Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Thursday, April 3, 2014

You Must Listen to be Able to Hear

Today is Tremendously Thankful Thoroughly Thoughtful Thunderous Thursday! Today I am thankful for the power of prayer. I am thankful for my spiritual armor. I am thankful for the servants of God that He called for the task of writing the bible. I accept it as the written word of God for I know He calls many to write for Him. I know this because I am a writer called forth.

I have been amazed at what has come out of my own fingertips many many times. It is something when you learn as you write. I love how God uses me. I have always wanted to write and I have always wanted to be a part of helping others. When you put God first, He truly will give you the desires of your heart!

I am very close to finishing my third book. This morning God helped me with solidifying my final two chapters to be written and I found myself elated. He truly is a brilliant writer. I love how he sews my stories together.

This week has been a crazy week for me. I realized truths I had not quite seen before and I had to remind myself exactly what it means when you are a follower of Christ. While it pains me to know I may be hated by those I love, I realize that Jesus was hated by those He loved. I refuse to turn away from the truth of His word but pray for the wisdom in how to communicate in the most loving way one can when discussing the Truth.

With that being said, here is the encouraging word of the day:

So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. - Hebrews 2:1 (NLT)

Sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear. Often we close our ears, shut our eyes and talk over or outside of it. We as man make other arrangements in our minds for how things may have come to be. I completely understand why it says they think they are wise but they are fools. 
Your heavenly Father grants wisdom and knowledge and understanding. HOWEVER, if you resist the TRUTH of HIS word you will miss out on the gifts He has set aside for you.

As you accept His truth, understanding comes. It is my belief that excitement and hunger for more of His wisdom follows and before you know it, if you continue to listen carefully, wearing your full suit of armor, you will find yourself Joyfully following Christ even when the world who denies such Truths hates you. Christ too was hated for who He was. Accept that those you do no harm to will hate you. Just take a look at those still laying down their lives in other countries as they refuse to denounce that Jesus Christ is their Savior.

As you accept His truth, understanding comes. It is my belief that excitement and hunger for more of His wisdom follows and before you know it, if you continue to listen carefully, wearing your full suit of armor, you will find yourself Joyfully following Christ even when the world who denies such Truths hates you. Christ too was hated for who He was. Accept that those you do no harm to will hate you. Just take a look at those still laying down their lives in other countries as they refuse to denounce that Jesus Christ is their Savior.

Today I pray that anyone who has desire to discover their purpose turns to God to find it. I pray they listen and hear. I pray this strengthens their faith in the Father and they continue to pursue His truth. I also pray for protection as I continue following Christ. I placed a ring on my finger and as Paul did, I consider myself a bond servant to Christ. I can not think of anything more worthwhile than following Christ. I pray for protection for me and all followers. I pray that God continues to use me and continues to write through me. I love what I am given to share. In Jesus name I pray.

Wendy, Walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

Today is March 18, 2014. That would make it Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell All Tuesday! This is my tell all:  It was my belief that the third book God put on my heart to publish would be out before the end of this month. So many obstacles have occurred since the editing process for book two in February that I am not sure You Are Worthy Too: Angels, Answers, Signs & Wonders will be available before months end. I do know the evil one does not want this one to hit the shelves.

An element I had wondered how I would write is what I have written this morning. In each book, I include a Dear Reader letter. I feel it lets the reader know I truly have heart in the game. It is a more personal call out to them than the true life events I share. To me they are truly a very important element of my books if not the most important one.

With this book I was not sure what I was meant to say in my dear reader letter. I knew of one thing that needed to be a part of my letter, but how to take that and stretch it into a letter when it was simply a single truth, well that was an entirely different matter. That brings me to today:

This morning I knew God wanted me up early. Funny enough, a dream I had just prior was so real I was able to share a point of view with Mike because of it without him getting bitter or offensive.

When Mike woke me up at 5:15 AM to ask if I had seen his gloves, I went to look for them. I asked him where he last saw them and he insisted he had left them in his helmet and now they were gone! I wasn't angry at all that he'd woken me up because I already knew in my heart God wanted me up. In my sleepiness and honestly disobedience I was trying to deny what I felt to be the case.

When Mike decided we had looked everywhere that the children may have hidden his gloves, he apologized for getting me up so early. I confessed that God wanted me up anyway so he had done me a favor as I was being disobedient. I was pretty sure Mike had been used to force me to get up. He kind of laughed me off until he went to leave. When he went to put his helmet on his head, he found his gloves inside. He looked at me astonished and said, "God really did want you up."

Everything about this morning makes me smile. It is God that took away the pain that made me dread each morning. That in itself is a wonder. I still hurt a little ~ perhaps a gentle reminder of how life used to be.

I marvel at God and His ways. We all often complain about how God works and his timing, but do not see how weak willed we truly are. In all Honestly, God has been extremely patient with me. All awful moments in my life were never the end of the world. They were just awful moments. I also have many moments I treasure. Some of them, the ones I feel called to share in this volume God put on my heart to share, are within this book.

My next book coming out will be entitled 'In the Midst of Spiritual Warfare'. I thought it would be my second book but it has become my fourth. That just may be so that I am more prepared to write what God wants in it than I was prior to writing my second book and starting my third!

I have been under the craziest attacks since I began piecing this book together. In every way I have been under assault. It has been eye opening amazing to watch God come through for me in all aspects. Each time I have found myself no worse off and perhaps even a step ahead, just in another way, as I have continually walked faithfully in the Spirit come what may. I find myself instantly praying as I have felt myself pulled away from the fruit of the Spirit. I quickly call upon God to carry me through. Refusing to fret and worry as I am bombarded with fiery arrows by being on alert and picking up my sword. By recognizing the enemy at work and being dressed for battle, I go into the fight calling out, "My Lord help me."

I pray as you read this book what you walk away with is an unshakeable faith. A faith that anytime anything in your life begins to take place that your heart frets, you panic, any form of fear or distress weigh in upon you, you find yourself on your knees. You do not always have to be on your knees in a physical sense but that is your posture in a heartfelt sense. You will recognize that force of fear upon you deeply and you will pray in a way that you speak from your heart and He will answer.

If you have read my first two books you know I am NO 'angel'. Yet, when I was at the end, knowing on my own I was not going to make it, I called upon the Lord from my knees. I was desperate but seeking. I wanted help but did not realize quite yet that I was forgiven. It took me a bunch of reading and listening to have that light come on. In all honesty, it was three years down the road before I was able to believe and KNOW I was forgiven. As if I heard Jesus himself say that it was done.

I was at a weekend event called the Great Banquet. I see how God put me there right when I was meant to be there. I was asked to write down anything I felt kept me from the Lord and I wrote it all down. I said them all out loud. I knew in my heart I had repented for all of them. Until that day, I was still convinced that I was unworthy of forgiveness.

When I took that paper with me into the next room, there were 3 crosses on the ground. I went to the one in the middle, picked up my hammer and with three blasts drove that 16 right into that post nailing it all on the cross that Jesus was nailed to as a sacrifice for all sinners. As a carpenters daughter one thing I know is how to drive a nail. It was as if I broke every chain Satan had on me as I drove that nail deeper and deeper. With my final blow I knew I was free and belonged to Christ. I wear my ring and my cross to this day. They remind me of the vow I made; to spend the rest of my life sharing the good news.

We have a way out of this place many truthfully call hell. I get why so many refuse to believe that God is in Heaven cheering them on. I too believed I had fallen too far to ever be picked back up let alone though of. That is a lie! If you seek, you will find but you truly have to seek. You have to give God the best of you every day. You have to rely on Him when trouble hits. As you do these things you allow Him to show Himself to you. We are blind to the heavenly realm. It is beyond our understanding. It just is. I have been blessed to have seen both a person and my Winnebago shrouded in indescribable lights. As if surrounded in a ceiling of diamonds. I wish that mental image did due justice but it truthfully doesn't. More Beautiful than you can imagine. Those two stories as well as how God got me jogging, bending and jumping again as well as strong enough to pick up my littlest one are all shared in my next book.

I leave you with a smile on my face this morning for I have fretted about what I was going to put in my dear reader letter. It is, after all, a very important component of all my books. I want you to know I am truly interested in helping you find your unwavering faith. It is a vital part of your armor and in my opinion one of the coolest elements of your suit!

As you read my book you will see that I have had run ins with angels. As a word of caution, do not get caught up in the angels themselves. Remember that it is God that created them. Should you find yourself amazed or curious about them be more amazed and curious about their Maker. He is the one that sends the angels to you.

I pray this book finds you building your own relationship with the Lord. As a child I talked His ear off and asked many questions. It was when I mistrusted Him that I cut myself off. I truly was that teenager with the worst attitude toward my loving Father for a decade. Then for two more decades I was convinced I had to find a way to work my way to forgiveness and worthiness. I was so lost. The truth was hidden from me by my own misunderstanding and lack of effort. Don't repeat my behavior then, repeat my behavior now. For as boldly as I talked to God as a child, I talk to Him today. As much as I depended on Him then, I depend on Him now. He is my Lord and Savior and He loves me. Should I be weak, I call upon Him for strength. When I feel myself becoming who I was through anger or frustration, I quickly realize I am in the flesh, and I do not like how it feels at all. I give my situation to God and let it go. Often I walk away for a moment and quickly call out to God to help me with my tongue. I pray you get here too, because here is where life becomes amazing.

With that, I leave you with this final statement; Be blessed AND BE A BLESSING

Wendy, Walks with God,
Mom of Many

© WendyGlidden, You Are Worthy Too: Angels, Answers, Signs and Wonders 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are You a Doubter?

Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday! Yea, from 70 degrees yesterday to snow today! Now that would be wacky if you didn't live in Indiana! For us its something we have seen before. That is why Hoosiers are so hardy lol. We roll with the punches as well as any group!!
As I read todays encouraging word, I smiled thinking how wild this event, the resurrection of Jesus, must have been at the time. I know it sounds wild in the reading of it.
I love the bible and all of its crazy happenings and recounts. I have crazy stories myself so it is easy for me to believe that such things could have taken place!
I am so excited to get this next book out. I was so busy worrying about my front and back matter that I was paralyzed in place once again. Then the day before, as I was working out of all times, God gave me what I needed for my Dear Reader letter. Then one of my bonus chapters came together for me while working on the house. When you chat it up with God, He often speaks when you least expect it! Just another way you know it is Him. I love His ways.
Here is the encouraging word I was given courtesy of K-Love this morning:
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!" ~ John 20:27, NLT

Thomas is known as doubting Thomas. However the others would have most likely been the doubters had they not seen Jesus for themselves.
We are asked to have faith without sight but in all honesty as you draw closer to God your eyes begin to see things that have no explanation other than God had a hand in it. Often we call these miracles.
Faith is simply believing that God has you no matter what seems to be going on. It's in trusting that He will work out all things for your good. It can be scary at first until you personally witness events for yourself. Sometimes faith can be born from hearing a story from someone else and the seed of curiosity is planted and you begin seeking. This is all it takes. When you come to the Father, like in the story of the two sons, the Father is joyous and welcomes you home with open arms.
Keep seeking and He will continually show up in countless ways. Trust in Him, pray to Him, talk to Him, share your heart, your fears, your dreams. He loves to have a relationship with His children. All relationships take a little work. Building your relationship with your Heavenly Father will actually improve all of your relationships! Well worth the effort!
I have much to get finished today so that I can work on my next book. I consider myself very blessed to have so many stories to share with the world. We are meant to share our stories for it strengthens not only our faith but others as well. I love when Paul says in one of his letters that he looks forward to encouraging others when he sees them again but also looks forward to being encouraged by them. 
Satan is always on the prowl. He longs to destroy your Faith. When we come together and share our stories and encourage one another, we in a way protect ourselves from the enemy. This is always a good thing. While at times it may be scary to share your story and the truth of who you once were, we are actually encouraged to share for it is in the sharing of our testimony that others will be saved. 
Be blessed and Be a blessing!
Father I come to you today with joy in my heart. I am so grateful for my story. I pray it brings many to you. As you know I have always wanted to be a part in saving lives. While as a child I did not fully understand what, why or how, I love what you have done through me. I am so blessed by messages I receive from others. I could not imagine a better life. Thank you. I pray also for strength and time and peace and protection so that I may finally sit down and finish this third book you placed on my heart to write. I pray that it causes countless sleeping children to wake up and clear the sleep from their eyes. May the too hear the calling Father. May they become bold and willing to share their own stories. Use me to my fullest potential Father and thank you for giving me large signs as I pray for them. Thank you for loving me just as I am and thank you for all your many daily blessings. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Wendy Glidden, walks with God
Mom of Many
© Wendy Glidden 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From Writing to Speaking, Come What May!

Good morning everyone! Today is wild wacky wonderful whimsical Wednesday. I am still under the weather but have decided my sickness is simply helping with the hunger side of things and preparing me for smaller portion control with ease. There is always a silver lining. Some are harder to spot than others but it is in training our eyes to look for them that they become easier to spy!

This last week was simply crazy. I don't know of another way to describe it. Thank the Lord literally that I know how to kick back and rest in Him. That is not to say that I just lay back and do nothing and magical things happen around me. No quite the opposite. I push forward every chance I have. I pray. I work. I listen for direction. I do a lot but when something gets in my way I don't let that become the end of the world. I look for the positive in the situation.

I am going to finally work off these last 40 pounds that are a burden to my frame and I finally braved getting in front of the camera and just speaking. I have no script for that just does not work for me. I have decided that is the way I will always have to speak in front of others. It may seem a little risky but I believe it allows for the Holy Spirit to step in and run the show. Again this does not mean that I'm like not thinking about what I might say. It just means its never going to be rehearsed! I do best 'in the moment'.

Recently I was invited to speak at an event hosted by Women Reaching Out, LLC. The topic was on a servants heart and I totally enjoyed my day.

I have this great friend named Brenda Taylor. She and I began meeting with each other as accountability partners in 2012. I truly love her to smithereens. Mainly because she loves me as I am and we are honest with each other. I saw that she was also going to be attending the event and we decided it would be fun to have an early lunch and catch up with each other. Due to life and the harsh winter, I had not seen Brenda in months.

We talked about how cool it was that I had actually published my first two books and I confided in her that I had nothing written down for my allotted 5 minutes on stage. I shared that having something prepared would feel too much like speech class and I was fearful I would freeze and not be able to talk. So Brenda being Brenda, cool, calm, and collected tells me to have no fear, just be myself.

When things were underway, Mrs. Elizabeth Utterback, the Founder of Women Reaching Out, LLC, was sharing with everyone about her recent google hangout and she called Brenda up and introduced her to the room. She explained that Brenda had been on the google hangout with her and then she turned to Brenda and said, "Brenda, share with these ladies what that experience was like for you."

Brenda turns all smiles and begins talking to everyone and then she stops and says, "Look at me, just talking away. How did that happen?"

I was grinning so big because she had led the way for me. She showed me just how to be myself and speak from the heart. I truly had no idea what I would say when I was called up front and since I was the first honoree guest speaker that day, I did not know until it was show time that they were going to read the biography I had submitted to the board members! When my introduction was over I was like oh wow now what do I say Lord? I gave myself a moment by saying to the room, "Well, that was my entire five minutes, thank you!" and I kind of nervously laughed.

Then I looked across the room and just started sharing a little bit more about myself. I began by saying, "It is true, I have just published my first two volumes in my life story. I am almost 45 years old and I have wanted to be an author since I was about this big." and I held my hand around my waist.

I know that I told them about sending a few copies out before they were officially published to take a reading sample. I know I told them about the response I had received and how I was finally living my dream; writing books that inspired hope in others. I talked a little bit about the evil one and how he lies to us and tells us we are not worthy. I ended by telling them, "You are all worthy!" and I sat down with a smile on my face.

When everything was over, I sold a few autographed copies of my books. I have a few personal moments from that day that I will never forget. One of them was when a lady came to my table as I was talking to another woman and signing her books. When we were alone, the second lady asked, "Are these fiction books?" I kind of chuckled and said, "No. They are my true life story."

She responded by saying, "Wow. I picked this one up and turned to a page I wasn't supposed to and I can't put it down. I am going to have to buy it."

I laughed and replied, "Sounds to me like you turned it to the right page!" and I asked for her name so I could autograph her book and thank her for her purchase.

Another one of my favorite personal moments was when I went to the back of the room to grab a mini sandwich and the girls serving told me how much my testimony had moved them. They said I'd make a great speaker at one of their meetings and asked to buy two of my books! I was not sure if they meant one of each book or two of the first but the Spirit moved me as it often does to give. So I went to my table and grabbed two of each book, I handed them the first volumes and I said, "You asked to buy two and I am going to gift you two. These go together."

As I walked away I realized I would really enjoy speaking at events. Who knew! Certainly not my 14 year old self!! If you have read my first book, you know how deep my fear of standing in front of others and speaking truly was!

This morning as I went to share the encouraging word from K-Love on Face Book, I noticed I had a new friend request and some new messages. One was from my new friend. She was simply thanking me for the story I had shared in my blog post regarding living before you die. Pretty darn cool this life of mine. Being blessed by those I have encouraged by simply sharing my heart and what the Spirit leads me to share. I truly never know what is going to come out of my fingertips or my mouth!

Speaking of encouraging words from K-Love, here is what they emailed me today:

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. ~ John 14:1, NLT
I am so thankful I sought out God again when I found myself at the end of my own strength. For in seeking I have discovered the Love that God held for me as a child has not changed one iota. Knowing all I have done and how far I strayed from the narrow path, I find this fact amazing. God's grace and mercy. It is available for all. Are you ready to come home yet?

Father, I come to you today with a song in my heart and a smile on my face. How wonderful it is to bask in the truth. Thank you for all the warriors who have led the way throughout time. Thank you for sending your only begotten son to save us. Thank you for calling me forth and helping me see all my dreams become a reality. My life is abundant in so many ways. I am blessed and I look forward to all that you cause me to do in any day. I love walking with the Spirit. Help me to get better and better at listening and following. Please help me be a bright light full of courage so that I may boldly share your glory with all I cross paths with. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of many

© Wendy Glidden 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

May You Learn to Live Before You Die!

My grandma gave me a book for my birthday somewhere around age 27 give or take a year or two. On the inside of the book, she had written a message to me. “May you learn to live before you die, Love, Grandma Rosie.”

I cannot remember for the life of me what the book was, but I never forgot her words.

This morning I awoke and wondered what God had in store for me. Since my computer is down, I found my so called smart phone and opened my email account and searched for K-loves encouraging word of the day. When I opened it up, I read this;

Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live. ~ Psalm 119:144, NLT

When I read that, so many things flashed into me all at once. This is how I am led to write what I write. These flashes of insight are why even when I begin to doubt that this is my path, I remember the conversations God and I had about me writing one day and I know to my very core, this is what I am meant to do. I am a ghost writer for the greatest writer of all. He communicates things and ideas to me via the flashes and talking thoughts. It is my honor to share all he shares with me. I am blessed in doing so. I am humbled to be given such a task.

My wit, my patience, my kindness, my heart, everything that is good about me is due to Him in me. I absolutely love who I am in Him. When I walk on my own, things don’t often turn out quite so well. This is most obvious when you read my life story.

So back to the inscription my grandmother had written me. When I read it I was like; what? Live before I die? I’m living now. What does she mean?

I did not ask her outright that day. Instead, I pondered it over the years though. As I look back over my life and many of the things my grandmother has said to me I am sure that she was moved by the spirit to say them. I believe this to be the case because they have been one liners and they have been deep. Short, sweet and full of meaning. Often the spirit talks to me directly in such a fashion.

When I read that encouraging word, one of the things that flashed to me is that sin is death. When we chose to live outside of Gods laws, we often find ourselves deep in some kind of trouble that was brought on by our own doing. This kind of living is not living at all, it is simply surviving. Sure we are alive. We are breathing, moving, working or whatever but in all honesty we are not living at all.

We allow our actions to hold us in bondage. You see, it does not always feel good to walk outside of Gods laws. If you got real truthful with yourself, much of what you are doing when you are living outside of the law, does not make you proud. Meaning it is something you don’t want the entire world to know about. This is something the evil one relishes. As soon as you yourself are not proud of what you are doing, as soon as you begin to avoid certain people or places for fear others may see you ‘in the moment’, the devil has all he needs to begin shaming you into silence.

So, when King David says help me understand your laws so I may live, this is what he was talking about.

When you are on top of the world, doing what is right in all ways, you can stand proudly and you do. It is like the sun is beaming on you and life is good. It is abundantly good. Most of us have had one of those moments in our lifetime when everything was perfect and worry was not even a passing thought. We had nothing to worry about. We were on the right path.

On this earth it is so very easy to slide off of the right path, the narrow path, because so many temptations are lurking around every corner. Shame is a guilt that will chain you quickly. It truly is enough to keep one from their purpose in life.

If you are afraid of others discovering something from your past or present, you will not be near as bold about things. This is why it is best to come clean of everything. Leave the devil with nothing to shame you with. If you step forward and say; I did that and I did this and it did not feel good but it is part of my history, it is what it is. By doing this, those things lose their power over you. You will break the chains of slavery.

When you sin, you may not fully grasp in that moment that you have supplied the evil one with the tools he needs to enslave you into bondage. He will haunt you later in life with your shames. Don’t allow him that privilege. Don’t hand over that power. There is NO REASON to! Your heavenly father loves you so much; he provided you a way to freedom. He provided you with the law of liberty. Step out of the shadows and allow yourself to bask in the sun. Come follow the son of God and live an abundant life.

The birthday wish my grandma gave me approximately 17 years ago is the same prayer I say for all my brethren today. “May you learn to live before you die.”

My computer is in the hands of a friend. I do not yet know if it can be saved but I do now have in my email both of the chapters from book III that I feared may be lost. I still have 4 chapters to polish off to finish my book and I am certainly behind schedule at this point but I am not going to stress over any of it. This is Gods book. He put it on my heart to share with the world. It will hit the shelves right when it is supposed to.

Should I need a new computer, then a new one I will find this weekend! I hear there is a mighty storm headed our way. I wondered when I heard it was on its way for sure if it was perhaps going to be enough to allow me to stay home toasty warm and finish this third volume God put on my heart to write. We will see won’t we?

Father, today I come before you with such gratitude. As I read all of King David’s 119th Psalm I found myself crying. I am so thankful that he too was willing to share all you put on his heart to share. His words and songs to you have lifted me so many times lately. I find him and his love for you very inspiring. To know that I am not alone in any way. To know that you love us regardless of anything we may do. It is such a gift to understand the depth of your love. I thank you for never giving up on me and for sending others my way to minister to me over the years. May I be a hand or foot for you as well. May my words lift and encourage and shine light into the darkest corners of the world. I have so much to be thankful for my Lord. Please fill my heart with your love so that I may reveal your glory to all I manage to touch in my lifetime. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,

Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden

Monday, February 10, 2014

Have You Ever Been Perplexed?

Good Morning everyone! Today is Marvelously Magnificent Miraculous Monday! Can I get a whoop whoop! Many of you know I am in the midst of finishing my second book. I am still on course to have it listed on Amazon by this Friday! Last Friday by the time I had arrived at home, I quickly realized I was under a fierce attack from the evil one. He was hitting me hard and fast. I was being bombarded with so many arrows, I felt myself on the brink of a panic attack. After we had put the children to bed, I looked at Mike and said, "I need to start editing book two right now and just make sure I'm not crazy and it really isn't as awful as I am beginning to think it is."

He laughed and asked, "Why are you worried about it being awful, you are clever and your writing is great. Every time you sit down to share a blog post, I'll admit at first I dread it. Then as I listen to you read what you have written, I always find myself thinking wow. That's really good."

I smiled at him, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "I think I'll start by treating myself to a memory bar." and I went into the kitchen to grab one from my well hidden stash. There are only three squares to each bar and they are truly to die for. I took a bite and tossed the bar on my nightstand and Mike asked, "Where's mine?"

I bent down to grab my computer bag and to hide my face as I said, "You don't want a piece, they really aren't that good." I immediately snort laughed because I couldn't help myself. I was already massively enjoying my bite. Knowing the jig was up, I burst into full blown laughter. When I saw Mike's face, I began laughing even harder. By the time I finally got myself under control my anxiety was decreased significantly.

To get my computer out of my bag, I have to take my bible out first. When I did, I remembered an encouraging word I had shared the day before. I was telling Mike about it and I stopped long enough to read it to him. The scripture being quoted is out of 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 7 - 9:

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, NLT

When I put down my bible, I was chattering away about what I felt when I first read the verse. After that, I cracked open my lap top, found my file for my next book, 'You Are Worthy Too: Marriage, Motherhood and My Moral Meltdown', opened it up and began the process of editing it from beginning to end.

I was about half way down the third page when I read; Perplexed but wanting to graduate, I bit my tongue.

I actually gasped because to me there are no coincidences in life. Having written this paragraph long before I had read that encouraging word was like God saying outright that my book is good. I came close to tearing up and had to share the coolness of it all with Mike who was quickly falling asleep.

Over the course of the weekend, I managed to completely finish editing all 12 chapters. Tonight I will be adding all the front and back matter and then it is off to the publisher for final approval. Should I pass the test, this book will be out as planned on February 14, 2014.

Today, I have had everything that could go wrong go wrong. From computer crashes to crazy time wasting calls. On top of that I had things I had to accomplish to qualify for the 'Mom on the ball' and 'Wife who never lets husband down' award.

I am blessed to work with a lady named Joan. I have known her since I was 16 years old and she is a follower of Christ. I can't imagine what daily life would be like if I didn't get to work with her 4 out of my 5 work days. When my computer began making a fire alarm sound, I unplugged the keyboard having learned from a previous incident that was what the issue was and I began laughing about it all with Joan.

We decided this second book is really going to be something because life is getting crazy for me in every way possible. I prefer this type of trouble over a fiery arrow attack. Even knowing how to protect myself from those, it is amazing at how quickly it's all you can do to move yourself to take up your shield of faith and whip out your sword!

I truly am amazed that this January I knew I was going to get my first book completed. I accepted engagements in March based on me being a published Author before then. Talk about stepping out in Faith! I've seen that I will publish at least 5 books this year. It amazes me to think I really will and maybe even more than that! I know God will do whatever He needs to for me to accomplish what He intends me to accomplish. Often people hear all I do in a week and they ask me, "How on earth do you find the time to get so much done?"

Honestly if I didn't recognize God working in my life I would be clueless myself! I would encourage you to seek God and reach for the dreams he instilled in your heart. If you don't know what those are, go to Him and ask.

For those who do not already know, the books I am currently putting out are my true life story. Volume 1 takes you from my earliest memories to the end of my 16th year. It is called 'You Are Worthy Too: In the Beginning' the next book takes you from age 17 to 23. If sequels are something you look for, this will be a great read for you. I am pricing my ebooks at only $3.99.

I must end here as I am out of time to write!

For those that would like to either purchase or take a free sneak peak at the first book, click on the link:

This will take you to: You Are Worthy Too: In the Beginning

Father, today I come to you with thanks. Thank you for laughter, it truly helps. Thank you for great music with awesome lyrics that help me praise you and draw close. Thank you for the bible itself. Not a day goes by that I don't need to read it. You are so kind to give us so many signs that you have us. They become easier to see the closer one gets to you. I pray that I grow in wisdom. I pray I am a light for others. I pray all my dreams come true and I thank you for all your help. May all I do help reveal your glory. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

Friday, January 3, 2014

Do You See What I See?

Today is fantastically fabulous fun filled friends and family Friday!! The first one of 2014 as a matter of fact! With Christmas and New Years falling mid week, I have to keep reminding myself it really is Friday and not Tuesday. With the added days off from work, courtesy of the days I was gifted off from my boss, my routine has been thrown off a bit. However, I have loved the extra time off to spend with my family. Trust me when I say I am not complaining about feeling like I should be doing Tuesday office duties rather than Friday's!

Last night when I got home, Michael was putting the finishing touches on dinner. I helped dish it out to the children and once dinner was completed, I offered to do the dishes. Mike laughed and said, "Nice. You work all day and then get stuck doing dishes after dinner."

I laughed and replied, "I like doing dishes. There is something about having my hands in hot water that helps me gel my rambling thoughts." It is true. I don't know why doing dishes has that calming almost grounding affect on me, but it does. Even though I have a dishwasher in our new place, I still hand wash the dishes. I have found the dishwasher is the perfect place to put everything to dry. We truly only have enough plates, bowls and cups to serve everyone once. Doing things this way saves me time and energy as well as space. I don't have to put everything away in a cabinet. What would be the point? We will be dragging the dishes out again in a few short hours!

As I was washing dishes, I began unfolding the events and conversations with others I had had over the last couple of days. I was reflecting on how a persons viewpoint changes what they actually see. When that epiphany hit me, I had what I refer to as flashes of insight. I quickly went to my bedroom, pulled out a notepad from my nightstand, and wrote the word viewpoint down before it faded from my brain and then went back to washing dishes.

Usually when I have flashes of insight, if I'm on my game, I find myself writing a blog about all I see. As I continued washing the dishes, I reflected on viewpoints and how sometimes our own viewpoint can actually blind us to certain truths. Suddenly, my mind longed to see things from God's viewpoint. What a view that must truly be!

Many times, when my brain has flashes of insight, I ponder on them. I was appreciating the fact that no two people see something in the exact same way. This point can be made by reading eye witness accounts from a vehicle accident or a crime scene. I have always found this truth fascinating. It was while reflecting upon these things, that the above title for this blog came to me. The night was winding down and honestly I was exhausted and in much need of what I refer to as veg time. I quickly jotted down the title and threw my notepad into my carry case knowing I would blog upon it today.

Do you see what I see? I can remember playing this game as a child. Who knew it would take on such a grander meaning in adulthood? I mean in all honesty, sometimes I look at something and a certain part of it stands out bigger than the rest, yet when I go back to share it with someone, I am almost blind to the thing that originally jumped out at me. This happens the most often when it comes to reading something and then later attempting to share what I read with someone else. I have told myself again and again that I should keep a highlighter on hand for such times! Then it would be easy to re-spot and share down the road. However, I am a mom of many. Things like highlighters are harder to keep hidden away from little ones than treats! Just being able to have a pen or pencil in a given moment can often be a challenge. I cannot tell you how many times I have jotted a note down with a crayon!

We all have our own viewpoints. Everyone has their own set of biases that they base their beliefs upon. Trying to help someone see things from your vantage point is not always easy. If they are closed minded the task becomes that much more difficult. As we grow and mature often our viewpoints shift and even change completely. This mere fact alone may be why some are afraid to open their minds enough to listen to what someone else has to share.

Recently, I came under attack from another person online. They accused me of harming others by sharing my faith. They called me lazy, stupid, slow, and ignorant among other names.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people, while in the process of trying to convince you that your belief system is built on a faulty foundation, find the need to be so abusive. Often, when you point out the truth that there is no reason to be so cruel to get one's opinion across, they truly seem to be blind to their own verbal abuse.

I truly thank God that I am who I am and that I am discovering who I am in Christ for I can honestly say I like myself. This alone helps me rise above such situations to the point that I find myself being led by the spirit to pray for those that attempt to insult me or cause me harm. I see that they are lacking truth and light in their life and I know full well how living outside of either of those feels.

There is definitely something to be said for walking in the spirit. It helps you rise above such situations. I think one might often find themselves in a petty exchange of words in the midst of such assaults were they not wearing the recommended daily armor required for such attacks. This is not to claim that I myself never stumble. It just does not feel good when those moments take place and very quickly the spirit of rightousness convicts me.

I know for me, my heart physically ached for this particular person. I have never met them face to face, and most likely never will. I found it interesting that I went to bed feeling sorry for them and awoke to find myself being led by the spirit to pray for them.

This, among other things, was what I was reflecting upon when the whole viewpoint and do you see what I see notion came to me.

I pray that no matter where you are at in life that you are open enough to try to see things from another person's viewpoint. If you are not willing to truly hear what they are saying, how do you ever hope to be able to have an impact upon their viewpoint. You must know where a person is before you can see how you might best be able to make a point or even better plant a seed. This does not mean you will have a positive effect on every person you attempt to lift. Sadly, when you read your bible, you know clearly some will not be moved.

It is not our place to judge others. We cannot change who they are. Only them being open to the spirit can do that. I try to remind myself to toss seeds regardless of my own shallow thoughts. As the parable about the seeds being thrown onto the ground suggests, some will take root and some will not. It is not my place to judge the ground which I throw them on. I am to throw them regardless of what I am able to see and trust that the spirit will do the rest.

I have found my own truest protection lies in my walking in the spirit as well as continually renewing my mind with God's word. I believe I encourage others and perhaps help them with the strengthening of their faith by sharing my life story. I also believe when we are able to love others in spite of how they treat us, we shine a light into the darkest corners of the world.

Today I pray for the blind and for those who believe that God and religion go hand in hand. Nothing in life makes me sadder than a person without hope or faith. I see them as a dieing flower that is in much need of nourishment. I am so thankful that even in the pit of hell I never doubted you were my creator Father. How blessed I have been all my life to know you truly exist. I pray for all who believe in you but have fallen for the lie that we are not good enough to be loved by you. Thank you for lifting me so high that I was able to see and grasp this truth. It was a real game changer. I can never thank you enough for that game change. I pray for more strength and more wisdom for myself. I only long to be the brightest light I can be. I thank you Father for all the blessings you bestow upon me and my family in a given day. I truly see myself as blessed. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy Glidden, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden

Monday, December 30, 2013

How to Nourish One's Faith!

It's marvelously magnificent miraculous Monday and it is the last one we'll have this year! What a crazy year this one has been for me. From finally getting it through my head that God forgave me for all my sins way before I was even born and had had the chance to sin, to the truth that He has forgiven every transgression I will commit until the day I die. That in itself was major!

The big deal for me this year would have to have been the testing of my faith. As I begin to put various posts together for my first e-book, I have of course been going back and reading much of what I have shared this year. I am amazed at what all I have witnessed even though it was through Faith that God always has me that carried me through it. Regardless, when you look in the rear view mirror, your faith can sometimes be increased. This is definitely the case for me.

One of the most amazing things I witnessed this last year would have to be the change in my brother. God led me to help him last year. I even blogged about it for I had no idea how I could help him. As it turned out God needed me to pray for him.

You see, back in 1998, my brother went into a stress center and came out diagnosed as bipolar II. I never thought that was the correct diagnosis for my brother but I had no say when it came to him. For 15 long years my brother was not my brother. The medicine they placed him on turned him into a drone. Every now and then, he'd stop taking all that medication and sadly he would always land himself in some type of trouble and find himself placed on even worse medication. The kind of medication that I believe throws a person in a deep dark well that they cannot communicate from. Therefore, when they do come out, they have years of thoughts all trying to come out at once. I knew in my heart that was the case for my brother but finding someone in the medical field willing to take the time to listen and actually figure things out is next to impossible. That is, until you reach out to God for help. I had enough faith that I did as I was led to do by the spirit and I prayed for my brother as well as anyone else that might be fighting the same type of demon. This took place right before Christmas for the details of all of this are in a post where I was trying to view Christmas in a different way. I think I called it Mas Christ in an attempt to add more of the teaching of Jesus into not only that one day but all year long.

Shortly after I prayed for my brother, he was incarcerated for the first time in his life. Personally I hated it, but I knew God is always faithful and I knew he uses anything bad for something good so, I continued to pray for him to receive true help in the medical field. He was released from jail late January of this year and our sister had him move in with her for she lived in one of two counties where they have a medical establishment set up that is designed to truly help a person, not just over medicate them. The only thing we needed was for my brother to comply on his own to go see them. That did not happen so, I continued to pray for him. Within the first month of living with my sister, my brother had a panic attack and called 911. Very quickly the staff knew he needed the help of this facility and they took him there. As it turns out, my brother is not bipolar and he truly was being medicated incorrectly. Today my brother is himself again. He has his own place, he smiles and laughs and is capable of living a normal life. No longer held in the bondage of over medication with no hope out of the dark well he'd been cast into. This was a gigantic reminder for me that God is always faithful and He truly loves all of us.

This morning I awoke refreshed and excited for this next big step I am taking. When I arrived at work and opened my email, this is the encouraging word I found courtesy of K-Love:

Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:11, NLT

If I was to give anyone advice, I think this would be it in a nutshell. I know many people get in a jam, they throw up a half heartfelt prayer, but it has no faith within it. They base their belief in God's power on the results they allow themselves to see and sadly many buy into some lie about God not being for them or not being powerful enough or even worse that He is not good or faithful. My heart breaks for them.

Faith is something that truly grows over time. It can begin with a burst, but it is something you need to nourish. How do you nourish Faith? By feeding it with the Word of God, continually seeking and praying, and opening your eyes a little wider so you can see the silver lining around things. 

Satan will do anything and everything to destroy your faith. I know this for I allowed the father of lies to keep me busy and off track for decades. Read my story and you will quickly see how even those full of faith can be tricked through the evil one's connivery.

Over the weekend, I began a new journey. All year I have been saying I want to write a book, I need to write a book. Now I can actually say, "I have begun the process of having my book edited and prepared for publishing!" I am not going to get it done before the end of this year, but I will have more than one published by this time next year!

How did it all begin? I stepped out in Faith 

Be blessed and be a blessing 

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Perfect Timing!

It's Totally Terrific Testimonial Tell-All Tuesday! We all have a story. Many of us have a bunch of stories! I am blessed to be one of those people!

This morning was the first morning my school crew boarded the bus from our new place. Without knowing exactly when the bus would arrive, the morning was a little hectic. Once everyone was on the bus, I went inside to tell Mike and Jeffrey goodbye only to have little Jeffrey insist on coming to work with me so that he could do his ABC mouse school. He is so stinking cute and really VERY well mannered for a three year old so I caved.

Getting him dressed for the outside element was of course going to make me run a little late . . . or so I thought. Lately I have been hearing a lot about God's timing and how it's not always in line with our timing but we need to chill out because His timing is always perfect.

So, here I was finally behind the wheel and on my way. I literally only have a three minute drive to work now so that is pretty awesome. If you've been reading my blog this year, you know it was God that led me to move where I did. I still feel like pinching myself for I truly love where he placed me. Anyway, I realized something was wrong with my car almost as soon as we hit the road. At first I thought maybe I had a flat tire or was it my exhaust? You have no idea how my brain works . . . probably a good thing!

Anyway, I was thinking, 'Did I plug up the exhaust pipe with something by backing up my car into the plowed snow bank?' No. Something much simpler than that was wrong. As I stopped for the one red light I cross each day, I suddenly realized the funny feeling that I was feeling was me running out of gas! My gauge showed half a tank and it suddenly dawned on me that I had threatened to start keeping track of the mileage but had not stuck to that plan!

I thought prayed 'change light change' and it did. I pressed the gas, surged forward and then puttered to a stop right in the middle of the intersection! "NO!" I silently screamed. I put the car in park, said a silent prayer, "please God get me out of the middle of the road!" I cranked the car. It started! I pressed the accelerator and sped across the intersection at a whopping 8 miles an hour! A turtle would have beat me! Still, I managed to get across the road as kind citizens honked at me. I coasted to a complete stop 15 feet beyond the intersection and realized a truck was right behind me. I thought, "Do they know I just need up the road? It looks as if they are wanting to push me with their truck . . . or maybe that's just wishful thinking!"

Sure enough, a lady jumped out of the passenger side and it turned out to be my son's fiancee's mom and her dad! She asked if I wanted them to push me the rest of the way with their truck! I said, "Yes! Please!!"

The best part of being pushed into the driveway was Jeffrey. Boys!! He thought it was the coolest thing ever to be pushed down the road by another vehicle. Once safely in the drive, I jumped out, ran over to Sherry and thanked and hugged her.

Once I got into the office I was giggling to myself. In a flash I clearly saw that had I dashed out the door on time according to my own plans, I would have been early and would have ended up walking a block to work in the frigid cold with little Jeffrey at my side or more likely than not in my arms!

You just have to love God and how He always has you!

I hope this little testimony of mine has helped you with your own timing in life. I often say the best 'Chill Pill" is a silent prayer and then giving whatever it is that has you wound up to God. I pray you are able to rest in Him daily!

Those of you who have followed my blog this past year know that I became a mother at the age of 17. You also know I have been a work a holic, control freak much of my life. When I was in my early twenties I was always in a hurry. This was truly my theme song the year it came out. I hope it causes you to chuckle and slow down a little so that you can better enjoy this thing we call life <3. Be blessed and be a blessing <3

The song is called: 'I'm in a hurry to get things done' by Alabama

Father, today I come to you with joy in my heart. I love knowing that you have all my needs met before I even know I'm going to need something! You never cease to amaze me. I feel like a simple child when it comes to the ways of the wise. Please teach me to be more trusting, more loving, more wonderful, more wise! I pray that you help my fellow brother's and sister's in Christ with all of that as well! Again, thank you thank you thank you for always having my back! I love your ways! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy Glidden, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Today Has Enough Trouble of It's Own!

Last Tuesday night, December 10, 2013, was the final night we HAD to spend in the RV this winter! What a crazy week this last one has been. We had counted down the last thirty days until we were going to move in to our new apartment which Jeffrey calls 'The Castle'. He cracks me up. I have explained to him that we will only be living in a tiny section of the castle. His excitement has not been phased.

Monday morning, December 9, 2013, I had called over to verify my time for my walk through and to make sure they'd gotten confirmation of my renters insurance and the fact that the utilities were in my name. All was going smoothly and we set my appointment at 11:30.

At three that afternoon, I received a phone call letting me know there was a slight problem with my new apartment. Sometime between Sunday night and Monday afternoon, a water pipe had burst and there was so much water on the floor that they were going to have to replace the carpet and padding in the bedrooms and the flooring in the 2nd bathroom where the leak had happened.

They told me it would be completed by Friday. I admit I was a bit sad. I had seen the weather forecast for the week and it was not pretty. We have been below freezing for over a week now and it was only going to get colder over the next couple of days.

Towards the end of the day, I saw a post asking for help with a chain saw crew being called to give a helping hand in Texas where they had been hit by a massive ice storm. I knew Mike would be great help so I quickly got in touch with him and asked if he'd be interested. Seeing how we weren't going to be moving now until Friday, the biggest need for Mike to be home was taken care of. Our money is really tight this month and we both agreed that him helping out would be a beautiful way to tithe. I gave him Rusty's number and Mike was the final man they needed to be able to go.

They were heading out Very early in the morning so we set our alarm for 4:20 AM and the next day we headed out before the sun came up to get Mike to one of the meetup locations on time. Once he was dropped off I made my way to work.

At eleven that afternoon, the apartment complex called me with great news. They were ahead of schedule and as it turned out if I wanted to, I could begin moving in anytime after 4:00 pm on Wednesday! The irony did not escape me! I was super thrilled that we would be in the new place right before the coldest night of this winter arrived.

With Mike being gone, I knew I could only do so much as far as moving everything was concerned so Tuesday night I packed up the majority of food, all our dirty clothes, all of our clean linens as well as the entire bathroom including all of our clean towels! All I could think was, 'I get to do laundry IN my home and everyone can take a shower!'. It truly is the little things in life that make me the happiest.

Wednesday came and after work I headed over to the apartment complex to sign my new lease. I thought I had help lined up to move the three beds I had been given along with a few odds and ends. As it turned out, my moving help was a no show and we ended up sleeping on the floor the first night! Thank goodness I had thought to grab the one cot with the 1" foam mattress and a really thick sleeping bag.

The funniest part of our first night was when I had two children in the two tubs only to realize I had nothing clean to put them in when they got out. I quickly went through all the dirty clothes and picked out things for everyone to change into and got my first load of laundry going.

Bonus things I did not know came with my apartment. A microwave above the stove, a dishwasher and an ice maker! Life is good!!

Thursday night, my help arrived and I got the few things I had been given moved into the apartment and placed in their spots. Jean, one of my many sisters in Christ, kept the children for me while another sister in Christ, Ana, helped me get the items I had been gifted into place.

When we arrived back to Jean's we discovered she had made dinner for all of us. We ate, joked that we should take a picture to post to Facebook with the a note about how all that was missing was our Pastor and his wife for our old Thursday night Bible study. Weirdly we have not gotten together since the night Ana and I were baptized. We were left hanging in the midst of Acts.

Friday night in the midst of the approaching winter storm, the chain saw crew made it safely back. I picked up Mike and we headed home. We caught each other up on all that had transpired.

The gist of this post originally began to show that the best laid plans are often disrupted. I was being led to blog on the verse regarding the fact that each day has enough trouble of it's own. Allow me to share that here, from Matthew, Chapter 6, verse 34:

So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of it's own.

The entire chapter has wonderful wisdom. I love reminding myself of this final thought for I have found it to be so very true. There is no sense in getting all wrapped up in tomorrow.

As my mind often does, while I was typing the above sentence, I recalled something I heard on Moody radio the other day. It was on a Friday around 5 PM and they were playing a series of voice mails that people had left. One of them stuck out more than the rest to me and it was about 'I Am.' In a gist the guy was talking about how you shouldn't focus on the past for God has said His name is I Am and while He is in the past and the future, it was never the past and the future when we found Him on any given day, for His name is always in the present and that was where we should be ourselves. That's not exactly how it was phrased. In all honesty, it was stated in a much more impactful way. Regardless, this has seemed to be the lesson I was being taught this past week. Stay in the here and now for this is the moment we are living.

I pray that this rambling blog has lifted your spirits, given you something to smile about or perhaps even caused you to seek a little more from the word of God Himself.

Father, I come before you today singing your praises and giving thanks for what a wonderful Father you truly are. You never cease to amaze me with your ways. I love living this life of mine under your terms. No longer do I feel the need to control everything for the illusion of me being in control of anything has long gone! Thank you for that!! I love where you have placed me. Close to work and home and surrounded by many brothers and sisters in Christ. How blessed I truly am. Thank you for loving us and always being faithful. My life is so colorful and bright and I truly look forward to each day. I pray that I continue to grow spiritually. I pray you lead me in the direction I am designed to go in. I pray I am able to see and hear all you have for me to see and hear each day. I pray that my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ grow closer to you as well. May this season that we celebrate the birth of Christ in be full of your love. May more and more and more of us come to see the Glory of God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Don't Let 'It' Get the Best of You!

"Don't let 'it' get the best of you."
"Don't let 'them' get the best of you."

It seems these last few weeks that is what I keep hearing in my head. Whenever something has gone wrong or someone has been a bit nasty, I have been reminded to not let it get the best of me. For instance, Mike and I have been under a lot of pressure since his return and I honestly cannot tell you exactly what happened the other day other than I recognized a ridiculous attack for what it was. I walked away from the situation after politely excusing myself. I went to the car, got in and pulled my phone out to see what the encouraging word of the day was. I knew I just needed to strengthen my armor.

On the way to work that morning, I refused to be pulled into any argument. It truly is amazing what happens when you keep your focus on the Lord, read His Word daily, and put on your full suit of armor!

We all are in a spiritual battle. If you don't see it now, I pray you open your eyes to the truth of what is happening in this world!

Anyway, half way to work, Mike, who I knew was being used to disrupt my day in a feeble attempt to put out my light, apologized to me for trying to throw me out of balance. His exact words were, "I'm sorry for trying to throw you out of balance this morning. It seems I pulled my own neck while having my moment."

I smiled and told him no worries. I admitted that I had seen what was going on for what it was, so I was good. I then shared with him the wisdom that God had shared with me in reading Proverbs 26, verse 20:

For lack of wood the fire goes out.

Many times at home, when I am talking to one child, another will chime in with a much un-needed comment. I have implemented this phrase at home for those times: "Don't throw gas on my fire!"

Marissa asked me what that meant. In turn, I asked her, "You know how you can have a little fire going but if you add starter fuel to it, it gets crazy big?" She shook her head yes.

I then informed her that an angry person was like a fire and it was best not to feed that fire. Now, when a situation is on the brink of a melt down, all I have to do is quickly say, "Don't throw gas on my fire!" and the entire clan gets quiet.

I wish the only attack I have had disrupt my day was that single instance. However, I have been under a continual attack for almost three weeks now. I think all designed to steal any spare time for sure, but to also perhaps blow out my light.

Often you hear that a follower of Christ has a target on their back. I joke the brighter I get, the more I write, the more I am under assault. I consider it a compliment from the other side. The father of lies must see me as a formidable foe to come at me so often and so crazily.

I believe it is a combination of my confidence in the Father and the fact that I warn others about him that draws his ire. I see how he has worked against me and plotted against me for decades. Such a clever liar he is. I find it shockingly scary at times what thoughts he attempts to plant in my mind. I know he does this to every human being. He even tempted and toyed with Jesus. Don't fool yourself into thinking he doesn't do the same thing in your life! That belief is dangerous to your peace of mind!

So, as many of you know, Mike was facing some jail time in Florida last month. I had prayed for him, written a letter to his lawyer, left a message for the head of probation and talked to the State Attorney against her will, but in the end, I had truly given it all to God. Shockingly, Mike ended up only having to serve 4 days ~ 3 nights out of an original requested 60 days! Having found himself convicted by God during our separation and certain himself that he was a changed man, he arrived here in Indiana to ask for my hand in marriage.

I knew accepting him and allowing him the chance to be who he said he would be would land me in hot water where my father was concerned, but I could not help myself. I am happy that I opened the door and my heart up to him. Of course the father of lies does not care for us to be happy. He likes to throw God's children into turmoil and he certainly set out after Mike and I from the jump.

Mike arrived Saturday evening. The children were most elated. I myself was deeply moved. That next morning Mike went to church with us. He left his vehicle next to the RV. When we got in the car to drive back to the RV, I noticed I had missed a couple of calls from my father as well as a text that simply showed his number. I returned the call not sure if it was in regards to Mike or something he needed to let me know regarding work. As it turned out, it was about Mike. Since he was back and I was going to allow him the opportunity to be a man of courage, my father insisted I get everything off his property.

We moved that afternoon as the big storms that produced destructive tornadoes on November 17th moved in. When we were safely settled Mike looked at me and said, "So this is some of the adversity we will face for loving one another." I laughed knowing he was right. I smiled and said, "You know if it was easy, it would make for a boring story. Let's just keep our focus on the truth. We love each other. We both grew through the separation. We are stronger for it all."

Life with Mike back in the picture has been both easier and harder in the same fell swoop. When it comes to taking care of the home and the cars and the children, hands down EASIER! When it comes to problems and turmoil thrown in my path, it has been much more difficult.

Satan has gone as far as to try to whisper to me that Mike is bad luck for me. Thank God I recognize the difference between my inner voice and the father of lies voice today. Regardless, it is spine tingling when he attempts to bend your ear and plant such thoughts. You instantly realize that this attack, this belief, these words are going to repeat and sooner or later, most likely come out of the mouth of someone who's opinion you value. Simply recognizing and dismissing the initial lie once does not stop the evil one in his tracks. Life would be a lot easier were that the case!

In the last three weeks when it has come to vehicles, if I've been in it, it's overheated, broken down completely, gotten a flat or run out of gas!

It all began happening right after Mike's return. So did the whispering words 'You were better off before he came back.' I had to stop that loop more than once. As I have said again and again and again, the father of lies will talk to you so softly it causes you to bend in to hear better.

Through every mishap I have chosen to find the blessing in every situation. I looked for the silver lining and have found it each time.

It all started with a flat tire the Monday after we had moved. Mike quickly jacked us up, took the tire into town, plugged it and filled it with air and delivered it back and put it on and we were on our way. Best part of that day: He greeted me with a smile upon his return, planted a kiss on my lips and presented me with a cup of coffee he hidden behind his back!

When I ran out of gas with the children in the car, where we landed was off the road in a place I didn't have to worry about being in the way and within one block of a gas station. We were even blessed to be picked up and driven to the gas station and back in less than 10 steps from the car! Satan may be out to ruin my day but God always has me!

When we ran out of gas a second time, Mike was driving. Mike went walking by himself to get gas. We were MILES away from the closest station and it was below freezing. I said a quick prayer, asked the children to pray with me and before I could finish reading a child's book, a car with Mike riding as passenger pulled up next to us. He had been picked up, taken to the gas station and driven back! More proof that God had us even when we didn't have ourselves!

When my tire blew in the jeep, I was around the corner from the mechanic we use at Glidden Fence and was able to park the car there overnight without worry and even got a ride to the library to meet up with Mike and the children! We managed to find and purchase another tire for a mere $35.00!

When the car overheated, I still managed to get to the children to school one minute before the they would have been counted tardy. As it turned out, it was a problem Mike was able to fix for under $20.00!

When the car broke down on me again with all the children in the car, I landed in the only place for two miles in either direction that had an enough of an emergency lane for me to get completely off the road. Had I fallen just 20 feet short or puttered another 20 feet forward that would not have been the case! I was even blessed enough to have the local sheriff call me at work looking for Mike to see what his plans were for the car. They promised not to tow it as long as we got it off the road before nightfall. Mike did not get the problem fixed that first day, however, we were allowed by a kind person to move our car onto their property.

The next day, Mike and I prayed for help with the car. Amazingly it only cost us $160 rental deposit that was fully refunded for a tool that he rented to assist in tracking down the problem. As it turned out with running out of gas in that car not once, but sadly twice, we had built up air in the line. Once bled out, the car fired up and has been running beautifully. The entire time I chose to remain certain that God had me. For He is faithful.

Now, here comes the toughest part of this certain story. In between day one and day two of the last vehicle breakdown incident, my father came into the office and inquired about my car. When I told him what had happened, he went on a brutal attack. He said out loud the words Satan had been trying to get me to listen to. "Since Mike has returned you have had nothing but bad luck. Almost as if you've been cursed."

The attack went from Mike to my children to this blog and it didn't stop there. I don't know how I managed to stay as calm through all of it as I did, but it is my belief that being able to keep my focus on the truth was my saving grace. I was blessed that this assault took place with only 15 minutes left of my work day. I had no transportation that night as Mike had not gotten back yet and I had all the children. My father had not only yelled at me, little Jeffrey had heard him yelling and had gone in to give him a hug. I think how he was treated by my father was the hardest part of the entire assault.

The blessing in all that would be that the children and I left promptly at five pm walking down the road on our way to the library to meet up with Mike. As I approached the light a block from my office, a woman driving a van on her way to mass got my attention and offered to give us a ride. Turns out she is a follower of Christ, has five grandchildren that she drives back and forth to school three times a week so, not only did she have enough room for all of us, she even had the right car seat for Jeffrey and Delilah! Knowing once again that my heavenly father had provided all my needs was a gigantic comfort. She and I agreed that my father needed some prayers.

My father is not a follower of Christ, he doesn't wear any armor for a spiritual battle and he was being used against me. Please, don't think for a moment I was not hurt or that I did not cry, for I wept silently like a baby for almost 24 hours.

That following morning, Mike had dropped us all off at the office. I had accidentally kept the keys to the limo after I unlocked the front door, so I called him to let him know before he drove too far. When he returned I was having a moment of human weakness and it was obvious to Mike that I had been crying.

He asked me, "Why are you crying?" I said, "When it comes right down to it, I'm just a girl. Sometimes we cry." He gave me a hug, told me everything would be okay and he headed off to work on the limo. As my father had accused the day before, Mike indeed turned out to be the hero when it came to figuring out the problem.

I love how well my heavenly Father had been preparing me for this latest attack. For the last three weeks, He has been reminding me to not let whatever outside circumstance was going on in this world to get the best of me. The best of me is Christ in me. He is the source of my inner light. Satan must truly love the dark for he was out with a vengeance when it came to trying to put out my light.

As long as I keep my focus on Christ and His love as well as God's word, I am wearing the protection I need for such assaults. With the proper attire, Satan can't blow out my light.

I'll openly admit, the father of lies fooled me once. He tricked me into believing God had it out for me. What a liar he truly is. He should be ashamed of himself. Instead he tries to fill us with shame and guilt so we live in fear. I will not allow that to happen again. I now know and understand my purpose. It is to serve my Lord however He sees fit. He is the provider of all my needs and the source of my strength. After all, I'm just a girl!

Father today I pray that all your children are able to keep their focus on the truth. I pray they don't let outside circumstances steal their light. I pray that they don't let it get the best of them. I also pray for more strength for myself. In three weeks I was kept from being able to write. I pray for protection for myself as well as anyone under a spiritual attack from the dark side. I want to thank you for how you provide me with all that I need, including rides from here to there or the perfect place to park my broken down cars! You never cease to amaze me with all your blessings. I know full well that you loving me does not mean I won't experience trouble or pain. I thank you for how you comfort me through it all. Thank you for your faithfulness and your never ending love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blessed in So Many Ways!

Marvelously Magnificent Miraculous Monday! This past weekend I was moved to tears by the kindness of two strangers who gifted my family and I and disappeared into thin air. I was not able to thank them directly and knew in my heart God had moved them to bless me in a way that gave all the glory to Him. So very thankful for the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Today's encouraging word reminds me that Jesus is not only my Lord and Savior, He is also my friend:

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ~ John 15:13, NLT

So this weekend was truly something indeed. I left work Friday, jumped on the interstate with five of my children and my five gift bags to attend my 'Ladies of Hagar Saved With Amazing Grace' annual fundraiser for 'The least of these'. 

We had a fantastic night and I was blessed to be able to share my wallet story with another girl who markets for Scentsy. I met her on Facebook and fell in love with her attitude before I ever met her in person. 

If you are into candles but fearful of house fires, you should really check out her website. Beautiful warmers and non toxic wax! I learned that the wax begins cooling instantly, so no fear of your little ones getting hurt should they become curious and tip the warmer over! Here is her website should you like to take a look for yourself. These make great gifts for your friends and family as well as for yourself! 

I could not resist this warmer with a single tree on it that lights up. I love trees. There is just something so magnificent about them. As soon as I saw this warmer I knew it was the one for me! Years ago when Mike and I first moved back to Indiana, he went to work on a tree farm. I was blessed to be able to work with him for a summer and help him plant trees. When you walk into a barren yard and plant 10 tall trees you truly appreciate how they beautify the scene. Mike had an art of dropping a clump birch tree into the freshly dug hole. I would stand back and watch in awe as he would spin this monster tree, they were never smaller than 15' tall, and place it in the ground making it look as if it was always there. It is still one of my favorite trees.

Funny enough all the scents I picked out were lilac and lavender scents! They have all kinds of amazing scents, many of them smell like home baked goodies. I joked with Tammy and said, no food scents, I still have 40 pounds to lose! This candle warmer is my reminder of the home I lived in surrounded by trees for seven years before the state plowed my home and all the trees down for the new highway.

All in all we had a great night. Many of our guests won a gift of some kind. I believe we have raised enough to sponsor 80 children at this point. Our next event is going to include horse drawn carriage rides and personally handing out the gifts to the children. I can hardly wait to see their faces. What fun it is going to be. 

So speaking of gifting others. As many of you know, Mike is in Florida currently. He has not been able to help out financially as he landed in hot water almost as soon as he arrived in Florida. Nothing of his own doing but from an event where lose ends were not tied from over seven years ago! I will know tomorrow when he will actually be allowed to head back home. I had earnestly prayed at the end of August, beginning of September for God to either convict him or remove him. Many of you have read about all of this in previous posts and know how it went down already. For those who have not, I will simply say, when you pray God hears. How He answers is always according to His will. Since God is always good no matter what strife we face here, when you pray, my advice would be to let it go, have faith in God, and keep your focus on Him! I have done my best at this. 

Being a single mom of many children can be scary. Every month I make out my budget, look at these growing children and say a prayer for provision. Going into November I knew I was going to sponsor a child so my clothing budget had to grow a little. I also knew I was going to this fundraiser and I would support anyone who stepped up and came to the event. It just so happened I was looking for a night light of sorts so thank you God for helping me make my dollars stretch to do all they need to do in a given month!

This year, I enrolled Michael in basket ball. Thinking with no father in the house, being a part of a team would be healthy for him. We had our first game on November 2nd and I watched as Michael did great, stealing passes and rebounding, but he would have done even better had he not been sliding all over the place! I had not budgeted for basketball shoes in the month of November but knew he truly needed a pair for his own safety. I played on a basketball team most of my childhood. I know how much shoes matter. I woke up Saturday morning bound and determined to purchase a pair of shoes for him even if it meant being more creative with our menu selections this month.

So I loaded all the children in the car and off to Dicks Sporting Goods we sped. When we got there we headed to the shoe section and a kind employee helped us with the right size. I allowed Michael to pick out his favorite pair, praying that he would pick one of the least expensive pairs, which he did. Still, it was more money than I would spend purchasing shoes for all of them combined! He laced them up and I had him shift and turn and move around. He loved them. The employee handed me the box, told me he could wear them out and we went to go pay for them. The first cashier I approached was already calling for help from management so I asked if there was another cashier open. She pointed over to the other side of the store and said there should be someone on the east side. As I headed to that side, the same employee that had helped us came running up to me with an envelope. He informed me that he had no idea what was inside but he was asked to give it to me by another shopper. When I got over to the cashier, I opened the envelope and began crying. It was a gift card with enough money on it to completely pay for Michael's shoes. 
I shared the good news with the children and the cashier. It was awesome to watch Michael play this Saturday and not slide! We lost the game by two points in the final few seconds of the game. It was an awesome game to watch!

After that we headed off to the store, joyous that we had enough to buy two weeks worth of dinners and breakfasts and snacks as long as we were smart with our money. I have assigned all the children duties so that I don't have chaos in the aisles. Marissa is my tally keeper. Michael helps me pull the cart along. Delilah and Marie are my fetchers and Jeffrey is consulted on options. When we got to the cashier, she rang up all my items. We joked and talked as she is one of my favorites there. I've been shopping at Aldi's since I was a teenager! When she hit the total button she leaned forward and said, "I just have to ask, did you or your children talk to anyone in the aisle?" I said, "No. we didn't." She then held up some cash and said, "Well a lady that shops in here all the time like you said she wanted to bless you. So is it okay if we take this off your bill." Again. I stood in awe with tears in eyes and said, "Yes". 

I was so overwhelmed by it all, my eyes hurt from holding back tears. I told the children I needed to unload the groceries and then we needed to go do laundry. Jeffrey looks at me and asks, "Can we go to the hotel and do the laundry?" I thought to myself. With the money I was blessed with I did have enough to cover a room and it would be nice to not be in a laundry mat. To pretend I was doing laundry where I lived would be a blessing so I caved. When I called to see if there were any suites available I was informed there was. I booked the room. When I arrived, I was given the room for $10 less than my normal charge which is already a gift in itself. I got all the children settled in the room and went to get some quarters for the washer and dryer. When I got to the front desk, I was told they did not have enough quarters to give me change but was invited to do my laundry for free in their industrial machines. 

This week the Lord provided every need I had in amazing ways leaving me in awe. When I went to church on Sunday, as always we were asked if anyone had any praises or prayer requests, I had to share my blessings. I told everyone about my Saturday. 

I love my home church for I truly feel at home. I have shared both blessings and asked for prayers here. What I love most about my home church is that I truly feel at home there. 

This month of November the youth group decided it would add more fun to the day if we had 'Themes' for each Sunday. Last Sunday was 'Goodwill' Sunday. In other words go to goodwill and find an outfit that is not the norm and wear it. This Sunday was 'Crazy Hat' Sunday. I love having fun so of course I have been participating. Here are pictures of my outfits for the last two weeks!

So This is a dress I found on the rack at goodwill. It was obviously hand made. Pink was not anywhere in my wardrobe until I added this festive item! It helped me win the prize for the week. Up until it was announced I won best dressed for the girls, we did not know there would be a prize! I took this same hat and dressed it up a bit for the following Sunday.

As you can imagine, I got quite a few compliments when I wore it! One even from the bowling alley manager! I saw a lot of crazy hats this Sunday myself! 

This coming week is twin day and I am pretty sure I have talked another friend of mine into checking out my church. I have already worked out our outfits. This is going to be so much fun. We are ending the month with Formal Day as the final Sunday. I have my eyes open for a fancy dress I just know God will provide for me in the nick of time. That Sunday is also when we will stay after church and all eat together in the banquet room. Nothing like hanging out with family!! 

If you don't feel at home where you seek the word and are in search of a home church in Hamilton / Marion County, I would love for you to check out where I enjoy fellowship each Sunday. We meet at Pinheads Bowling Alley in Noblesville, Indiana, in the Bar or Banquet room. Worship begins at 10, but feel free to arrive a little early for conversation, donuts, milk, juice and coffee! You will learn right out of the bible and I promise you will be made to feel at home!

Father today I pray that all and any who are in search of a home church find just what they are looking for. May the place be full of members of the body of Christ. There is nothing like hanging out with true believers and learning your word. I am so blessed to have found Leavener as my home church. I am singing your praises Father and am so thankful for how you shower me with love and as promised provide all my needs for me. May many more step out if Faith and be blessed in seeing how much you love them as well. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

* My wallet story can be read here:

** These are the blogs regarding my prayer for Mike to be convicted or removed:

All I ever ask of any reader is if you find yourself moved, encouraged, inspired at all, please share my blog link with anyone you think is in need of some hope, faith and love!

Wendy, Walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013