Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

When Anger Rises, What is Your Game Plan?

Fantastically Fun-Filled Family Friday! I awoke today to discover the place I get all my health food and cleaning, laundry, bathroom necessities, first aid, cough, cold, fever relief, and beauty supplies is offering their annual membership for a mere $1.00 . . . all new customers also get $20 worth of free items to try when they come back for more goodness in their second, third, fourth and fifth month!!!! That's $100 worth of free items to try that I already know you will love. I switched to this store in March of 2011 and have been a more than happy customer ever since. As my friends know I'm a penny pinching momma. The money this store has saved me is mind blowing. The best part about shopping here has been the peace of mind knowing this manufacture cares about health and wellness. Also this is where I have purchased my 'weight loss supplies' so tasty my children won't keep out of them and yummy enough that you actually enjoy consuming them yourself! Oh and if teeth matter to you, they have the best tooth polish on the market, and all their dental and skin care is safe for those going through chemo or anything like that! Switch stores, save money, provide better health for your entire family. Let me know if you want more details! This is the best gift one friend can give to another. I already did my shopping this morning and threw in the items I need by next week. Upon checkout I was offered buy one get one free items and two of them are my favorite 'candy bars' with purpose! I am so excited!! I am telling you this company should have been called the Rocking Fireworks Health and Wellness store because their sales are so spectacular!.

I am looking forward to my weekend with the children. Michael has his first basketball game tomorrow. He is so excited. He woke up today thinking it was game day! I had to deliver the bad news that today was another school day.

When I got into the office and was finally able to check my email, I read K-Loves encouraging word for the day.

A gentle answer deflects anger. ~ Proverbs 15:1, NLT

I had to giggle to myself as I read this truth. If the bible is not a handbook for how to best walk through situations in life, I don't know what is! When I have a child that is angry and another child steps in to comment on the situation, I have gotten into the habit of stopping them short by simply saying, "Please don't throw gas on my fire!" Meaning the situation is obviously volatile and I do not need any of them increasing that intensity. Dealing with someone who is angry is almost as difficult as dealing with someone who is intoxicated. Anger, in my belief clouds the mind and keeps us from making wise decisions. I know this is also why we are advised to steer clear of anger. Hands down, anger is one of the evil one's best ways to get a foothold into your heart and have more control over your thoughts. When you find yourself getting angry you need to have a game plan to calm yourself down. You may even have to have a basket full of ways to deal with your emotions. One for when you are in the car may not work so well out in the public eye! In the car I call for a moment of silence or singing, their choice. I tell the children I need a moment to calm down and I turn the Christian music up a little so that they know I'm serious! At home, I have even put myself in a time out! It's amazing how little ones will quit what they are doing when you tell them you don't trust yourself because you are so angry so you are going to put yourself in a five minute time out so that you can have a conversation with your heavenly Father! When getting angry at a spouse I refuse to fight it out in a moment of anger. I openly admit I cannot think rationally and I don't want to say something I can't take back. I also have threatened and followed through with prayer as many of you know from the blog post 'Convicted by God' that I published in September. Should you find yourself curious to see how that all played out, here are the links to the three posts that play that entire scene out: 


As my grandma said to me when I was younger, "Be careful what you pray for you just might get it." To which I asked, "Why would I pray for something unless I wanted it?" Which she replied, "God has a sense of humor Wendy, you never know how what you desire will be delivered!" Boy was she ever right about that! My advice don't pray in a moment of anger!! I will admit God is wonderful and he uses everything to work good. I have witnessed it time and time again. Even what I am going through right now. I am amazed to see the changes that have occurred in my life over the last two months. I'm like, pinch me. Is this really my life? I know it is. Even in the midst of turmoil I am dancing in the rain. This is the major difference in living life with your own strength and only for yourself and giving your life to Christ and following Him. I prefer an adventurous life. Of course if you have read my blog posts from the beginning you know that much about my story already! The crazy thing is my life has been MORE adventurous since I got on my knees and said, "Your will not mine".

I hope I have peaked your curiosity enough to get you to at least read those 3 linked posts and even more so to dive back to the beginning of this blog and read it all. There are miracles and all kinds of crazy stuff inside! I have been blessed to have been allowed to be a witness to God's glory in so many ways. I still have so many things to share. I am excited to get back to it as what the Lord has been flashing to me takes me back to after the adoption and my near death to some seriously crazy events. I was fearful on how to share and as with all the rest God is giving it to me in flashes and has me laughing. This weekend as my children go to bed, I will begin drifting back in time! I hope you decide to stick around and read more of my life journey!

Father today I come to you with childish wonder. What an amazing Father you are. How blessed I am to have woken up and returned home. How blind I was. How far I ran. Yet when I got on my knees crying and wailing you opened the door again and welcomed me home. Since then you have saved my life, sent me a witness, allowed me to see my current home shrouded in crystals and so much more. I love how you work. Even through pain you flourish me. I love who I am in Christ. Thank you for grace and mercy. Thank you for your son whose name I pray in. It is my prayer that many more of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ also get on their knees and give in to your will. Had I only understood that your plan is so much more for me than I could have designed on my own. I am sure I am not the only rebel in the family! Call my fellow rebel brother and sisters home. Break them down Father. Stretch them until they know they can only make it through on your strength. While the process may at first feel painful, I know the beauty on the other end and I pray they are able to glimpse it early on so they are not hurt and confused by the events that will take place. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is Your Light on the Lampstand or Under a Basket?

Good morning world! My time flies by quickly. I recently re-read my very first post entitled 'In the Beginning' and had to laugh at the fact that I said my intention was to write daily! Lofty goals for a busy mom of many! As you can see I have fallen quite short of that goal!! What can I say? Time gets ahead of me! Today is Totally Tripping Tremendously Thankful Thoroughly Thoughtful Thursday! For those of you that have been following my blog all along you already know that I am on a health and wellness kick that has overflowed from my mindset to my physical well being. I began this weightloss journey on September 15th and here I am almost to the end of my sixth week. To date I know as of last Tuesday I have lost 30 pounds! I also know I have lost 28" off the 5 major areas that I took beginning measurements from. I think that qualifies for rocking ones program! I have offered to help anyone who would like to get the same results. My email address is Feel free to write me there or you could always like my fan page on facebook and send me a message there if that is an easier way for you to connect. I am here to simply inspire, encourage and help you with any and all of your goals!

For those that have read past Thursday Posts, you already know that today is dubbed as Thankful Thursday. I have actually extended that to Totally Tripping Tremendously Thankful Thoroughly Thoughtful Thursday!! What are you thankful for today? What acts of thoughtfulness have you performed? It is amazing how with just a little thanks and kindness performed in your daily life your life will begin to seem more abundant. Today's encouraging word by K-love is this:

...let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
~ Matthew 5:16, NLT

When I first read that this morning I was torn. Many perform good deeds simply because they believe in something called Karma and they just do good so they might benefit in the end. Others perform good works in hopes that their good deeds will get them into heaven. When I read this verse I was like hmmm our good deeds are not what save us and truly we are not meant to brag on them are we . . . So you know I had to go to my bible and dive a little deeper into today's message. I am taking it to the beginning of verse 13 which has the subtitle above it in my MacArthur study bible reads: 'The Similitudes'

verse 13: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men."

verse 14: " You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;

verse 15: nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

verse 16: Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

In other words don't hide in your home if you are a follower of Christ. Step out, spread the good news and allow your light to shine. As with the more you seek, the more you will find also goes the more you do the more you will see the blessing in helping others, the more you will do but not because you are seeking reward but because you truly enjoy being the hands and feet of Christ. In other words allow your light to shine and give Glory to God in all you do so that those who see your light will know the source and seek out the Lord themselves. 

Admittedly I could be completely wrong. Lord knows I am no bible scholar. I am just a simple girl who is seeking the Lord with all her heart. I want to be that light that shines in such a way that I glorify my Father who is in heaven. Reminds me of a song I heard a while back. It's called "We Are" and it is sung by Kari Jobe for those of you who cannot watch this on the device you are using. Awesome song, hope you take the time to listen to it!

A funny thing happens when you give your life to Christ. You really do get a new heart and life just changes. Believing and following are so drastically different. If you are a believer, you should so jump in with total Faith and begin following Christ. Your life will change in ways you could only dream of. Obviously this does not mean all of a sudden you have no enemies or problems for even Jesus had those! It just changes the way you live through all things. The good and the bad. I want to be a city on a hill. Do you?

Father today I pray that more of your children begin to follow Christ. I thank you so much for my life and this crazy journey I have been on. There is not a single person on the face of the earth that I am better or worse then. I love that for with that knowledge I can be friends with anyone. No need to fear judgement of past mistakes or future ones for that matter! Thank you for your grace and mercy and your never ending lessons. I love how you move me, stretch me and force me to grow. I love who I am in Christ! Thank you for taking the time. I am a mere spec when it comes to all you have created. What a wonder it is that you take the time to help me. Thank you Father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is Your Purpose?

Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday What Whimsical Wonders Will you remind me of today? I could hardly believe it when I looked out my window and saw snow on the ground and the car! Seeing how it's not even November yet I would certainly count that as both wacky and wild however wonderful and snow don't go together in my book anymore. My children on the other hand were super excited about it all. Just goes to show you it is indeed the way you view things that affects your attitude toward outside circumstances!

Yesterday I went in for my monthly adjustment at Dr. Woods in Westfield. He is the chiropractor that God put in my path. I know this for sure for when I found him in all reality it was his office that had found me. It was around May of this year and while my back has been in major pain since my fall it was at this time that my feet were beginning to swell and swell bigger than they ever had. I knew it was pressure on my spine and I knew things were getting bad by the size of my feet but we were so busy at the office there was simply no way I was going to have any time to look for a chiropractor I could afford. I went to bed both crying and praying for my pain ridden body. That week we received a call from Dr. Woods office offering a free assessment and adjustment in exchange for a can of food. Amazingly enough Dr. Woods is right in Westfield by the Kroger on SR 32 & Carey Road. A mere ten minute drive from my office! I set up an appointment with him that evening after work right before bible study and silently prayed that he would have the hands to help me. Up to that point I had been to several doctors and even massage therapy and at one point I saw a chiropractor for six months but never got better so I stopped going. So the two girls I drive to bible study with met me at Dr. Woods office as we were pushing time with my appointment. When Jean, one of the girls arrived she began telling me she wished I could see her Chiropractor for he was amazing. Right then Doctor Woods walked down the hallway. As it turns out, he was Jeans chiropractor. She was right, he has a gift. Without any equipment, he showed me what was going on with my spine and in an instant I knew I had found my doctor. You could see that the way I had fallen in November 3 years ago was exactly what had caused all this twisting and hip displacement. He put together a plan for getting me back in place and gave me my first adjustment. I was a mess. Jean said she could not believe how much I moved as he adjusted me on the table. Now a few months later with his help I was able to begin lifting my feet up off the floor and slowly my pain level decreased and my agility improved. I knew the only way it was going to get even better was for me to begin some type of physical therapy. I needed to drop some weight, lengthen my muscles again and get my body back. I am amazed as I look in the review mirror and fully see the pieces that God put into place for me. The people that he added to my life and I love how He works. Sure He could have healed me in a moment but this way has been a much more fulfilling process. I have met countless believers in Christ along my walk and my life has been enriched in so many ways.

Those of you who read my posts last week already know I had lost some serious inches and you also know that I do not step on a scale every day or even every week. I believe the scale can kill your momentum. But I do check my weight at the doctors office. So the last time I had stepped on the scale was in August and I tipped the scale at 241 pounds. Yes. It is true. Last night when I stepped on the scale I was hoping for a maximum of 220. I about fell over when the scale balanced itself at 211 pounds. I almost cried. I have not been this light which is still 50 pounds above my goal weight in six years! SIX YEARS!!! I know now that I can make it to my goal weight. I have the formula for success and I have a great team supporting me. I don't even care that the world knows how fat I was, it's not like you couldn't see I was extremely overweight by looking at my picture. If anyone seriously wants to know how I have shrunk or any element of my wellness journey, I would be thrilled to tell you what ever it is you want to know. Write me an email. Friend me on Facebook or like my Facebook fan page and send me a message. Here is the link to my fan page if you are on Facebook! I'm almost to 500 likes in my first year! Just know I am here if you need a friend or a partner to support and encourage you along the way. And that counts for not just health and weight loss, but mindset and faith and hope as well. Just saying. My purpose is to give others hope.

I too need hope and encouragement. We all do. I turn to God now for my daily inspiration. I get my first dose via Moody Radio and then a follow up with an encouraging word from K-Love in my email. I keep my study bible on me at all times and look up things often. Here is today's encouraging word form K-Love:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. ~ John 15:5, NLT

I love that. I mean it really does not get any more simple than that. Apart from Jesus we are not going to produce fruit. I don't care what else you manage to get done in this life, if you are not producing fruit you simply are not living an abundant life. There is a big difference in being successful in this world and producing fruit in this world. Not that the two can't go hand in hand, but sadly we often see successful people and they are producing no fruit. To me they are not truly successful for I know in my heart when they close the door and are alone, they are empty and void and most likely know they are missing something. Sadly because we have shoved God and Jesus to the back of the room and honestly right out of the entire picture, people aren't even aware that this is what they are missing. Their disconnect from their creator is the cause of their depression, worry, anxiety, fears and everything else that is not good. They are in need of prayers for sure. 

Father I come to you with joy in my heart. You are such an amazing creator. I love your ways. I love all you have done for me. I love how even when I have strayed you have remained faithful. I shake my head with absolute wonder as I look in the review mirror and see how you have always been there. I love how you are stretching and growing me in ways I didn't even know I needed. You are so wise in the way you work. I love everything about my life today. I love the relationship I have with you. Amazing how that changes everything. Just knowing that I am yours. I am forever thankful. Today I ask that you help those who are blind or lost or fumbling in the dark in search for what may cure their problems, their aching hearts, their fears. Lift them Father. Help them feel your presence. I pray they open their hearts and eyes and minds to you, your wisdom and your love Father. May more of us begin to wake up and get to work! In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden

Friday, October 18, 2013

Never Give Up Hope!

Fantastically Fun-Filled Family Friday! I turned on my radio this morning and this is the song that greeted me. I realized while accessing my blog from my phone yesterday that not everyone can see the video's I post so from this day forth I will make a note to name artist and title so that you can search them out for yourself. This one is by Sidewalk Prophets and the song is called 'The Words I Would Say'.

This weekend I will be hanging out with some friends, having a campfire, listening to some acoustic music and watching the children play flashlight tag after I join some fellow believers in what will be my first Savior's Serenade. I was invited via email but the group actually has a fan page on Facebook. These serenades are to give God all the glory by singing his praises. How COOL is that?!? The one I am attending is for an uplifting encouraging lady from my home church that just finished radiation and chemotherapy treatments for her cancer. Our prayer is that she will not only be in remission but completely cured of this disease. If you would like to learn more about this group or think this is something you would like to do in your area, here is the link to the fan page on Facebook: So. That is what I am doing Saturday. I still don't know what the plan is for tonight. Thinking the children can have pizza and cheese bread, I'll have a salad and we'll pick a movie or two from Redbox to watch. Sunday of course is church and my prep day for the week. I started out my morning with a chocolate protein, orange fiber, greens, Lime Sorbet omega 3 Shake and then I busted a move with an ab workout. Wow! Talk about jump starting your day! I'm beyond my thirty days and less than two weeks from my six week commitment and I already know I'm going to continue this program or something tougher. I love the way I feel. It almost makes me cry to think how far I've come with a lot of determination and focus. Just goes to show you, you truly can do what you set your mind to!

Speaking of mindsets, how are you coming with your thirty day challenge to renew your mind? Are you taking the time to absorb a little of God's word each day? What about some Christian Music? Have you found a daily devotional? These little things truly will change your life. Remember what you put into your mind is bound to come out of your mouth. Why fill your head with trash? Here is today's encouraging word by K-Love:

Be still, and know that I am God! ~ Psalm 46:10, NLT

That is my go to verse this year. I love the entire Psalm itself. Especially the first part. Allow me to share it here with you: 

verse 1: God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

verse 2: Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;

verse 3: Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its selling pride. Selah

verse 4: There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, The holy dwelling places of the Most High.

verse 5: God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.

verse 6: The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He raised His voice, the earth melted. 

verse 7: The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah

verse 8: Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has wrought desolation in the earth.

verse 9: He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire. 

verse 10: Cease striving and know that i am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

verse 11: The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.

This Psalm moves me. It speaks to me. I like to think of myself as a river that springs forth hope in others. I love the thought that God is happy with me. I am after all His child. What child doesn't long to please their father? With that thought in mind, what are you doing today to encourage and lift those around you that need a boost? Sometimes those who look like they have it all together are the very ones that don't. One of my favorite sayings growing up (yes I have a lot of them lol) was 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'. You never really know what is going on inside another person if you only assume and never inquire. Today, since it is family Friday and we in essence are all brothers and sisters, shouldn't we reach out to one another with a little kindness? Go out of your way and make a special point to be kind to those who are not always the kindest to you. Everyone that you come into contact today that is serving you in some way, the clerk behind the counter, a waiter, a banker, whoever, make a point to smile at them, tell them to have a wonderful day, be a blessing to all you encounter. Today be a part of the body of Christ. You will be blessed in doing so. May you have a blessed day as well my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Father, today I come to with you in song singing how Great you are. I am so thankful for the ways in which you are stretching and changing me into a more beautiful person. I know there is plenty of work to be done and I love that you are continuing that work. Thank you. Thank you for my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ that you have brought into my life to encourage me! What an awesome family I am a part of. I am so blessed and so thankful for all my blessings. Father I know there are so many in the world hurting and in the dark and lost and I pray that one of your hand or foot soldiers is able to shine some light on them today. May you direct our footsteps and may we be willing. May we get better at being still and knowing you are God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, walks with God
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tired of Walking in the Dark? Allow the Light to Enter You!!

Totally Tripping Tremendously Thankful Thoroughly Thoughtful Thursday! Thank God for everything. Yes, everything. Should you be blessed to turn back and see how things really went down you would without hesitation throw your arms around Him and give Him a gigantic hug. I know it sounds crazy, but I promise it is true. He is always there. We, as humans, want to blame others for all that is wrong in our life. The only thing you can blame on God is Your FREE WILL. He made you to live. He wants you to live abundantly but honestly he gives you the choice. He gave us this awesome book full of wisdom and insight. If we just read it a little every day, life becomes more abundant. The more you seek God, the more you will begin to recognize not only His work in your life but you truly begin to recognize the spiritual war you are in. Better to be fully awake for this battle then asleep. 

How does one wake up? Well, start by starting. If Jesus is the light of the world and you are in darkness as to how you got to where you are today, search out the light. You will find what you need in countless places. Even places such as my blog. Your transformation won't take place over night. I grow daily in countless ways. I pray that never stops. I want all the wisdom the Lord will bestow upon me. I want to have the heart of Christ. I read my bible daily. I listen to uplifting lessons. I read a devotional. I subscribe to K-Loves encouraging word. I surround myself with fellow believers. I know the closer I draw to Him the more I love who I am. I am redeemed. I am a Saint. This is who I am in Christ. When I allow the evil one to distract me from who I am in Christ, I fall flat on my face. It does not feel good. Thank God today I know the difference between allowing myself to be beat up by my sin and being convicted by the voice of righteousness. I don't need to beg God daily for forgiveness. I have been forgiven. Christ died on that cross one time for ALL SINS. End of story. He ROSE and Conquered Death. Therefore, what do I truly have to fear? Nothing but fear itself. The evil one cannot destroy me for my Savior saved me. I am His. I hear His voice. Last year He called me forth to tell my story. I will openly admit when I first realized what I was being called to do part of me wanted to run away. I mean, I have done a lot in my lifetime, even more than I wanted to face. I have barely shared my life with you and yet I have had countless women reach out to me and thank me and say I share part of your life, my mom shares another part and my grandma shares another part. It's like you are all of us together and I love it because I give them hope and in return they encourage me to share more for giving others hope is what God wanted me to do. I was created to shine my light. Those that read my posts and reach out to me, encourage me to burn a little brighter and share a little more because there is so much more. Years ago I thought I had so missed the boat when it came to life and living it, but through God's eyes, when I sit down and look back, I laugh and I cry. I tear up and I chuckle. I gasp hold my pillow tightly. What a roller coaster, daydream, nightmare life I have lived and through it all He kept me safe. That's the beauty of it. I am so thankful I became weak enough to get back on my knees and begged for God to have His way with me. I told Him, your will not mine and wham my world shifted. While the journey has stretched me, it has changed me into a new creation and I LOVE WHO I AM IN CHRIST!

Mike is reading my blog and claims he is enjoying it. That is a good thing because before he was not into me blogging. Well, if you have been reading you know that. He called it a hobby and suggested I find a new one shortly before this big break between us. I find it amazing what God is doing inside of Mike, but maybe even more so, I'm amazed at what God is doing inside of me. Turns out I had plenty of work to do to be a better partner. So easy to point that finger and make that line in the ground. Before we even realize it we have built an entire brick wall around our heart. Oh, I see so clearly where I laid that first brick in the wall around my heart that I had so freely given to Mike in the beginning. God gave me the title back in May to write on and I have left it in the closet on a hanger. I was not quite ready to pull it out and put it on. I think it's because I still felt a little unloved by Mike at the time. Through this separation, that has changed. It brought both of us to our knees and back to the beginning. Before the week ends, I will be writing out that chapter. The title God gave me was 'Landing on a Ledge' for the next chapter involving the story of Mike and I. If you have already read the posts titled, How I Fell in Love With Mike and Dissed, Disowned, Disgraced and Darn Near Destitute, this will be the continuation of that story. For those that have not read those posts, I will leave the links for them at the bottom of this post should you find yourself interested. 

With that being shared, I started out this post today by pasting in today's encouraging word by K-Love to get myself prepared to allow the spirit to lead me into what I was to share today. So, here is their encouraging word of the day:

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." ~ John 8:12, NLT

This is true my brothers and sisters. You truly will have the light that leads to life. An abundant life. One full of fruit. The Fruit of the Spirit is PRICELESS. Reminds me of a poem I wrote. Allow me to copy it again here. It actually has a post of it's own. I have a bit of a poet in me. God indeed loves music, poetry, and dance. 

The Fruit of The Spirit

Too much to do and not enough time
Chaos & Craziness filling my mind
I'll give the devil his due
He's an expert at tricking you
When something causes you worry
Slow down ~ what's your hurry?
Take a moment to pray for what you need
With God on your side you're sure to succeed
When I feel life's pressures are becoming too demanding
I remember Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean NOT on your own understanding."
I call upon the Lord I do and I sing his praises
I bathe in his Glory oh the way he amazes
So I say to Satan, "You've got no hold on me!
My God came here so I could live abundantly!"
The fruit of the spirit ~ that's what I'm after
This life is mine and I'll fill it with laughter!

Today Father, I pray we begin to add more laughter into our days. May we seek out the Light. May we discover the abundant life you intended for all your children to live. May we love one another as we are meant to. May we listen to the voice of righteousness and snuff the voice of the liar. May the body of Christ begin to come together. May we win begin to shine like never before. May others who are sleepy eyed see the light and be drawn to it. May they fully awaken. May they thirst and hunger for your word Father. Please use me in all ways you see fit. Give me a voice and I will shout from the mountain tops to all the world your Glory. Father you saved me and have given me such beauty. I am so grateful and could never begin to give enough thanks. Your grace amazes me. The way you work, I shall never question what happens in my life I shall always give all glory to you and even in the midst of great pain I will turn to you Father in praise for I know who you are. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse of heaven. I look forward to coming home. Until then Father, I am yours, stretch me, give me more, expand my world Father. In Jesus name I Pray. Amen.

As promised here are the first two posts regarding Mike and I. I touch on us throughout other blogs like the one entitled Show Me a Sign and Down on My Knees as well as the one Saved By an Army of Angels. If you are in a relationship you are praying over may reading our story be a blessing to you. May You too find the answers you need. May you grow yourself <3. 


I leave you with this song. It is the one I found myself singing the loudest this morning!

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do You Feel Like You Are Missing Something in Life?

Wild Wacky Wonderful Wednesday What Whimsical Wonders Will you bring my way today?! I awoke this morning to an extra child in my bed. Delightful Delilah is under the weather. Currently her and Jeffrey are laying down in the other room watching a movie. Somehow last night I managed to help everyone with their homework, reading and book reports. Yes. Book reports in the second grade. I don't know who school is more stressful on the children or me! It is tough to squeeze in quality time in three hours after work when you have to help with homework, have 3 children read books to you, serve dinner, clean up, make sure everyone takes a shower and put them all to bed after a 9 hour work day with a 3 year old assistant for the entire day and 4 additional helpers for the last hour and a half! I have also implemented a workout routine into my day that I do at night after all of that! It's crazy, it's hectic but I am finally getting into the full swing of it. Or at least I think I am. This morning I discovered one child's homework was not successfully packed away into her folder and it is now sitting on my desk. It will be late. I have no help today so taking it up to school to save the day like a super hero mom is just not going to happen. Life. It is what it is. Thank God I know I am not perfect or something as small as that might put me right over the edge!

Last night I went to my monthly meeting with mom's who are seeking God's heart, so dinner was already prepared for us. I have been getting more and more back into the mentality of a more organized mom. I have turned Sunday into my prepare for the week ahead day. I make sure we have enough folded socks in each drawer. I reorganize drawers and closets as well as shoe and coat bins. The most awesome thing I do to make the week easier is I prep the meals we are going to have for the week. I purchased a little mini oven and have it in my back office. Now at 4:30 pm I take out the meal we decide on that I prepared on Sunday and I throw it in my oven. At Five when I get off work, dinner is done! This simple little change in the way I do things gained me an hour of meal time each day of the week. There are countless things on the Internet to help with this. I just simplified it for myself. I brown all the hamburger I will need for my five meals or cook some chicken, then I divide it all up into the daily portions and prepare the individual meals. I let them cool off and then I pack them up and in the freezer they go. Each day I grab what meal the kids vote on and that is what we have for dinner that night. It truly has made a difference in how smoothly things run through the week. If you too are a single mom in the midst of craziness, I encourage you to try this for just one week and see if you find it helpful at all. If you aren't into this style, I would highly suggest working in a crock pot meal or two each week. I did that when I was younger and only had two children and two full time jobs! Like I said, there are countless moms out there that have taken the time to put up websites full of tips just like this but in much much much greater detail. A friend of mine just sent me a link to a great site the other day. Here is the link:

As I do each weekday morning, I check out what K-Loves encouraging word of the day is. Here is what I found:

Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty  ~ John 6:35, NLT

I am blessed to understand the truth in this. For me, before I came to know Jesus as my Savior, I would have days when I knew I was missing something but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Those are the days I would go shopping looking for that certain something that would somehow simplify my life or bring me a little joy. Sometimes those are the days I would go out to eat because I was looking for something better than what I had in the refrigerator. I think that emptiness we feel is the call to come back home. We just don't have anyone pointing in the right direction. Somehow in our society we have come very far from even mentioning God. Even more so openly talking about Jesus. It's almost still okay to openly discuss your thoughts on God but you have to be schooled on how to approach the whole Jesus subject for fear of how you may be taken. To label yourself as a Christian can get you killed in some places in the world. The united States is not too far from getting a little on the crazy side with the whole same sex issues. When you listen to what the Supreme Court said as far as the opinion one might hold regarding same sex marriage, well, it just sends chills down your spine. His basically said if you have a problem with same sex marriage, you are an enemy of the human race. An enemy of the race! That is a bit scary. I mean let's really get down to this whole issue of what is labeled as sin in the bible and take it to it's most extreme basic idea. We are even warned to not get angry. Allow me to share with you Matthew Chapter 5, verses 21-22:

verse 21: "You have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER' and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.'

verse 22: But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.

So, if I warn others that getting angry is a gateway to hell, pardon the pun, am I too an enemy of the human race? I beg everyone, please let us not use the word of God and twist it into a court battle. It is the word of God for crying out loud. How can mere men pass judgement upon it? Why on earth would they believe they are so grandiose? It truly baffles me. I believe that mindset is the work of the evil one, Satan, the father of Lies. By following Christ and walking the narrow path we are in a way helping ourselves stay out of the clutches of the evil one. Think of the bible as a safety manual set up to help you walk through this life with as little theft as possible. Remember the evil one's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. God wants you to live life and live it abundantly. Jesus came to complete the law and He did just that. This is the message of Grace. God, His Son, His word, it is not something for us to debate over. It is just what it is. It is meant to encourage us not to tear us apart. The evil one is the one that gets in your ear and bends it saying you can not believe in this Most High God for you are '_____' whatever he has labeled you. You must remember he is the father of lies. Protect yourself daily with the proper attire. Trust me what ever really is sin will begin to not feel right to you. You will be convicted by the voice of righteousness that reminds you that you are a holy redeemed saint, you are a child of God and you just simply will begin to know and recognize when you are walking in the flesh. You will begin to mature spiritually. It will happen. However if you put up walls and say that is not for me because I prefer this, well, in the flesh you will continue to walk until you take those walls down. It is a choice. You can talk Gospel and truth to a non believer until you are blue in the face and as it says in the bible, they are blind and deaf to it. It just does not penetrate. All you can do is pray for that person. That way when and if they should seek, others have already intervened on their behalf and it is my belief that they can instantly be 'blinded by the light' so to say. People really can and do change. When they become believers and followers of Christ, they simply become a new creation. You will witness their fruit. It becomes undeniable that they indeed are different. 

Like I said, it is wild Wednesday and I never know what the day will bring. We never do. One of my favorite things (laughing because there are too many favorites to count) is when God suggests that today has enough trouble of it's own so don't fret about tomorrow. Stay in the moment. Great advice. Today I encourage you to stay in the moment. Enjoy life. Seek God. Read a bit out of his word. Get hungry for it. It truly will pump you up and fuel your days and sustain you through the rough times. 

Father, today I pray more and more of us realize what that emptiness inside of them is. A call to come home. I pray that we begin to shake off this slumber and wake up fully. May we crave your word Father and thirst for your direction. Oh Father what a glorious Life we would all live were we to invite you into our lives. I know all you have done for me even when I had walls up Father and you amaze me. I understand the footprints picture even more today. Thank you for carrying me so many times. I am thankful that I have sought you for you are Faithful. It is true. All your promises are true. May countless brothers and sisters seek you Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Stretching, Shrinking, Growing, Thinking ~ Are You Ready to be Renewed?

Marvelously Magnificent Miraculous Monday. Mike Lincoln has come under the realization that he is madly in love with me. He is speaking a language I have never before heard him utter before. I know he is being stretched. I know he is growing. He is in the process of waking up, of allowing himself to be convicted and my heart soars because of it. God is AMAZING in how he works. During our separation we have both begun changing. God will never work on just one of you. No if you think it is all your partner, probably better take a deeper look into that mirror. Just being honest. Not one of us is perfect. I think that's the whole reason Jesus said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." I'm sure it's where the saying, "Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.", came from. It is what it is. I'm happy I don't have to pretend to the world that I am perfect. Wow. What a prison that would be!!  This brings me to K-Loves encouraging word of the day: 

I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments. ~ Psalm 119:45, NLT

Freedom. My father always quotes Janice Joplin and says, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." There is a ton of truth in that. When you become a follower of Christ there is nothing you can lose. You have salvation. True freedom that never goes away. I am a follower of Christ. I am blessed beyond measure for I was shown the truth. You see just like gaining or losing weight, it doesn't happen over night. Oh we all want it. Instant success, instant understanding, instant solutions. Life just doesn't work that way. I do know this though it all begins with a renewing of something. To lose weight it begins with a new diet and exercise routine and when it comes to following the Lord, well, that begins with a renewing of ones mind. Which I truly think stems from a desperate call from the heart for change. At least that is how it worked for me. When my heart truly longed for a relationship with the Lord, when I banged on that door and said, please, help, your will not mine, I don't have a clue how I will do this but I do know if I'm going to do it, I'm going to need your help, well, He spoke to me. He told me to get off my knees and then shared a few things with me. You could say that was a pivotal moment in my life. After that he worked on my faith a little further by stretching me through a house fire that by all rights I should have died in. You'd think that would totally wake a person up to God's love and grace and mercy but no. I was still thinking I was unworthy. Next I was on my knees praying again and again and again over my relationship with Mike and God sent a human messenger to me. That honestly rocked my world. I was in awe of what had happened and I shared this story with all who would listen, but I myself still did not understand salvation, grace or any of that. I was beginning to search for it though. A renewing in me had begun. It was through finding Moody radio and then through the death of my first love, finding fellowship and studying the word that the renewing has continued. Speaking of Moody radio, finding that station is a story all in itself. I must tell it soon. I have so much work to do. So much to share. Stories about wisdom being bestowed upon me through prayer, and so much more.

This Sunday our talk was on finding your passion. Mine is for sure my love for the Lord. He called me forth to tell my story and I have been sidetracked and am now committed to getting back to it this week. I am ready to 'bust a move' where my writing is concerned. 

I started this blog out by saying that God works on both partners when He is asked for help involving a marriage He was asked to bless in the beginning. He has stretched Mike and He also is stretching me as well as helping me shrink. My grandma always warned me be careful what you pray for, you just might get it. With Mike being removed, which my prayer was, 'convict this man or remove him from me.' I needed to focus my pent up energy on something. What better something than exercise. After all, I had also prayed for God to give my health back to me which included my body before my twelve pregnancies. Through fasting due to what I went through this summer with my mother and my children, as well as the turmoil I was in over Mike and I separating after almost ten years, I was prepped for diet and exercise. So, I began a diet and a workout on September 15th, Tomorrow is my thirty day mark but for fun, I am going to share my results after just 29 days of renewing my body with both better nutrition and a devoted workout. I must admit, I have not paid one bit of attention to the scale. I believe the evil one likes to use this evil device to torment you, so I avoid it. Instead, I pay attention to what I see in the mirror and I take measurements. Something you can truly track progress with. I am thrilled to announce that in twenty nine days, I have lost the following:

4 full inches off my chest!
1 1/2 inches off each arm!!
5 1/2 inches off my waist!!!
5 full inches off my hips!!!!
3 full inches off each thigh!!!!!

That is a total of 23 1/2 inches in the major places. We all know you shrink around these zones as well. I still have two full weeks of this diet and exercise before I hit my six week commitment mark. The only thing I'm changing is busting a move with a little more umph for my endurance, strength and determination have grown massively over these first four weeks. It is amazing what you can change in a mere 30 days if you truly decide to 'renew yourself'. 

My challenge to you, start with your mind. It is the most powerful part of your human side. It is the place that Satan attacks so put on your fighting gear and join my army. I'll help you in every way I can by sharing what the spirit leads me to share. I will fully reveal my wellness secrets and anyone wanting to truly know exactly what I have done to rock this diet of mine, send me a message. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to help you get results like mine. I Love my Life. God truly set me free and He is wanting to do the same for you. All that you need to do is start out by giving Him 30 days. That's it, 30 days. If you're up to it, write me and let's do this together!!

Father, today I come before you with laughter and praise you are so Amazing. I love you. I giggle like a child over how you are changing me. No wonder you sent a lovely angel to tell me I am beautiful! I am beginning to see what you see and I want nothing more than to resemble to the world how you see me. Let me be a mighty light Lord. Help me shine to the darkest corners. Let my story be heard. Let others see your Glory. Oh it is so breathtaking my Lord. Thank you for allowing me to see what life is without Mike. I truly love him Father. Thank you for not allowing me to be deceived from this truth. Through our separation we have become wonderful friends again and for the first time since I fell on that ledge Father, I feel Mike's love for me. Thank you for working on him and stretching him. Thank you for our time apart where you have stretched and strengthened both of us in the ways we each needed work on. How do you do it Father? Oh to know your ways. To be able to implement them. Thank you for all my blessings, so numerous I don't know where to begin in thanking you for them. You know my heart father. I love that. I truly do. Please lift all my lost brothers and sisters Father. Send them your hand and foot servants to touch their hearts and open their eyes. Allow me to serve you in greater ways Father and help me with time management. I have so many more God stories I must get to sharing. Help me be more efficient. I love you in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

** Footnotes: Previous blogs that are touched on in this post:
(1)  Face to Face with an Angel (being told I was beautiful by a true angel) 
(2)  Saved by an Army of Angels (The house fire I should have died in)
(3)  On my Knees (Praying over a pregnancy I was not ready for)
(4)  Show me a Sign ( Praying about Mike and I where I received the message from God from another believer) 
(5) Unpacking Treasure, show me a sign Part II ( The believers letter to me almost a year later ) 

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wonderful Wild Wacky Weds . . . just a few thoughts

Wow! It is wild wacky wonderful Wednesday already! So much has happened since I last wrote. Where does one begin? I guess by warming up. Allow me to share the encouraging word by K-Love for the day:

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him ~ 1 John 4:9, NLT

That is some serious love! How do we allow the evil one to trick us into believing we are so unlovable. I mean when you study the Holy Bible, you realize that all along God planned to do just what he did. Time and time again we read about Jesus years before he appeared here on Earth. What a loving Father, what an incredible loving son. 

I must admit I loved it when I read in the bible that Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." I mean we all wonder who is this God of Wrath. What is He like? When I was growing up all I seemed to learn about was Hell, Fire and Damnation! Step out of line and that was it, prepare for the wrath of God. If you have read my story here on blogger that is broken into many posts, you know that I thought the reason I was molested was because I had planned to outwit God as a young girl. I thought He was showing me He would have His way one way or another. Such a foolish child I was! Honestly, to this day, I often think of myself as a foolish girl. If you'd like to know more about this story of mine, all of this can be read about in some of my first few blog posts, these are the titles for that portion of my story:

1. The Boy and My Plan to Outwit God
2. Face to Face with an Angel
3. Grounded for Losing My Virginity
4. Too Angry to Process the Assault with Love
5. Taking Control of My Destiny

The closest real life example we have to what God is like is via His son, Jesus. So, if you want to truly know how God feels about you, my suggestion would be to learn about His Son. After all as it says in 1 John 4:9, God loved us so much He sent His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life. 

That whole 'might' gives us another picture of God. He allows us Free Will. He sent his son to save us but does not demand that we accept the life saver He has thrown us. I would like you to put yourself into those shoes. How many times have you done a big favor for someone and in return ended up with results that were not what you expected. How many of us have you thought to yourself, "What an ingrate?" Money and Time are one thing, but to give up your own child to save others, that is one heck of a sacrifice! Then to go one step further and say, "If you believe you are saved but if you don't, well that is your free will. Should you change your mind, I am always here. Keeping watch. Waiting for you to knock." To me that is such Love. 

I have so much yet to blog about. I need to be more disciplined in my time to write. Many that know me laugh when I say I need to step it up. I have a home full of children without a father in the home currently, They all arrive here at my full time place of employment and are here for the last hour and a half of my work day, I dedicate time to hang out with fellow believers to keep me encouraged on both Thursday and Sunday, as of 10 days ago, I began adding a full hour of exercise to my schedule and somehow in the mix of that, I write to encourage others with my own tales, sob stories and moments of triumph! 

I have started going to counseling twice a month. She suggested I get into the habit of trying to write something every day. So, here I am thinking I had nothing to write, writing. I am going to employ her tactic. At some point during the day before my day closes, I am going to write. It may just be in my journal but I intend to get better with my blog. I look forward to sharing much more about my journey with you for some of the coolest things that have happened to me, or what some one call "Only God Could Make that Happen" stories, I have not even gotten to yet. 

I had heard a great song on the radio the other day, but for the life of me I cannot find it with my feeble google skills. However, while searching, I did find a good song that I love. I end here leaving you with the video of the one I think my speak to those who need to know, Jesus came to spread the good news to those caught in the bondage of sin. You are loved. You are wanted back home!

Father, today I thank you for your never ending Love. I cannot begin to figure out everything and how you put it together but I know that you do weave a master piece in all your children. May I be willing to become all you intended me to be. Help me stay focused in all the areas of my life Father, starting with my focus on you. I am so grateful for what you are doing in my life as well as in Mike's. It seems that in leaving all of us behind the conviction process has begun. I thank you for speaking to him through the spirit. I never thought I would hear him say he was selfish. I knew then that he must finally be hurting enough to listen to the voice of righteousness. I thank you for never giving up on your children Lord. You know I was a mess a time or two myself. Continue to speak truth to us Father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Wendy, walks with God, Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I AM a Daughter of the Most High!

Terrific Testimonial tell all Tuesday. Today my tell all is this. KNOW who you are in Christ. Sometimes when you put your foot down all the way, God intervenes for you. Keep praying and listen to the voice of truth. It will never steer you wrong. 

This was part of my morning post on my "You Are Worthy Too" page on face book. If you are wishing there was a way you could follow my blog without having to subscribe, you could always hop on face book and like my fan page (hint hint here is the link should you feel so inclined! ) Anyway, this morning, I woke with so much joy. I just knew my blog was going to rock today.  I could feel the spirit moving me. All day long, what I felt I was being drawn to share, has been built upon with a teaching here and a word there that I caught on Moody radio and then a song on the radio kind of helped tie it off. With that being said, here is what I learned today:

My day started out with hearing several directions for all believers to follow. I was so cracking up by this lesson. It was about 10 AM. I do not know who it was teaching it and I'm sure I won't do it complete justice, but here is what I caught. When you become a follower of Christ, you are called into ministry. When you answer the calling, life is not going to be all roses. Much the opposite. You see people are busy. They are not interested in what you have to say. They are hard headed, set in their ways, it is hard to get their full attention, and even when you do succeed at gaining their attention, many will call you names, make fun of you, you will even be taken advantage of. I encourage you to answer the call anyway! I laughed out loud. He went on to say something like this:

1. When you go about doing good, there will be those that accuse you of doing so for personal reward. Do good anyway.

2. When you go about your life being kind to others, no matter how kind you are, you will often be treated badly. Be kind anyway.

3. While helping others, you will be accused of doing so for some type of personal gain.  Help anyway.

4. When you succeed you will make false friends and real enemies. Succeed anyway.

These all made me laugh. While sad, these claims bear much truth. I have been accused of having false motives. I have caught the ire of complete strangers while doing no harm to them. I have even collected a few false friends. It is what it is. However, I am going to keep doing what I am doing. Sharing my story. Testifying about Jesus, my Savior. Spreading the message of the good news. I am a follower of Christ and I simply have no choice. I honestly cannot help myself. Nothing brings more joy to me than receiving a message from someone touched by my writing. I love to be an encouragement to others. I love to inspire and give others hope. This life is full of pain. There are always moments of joy for all who live but it seems the daily grind wears us down quicker than the good moments lift us up. When you concentrate on the "things of this world" you lose sight of the real cause of joy. Most of us have fallen into this trap. The evil one is a clever liar. Usually you don't even realize he has your ear until it is too late. Fear not, there is a way to protect yourself better. All you need to do is build your relationship with the Lord. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying you need to become religious. Much the opposite. Just read God's word, pray and knock on that door. Build your relationship. He is your Father and he has a message for you. "Come Home, you are loved."

As I look in the review mirror and see how far I have come on my own journey back home, I am amazed at not only God's grace, but His amazing timing. Many place blame on Him and say He put me through this to help me grow. I don't believe that for that would take away from free will in a way. I believe the evil one is always on the prowl watching for those he can force to stumble and he is the true cause of destruction and pain. Many times when bad things or pain enters into our life, it is of our own doing. By not following the narrow path we subject ourselves to much of this and then there are the various players we come into contact with in our daily walk. They all have their own free will and the evil one can use them against us even when we are walking the narrow path. What we must remember is that God will use all evils for good for those who trust in Him. I get how crazy scary letting go and letting God, trusting in Him when the whole world seems to be falling apart, but that is the biggest illusion. That is the devil's game. Having you believe you can do something to save the situation on your own, in your own strength. Think of it as an awful dream. It is just this world. It's already fallen. It's going to continue to fall. The good news is we have eternal life after we leave behind this body that Satan can attack. On the other side, the father of lies cannot touch us. Let him do what he may in the here and now. Profess the love the Lord has for you and you will begin to see it more evident in your day to day walk. I encourage you to step out in faith. Read my story. Hear my joy. I have not led an easy life. The majority of hard times were of my own doing. When I do what I want out of fear or jealousy or pride or whatever, man things just go wrong. When I do what the Lord puts in my heart to do regardless of how crazy it may seem at the time, it always turns out good. Take this blog for example. You have no idea how blessed I am in sharing my story. Blessed beyond measure. Does the evil one still come at me? Are you kidding?!? DAILY! I just know he is out there and I put on my full suit of armor. 

I had really meant to post this blog on Tuesday but time simply was not on my side! I attend a fellowship meeting with a few awesome, God seeking woman every 3rd Tuesday of the month. If you are in Indianapolis or anywhere close by, you should check us out. This is my challenge / dare to you, if this affirmation we say every day and meeting speaks to you at all, I dare you to come and hangout with us. We have dinner together, discuss goals and plan ways to help and encourage other women!!

Hagar's Affirmation

I am a Daughter of the Most High. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am beautiful, whole, and complete. Everything I need can be found in and provided by my Father. I don't have to beg for anything or any one's attention. I realize that I am the prize, the good thing to be found. I will not beg for scraps when I know that my Father has prepared a table for me. I am empowered, encouraged, educated and edified. God has opened my eyes to see that I can do all and be all I've been called to be through Christ who strengthens me. I will allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me as I begin again the kingdom way and receive all that my Father has for me. I am beautiful and whole and perfectly me. I am a Daughter of the Most High, just who I've been called to be!

This is K-Loves encouraging word from Tuesday

So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. ~ Galatians 6:9, NLT

Indeed! I just love it. Here I am on Thursday finally back to my blog post I began Tuesday to finish it up. Busy would be a good word for my life. I do manage to post an encouraging statement everyday on my face book fan page, so if you desire to see what the Holy Spirit has me sharing on a daily basis, just like my page and you won't miss a thing! Here is my post for today. 

Totally Tripping Thoroughly Thankful Tremendously Thoughtful Thursday! How my heart lept with joy as I read this truth from God: 

There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.

~ Ecclesiastes 3:4, NLT

In the last 45 days I have done all of these to the most extreme forms! There is healing in crying and letting go of past hurts and laughter, well it truly is the best medicine . . . and grief . . . it let you have a taste of true total overwhelming engulfing pain and then you dance because you realize you made it through the storm and you are more alive than you were when you went in. No matter what is going on, hang onto your faith, call upon your Father, you will survive . . . after all, You're an Overcomer! I dedicate this song to you my beloved friends  

Father, thank you so much for the life you have blessed me with. I am so amazed at how you work and move and take the bad and flip it to good. I am humbled to be adored by you. Me, a beloved. I only desire to please you Lord. To say thank you and sing your praises. Teach me how to be a fisher of men Father. Move me, work through me. Allow me to be an extension of you. Help me to burst forth with so much fruit that those around me have no choice but to witness your Love. I am super excited today for I am being baptized. Not a requirement by law but a symbol of my belief and choice to follow Christ. I am so elated my Lord. So overwhelmed by my journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

** On a side note, I think it is so cool that this morning I received a message from a fellow believer with the following scripture to read. Mark 16: 15-20. My study bible is in my car, so I googled it on the Internet. Here it is:

Verse 15: He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Verse 16: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Verse 17: And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

Verse 18: they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well."

Verse 19: After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.

Verse 20: Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

I am telling you, that really fired me up. I often wonder how many people would be reading the heck out of their bibles were they to understand the incredible thrilling stories inside. Stories from those who witnessed the Lord and those who listened to God before the arrival of our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope you find yourself interested in God's word today. May you be moved by the spirit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wendy, walks with God,
Mom of Many

© Wendy Glidden 2013