will hold my hand through this just like he has through the other rough spots.

As far as this blog goes though, we are on letter "B" and the verse under it comes from the Book Ephesians, Chapter 4, Verse 32: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.

Now in my Holy Bible (New Living Translation, second edition) I am going to take in verse 31 as well for I think it gives a broader picture of what we were advised:

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior. 
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
 just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

I read that and I think to myself, "IF our children were taught things like this in school . . . honestly . . . what parent would have a problem with it?"

We know that teaching what is in the Holy Bible will not happen in our classrooms. It is one of the reasons many parents home school. Regardless, what is stopping you from teaching yourself and then teaching these valuable lessons to your own children? I myself don't care for "Religion". If you honestly look at the story of Jesus and how he died you KNOW it was Religious leaders that called for his death. I think Jesus and Our Father are in total agreement with anyone who dislikes religion being shoved down their throat.

Reading the Holy Bible does NOT make a person Religious . . . However, chances are it will make you a believer! I'm hear to reassure you that that is a GOOD thing. Hence the phrase, "Spreading the GOOD news!" 

Today, I encourage you to open up your Holy Bible and check out Ephesians. We did a study on it in a small group I attend on Thursday nights. Following the lessons in this Book challenged me greatly last spring when it came to how to deal with a certain person who . . . well . . . was difficult to deal with. In other words, reading and studying this Book made me a Better person. I call that a Good thing!

My prayer for you today is simply this: Today I pray that my stories / blogs help give you another view of God's word. I pray that I spark an interest and cause you to dive into the Holy Bible with an open mind. I encourage you to seek out others who are Not religious but are Believers. Amen.

If you need help with that, drop me a line! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than helping others find their way to Faith, Hope and Love! 

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 [Wendy L Glidden] All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

When I was in my twenties and again working at Glidden Fence, Chris enrolled me in a shorthand course. The gist was, if I could write as fast as she could talk, she could dictate her letters to me without missing a beat!

I have this crazy thing in me that causes me to race myself when it comes to things that are more impressive or fun at faster rates.

I didn't just take the course, I practiced by means of music. I would write down the lyrics to songs playing on the radio. It was not the first time I'd done something like this. In typing class our teacher had stated that it was impossible to carry on a conversation and type what you were reading without transfering to typing what you are saying. Again . . . I take something like that as a challenge and I love the feeling of accomplishing what I have been told I can't. Is that weird? Today I can carry on a conversation, type anything . . . even if it is a letter I am writing from thought and not sight. Just the other day I was typing one of these blogs and my Uncle came up to me and we began discussing a job. He stopped mid conversation and said, "Oh you think you are so cool not looking at the computer typing and talking to me." We both laughed.

Regardless that talent has come in handy over the years. Sometimes this faucet is turned on inside of me while I am driving and I will get it out on paper before it escapes my mind . . . you see it's what I hear but it comes from within me . . . it is not me . . . it is through me and it comes fast. When I was in school I wrote daily. My emotions boiled out in Rhyme. It was a healthy way of working through my emotions and thoughts.

So I was on my way to work and I was smiling and chatting with my Heavenly Father and just praising how blessed my life has been. How Thankful I am. How Joyous I am.

In the midst of my praise, Gbam, here came words in rhyme . . . I blindly found my pen . . . grabbed a stapled group of papers out of my folder of past writings. Funny enough, when I went back into my room this morning to grab my coat and keys, I was told to grab it. I went so far as to ask myself why I was bringing it as I had no intention of posting anything out of it today and I heard "Take it." I shrugged to myself and listened to the directions I was given. I am getting much better at this listening thing!

Anyway, here I was on my way to work and four minutes down the road, in the midst of my praise, the first verse rang out in my head . . . I knew what time it was. I blindly grabbed a pen out of the middle console and a packet of paper out of my folder and began writing in shorthand. I don't need to look down at the paper to keep my words in order because this I too practiced. Blind penmanship! (God is a good teacher . . . he has primed me for all of this my whole life. That fact is undeniable! So much so, I can't help laughing about it. He taught me through challenges. He filled me with the desire to achieve beyond the barriers that others have placed in front of me. Doesn't it just make you want to throw your arms around him?) These are the insights he shared with me this morning about myself and it made me want to hug Him. Here is what I heard this morning:

Our Father is Good
He's so so Good
I'd run up and hug him
If I could
Oh yes yes yes I would
Compelled to lift my hands
Palms Up in the air
It's undeniable Father
How much You truly care
Praises I sing to You
Thank You I Joyously shout
Loving others as you love us
That's what this life's about
For me there is No doubt
I lift my head and I grin real big
I thank Him from my heart
Praising & Singing to Our Father in Heaven
Is the best way for all to start!
If you have never once in your life sat and reflected on things or even attempted to see your life from the lens of Love, I encourage you to find a pair of glasses that will give you this viewpoint.
From The Gospel of John, Chapter 10 verse 10 we are told: The thief comes, to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Abundance comes in various forms. Many associate it with money. If that is Your belief, My heart bleeds for you.
Abundance in it's most wonderful forms comes as peace (stemming from Faith) Joy (held strong by Hope) and Love.
From The Book, Corinthians, Chapter 13 verse 13: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
With these things being said, I don't know what you think you know about God and whether or not he exists.

However, if you are like me, you love a good challenge.

My Challenge to You is This: "Investigate his word with YOUR OWN Eyes. Don't rely on being spoon fed by others. Don't just listen to someone else when it comes to YOUR learning about God and His Word. Check it out for YOURSELF.

I warn you though, when you start down this road, there will be no denying The Truth.

Any person who has set out to disprove God Exists, whether they be scientists or atheists, has come to the undeniable Truth: Our Almighty Creator is not some fantasy whim that the weakest of us rely upon.

He is Our Heavenly Father. He is Our Creator. He gave us all the tools we need to live the best human life possible in the heart of a Fallen World. Why on Earth would you ignore His advice without so much as an honest investigation into His Loving Fatherly advice?

It is my prayer for you today that you begin to open your heart to the possibility that God Exists and more amazing that He Loves YOU regardless of any wrongs you have committed.

Many Blessings to those who take me up on this task,

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 [ Wendy L Glidden ] All Rights Reserved.