Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2013

So, Let Me Ask You, Do You Have Hope?

Fantastically Fun-Filled Fabulous Friday! As I read K-Loves Encouraging word this morning, I just am overwhelmed with emotion. You could say I've walked a bumpy road, you could even truthfully say I went in the complete wrong direction a time or two, bound and determined to have my way. We all have a past. We all have something we are not proud of. But do not let that hold you prisoner. For that is not what your Father has suggested you should do. Here is today's encouraging word from K-Love:

Come back to the place of safety,all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.

~ Zechariah, Chapter 9, verse 12, NLT

What a call to return home! A promise to bless you twice for each trouble. Not just come home, I'll show you some love. No. I will REPAY TWO BLESSINGS for EACH TROUBLE.

So, let me ask you, do you have hope? If you do, I urge you to invest that hope in your relationship with God. The closer you get to Him, the more you will witness a difference in the ways things unfold in your life. Prayer matters. It part of your armor. I don't know about your daily life but throughout my day I run into others that seem to be having a really bad day. If you are not prepared to come under attack, these run ins will really throw you into a loop. I talk a lot about renewing one's mind. So many of us are watching these so called 'reality shows' with MAJOR drama in the mix. You can believe all you want that these shows do not impact the way you yourself react to certain things, but if this is all you are pumping into your mind, I can promise you this is a natural result.

On the other hand, if you are delving into God's word, if you are renewing your mind in as many positive ways as humanely possible, I can also promise you that situations will not escalate in the same manner. If you add prayer to that formula you will often witness unbelievable events. Like a child lifting a car off a parent or vice versa as an example. Or like me, you may be blessed by becoming a tool in the healing of another individual! Perhaps you might meet another sister in Christ who has a message for you, given to her by your Heavenly Father! This could lead to so much more. I know this to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Of course if you have read my blog "Show Me A Sign" as well as "Unpacking Treasure, show me a sign part II" you know this actually took place in my life as well. By being introduced to my sister in Christ, I ended up meeting her sister at a fundraiser and today I am a part of her ministry. I am telling you, your whole world could explode in blessings!

I have to laugh, because last night at bible study we were talking about how we are instructed to rejoice always. Not just in the good times but through the mishaps of life as well. We happened to be reading about Paul and Silas in Acts, Chapter 16. They had just been dragged into town by the slave owners of a fortune telling girl who, due to Paul ordering the demon to come out of her in the name of Jesus, had lost her talent and in turn the slave owners risked losing their profits. The slave owners made the false claim that Paul and Silas were throwing their city into confusion, being Jews, and claimed they were proclaiming customs which were not lawful for Romans to accept or observe! The crowd rose against Paul and Silas and the chief magistrates tore Silas and Paul's robes off and ordered them to be beaten with rods. After striking them with many blows they hauled them off to prison. The jailer threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in stocks. This is the first recorded account of anti-semitism! So next, we learn that Paul and Silas were not only praying, they were also singing hymns of praise to God. It also says all the prisoners were listening to them when suddenly there was an earthquake so grand that the foundations of the prison house were shaken and All the doors were opened and everyone's chains were unfastened! I cannot imagine what that scene must have looked like! One thing is for sure that is some exciting stuff!!! 

 this past Thursday I had posted this on my 'You Are Worthy Too' fan page: Tremendously thankful thoughtful Thursday! Indeed I am thankful. Yesterday my 'world' could have blown up. I admit I cried out loud. I called a friend quickly and asked if she would pray for all of us as I was a mess. She did. In the end what was meant for evil became good. Thank you Father God. As your word claims, it is true:

As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.
~ Psalm 138:3, NLT

In the midst of absolute fear of what may transpire, I was able to keep my head about me and leaned upon my heavenly Father. He not only gave me strength, He provided me with insight. 

****** I started this blog post on Friday. It is now Sunday. In the last 5 days I have dealt with massive fear 3 times. I cannot imagine what shape I would be in right now were it not for my relationship with the Lord. I'm about to purchase some knee pads, for I have fallen on my knees several times in a few short hours. At the end of the day, my children are safe, my mother is safe, Mike is safe. Thank you Father God for your protection and your love. I feel like I have survived a train wreck. Amazingly enough I was even able to chuckle at a couple of mistaken words on a face book posts. The whole message changes when pray becomes pay and letters becomes lawyers. Laughter truly is a medicine. 

Father God I ask that you help those in pain find a way to laugh through their tears as you have caused me to do tonight. You truly are a loving Father. Where would I be without you? I shudder to even think what life would be like were you not there for me to lean on. The evil one is banging at my door Father. He is trying to steal, kill and destroy. I ask that you bind him. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


© Wendy Glidden, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Have You THANKED God for Jesus Today?

Today is Faith Filled Fantastically Full of Fun Fabulous Family Friday! Woo Hoo!!!!

Today on my way to work I was chatting it up with God as I do everyday and as sometimes happens subjects which I classify as titles began flashing across my mind. Today's title is the one that stuck the hardest and I was able to jot it down when I came to a stop light. Right after that, I noticed the song on the radio was saying "Thank you" I cracked a grin.

I was on a track of trying to blog on this alphabet picture of mine that sits above my desk at work this winter. I have not blogged on it forever and just yesterday I looked up to see that letter F was on John 3:16. If you don't know what John 3:16 says, you must not be a football fan of Tim Tebow. It was due to him having this written under his eyes that John 3:16 was the number one thing googled last year. I find that ironic because after the song ended it was announced that Tim Tebow was drafted by the Patriots and the coach made a comment regarding Tim Tebow's faith and how important it was to Tim and how that steadfastness was impressive to the coach. I smiled even bigger.

I put out a challenge to Renew your mind in a couple of previous blog posts and one of the items to help with this is to pick a devotional to read each day. Today my devotional was about God-Pleasing Faith. It references the book of Hebrews, Chapter 11:6 which taken from my MacAuthor Study bible states:

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

I know many struggle with Faith. They feel God has let them down somehow. If you are someone who struggles, you should know, I struggled with Faith myself. If you have been following my own personal story you already know that. If this is the first blog of mine you have ever read, I'd encourage you to slide back to December and January and read a post or two. Many of them are about my own personal journey through this thing we call life. I'm sure I've worn a pair of shoes you yourself have traveled in. Nothing would please me more than to help you find your Belief and Faith in Our Heavenly Father. With that being said, Let's get to the heart of John 3:16.  This too is taken word for word out of My MacArthur Study Bible:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

As I often do, I am going to add verses 17-21 as well:

Verse 17:  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

Verse 18:  He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Verse 19: This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

Verse 20:  For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

Verse 21:  But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."

In other words, the Truth will set you free! Seeking God with all your heart will cause you to step into the Light. The more you bask in the Light, the more you long for it. Before you know it you will wake up with Joy in your heart. It is a fruit of the spirit after all!

I have no idea where you are in your walk with God. I don't know if you currently turn to Him in times of trouble or moments of elation. I only know we all share the same Heavenly Father. He loves us all. So much so that He sent His one and only son to save us AND on top of that, He still allowed us Free Will. That means we get to decide whether we turn to Him or not. How much more gracious can a Father be?

Today I pray the lost are led out of darkness and into the light. I come before you today Father and say Thank you for sending your Son to save us. Thank you for your Grace that we don't have to earn. Thank you for walking with us even when we deny you are the source of our strength. You are so loving it boggles my mind but I am grateful you are. I know how long I sat in the dark Father. It was out of sheer desperation I called out to you. As you are Faithful, you answered me. I ask that you shine the light into the dark places of this world, into the hardened unknowing hearts of my fellow brothers and sisters. I sought you as a child and you spoke to me. I pray others will seek you daily. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

In closing, I leave you with the song I heard on the radio. Please pay attention to the words. Have a blessed day my friends!

Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tomorrow Could Just Be The Best Day of Your Life!

Good Morning World! Today is Wild Wacky Wonderful Weds. Wow!! I have so much to share . . . I need more time to myself . . . Spring has sprung at work and Glidden Fence Company Inc is so blessed this year for we have enough work to keep ourselves all hopping! Feels good after a long winter ♥ Weds are the day that inspired me in changing my mindset! You see, it's the day that I have no help. No lunch break. Some days it's all I can do to get a drink. It's an insane pace but I have made a game of it over the years.
Regardless when going at that pace you are bound to make an error, get yelled at, or have someone get angry with you. I have bawled my eyes out over a customer getting angry at me over something they consider life shattering. Usually it is not an actual life shattering problem, especially when you weigh the matter against the matters of the world, yet I cannot say that to them! 

Today, I pray we all give each other a little more encouragement and slack. I pray we go about our day smiling and being an encouragement to others. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. 

One of my favorite lines from Jesus is when He stepped forward and said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." I had that stenciled out and on my wall when I was a teenager! One day I will share other items I had up as well!

Anyway, Weds were the reason I wrote the blog "It Starts with Your Mindset" If you struggle with the days of the week and associate them in the slightest negative way, I encourage you to check out this blog. Following this formula has totally changed my outlook! 

Speaking of outlook, on my way to work this morning in the midst of singing praises and just smiling as I belted along with the radio. Chris Tomlin, I lift my hands was on . . . You should check it out on YouTube. I believe many of you will love the words. Next came a song about How much God loves us and I was reflecting on all I had been through over my mere 44 years and I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. Next I flashed on how down some of us are throughout our journey. I don't think there is a human being out there who hasn't had an awful day and wished they could go to bed and never get back up. That made me reflect on the sadness of so many ending their lives when they hit these lows and my heart ached. I thought to myself, "I have had days I too wished I could curl up and die but had I, I would have missed some of the Best days of my life!" Yesterday was admittedly the worst day of my life. This was the message I shared with the world:

A Sad Saturday

With that in mind, I would like you to recall the last "Best Day of Your Life" ANY time you hit the lowest of lows and remind yourself that this moment too shall pass. Please get on your knees and pray to Your Father in Heaven for peace, joy, and strength. He is always there waiting for your plea. Ask others to pray for you. Reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters. Please what ever you do don't play with ending your life. After all, Tomorrow could just be The Best Day of Your Life!

Today I pray for all who are dealing with depression. Father I too have been in this black hole. I thank you for showing me I could turn to you any day any time any where. I ask that you go to those who are in pain and darkness and flicker some light their way. Send a hand or foot of Jesus to them Father. I also pray that those of us who are firm in our faith become more bold in sharing your message of Grace and Glory. I pray Father that we step out of the shadows ourselves and regardless of fear that may attack us from the evil one that we push on, headstrong in the fight. I pray we begin to show each other the Grace you alot us Father. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.

****** In my heart, I believe my story was written to help many who are hurting in some way ~ if you are that person or you know a person, please visit this link "The Proof is in the Pudding!" and buy a copy for yourself or a friend!

Mom of many

© Revised 2014 Wendy Glidden © 2013 Wendy Glidden

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell - All Tuesday!

Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell - All Tuesday! Here is my testimonial Tell - All for the day: Mike is a guys guy. He loves to 4 wheel, gets a kick out of driving anything from a Motorcycle to an RV. As we say about our rough and tumble sons, "He's ALL Boy!" with that being said, this week at church Mike raised his hand and commented on how Blessed we were through the storms and flooding last week. That in itself is amazing. However the funniest thing he said to me this week, while in the midst of praising Our Heavenly Father, was how much fun I've been lately. I looked at him and said what do you mean? He said, "God is making you play with me! You rode on my bike you said you'd never get on, you went 4 wheeling with me through a river. You would have never done that on your own!" Totally cracking me up . . . mainly because he is soooooo right! For me I'm amazed at where Mike and I stand today. If you have been following my blog you will witness how far we were from loving one another as a husband and wife should. I invite you to read my story. To date I have written 52 blogs. Pick a title that strikes you. Like it? Pick another! Think it might benefit someone you know, SHARE it! Have a blessed day everyone!!

I want to post this video of us driving through the river. If you have read my blog you know I struggle with the whole technical side as in adding pictures or video. I also wanted to post pictures of the people who we met from the play we went to with the children "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". I had left the tickets to the play back at the campground. This is the sole purpose for us having to drive through the water. We had left out on Mike's motorcycle when the water was beginning to crest on Friday. We went back in the Jeep!  I managed to upload the photos! If this blog looks like someone in first grade put it together, I am going to claim the child in me took over! Okay! A child for sure took over lol. I hope the placement of these pictures doesn't take away from the coolness of them!! One day I will have time to understand how to paste them so that they have an order to them. 

I have a video of us driving from here out of the campground . . . still working on how to upload that bad boy! It was soooooo scary, I honestly wanted to cry (laughing at the recall). Mike has talent behind the wheel. It does not matter what he needs to drive, he is more than capable. It doesn't hurt that he enjoys it! I am so happy with myself today! Here is the video! Can you imagine going through this on a Motorcycle. Still shaking my head!

Hope everyone is having a Totally Terrific Tuesday themselves! I promise to be back soon with my next life's chapter. Reliving the adoption was much much much harder than I had thought it would be. I have the next title for my life's story. God gave it to me last week. I need some solitude to type it out. It was a wake up call back then. I am honestly nervous about what else I will recall through this next chapter as I always slide back in time when God writes through me. It's like being there again. I have been a humble servant through this process and I promise to continue to do so. I had titled these years "My Dark Ages" (laughing) I was trying as I do sometimes to come up with a cool title on my own. Not sure why, as I know if I sit and be still, God will speak to me. As He is always Faithful. He spoke to me last week with a two worded title "The Aftermath" when I heard it I dropped my purse. Then I looked up to the Heavens and said, "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!" Because if I had thought of it, this would not be from God! I love my life. I love the relationship I have with My Father Above. 

Today I pray for all who feel they have no relationship. May my story help plant a seed inside of you. Today I pray that all who long to build a relationship with God begin to do just that. I pray more and more and more of us are drawn to the Truth. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's All in the Soundbite!

Tonight while working out at the YMCA I was trying to piece together what my next blog was supposed to be on. I have had so much flash across my head today. So many topics. I was climbing on the Olyptical (I think that's what it is called.) The machine says I'm climbing but I feel like I am jogging without impact. I like it a lot! Anyway, I was on the machine and I was talking to God as I often do these days. All of a sudden I heard "Be Still and Know that I am God". I thought I KNOW you are God. Why do I keep hearing this verse? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Knowing that He is God means knowing when it is Him speaking to me. I need to listen closer. It dawned on me, I recognize the voice of the enemy quicker than I recognize the voice of God!

This realization came at me so hard and quick I actually laughed out loud. How funny God must think I am. Takes some of us a little longer to hear what is being said! There is a big difference in hearing and listening. So now that I was focusing on listening and knowing when God was trying to tell me something, I voiced to God, "You have flashed so many things to me today. What am I to focus on? What is my next assignment?" I then heard, "It's all in the soundbite."

As I often do I questioned. . . is this me thinking about one of my favorite catch phrases at Glidden Fence? I tell someone every day, "You know, It's all in the soundbite." and then I'll explain a little deeper what I mean. This is usually brought up when talking about Cedar.

Again, I heard, "It's all in the soundbite." and then I had soundbites from the past that I no longer 'buy into' flashed to me. God was showing me some of the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites that had been whispered across my own mind just a few short months ago. And I was like, "Oh! Wow!! Right. You want me to share this again."

Next I heard "The Top Ten Soundbites God Wants To Share With You" and I thought, "Is that to be the title?" and again clear as day I heard the title of this Blog, "It's all in the Soundbite" and I saw the top 10 list as a subtitle inside this blog.

Again I laughed out loud. You see all my life my big dream has been to work for God. If you have read my story you know as a child I thought it would be awesome if He made me into a well known author. I reasoned I could be wealthy enough to change the world and how people felt about life and themselves.

Today, I AM working for God. I am thrilled every time one of my blogs receives 100 page views or more in one day. I am positive at least one of those 100 strangers have read something that resonates within them. I am simply a tool for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in others. Glory be to God! All you need for this to begin is to be open to taking a look into the word of God for yourself! I am not going to give the Devil his due by quoting his soundbites. I will simply say if it is not good and it is not from Love then chances are pretty darn good what you are hearing are the 'Lord of Air's' soundbites. I promise you they are lies! Recognize this for Truth. If you find yourself doubting what I proclaim, I challenge you to take a look at God's Top Ten Soundbites for yourself. Don't just look up the scripture I quote, give each one a thorough glance. Read before and read after. Read as long as the words make sense. You see, God's Word will leap off the pages at you. Like a good book that you can't put down. To understand that and know it as Truth, you will need to first pick it up!

Here are this weeks Top Ten Soundbites from Our Heavenly Father.

1.  Be Still and KNOW that I am God *Found in the book of  Psalms, Chapter 46 verse 10 **  Seriously         cool Chapter. I would advise reading the whole thing it's short but Wow!

2. Little children guard yourselves from idols * Found in the Book of 1st John, Chapter 5 verse 21     ** Again wild chapter. Worth reading!!

3. Beloved do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. * Found in the Book of The 3rd Epistle of  John, Chapter 1 verse 11   ** Sounds like common sense doesn't it?!?

4. The Thief comes in the middle of the night to steal and to kill and to destroy, BUT I CAME so that you may have life and have it abundantly.  * Found in the Book of John Chapter 10 verse 10. ** If that doesn't give you cause to take notice at what God has to offer you, I honestly don't know what will!

5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding  * Found in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 verse 5 ** This was my scripture for last year. It really helped me.

6. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.  * Found in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 2

7. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. * Found in the Book of Philippians Chapter 4, verse 8

8. Grace to you  and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  * Found in the Book 1st Corinthians, Chapter 1 verse 3

9. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you Free from the law of sin and of death.  * Found in the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse 2. ** Romans is an awesome Book!

10. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus. * Found in the book of Philippians Chapter 2 verse 5

I don't know about you but I personally think those are some fabulous soundbites. Worthy of one's attention. I am 100% positive no harm will come to you should you do a little reading on each one of these soundbites! What you gain from it is up to you!

Tonight my prayer is that more people who have never given God an honest chance will begin to open themselves up to the Word of God. I pray that more and more and more people looking for an answer to their purpose turn to the one book that has been around longer than all of the self help books ever published. If you are looking for "the key" tonight I pray you find yourself a study bible and invest a little time in learning what God has to say about life here on earth and how to survive the death trap. Today I pray for the seeds of Hope, may they land on fertile ground. I thank you Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I thank you for allowing me to be a tool in your hands. I thank you for allowing me to witness your never ending love for others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, Mom of Many


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good Morning!

You just never know when inspiration is going to hit you! These last few days have been crazy! Saturday I lost my phone. I was planning on looking at a picture on it to blog on the verse under letter "B". I was beginning to get worried because getting around to my blog the last few days has been difficult. It doesn't really help that I had no pull on my heart regarding titles and what I needed to write next. I know what is stopping me. . . it's me! I am not looking forward to the chapters ahead of me.

Last Sunday, Rusty, who leads us most weeks stated that a believer who was not leaning on God and a non-believer most likely felt the same when facing troubled waters. He is right. I know this as truth. When you don't lean on God and turn to him in times of trouble you can travel a long way down the road to Hell before realizing fully what is going on. You are, in all honesty, traveling without sufficient light!

So here I was this morning, again avoiding my duties. Rationalizing to myself that I don't have the next chapter title completely worked out even though I have heard a few good ones for the upcoming years. I know in my heart all that is needed is for me to sit still and pray on it. My fear of facing more sadness and shames from my past are what is stopping me. Today I will be getting to it. I feel it. I also have some catching up to do when it comes to my Alphabet verses.

But first, back to what I was doing this morning: I was scrolling down my face book wall when I saw a post from a lovely lady I have met online and it just said, "Good morning."

Next thing I knew I had commented under her post:

"Good Morning, good morning
What a lovely day!
Thank you God, I Love my life!
are the first words one should say!
Good Morning, good morning
all my lovely friends
Praising and thanking God
Is the way that my day ends!"

As soon as it was out of me, I knew what time it was. You can fear what is to come all you want but when God calls you back home to do his work, his work will flow out of you no matter how hard you resist! I am sitting here smiling to myself. I don't know why it is so hard to face awful truths about ones self . . . it just is. The truths I have to face in depth, covering the next 7 years of my life, are something I have longed keep hidden. Some truths I have been so shamed by I even kept them hidden from my medical files!

None the less, I sit here with a smile on my face for I know God will hold my hand through this just like he has through the other rough spots.

As far as this blog goes though, we are on letter "B" and the verse under it comes from the Book Ephesians, Chapter 4, Verse 32: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.

Now in my Holy Bible (New Living Translation, second edition) I am going to take in verse 31 as well for I think it gives a broader picture of what we were advised:

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior. 
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
 just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

I read that and I think to myself, "IF our children were taught things like this in school . . . honestly . . . what parent would have a problem with it?"

We know that teaching what is in the Holy Bible will not happen in our classrooms. It is one of the reasons many parents home school. Regardless, what is stopping you from teaching yourself and then teaching these valuable lessons to your own children? I myself don't care for "Religion". If you honestly look at the story of Jesus and how he died you KNOW it was Religious leaders that called for his death. I think Jesus and Our Father are in total agreement with anyone who dislikes religion being shoved down their throat.

Reading the Holy Bible does NOT make a person Religious . . . However, chances are it will make you a believer! I'm hear to reassure you that that is a GOOD thing. Hence the phrase, "Spreading the GOOD news!" 

Today, I encourage you to open up your Holy Bible and check out Ephesians. We did a study on it in a small group I attend on Thursday nights. Following the lessons in this Book challenged me greatly last spring when it came to how to deal with a certain person who . . . well . . . was difficult to deal with. In other words, reading and studying this Book made me a Better person. I call that a Good thing!

My prayer for you today is simply this: Today I pray that my stories / blogs help give you another view of God's word. I pray that I spark an interest and cause you to dive into the Holy Bible with an open mind. I encourage you to seek out others who are Not religious but are Believers. Amen.

If you need help with that, drop me a line! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than helping others find their way to Faith, Hope and Love! 

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 [Wendy L Glidden] All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

When I was in my twenties and again working at Glidden Fence, Chris enrolled me in a shorthand course. The gist was, if I could write as fast as she could talk, she could dictate her letters to me without missing a beat!

I have this crazy thing in me that causes me to race myself when it comes to things that are more impressive or fun at faster rates.

I didn't just take the course, I practiced by means of music. I would write down the lyrics to songs playing on the radio. It was not the first time I'd done something like this. In typing class our teacher had stated that it was impossible to carry on a conversation and type what you were reading without transfering to typing what you are saying. Again . . . I take something like that as a challenge and I love the feeling of accomplishing what I have been told I can't. Is that weird? Today I can carry on a conversation, type anything . . . even if it is a letter I am writing from thought and not sight. Just the other day I was typing one of these blogs and my Uncle came up to me and we began discussing a job. He stopped mid conversation and said, "Oh you think you are so cool not looking at the computer typing and talking to me." We both laughed.

Regardless that talent has come in handy over the years. Sometimes this faucet is turned on inside of me while I am driving and I will get it out on paper before it escapes my mind . . . you see it's what I hear but it comes from within me . . . it is not me . . . it is through me and it comes fast. When I was in school I wrote daily. My emotions boiled out in Rhyme. It was a healthy way of working through my emotions and thoughts.

So I was on my way to work and I was smiling and chatting with my Heavenly Father and just praising how blessed my life has been. How Thankful I am. How Joyous I am.

In the midst of my praise, Gbam, here came words in rhyme . . . I blindly found my pen . . . grabbed a stapled group of papers out of my folder of past writings. Funny enough, when I went back into my room this morning to grab my coat and keys, I was told to grab it. I went so far as to ask myself why I was bringing it as I had no intention of posting anything out of it today and I heard "Take it." I shrugged to myself and listened to the directions I was given. I am getting much better at this listening thing!

Anyway, here I was on my way to work and four minutes down the road, in the midst of my praise, the first verse rang out in my head . . . I knew what time it was. I blindly grabbed a pen out of the middle console and a packet of paper out of my folder and began writing in shorthand. I don't need to look down at the paper to keep my words in order because this I too practiced. Blind penmanship! (God is a good teacher . . . he has primed me for all of this my whole life. That fact is undeniable! So much so, I can't help laughing about it. He taught me through challenges. He filled me with the desire to achieve beyond the barriers that others have placed in front of me. Doesn't it just make you want to throw your arms around him?) These are the insights he shared with me this morning about myself and it made me want to hug Him. Here is what I heard this morning:

Our Father is Good
He's so so Good
I'd run up and hug him
If I could
Oh yes yes yes I would
Compelled to lift my hands
Palms Up in the air
It's undeniable Father
How much You truly care
Praises I sing to You
Thank You I Joyously shout
Loving others as you love us
That's what this life's about
For me there is No doubt
I lift my head and I grin real big
I thank Him from my heart
Praising & Singing to Our Father in Heaven
Is the best way for all to start!
If you have never once in your life sat and reflected on things or even attempted to see your life from the lens of Love, I encourage you to find a pair of glasses that will give you this viewpoint.
From The Gospel of John, Chapter 10 verse 10 we are told: The thief comes, to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Abundance comes in various forms. Many associate it with money. If that is Your belief, My heart bleeds for you.
Abundance in it's most wonderful forms comes as peace (stemming from Faith) Joy (held strong by Hope) and Love.
From The Book, Corinthians, Chapter 13 verse 13: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
With these things being said, I don't know what you think you know about God and whether or not he exists.

However, if you are like me, you love a good challenge.

My Challenge to You is This: "Investigate his word with YOUR OWN Eyes. Don't rely on being spoon fed by others. Don't just listen to someone else when it comes to YOUR learning about God and His Word. Check it out for YOURSELF.

I warn you though, when you start down this road, there will be no denying The Truth.

Any person who has set out to disprove God Exists, whether they be scientists or atheists, has come to the undeniable Truth: Our Almighty Creator is not some fantasy whim that the weakest of us rely upon.

He is Our Heavenly Father. He is Our Creator. He gave us all the tools we need to live the best human life possible in the heart of a Fallen World. Why on Earth would you ignore His advice without so much as an honest investigation into His Loving Fatherly advice?

It is my prayer for you today that you begin to open your heart to the possibility that God Exists and more amazing that He Loves YOU regardless of any wrongs you have committed.

Many Blessings to those who take me up on this task,

Wendy, Mom of Many

Copyright © 2013 [ Wendy L Glidden ] All Rights Reserved.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Saved By an Army of Angels

My son Michael is the child I wrote about in my blog titled "Who do You Curse . . . Why Do You Curse Them?" He was born on November 21st so this event took place right after his fourth birthday. It was the weekend after Thanksgiving. I was approximately 20 weeks pregnant at the time with my last child Jeffrey. Mike was helping a friend with some yard work and I was home with the fantastic four. We had been having a great day. We were watching movies and doing laundry when literally all hell broke lose.

Michael was my little strong man at the time so he had a lot of trust built up with me. It's so funny to think how much of a man this child has been all along. Little boys do love their mommys. Anyway, in the midst of him helping me he was sidetracked by my lighter. I was still smoking cigarettes at this time and over the summer his father had taught him how to set camp fires and his older brother had taught him how to actually light a lighter. He was fascinated by the flame and had set a couple of little fires outside already. He had been warned that making fires without an adult was not wise. Never in a million years did I see what was about to happen.

Back to the story. He had grabbed my lighter in the midst of doing our chores. He was supposed to be grabbing a laundry basket out of my closet. Lighter in hand, he climbed up on his sister's loft bed above the twins bed and proceeded to set a piece of Tia's school papers on fire. Marie and Marissa had gone to look for Michael and it was Marissa that came running to tell me that the bed was on fire. I rushed into the hall and saw the flames. At first I ran to the room and that is when I knew this fire was already too big to deal with without the help of water. I ran to the kitchen and for the life of me couldn't find anything bigger than a punch bowl for water. My heart was racing. I frantically scanned the kitchen and saw the trash can. I grabbed the trash liner out of it and ran down the hall into the bathroom and began filling it with water. We are on a well and I am here to tell you that day our pressure seemed to be nothing more than a trickle. I looked out into the hall and the fire seemed to have tripled in a matter of seconds. I glanced back toward the kitchen and all the kids were standing there with terror in their eyes. I rushed them all out the back door and closed it telling them to stay outside. I ran back to the bathroom grabbed what water was in the can and ran to the room. The fire was already on the bottom bunk bed and I couldn't stand on it to get the water onto the loft bed. I threw all the water on the bottom bed and and was shown my only shot at putting out this fire was the garden hose.

I ran outside to grab it. My current hose was a junk one that kinked with ease. I had spent money on a really nice one at the beginning of the summer for my kid toys but Mike had "accidentally" burnt it in half over our burn pit approximately two months prior to this event. He had no remorse and refused to help purchase a new one so in my spite I had replaced it with the cheapest one I could buy. Anyway, when I went to grab it, it was not convenient. Mike had used it last and it was stretched out over the yard and wrapped around toys. My heart lurched. Michael helped me unwind it like a pro. I never saw a kid move so fast. I had him turn the water on full blast as I ran into the house with it. Much to my disbelief the hose was 3 feet short of being able to get any spray to the biggest part of the fire. I heard bring it in through your window and I knew that was my only hope. I tore through the plastic I had just put up the weekend before and with the strength of God got my storm window up. My home was filling with smoke. I leaned out and caught a good breath of air. As I ran past my door I hit the light switch turning off my ceiling fan as I was instructed to do. I ran back out of the house with the hose. I ran to my window and shoved the hose through it. I yelled at the kids to go to the van and I ran back into the house. I no sooner hit the hall way when I was in a total cloud of black smoke.

The next thing I remember is being lifted up off the ground. It was as if I'd been given a breath of fresh air and I heard. "Wendy stay low. People die in fires." I sped crawled to the hose and yanked it into the girls room and began fighting that fire on my knees. This may sound crazy to you but I was not in that room alone. God sent an army of angels to help me. The things I did next were nothing less than miraculous. I am sure my training fighting fires when I was a child helped me but many of the things I did I was TOLD to do.

I watched in horror as the fire lept across the ceiling to the other side of the room. I heard it try to get around me before I even saw it. No sooner had I gotten the room under control when I heard "Go soak the roof." I ran outside pulled the hose through my window and began doing just that. Within a couple of minutes I was told to go back inside. I ran by my window threw the hose in it again and this time when I went back in you couldn't see a thing due to all the black smoke in the house. I think it was the first time in my life I was grateful for being legally blind. I ran in holding my breath and when I hit the hallway, I slid on my knees as far as I could go. I found the hose again and finished putting the fire out. It was so hot in the house I feared the fire might be burning behind the walls. I was on my way out to the van to drive to the fire station when I heard "Turn off the power" I ran into the garage and flipped the main breaker off.

I drove to the fire station because I had no phone to call for help. Their door was locked. I couldn't see anyone in through the window so I began banging on the door and screaming for help. I hit the garage doors . . . I banged on the people door. Finally a couple of fire fighters came to the door. I stammered, "My house was on fire I'm not sure I got it out. I need help."

The look on their faces is something I'll never forget. They were dumbstruck is the best way to explain it. One of them said, "Mam are you okay? You have soot all over your face."

I screamed, "I WAS IN THE FIRE!" they looked over my shoulder at the van and said, "You have children?" I said, "Yes, they are okay they weren't in the fire. Please, I need you to go to my home and see if it's still burning." I quickly told them where I lived and off they went. One of the firefighters came to the van to look at the children and she grabbed some blankets for me since we'd all run out without coats or even shoes and she asked if I had anyone I'd like to call. I told her my dad. I don't even remember what I told him but he was there in mere moments. He had me follow him down to the road West of my driveway and from there we watched the firemen walking up and down my driveway. I asked my dad to sit with the kids so that I could find out what was going on. As I was walking up the driveway an older firefighter was walking back towards the road. I asked him, "Was it still burning?" He stopped, looked at me and said, "No. You got it all out." I said, "I wasn't sure . . . it was so hot. . . there was so much steam . . . it looked like smoke was coming out of the walls." He stared at me for a second. Shook his head and said, "Do me a favor. Next time run. I don't know how you fought this fire, but don't ever do something like that again." I continued on down the drive to my home knowing I fought this fire with an Army of Angels. God had saved me, my family and my home. As I approached my stepping stones, I was stopped by another man who turned out to be the "Assistant Fire Marshall". He informed me that what he had found indicated that my son was abused and obviously hated his older sister. I was not only shocked, I was insulted.

The police showed up and questioned me and the Assistant Fire Marshall informed me that the department of children services would be in touch. He also told me that since it was of his opinion that my son who set the fire was an abused child, I was being ordered to have to take him in for an evaluation at a mental facility. My whole world was spinning. Abused child? None of my children were abused I told him. Even my father was stunned by this man's approach. He stuck to his opinion. He informed me that children didn't set fires unless they were angry and abused. Again I told him he was misinformed. Regardless it did not matter. They are the law and you must abide by their rules. He made an appointment for me with a place that deals with adolescents. I was terrified. Michael was only four and he was going to have to be interviewed and from this they would decide whether or not I got to keep him and the rest of my children.

I am happy to say that the doctor that interviewed him found him to be a normal child. She was a little upset when I explained that I did not believe he had any anger issues. She looked at me and said, "The only reason you are here is because the fire department insisted on you bringing him?" I explained everything. She abruptly stood up and said, "I'll be right back." She left Michael and I in the room. She came back in about 10 minutes and informed me that we were done and sent us on our way. The Department of Children Services never contacted me over this incident.

All of my children will tell you that an Army of Angels saved me. I did not know until a year later that those kids had watched outside of the window and cried thinking I was going to die. The good news is not one of them thinks that fire is something to play with. The most amazing thing Michael said in the interview with that lady was that fires can get big! He was harder to understand back then so she had asked him to explain again. He told her he tried to punch the fire out but it just got bigger and bigger.

If you had seen the hose I fought the fire with you would have to admit that me putting out a 3 alarm fire with that thing was nothing short of a miracle. As long as I live I'll never forget being lifted off the floor and filled with breath. I coughed up black tar from my lungs for over a week. Everything smelled like a musty camp fire for days.

Mike blamed me for the fire. It broke my heart that he had no compassion at all for what I'd been through. He didn't even hug or kiss me. He was upset that he had to be the one to tear out all the burnt walls and do the clean up and repair of our home. I was punished for this event taking place. He informed me that I was not a good enough parent. It was not a good time in our relationship. Things just went downhill from there.

I don't know why God felt the need to save me that day. I am just grateful He did. What I do know is this. Angels are real.

I hope this blog gives you cause to be amazed. It is my prayer that reading my story will encourage you to get into God's Word. He is using me . . . a murderer of unborn children to show you that anyone that leans on Him and believes in Him can make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. All you have to do is find your Faith. I have been a BIG sinner over the course of my life and yet God still loves me. I committed the ultimate sin of killing unborn babies. Not just one baby but two. ANYONE can be saved. You are required only one thing. Belief that Jesus bore the cross for ALL. I pray that my story helps you with this.

Blessings to All who read this and believe,

Wendy, Mom of Many

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Boy and My Plan to Outwit God!

Dec 7th, 2012 . . . More of my Journey!

It was the summer of my 12th year when I decided that maybe God did NOT have the best plan when it came to Me and My Life. I really had no desire to be a mother. Just that year my mother had said some hurtful things to me and while she had apologized to me for them it was my fear that I would do the same thing to my children. My mom had me when she was 16 years old. She conceived me when she was only 15! She did the best by my brother and me as she could. Funny enough she is my biggest champion now and I don’t know how I’d get along without her. Just goes to prove to you that we all live through seasons!

So I was beginning to question WHY I had to be a mother to many. I did not want children at all in this moment of my life. I now had a baby sister who was 2 and babies while cute were a lot of work! I did not know if I had it in me to be a good mom. If I couldn’t be a good mom I didn’t want to be a mom at all! My daily talks with God had become more of questioning . . . bargaining sessions. I needed answers and I felt like there was no better place at the time to get those answers than a church. Funny isn't it? There were quite a few around where I lived and one day on our way to biking to the Rivi Club I saw one that had a sign out front advertising a youth group. I told my brother the pool could wait. I wanted to check out this youth group.  We rode up into the parking lot and came face to face with a group of three boys on their bikes. The leader of the group of course was the only one brave enough to actually speak . . . the others just giggled at what he said.

“You can’t go inside.” He informed me, “This group is not for you.” His crew chuckled.

Well obviously he did not know who he was messing with! “I looked at him and said and who are you to tell me I cannot go into Gods house?” I was not frightened.

Just then the leader came outside.  I chuckle to this day for I think she was surprised to see 5 of us there outside the door sitting on our bikes.  She informed us that we could come inside. I parked my bike, looked over my shoulder and stuck my tongue out at the “boy” who obviously did not have that much power after all! Before the study was over I knew his name and he knew mine and I must admit I was enamored with his green eyes, dark brown incredibly curly hair and the gap in his front teeth.  When we were dismissed we all went back out to our bikes. I don’t think Danny Joe’s friends were too happy at all when he asked if my brother and I’d like to hang out with him and his friends. I on the other hand felt my heart pull . . . I was becoming quite smitten on this boy and it was more than obvious that he was feeling something for me. We walked and talked all day long. My brother and I had to be home at a certain time and I was not into getting into trouble . . . yet. So, home we had to go. My brother liked Danny Joe so agreeing to come back the next day was no issue.

That night while I was floating on a cloud I also had my looming future ahead. That is when I became a genius! I reasoned there was only 1 Mary. With that in mind as long as I refrained from sex I would not have a baby at a young age. Resolved in my decision, my plan was formed . . . keeping it safely guarded from God, I would have to let Danny Joe know everything. I needed him to agree to my proposal or I could never see him again.

I have to stop now. Reliving all of this is not going to be fun or easy but it is most necessary. I will continue late tonight after my children are asleep. I hope that you realize I am human. Through the chapters of my life . . . as I share those with you . . . try to stay away from judging me. It is in my own judging of others and their choices that I have landed in some of the hottest water!

Wendy, Mom of Many